The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, February 01, 1907, Image 7

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    : t f 4
Frenchmen Bring Bloodless Duel-
ing to an Exact Science.
Shooting at human targets merely
jfor the sport derived from It, and as
'a test of marksmanship, In other
words, bloodless dueling or fencing
with pistols, has been mado possible
through tho Invention by a French
man of a harmless wax projectile.
Tills new diversion Is really no moro
serious than fencing with swords, and
has that spice of realism in It that
tends to malco any sport popular.
Tho new bullet Is an Ingenious de
vice and required a great deal' of ex
periment beforo being perfected. The
situation was thus: A heavy project
lie must necessarily havb a wounding
force, a light one loses its precision,
and a soft bullet will be changed in
shape and describe an irregular trajec
tory; thereforo a harmless projectilo
to bo effective must differ from all
these. The Frenchman's product is a
spherical ball of wax fat, with a smnll
charge, and in tests twenty-four balls
were lodged in succession In a rec
tangle four by five inches at twenty
yards. At a six day tournament held
In tho Tulleries thd efficiency of tho
wax bullet was demonstrated.
The combatants wear thick screens
for masks, with heavy glass over the
yes and wear thick clothing to prevent
bruising from tho impact of the balls.
The distance is twenty-five paces and
tho weapons are revolvers. The direc
tor of the combat, keeping his gaze
fixed upon a metronome which beats
80 to 100 times a minute, makes the
inqulrj" as In an actual duel, "Are you
ready?" and when they reply "Yes"
the director, timing his words exactly
to tho beats of tho pendulum, cries,
"Fire one two three!"
At tho command "Fire!" the adver
saries raise their weapons and shoot,
The two shots' must bo made before
the command "Three!" As tho par
ticipants in these trials were experts
they mado a good average, hitting their
man six or seven times out of eight
shots. Although more than 1,600 balls
were fired, there was not the slightest
The wax, bullets can be used in
.apartments as well as In the open air
Iwithout the inconvenience of the lead
ball of small caliber, which will proba
bly lead to its introduction into tho
larmies of the various nations for prac
tice shooting Popular Magazine.
Broken Friendships.
Some one has said "it is sad to bury
'a friend, but sadder far to bury a
friendship," and only those who have
felt the desolation of this can appre
ciate its full truth. To realize that an
ideal is shattered, a faith misplaced,
'and an affection slain is an experience
too bitter for words, and yet, sucb
thinge are.
We may say tho friendship did not
,exlst, or what did exist was not
worthy that exalted name; but what
ever it was, ;we know we believed in
it, swore by it, and suffered when we
came to tho end of it.
Those charming linos from Moore,
tho melody of which is as beautiful
and soul stirring as the words them
selves: "The heart that has truly
loved never forgets, but as truly loves
on to tho close." was not meant, wo
fear, for this ago of. spasmodic tenden
cies. Any of us who are of spasmodic
tendencies ,any of us, who turn and
look back upon life are horrified at tho
long lino of ghosts following in our
wake; and multiplying so vapidly as
wo grow older that we wondejr why
tho angels of faith and hope over walk
ed before us.' Wo have believed in
love; we have counted upon and lived
for love, but lovo often greets us at
last with grinning teoth and sunken
Wo have been taught, too, that "tho
greater absorbs tho lesser," yet, what
a tiny thread will oftentimes sever an
affection that has brought us joy for
yoars. A foul word, a treacherous act,
a' canker worm In the shapo of "some
body else," and then tho end. We
bury our dead and look upon even tho
memory of it with a heart as coldvas
it will be under tho sod. Our grief was
intenso, maddening, perhaps, but It is
over and wo walk on through life, wis
er and sadder, for ever more. Imogono
in Washington Herald.
"Do you Intend to inaugurate any
great reforms this year, Senator?"
asked the beautiful girl. "No," replied
tho statesman. "My present term will
not expire until 1909." Chicago Rcc
lrd Horald.
Poverty and Love.
"When poverty comes in at tho
door, lovo flies out of tho window."
From our earliest childhood ,vo havo
been taught that this Is a very ignoble
sentiment, but as wo wander or aro
tossed through tho years of life, we
question it very seriously. Not that
we ennnot boo tho beauty of love umlor
all conditions, if it can exist, but wo
are inclined to believe that It Is utter
ly incompatible with tho degrading
Influences of poverty. Degrading? Yes,
that is tho phrase wo use. Let the 11
lusionists clutch the air and rail as
they will, wo still hold that povot ty Is
degrading even jn tho realms of gentil
ity. Not to tho depths or depravity, as
some may Interpret this, but degrad
ing so far as sentiment, romance and
prido aro concerned.
