The deputy assessors started in the first of the week on their work of finding out the Value of the taxable property in the county." Our carpenters, painters and paper hangers are so busy that you have to put in your order and then wait from one to three weeks until your turn conies before you can get your work done. Sunday morning was certainly cool. Ice was frozen on standing water an eighth of an inch thick. There was a heavy frost. Some early garden stuff was frozen down but aside from this it is thought little damage was done. It is thought the fruit was not damaged. George Ogg, whom many of our people know as an enterpris ing young farmer, rented a farm near Willis, Kas., and had moved onto it; but just as he was ready to commence work his best horses died with the lockjaw. This is indeed hard luck, but nothing daunted by it, George will go ahead with his work and make good when gathering time comes. Shubert Citizen. Hrownvillc has Another Fire Brownville had another fire Monday night. This time the fire broke out about 7:30 p. m., in the home of Mr. Courtney, father of J. W. Courtney of Nemaha. The house was a frame, southwest of the depot. Mr. Courtney was eating his supper when some of the neigh bors ran in and told him he better get his furniture out as the house was on fire. The household goods were all saved but some of them were consid erably damaged. The house was insured for $400. It took hard work to save the livery barn occupied by Homer Stokes, on the east, and it was scorched in places. The house on the west of the one burned also had a close call. Senator Joe Burns was chuck ling to himself yesterday over the fix the Douglas county inem bers are likely to get themselves into over the part of the primary law that puts platform making in the hands of a convention consisting of one delegate from each county. "Under this act," said Joe, "the smallest county will have just as much influence as Douglas or Lancaster. As soon as these outside counties get onto their power they will make a platform proposing prohibition. 'Now since the carrying out of platform pledges seems to be popular, the members of the legislature will have to submit a prohibitory amendment. The parties that have prohibition in their platforms will endorse the amendment, and under the ruling: of the KiinremG court this wint er, preme court this winter, right party vote will be 5 , ., . , for prohibition. Douglas every str counted for county has had as much to do jnto effect, for incompetent and travel with bringing this about as any . ling fakirs will be shut out from ex other county. I wonder how i perimonting with people's eyes when they will like it when they realize that under these new arrange- ments prohibition can be carried in Nebraska in less than five years." - State Journal. How to Remain Young To continue young in health and strength, do as Mrs. N. F. Howan, Me Donough, Ga., did. She says: "Three bottles of Electric Hitters cured me of chronic liver and stomach trouble, comp licated with such an unhealthy condition of the blood that my skin turned red as flannel. 1 am now practic younger than befor . Bitters. I can row do all my work 'and assist in my husband.' s store. " Guaran teed at Hill Itros drugstore. Price 50c. A New Stale Epworth Herald. A new state is coming into the Union. And it comes with a new standard. For ovor a hundred days the constitutional convention of Oklahoma has been in session. It has completed its work at last. And a line piece of work it is. The constitution is to bo ratified or re jected by the people on August G. Here are some of the- things for which this new stale the star of the southwest stands: The initiative and referendum; the nomination of all state ollicers and of United States senators by primaries; succession in holding state ofiicos prohibited; two-cent rail road rate for passengers; railroads are not allowed to own any productive agency of a natural commodity, such as coal lands; corporations cannot own more land than is absolutely necessary in conducting their business; a com pulsory and separate school system is established. But the provision in the constitution that is attracting most attention is that which relates to the regulation of the liquor traffic. Tho daily papers, upon which we are depending for these state ments, report that "Oklahoma will boa prohibition state, the most stringent liquor law in existence, prohibiting not only the sale but the introduction of liquor into the state, being provided for. Tho enabling act provided that Indian Territory must accept prohibition for twenty-one years. Tho convention pro vided that the whole state shall vote on the question and there is no doubt that the terms of the enabling act will be made uniform over the whole state." We do not hesitate to say that it gives us great delight to learn these facts. That a state constitutional con ventiou will go to this length in grap pling with the iniquitous traffic shows the power of an aroused pnblic senti ment. The fight in Oklahoma has been a long and bitterly contestdd one. It began when the territories that go to make the new state knocked at the door of congress and applied for the privileges and dignities of statehood. Every inch has been fought. And the friends of righteousness and decent government have won! Over this result good folk everywhere should rejoice greutly. ... But the fighting is not all over yet. The friends of law and