The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, April 12, 1907, Image 5

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    Johnson had for an election
board Tuesday of last week, a
preacher, a saloon keeper, an
editor, a barber and a shoemaker.
Dr. J. W. Bourne has been
appointed county physician for
the west half of the county, in
cluding Auburn, and Dr. W. W.
Frazier, of Nemaha, physician
for the east half of the county,
including the poor farm. Re
publican. Dick Swan and family recently
left for Caldwell, Idaho, where
they expect to reside in future.
Mr. Swan had worked for A. R.
McMullen the past two years.
He has lung trouble in the winter
and made the change hoping to
be benefitted by a dryer climate.
Stella Press.
Grant Shubert of near Shubert
has not been well lately, suffer
ing with catarrh of the stomach.
He was in Omaha last week con
sulting a physician, from whom
he is now taking treatment, and
he thinks that he has already
begun to make an improvement.
Stella Press.
Some of the "Oldest Inhabi
tants" are now scratching their
heads in an effort to remember
when apricot and plum trees
have ever bloomed as early in
this section as they have this
year. One "Oldest Inhabitant' '
has succeeded. He declares it
was in 1879. Ex.
An Oklahoma girl advertised
for a husband and got him. The
total expense for advertising,
wedding outfit, etc., was $11.
The husband died within a year
leaving his widow an insurance
policy of $10,000. And yet some
people claim that it doesn't pay
to advertise. Chicago News.
Among the bills passed Wed
nesday by the senate was the one
providing for a new heating
plant for the Normal and appro
priating $25,000 for the same.
The bill had previously been
passed by the house, and is there
fore now in the hands of the
governor. We understand that
Governor Sheldon has signified
his intention of signing it. Peru
"Preventics" will promptly check
cold or the Grippe when taken early o
at the "sneeze stage." Preventics
cure seated colds as well. Preventics
are little candy cold cure tablets, and
Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. will gladly mail
you samples and a book on colds free, if
you will write lnm. The samples prove
their merit. Check early colds with
Preventics and stop pneumonia. Sold
in 5c and 25c boxes by All Dealers.
Fifteen per cent of the wheat
and twenty-five per cent of the
oats crop of Oklahoma have been
destroyed by the "green bug,"
according to a report of the sec
retary of the Oklahoma millers'
association. The green bug is
probably the wheat louse which
occasionally may be found as far
north as Nebraska but its ravages
have not hitherto been of suflici
cient importance to gain it a
place among the wheat enemies
described by Professor Brunei- in
his recent report on the subject.
The Oklahoma bug has begun to
fly, doubtless in quest of jucier
pastures, and the Kansas farmers
will be in a state of anxiety for
awhile. State Journal.
How to Romsln Young
To continue young in health and
strength, do as Mrs. N. F. Rowan, Mc
Donough, Ga., did. She says: "Three
bottles of Electric Bitters cured me of
chronic liver and stomach trouble, comp
licated with such art unhealthy condition
of the blood that my skin turned red as
ilannel. I am now practically 20 years
younger than before I took Electric
hitters. I curt now do all my work and
assist in my husband's store." Guura'n-
teed at II 1 Rm. ,i,. r,..,
UurkeU is for Roosevelt
Washington, April 3. -Senator
Burkett was at the capitol today, j
He Irankly announced that he
favored the renomination of the
"I favor the renomination of
President Roosevelt," he said,
"and I propose to be for Presi
dent Roosevelt and nobody else.
In my opinion he will be renomi
nated and will be re-elected. I
am quite sure the people of Ne-.
braska want him and nobody
There is a newspaper story
afloat to the effect that Hearst-Harriman-Rockefeller
have made
a "pot" of five million dollars as
a fund to be used in downing
Theodore Roosevelt with the
people. There may or may not
be any truth in the story but if
it is true that bunch of worthies
will look like 30 cents when they
arc through with the "effort."
Money does many things but it
can't accomplish the task here
scheduled even if it were ranked
up in millions like cordwood.
Roosevelt may make mistakes
and schemers may be expected
to exploit and magnify any mis-
take the president may make but
this country believes Theodore
Roosevelt to be sound both in
heart and head and nobody's
wad of money is big enough to
mislead the rank and file of the
people on that score. Neb. City
A Great Object Lesson
As a result of his Panama trip
Congressman Pollard confirms an
early impression that the south
ern countries might be benefitted
by the object lesson in orderly
government which the United
States is giving in Panama. Now
that the army has been given
charge of the work confidence in
this result has risen. When the
West Pointers undertake a job
they generally finish it with
credit. The eight-year-old Ga-nor-Greene
case is an exception
that illuminates this fact.