Love is tho lightness and the bright
ness the butterfly whoso wings flut
ter only In tho warm sunshine. How,
then, is It posslhlo to slug, to urcani,
to laugh, even, with tho fascinating
abandon of joy when the mind Is
weighed down with tho hard, cold
facts of life, and tho heart is numb
with the despair of selfdenial?
Wo know all tho stereotyped plati
tude such as "riches do not always
bring happiness;" "poverty Isn't tho
worst thing In the world," etc., etc.,
but we say unreservedly that, general
ly speaking, poverty is the worst thing
in tho world. Does It not mako peoplo
steal, forge, and even murder? Does it
not send women to tho dogs and men
to the penitentiary? Does It not break
up homes and separate families? Then
isn't it utterly absurd to talk of com
bining It with tho beauty, the romance,
tho sentiment of love?
If riches do not bring happiness,
then why should ono man bo able to
travel the world over that ho may bo
rid of a distressing malady, going
whore the air 13 most bracing and" tho
waters most famous? If not cured, ho
has prolonged his life many years. hy
are you able to rush your suddenly
stricken child on to a noted specialist,
whllo I must wring my hands and see
mlno die? Why Is a neighbor's wife
carefully carried to the best hospital
and watched over day and night by a
trained nurse, whllo another's drifts
Into, tho great beyond solely for tho
want of proper attention? Answer mo
theso questions and I will tell you if
the rich man does not thank his God
with the rising and setting of every
sun for tho blessings ho enjoys, thon
ho Is not worthy the name of man.
But wo aro not hero to discuss great
wealth. Let this be clearly understood
Tho theme of theso few lines Is pover
ty and love.
Some finds In a degree of wealth tho
power to glvo It tho food it feeds upon
flowers, music, diversion, tho dainty
accessories of life. Each and all of
these comblno to keep tho heart light
and the mind free from care. Without
these, the love that goes with rom
ance and with sentiment will surely
die, and, once dead, como disaster and
divorce. Washington Herald.
Bottled Up.
D. H. Morris, tho president of tho
Automobile Club of America, has on
his Long Island estate a flno chicken
farm, says tho Now York Tribune. At
a dinner in New York Mr. Morris, in
response to some compliments on tho.
success of his farm arid on his knowl
edge of chickens, said, with a laugh.
"And yet I was as Ignorant of chick
ens a few years ago as as a farmer
on his first visit to New York w&s ig
norant of city ways.
'"Everything was fine,' this farmer'
said when ho got back homo from New
York. 'Everything "was flno except tho
light. They kept tho light burning in
my room all night long a thing I
ain't used to, and I couldnt sleep on
account of it.'
"'Well, HI, why didn't you blow it
out? said his wife.
'"Blow it out? How could I?' said
tho farmer. "Tho blamo thing was In
side a bottle."
An Irishman having been told that
marriages were made in heaven felt
some doubts on the subject, and tak
ing pencil and paper he wrote the fol
lowing: "Though matches are all made in
heaven, they say,
Yet Hymen, who mischief oft
Sometimes deals with the house
t'other sldo of tho way,
And then they are Luclfor-matches."
Elderly Coquette I don't liko this
furniture. It. isn't suited for my stylo
Dealer What do you say to some-
f thing antique. Life.
Cold Affected Head and Throat At
tack was Severe.
Chas. W. Bowman, 1st Lieut, and
Adjt. 4th M. S. M. Cav. Vols., writes
from Lanham, Md., as follows:
"Though somewhat averse to patent
medicines? and still moro averse to be
coming a professional affidavit man,
it seems only a plain duty In the pres
ent instance to add my experience to
tho columns already written concern
ing the curative powers of Peruna.
"I have been particularly bene"ted
by its use for colds In the head .and
throat. I have been able to fully cure
myself of a most severe attack In for-ty-elght
hours by Its use according to
directions. I use it as a preventive
whenever threatened with an attack.
"Members of my family also use it
for like ailments. Wo are recommend
ing it to our friends."
Chas. W. Bowman.
Ask Your Druggist for Free Peruna
Almanac for 1907.
Wo will send you our great farm papor
absolutely free for a whole year If you will
do U3 a email favor. Just send us names
and addresses of five good farmers and In
close a 2c stamp. Tho Valley Farmer is
a handsomely printed farm Journal, es
tablished IB years, edited by the ablest
agricultural writers In tho country, pub
lished on Its own $20,000 rotary magazlno
press by tho largest publishing house In
tho West and read by over a quarter Of a
million people, Ha circulation reaching
every State In tho Union. Address with
stamp, Valley Parmer, CIS Jaclcson St ,
Topeka, Kan.