order in Okla homa must line up again for the next struggle. That constitution must be adopted on August (5. The provision concerning the throttling of tho monstrous business must be made a part of the constitution al law of the state. And that means viguence, hard work, agitation, no compromise, and, when the hour of decision comes, the depositing of the rightiballot in the box. We firmly believe that right wiil win again in Oklahoma. Let all citizens there who want to keep their state free from the frightful depotism of the saloon stand up and be counted for righteousness on August U. .Srtved Her Son's Llfo The happiest nvjt'-ier in tin little town of Ava, Mo., is Mr3. S. Ruppee. She writes: "One year ae;o my son was down with sueh serious lung trouble that our physieian was unable to help him; when, by our druggist's advice ' I began giving him Dr, King's New Dis covery, and I soon noticed improvement. I kept this treatment up for a few weeks when he was perfectly well. He has worked steadily since at carpenter work. Dr. King's New Discovery saved his life." Guaranteed best cough and cold cure by Hill Bros, druggists. HOe and $1.00. Trial bottle free. The Optometry Law 1 i,nB been signed by the governor and in a few months will be in effect in Ne- braska. it win no w your imuiuai. j investigate and evhcfhuhti; who tests your eyes is competent to I crlbe even before tho law B008 braska. It will be to your interest to lthe oKec: We give you the benefit of a complete examination and certainly your eyes are deserving of the best consideration. Auburn Music & Jewelry Co COURT HOUSE SQUARE, AUBURN "Preventics" will promptly cheek cold or the Grippe when taken early o at tho "sneeze stage." Preventics cure seated colds as Well. Preventics are little candy cold cure tablets, and Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. will gladly mail radically () yearly011 !imPlc'3 un(la book 011 ldsfreo, if e I took "Electric yu wil1 writ0 h'u"- The samples prove their merit. LihecK early coins wiin Preventics apd stop pneumonia. Sold in 5c and 25c boxes by All Dealers. llenresentnlivc Qtiackenhush As an evidence of the regard of the members of the house toward Representative E. B. Quackenbush, of Nemaha coun ty, a resolution of sympathy was passed unanimously and the house adjourned before the noon hour when it was announced that scarlet fever had broken out in his family and he was compelled to go home at once. Mr. Quackenbush has taken high rank among the members of the house and he has had much influence in shaping legislation. He forced the Omaha delegation to abandon the right to assess the franchise value of railroads in the cities. His construction of important features of the 2 cent fare bill and the railway commission bills was adopted. His reciprocal demurrage bill stands a good chance of being enacted into law. Lincoln Star. Notice to Owners of Stock Notice is hereby given that the lariating of stock on the streets of Nemaha or allowing the same to run at large on the streets is forbidden by our ordinances, and if stock is found lariated on streets or running at large the same will be put in the pound. By order of marshal. Docs coffee disagree with you? Prob ably it does! Then try Dr. Shoop's Health Coffee. "Health Codec" is a clever combination of parched cereals and nuts. Not a grain of real coll'ee, remember, in Dr. Shoop's Health coffee yet its flavor and taste matches closely old Java and Mocha coffee. If your stomach, heart or kidneys can't stand coffee drinking, try Health CofTee. It a wholesome, nourishing and satisfying. It's safe even fnr the poungest child. Sold by Earle Gilbert. rKTRR K Kit K tilt. Keillor III ILighoHt market price paid for Hides, Lard, Tallow, eto. ATTRACTIVE RATES DURING MARCH! March 5th and 19th. cheap excur sion rates; also daily low tourist rates to the Gulf country, Colo rado, Oklahoma. Arizona, Old Mexico, New Mexico. A Good Chance to Visit Pacific Coast: March and April one-way rates to TTtnli f'nliffirmn. Oroirnn. Wiisll W -t- J -i ington, Idaho, Montana, Hig Horn ' iJasm,- nearly oU per cent re duction. Daily, through Stan dard and Tourist Sleepers. Homeseeker's Excursions: Frequently each month from Eastern Nebraska to eastern Colorado North Platte Valley, Hig Horn liasin. Landseekers1 Information Bureau: Valuable, freo information to seekers of Government lands and to prospective purchasers of all kinds of deeded lands along the Burlington Koute. Write Land seekers' Information Bureau, 1001 Farnam St., Omaha, Nehr. 0. V. GLENN. Ticket A?out at Nemaha L, W. WAKELEY, G. P-, A., Omaha,. j The Village Election I Tho election last Tuesday in : Nemaha was, as usual, a very ; quiet affair. Not enough interest : had been taken to nominate a 'ticket, but the night before election three men were selected to be voted for Marshall Webb, Kuf us Rowen and V. P. Pcabody. Mr. Pcabody was phoned to and said he would not accept, so the ' next morning P. L. Woodward was brought out. , Only 36 votes wore cast of which Marshall Webb received 28, P. L. Woodward 24, Kuf us Rowen 20, V. P. Pcabody 14. There being three, members to elect, Messrs. Webb, Woodward "and Rowen are the lucky or un lucky men. Elmer E. Allen and Wn II. Barker arc the holdovers. For Catarrh, let mo send you free just to prove merit, a trial size box of Dr. Shoop's Catarrh Remedy. It is a snow win to, creamy healing antisoptie balm that gives instant relief to Ca tarrh of the