The army engineers work effi
ciently and with a minimum of
graft. Already, to tell the truth,
the tropical American govern
ments have taken notice of the
achievements of the northerners
in Panama. The Peruvian min
ister to Panama lately expressed
his desire to visit the United
States to stucty further the won
derful system of city government
which has turned the canal zone
cities from pest holes into salub
rious places of residence. At
this point we become strangely
embarassed. Where, within the
Unite:l States, shall we find for
this pilgrim an example of ad
ministrative efficiency such as
excites his admiration in Panama?
If he would not be disillusioned
would he not better stay away j
till we have learned to govern i
our own cities as well as we
govern the cities of others?,
Until, in a word, we have learned ,
to administer our cities by grad
uates of a West Point for edu
cating . our civil service. -State
Saved Her Son's Life
The happiest, mother in the little
town of Ava, Mo., is Mrs. S. Ruppw.
She writes: "One year u.ijo my son was
down with such serious hint? trouhle
that our physician was unable to help
him; when, by our druggist's advice I
began giving him Dr, King's New Dis
covery, and I soon noticed improvement.
I kept this treatment up for a few weeks
when he was perfectly well. Ho has
worked steadily since at carpenter work.
Dr. King's New Discovery saved, his
life." Guaranteed best cough and cold
cure by Hill Hros, druggists., 50c and
$1.00. Trial bottle free.
r c... c
I VoV v jwcci iu LtU
"" iTiroouc.'i.UA V1J U,..
Big Measures Enacted
by the Legislature
Terminal taxation.
Two-cent faro.
Direct primary.
Fellow servant.
Maximum freight rates.
Decedent laws.
Railway commission. '
Pure food. 1
Bulk sales. . j
Omaha News.
Teachers' Association
Brownville, Nebraska,
Saturday, April 27, 1907.
School Building.
Bring your dinners.
Wc will dine oh the lawn,
ttoll Call.
Music-Music arranged by Prof. Grundy
i1'10 incorrigible Hoy"-Prin. L. L.
Discussion A. .1. Stoddard.
Myrtle McGrew,
Sadie Glasgow.
"Spring Time and the Children"
Louise Tynon.
"The Five-Year-Old's First Days
School" Maude Hanks.
"Poems and Prose for Spring Time"
. Fay E. Farrand.
"Schools of Other States" Ella Hus
ton. Round Table discussion
1 Have you visited patrons in your
district? If so, did it pay?
2 Examinations aud promotions.
3 Eighth grade graduates.
Discussion led by II. W. West, Emma
Reese, Jessie Lechlitcr, Mrs. Mary
E. Patterson, Maggie McKonney.
1 :.$(
"The Now School Laws" VV. D. Red
mond. Addrejs-Miss Nellie May Schlee.
Does coffee disagree with you? Prob
ably it does! Then try Dr. Shoop's
Health Coffee. "Health Coiree" is a
clever combination of parched cereals
and nuts. Not a grain of real coll'eo,
remember, in Dr. Snoop's Health coiree
yet its flavor and t;iste matches closely
old Java and Mocha colfce. If your
stomach, heart or 1 'dneys can't stand
coiree drinking, try He.-dth Coll'ee. It
is wholesome, nourishing and satisfying.
It's safe even for the poungest child.
Sold by Earle Gilbert.
H'lThK K K K VAl.
Highest market pi ico paid for IlidoH,
tiurd, Tul low etc.
And This Paper Both On far
This is just a BARGAIN RATE and is not good after April 27, (907.
The Lincoln News is a Big, Bright, Snappy newspaper, printed
at the capital. Prints the truth about things and prints them
plainly. It taKes a big part in doing things for the public good.
The Regular Price of the News alone is $3.00
so you are getting this paper FREE a whole year. '
I Bring Your Money
Fount! nt Lnst
J. A. Harmon, of Lizomore, West
Va., says: "At last I have found tie
perfect pill that never disappoints me;
and for the benefit of others afflicted
with torpid liver aud chronic constipa
tion, will say: take Dr. King's New
Life Pills." Guaranteed satisfactory.