"Whnt are you In such a great hur
ry for?" "I am going to the funeral of
my chief, and there ts nothing ho
hates like unpunctuality." Fly
Tablets. DrugglBts refund money if it
fails to cure. E. W. GROVE'S signa
ture is on each box. 25c.
A Great Steel and Malleable Iron
Casting Foundry.
This company's purpose was to havo
been to manufacture crude oil engines
and portable refiners only. It found,
however, that Jn order to obtain cast
ings necessary to thetr manufacture
that it would have to either build ond
operate a foundry of Its own or olso
purchase those castings from tho eait
ern concerns, who aro now six to nine
months behind with their orders. After
figuring closely the cost it found that
with tho wonderful cheap power of
which it owns and controls tho pat
ents and the saving in freight it would
pay it splendidly to start Its own foun
dry. Tills it has done.
We find, says Mr. Vincent, Fiscal
agent, th&tho public rs anxious to bo
identified with our business and has
subscribed liberally to our stock. Wo
have sold a good block at 25 cents on
tho share, and aro now selling It at
33 1-2 and will soon advance it 10 40
or 50 cents a share, as wo aro about
to complete our building ana equip
ments so that wo will not have to noil
stock, but pay a flno' dividend to our
stockholders. Parties wishing infor
mation regarding our proposition can
get it by addressing F. C. Vincent,, Fis
cal Agent, Kansas uuy, iuo. 1
No Money Required
1 cent of money- no deposit not even a reference. You wear the plasBcs in your
wn home for six days and if perfectly satisfactory in every way if they aro the
est glasses you ever saw at aajr arlce send mo only $1 and tho glasses are yours,
f tho glasses for any reason do not suit vou if you don't believe them to bo tho best
jargain you ever had return them and you aro out nothing. It is because I am ea
iositive that you can see better with Trasigat Spectacles thau with common glassee
bat I want to send a pair especially fitted to vour eves on 6 days' free trial. t Send
or tester today., T1USIGHT SPECTACLE CO., 23 KaaSAS City, Mt.
Or 15 Months for Only $1.00
The Kansas Farmer
The "old reliable" Kansas Famish,
established in 18C3, the beat genuine
agricultural weekly paper in the West.
It solves the problems for th,o busy
former. It helps and Interests every
member of the farmer's family. It has
12 regular departments. Its contribu
tors are expert authorities. It contains
24 to 32 pages each week. Sent oit
trial three months free. Test it. Clip
tho coupon below.
Topeka, Kantian.
I accept your trial offer to now
subscribers to send mo tho Kansas
FAtiMEit three months freo. At tho
ond of tho throe monthB I will eith
er send $1.00 for a full year from
that date or write you to stop tho
paper, and you aro to mako no
charge for tho three months' trial.
P. O.
A. Safe, Painless, Permanent Curo QVA8AHTEXD.
30 yearn' oxporlonoe, No money accepted until
patient Is well. CONSULTATION nd val
uablo BOOK Free. by mat! oratolUco.
DR.C.M.COE, 9I5Wa!nutSt.. Kansas City, Mo.
The Publishers Newspaper Union.
K. C. Mo., Lincoln, Neb. V IX NO. 46
This valuable med
ical book tella In
plain, simple lan
guage bowtionsump
tlon can be cured in
your own borne. If
you know of any one
suffering from Con
sumption. Catarrh,
Bronohitis, Asthma
any throat or lusg
trouble, or are yourself
affliotcd. this book will help you
to a cure. Even If vou are In the
advanced stage of the disease and fesl
there Is no hops, this book will sbow you
how others have curod themselves after all
remedies they bad tried failed, and they be
lieved their case hopeless.
Write at once to the Yonkeraun CeaHaa
ptlon Cure Co- 1342 Water St., Kalanazoo,
Mich., and they will gladly sand you the book
by return nail free and alio trenereui sun
ply of the New Treatment, absolutely free,
tor they want every sufferer to have this
wonderful cure before it Is too late. Don't
wait wrlto today. It may mean tho saving
01 your ure.
It is a cinch that tho preacher
doesn't want every day to bo Sunday.
PAZO OINTMENT Is guaranteed to
euro any case of-Itching, Blind, Bleed
ing or Protruding- Piles in G to 14 dnj'3
or money "refunded. 50c.
His Impartiality.
Tho marquis of Lansdowno, leader
of unionist peers In tho British porlla
ment, speaks roroly but always with
offect. Ho rovels in grave sarcasm.