nose and throat. Mak tho free test and see. Address Dr. Shoop, Hacinc, Wis. Large jars CO cents. S,old by All Dealers. The News No Pure Drug Cough Cure Laws would be needed, if all Cough Cures were like Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure is and has been for 120 years. The National Law now re 1 quires that if any poisons enter into a ; cough mixture, it must bo printed on the label or package. For this reason mothers, and others, should insist on having Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure. No poison-marks on Dr. Shoop's labels and none in the medicine, else it must by Lnv boon the label. And it's not only safe, but it is said to be by those hat know it best, a truly remarkable cough remedy. Take no chance, par ticularly with your children. Insist on having Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure. Com pare carefully the Dr. Shoop package ( with others and see. No poison marks j there! You can always be on the safe side by demanding Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure. Simply refuse to accept any : other. Sold by all dealers. Dragging Down Pains are a symptom of tna most serious troublo which etui attack a woman, viz: falling of the womb. With this, generally, comes Irregular and painful periods, weakening drains, backache, headache, nervousness, dizziness, ir ritability, tired feeling, etc. Tho cure Is WINE OF Cardui The Female Regulator that wonderful, curative, vegetable ex tract, which exerts such a marvelous, strengthening Influence, on all female organs. Cardui relievos pain and regulates the menses. It Is a sure and permanent cure for all female complaints. At all druggists and dealers In 21.00 bottles. "I SUFFERED AWFUL PAIN In my womb and ovaries," writes Mrs, Naomi Bake, of Webster Grove, Mo., "also in my right and left sides, and my menses were very painful and Irreg ular. Since taking Cardui I feel like a new woman and do not suffer as I did. It Is the best medicine 1 ever took." IBANK OF N EM ATI A, W.M. CAMI'ltKl.l,, Pres. KI.MKIt !:. AM.ICN, Chlur Capital, $5,000 m With Amplo Facilities any The Cause of Many Sudden Deaths. There is a disease prevailing in this country most dangerous because so decep tive. .Many sudden deaths are caused by it heart dis ease, pneumonia, heart failure or apoplexy arc often the result of kid ney disease. If kidney trouble is allowed toadvance the kidney-poisoned blood will at tack the vital organs, causing catarrh of the bladder, or the kidneys themselves break down and waste away cell by cell. Hladder troubles ahnost'ahvayo result from a derangement of the kidnejs and a cure is obtained (juickest by a proper treatment of the kidney. Tf von nn fool. I mg badly you can make uo'iuistakc by ! taking Dr." Kilmer's Swamp-Root, this I great kidney, liver and bladder tetucdy. it corrects utaimiiy lo Hold urine and scalding pain in passing it, ami over comes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often through the day, and lo get up many times during the night. Tho mild aiid the extruoKhtiary effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing eases. Swamp-Root is pleasant to take and is sold by all druggists in fifty-cent and one-dollar size bottles. You may have a sample bottle of this wonderful new dis covery and a book that tells all about it, both sent free by mail. Addiess, Dr. ICil luer & Co., Hinghamton, N Y. When writing mention reading this generous offer in this paper Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Jlinghamtou, N. Y., on every bottle. Worked Llko a Charm Mr. D. N. Walker, editor of that spicy journal, the Enterprise, Louisa, Va., says: "1 ran u nail in my foot last week and at once applied IJucklcn's Ar nica Salve. No inflammation followed; the salve simply healed the wound." Heals every sore, burn and skin disease. Guaranteed at Hill Bros, druggists. 25c. W. W. FRAZIER, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Nemaha, Nebr. Ail culls promptly uttondoa Phono 28 J. X. Crotliei- in the MRS. HILL BUILDING Shoo Rcnairine: Harness Repairing Hand Made Harnoss a Specialty knapp & SON I'lnprlolore of tin Livary& Feed Stable NEMAHA, NEBR. Gcod Dray iri cennoction with Livory Satisfaction guaranteed. Constipation linked sweet npples, with Fomo peoplo. brint prompt relief for Count I pat Ion. With other, coarse all.vlient linwl will liavo tho same effect, Nature undoubtedly 1ms u vcKolnblo remedy to relievo oyonvilhiient U iowii to until, If pliyMcluns ciui liut lind Nature's way to health. And this U trlkliiBly trtiu with reward to Constipation. 'I ho bark of u certain tree In Callfornln Can enra Snxmdii o.Toisa inoM, excellent aid to this end. Hut. combined with KKyptlan Senna. Win pery Klin Hark. Solid Uxtmct of Primes, etc.. thU kiuiio Uiscara bark Is kIvcii Its Rrcate possiblo power to .correct constipation. A toothsome. Candy Tablet, called ljtx-cts. Is now mado at tho Dr. Slump J-aborator es, from this liiKenuousund innsleirectlvo prescription. Its effect on Const! pat on. Hllloinnoss. Hour Stomach. Had Hreath, Sallow ( omplcxlou, etc., is Indeed prompt und bittlsfyhiK. No KrlpliiK. no unpleasant after effects nro ex perienced, und I-ax-ets am put up In Ix'tiutlful HthoKraphcd metul boxes at fi tents and 25 cunU per box. Kor Homethlni? new, nlco, economical and effective, try a box of NEMAHA NEBRASKA T. K. AMiK.V, VIce.l'rcH. KIIANIC THTS, Ant Cnh Surplus, $1,000 for handling Business entrusted to Us ets H