25e at Hill Bros, druggists.
is nearly hero and our goods such as
Watches, Jewelry, Fine China, Music
and Musical Instruments are especially
appropriate for graduating gifts. The
recipient of the gift will certainly
appreciate an article of beauty and
durability and gifts such as these
possess the qualifications to a marked
Auburn Music & Jewelry Co
The News -No Pure Drug
Cure Laws would bo needed.
if all
Cough Cures were like Dr. Shoop's
Cough Curo is and has been for 20
years. The National Law now re
quires that if any poisons enter into a
cough mixture, it must be printed on
the label or package. For this reason
mothers, and others, should insist on
having Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure. No
poison-marks on Dr. Shoop's labels
and none in the medicine, else it must
by L.w boon the label. And it's not
only safe, but it is said to be by those
hat know it best, a truly remarkable
cough remedy. Take no chance, par
ticularly with your children. Insist on
having Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure. Com
pare carefully the Dr. Shoop package
with others and see. No poison marks
there! You can always be on the safe
side by demanding Dr. Shoop's Cough
Cure. Simply refuse to accept any
other. Sold by all dealers.
are a symptom of tne most serious
trouble which can attack a woman,
viz: falling of the womb. With this,
generally, comes Irregular and painful
periods, weakening drains, backache,
headache, nervousness, dizziness, Ir
ritability, tired fueling, etc. The cure is
The Female Regulator
that wonderful, curative, vegetable ex
tract, which exerts such a marvelous,
strengthening influence, on all femnlo
organs. Cardul relieves pain and
regulates the menses. It is a sure
and permanent cure for all female
At all druggists and dealers In SI .00
in my womb and ovaries," wiltes Ars.
Naomi Bake, of Webster Grove, Mo.,
"also in my right and left sides, arid
my menses were very painful and Irreg
ular. Since taking Cardul I feel liken
new woman and do not suffer as I did.
It is the best medicine I ever took."
in Early so You Get
The Cause of Many
, Sudden Deaths.
There is a disease prevailing in this
country most dangerous because so decep-
UW live. Many sudden
JfcU&M deaths are caused
rT? by it henrt ilis.
ease, pneumonia,
f. heart failuro nr
apoplexv are often
the result of kid
ney disease. If
kiilnev trouble is
JI- Z. allowed toad vituce
' "" M...I.M !
nit viiiiii'y.poiMill
cd blood will nt.
uiei: tite vital organs, causing catanh of
the bladder, or the kiduevs themselves
break down and waste awa'v cell by cell.
Madder troubles alinost'alwavs result
from u derangement of the kidneys and
ii tun: i uiHimica ciuickchc ov a proper
treatment of the kiduevs. If von are feel
ing badly you can make no'niistake bv
taking Dr. Kilmer's Swnmp-Koot, Ihu
great kidney, liver and bladder remedy.
It corrects inability to hold urine and
scalding pain in passing it, and over
comes that unpleasant necessity of being
compelled to go often through" the day,
and to get up many limes during the
night. The mild aud the extraordinary
effect of Swanip-Uoot is soon realized".
It stands the highest for its wonderful
cures of the most distressing eases.
Swamp-Root is pleasant to take aud is
sold bv all druggists in fiftv-cent aud
one-dollar size bottles. You limy have a
sample bottle of this wonderful new (lis
eovery and a book that tells all about it,
both sent free by mail. Address, Dr. Kil
mer & Co., ninghamUm, N Y. When
writing mention raidiiiir th in !'!t1lrfltlU
offer in this naner Dmi'l iiml.-.. m,.
mistake, but remember the iiaiiu'.Swainp
Koot, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the
Jlingliamtoii, N. Y.,
on every
hi Hi EI
G0o A. Sl.CO.
Tilal (Jollio Froo
.mipwcrariwirauni r "
l ail MONEY llEPUJtfDED.
Physician and Surgeon
Nemaha, Nebr.
All calls promptly uttondcut
Phonts i8
J. 'JED. Orotliei-
In tlio
Shoo Repairing
Harness Repairing
Hand Mat'o Harness a Specialty
l'riirlc'lorror tlie
Iiivery& Feed Stable
Good Dray in cennoction with Livery
Satisfaction guaranteed.
this Bargain Rate.