On ono occasion Lord Growo, tho lib
eral loador, mado a speech on a sub
ject which ho desired to leave a mat
ter for open voting among his follow
ers. Lord Lansdowno congratulated
his frlond on his eloquent speech. "I
havo followed It," ho said "with oarn
ost attenlon not only on account of
the importunco of the subject but also
on account of tho noble lord's Judicial
attitude. I admired his earnestness
and eloquonco, but what Impressed mo
most was his impartiality," A pause.
"Yes, until tho last mlnuto I did not
know on which sldo of tho fence his
lordship was coming down."
aaaaVtaHadalPFarV' 11
I Waat tt PrT to Yea That Trw
sitfht Spectacles Ara taa
est Ye Ever Were.
Simply Send Mt Ytur Nmm,
I will send you my perfect Trutigh(
Eyo Tester with which you can test
your own eyes as well as tho most
skilled optician. When you return
tho tester with your test I will sead
Best INVALID'S HOME IN the West.
Organlred with a full staff of physicians and
surgeons for treatment of all Ohronlo Diseases
THIHTf ROOMS for accommodation of patients.
Difficult Surgical Otrations Ptrermid with
Skill and Suecttt wkfn Surgery it Ntcttury,
of women. Many who havo suffered for years
ourod at homo, apodal book for women FREE
Without knift. lieaturt or cmuilie. A' mem
cctjtid until fatftnt it well, DpicUl iMk Till,
VARICOCELE Days, undor a Positive
Guarantee. Send for Special Fit EE Dook.
New restoratlvo treatment for lots of Vital
Power, Hydrocele, Rupture, Stricture oto
methods. Tratnod attendants,
Club Feet, Curvature of
Luna. Eyo. Skin.
spine, itaro Lip,
Kpllopay, Catarrh,
Stomach Troublos,
Kidney, Bladder
Wood and
Nervous Diseases.
Patients successfully treated at home by
mall. CentaltaUen Free and confidential, at
omco or by letter, Thirty years' experience.
170 pas Illaitratei Beak Free. Riving much
valuable Information. Call at oOloe or write to
riD ft II flflC Oppioi, 015 Walnut 1...
UHi lli Mi UUC, KAN8A8 CITY, MO.
rou a pair 01 uenuise arasigai
Spectacles that will surely fit you ea
6 days' free trial. I won!t ask for
Fistula, Fissure. Bleeding, Itching, Ulceration, Constipation
and all Rectal Diseases a Specialty. Cares Guaranteed.
Send for Booklet. DR. M. NKV HXITII, Specialist. 81a
Pine St,, ST. LOUIS, MO. Established la St. IxjuUi In 1SN.
$80 to $176 Por Month
For Firemen and nrakemen.experlenef
unneeciuiry. nunurcas 01 ponviun
now OHCIl. 111X11 wnnaai rainu 'iv
motion. We amlst you In securing
a tioiittnn. iin a. railroad man.
Send today. Full particulars tittf
unciose suimp.
K.tlonil nllwr Tralalar Sehaol, lit.
M Boston Ulk., Mlnneapoua.Mlnn.
aliv I n 60
hud.ornolie. Nofaitlng. liopaininiovioraoiiawp.
UlsM.HJSV oati 111, Bptci mi. 01 riu ., ,- v.
Beautiful grounds and building , IcUo." B V
ro- ndiuc very oxcluslre. Bliletly ethical. T
full partlonlnrj. ldrfis offlcea.16-10, UliKala
U. S. G. Hushes. M. D.,w kamsas city. mo.
It is slow work building a fortuns
on a foundation of pennies.
Doesn't Believe In Unwritten Law.
If tho "unwritton law," and may It
long remain unwritton-r-justlfylng
murder for slandering a woman's rep
utation, is no longer potent In Miss
isslsslppl It ought to bo dismissed: from
favor everywhere in America. And It
is not potent in tho case of that par
ticular wrong, It should not bo recog
nized for condoning passionate re
venge for any wrong. Every man sub
ject to jury duty -should bo mado to
understand that tlio "unwriton law" is
a relic of barbarism and an oxpresslon
of anarchy. -Boston Horald.
Stato of Ohio, City of Toledo,
Lucas County,
Frank" J. Cheney makes oath that he
is the senior partner of tho firm of F.
J. Cheney & Co., doing business In
tlto City pf Totedo, County and State
aforesaid, and 'that said firm will pay
tho sum of ONE HUNDRED DOL
LARS, for each and every cose of
Catarrh that cannot bo cured by the
use of Hall's Catarrh Cure.
Sworn to before mo and subscribed
in my presence, this Gth day; of Decem
ber, A. D. 188G.
(Seal) Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure 'is taken inter
nally, and acts directly on the blooiT
and mucous surfaces of the system
Send for testimonials freo.
F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo. O.
Sold by Druggists, price 75c.
Take Hall's Family Pills for conitf-pation