3 We are in receipt of an invita tion to the wedding of Miss Minnie Speece, of Ord, Nebraska, which will take place February 6, 1907, at 8 p. m. is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Speece, and has many friends here, who will always be glad to hear of her happiness in her new relations in life. Shu bert Citizen. The Granger would like to hurl a boquet at, and send a chromo to Congressman Pollard for his vote against the increase salary Miss Minnie 'kill He did his duty only, but he is entitled to commendation for he did not go with the major ity and then boast of party loyal ty. Granger. Does coffee disagree with you? Prob ably it does! Then try Dr. Shoop's Health Coffee. "Health Coffee" is a clever combination of parched cereals and nuts. Not a grain of real coffee, remember, in Dr. Shoop's Health coffee yet its flavor and taste matches closely old Java and Mocha coffee. If your stomach, heart or kidneys can't stand coffee drinking, try Health Coffee. It is wholesome, nourishing and satisfying. It's safe even for the poungest child. Sold by Earle Gilbert. Barnett Mclninch, the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Mclninch, was united in marriage, Wednesday evening, to Miss Inez Williams, the daughter of Mrs. Isaac Williams. The ceremony took place at 7:30 at the Christian parsonage, the rites being solemnized by Rev. Pettit. Only a few intimate relatives of the contracting parties were present. After the cere mony the groom took his young bride to his home, the old Mclninch place on the Brownville road, east of town. Barney Mclninch is an industrious young farmer of the finest habits and character. His bride is a young woman of many good traits and their host of friends wish for them a long and happy married life. Repnblican. To stop a cold with "Preventics" is safer than to let it run and cure it afterwaads. Taken at the "sneeze stage" Preventics will head off all colds and Gripp, and perhaps save you from Pneumonia or Bronchitis. Paeventics are little toothsome candy cold cure tablefs selling in 5 cent and 25 cent boxes. If you are chilly, if you begin to sneeze, try Preventics. They will surely check the cold, and please you. Sold by all dealers. An odd and pretty salad is made of celery and apple. Instead of the UBual crescents and cubes, the celery and apple are cut in long, narrow straws, mixed lightly with mayonaisse, and garnished with a fluffy border of watercress. Another salad is of potato and toma to. The freshly cooked potato is cut iti very small pieces, placed in a bowl with a sigh of onion. A French dress ing is poured over while the potato is warm and the whole allowed to stand for two hours in a cool place. When ready to serve, a fresh tomato is peeled, carefully scooped out, filled with the potato mixture, and a large spoonful of cooked dressing, to which whipped cream has been added, placed on top. The February Housekeeper. D. J. Sinclair of Nebraska City, who has been postoffice inspector for a number of years, has been dismissed from the service. We regret to learn this, and we be lieve the majority of postmasters in his district hav a kindly feeling for Mr. Sinclair. A. L. Rice of Lincoln and Walter Mullen of Holdrege have been appointed inspectors. The latter has for some time been one of the mail clerks running from Nebraska City to Holdrege. He is a nice fellow all postal employes are. Quackenbush of Nemaha coun ty, is taking rauk as one of the legal authorities of the house. He is a fusionist and this fact prevents him from having posi tions of importance on commit tees, but his advice is sought by even members of the majority party. Lincoln Star. Mr. Quackenbush is regarded by his constituents as both able and honest, and his constituents are not simply those of the party with which he has been identi fied, but republicans as well. He has the confidence of the voters of this county. Granger. Although Mr. Quackenbush didn't "belong" as the Granger would put it-7-to the party we affiliate with, we can endorse the above. Tha Advertiser hadn't a word to say against Mr. Quacken bush, aside from his politics, during the campaign. Rising From the Crave A prominent msnufacturer, Wm. A. Fertwell, of Lucama, N. C, relates a most remarkable experience. He says: "After taking less than three bottles of Electric Bitters, I feel like one rising from the grave. My trouble is Bright's disease, in the diabetes stage. I fully believe Electric Bitters will cure me permanently, for it has already stopped the liver and bladder complications which have troubled me for years. Guaranteed at Hill Bros druggists, Price only 50c. If 6 a pleasure to tell our readers about a Cough Curb like Dr. Shoop's. For years Dr. Shoop has fought against the use of Opium, Chloroform, or other unsafe ingredients commonly found in Cough remedies. Dr. Shoop, it seems, has welcomed tho Pure Food and Drug Law recently enacted, for ho "has worked along similar lines many years. For nearly 20 years Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure containers have had a warning printed on them against Opium and other narcotic poisons. He has thus made it possible for mothers to protect their children by simply insisting on having Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure. Sold by all dealers. Eyes and Glasses Neighbors Got Footed "I was literally coughing myself to death, and had becomo too weak to leave my bed; and neighbors predicted that I would nevor leave it alivo; but they got fooled, for thanks be to God, I was induced to try Dr. King's New Dis covery. It took just four one dollar bottles to completely cure the cough and restore mo to good sound health," writes Mrs. Eva Uncapher, of Grover town, Stark Co., Ind. This King of cough and cold cures, and healer of throat and lungs, Is guaranteod at Hill Bros, drug store. 50c and $1.00, Trial bottle free. JT. ES. Orother In the- and will help faction. you for we guaranteo satis- PETER KEllKEll. Auburn Music & Jewelry Co i COURT HOUSE SQUARE, AUBURN The greatest of all newspapers is tho Daily Globe-Democrat, of St.' Louis. It has no equal or rival in all the west and ought to be in the hands of every reader of any daily paper. It costs, by mail, postage prepaid Daily including Sunday, one year, $6.00; 6 months $3.00; 3 months, $1.50; Daily without Sunday, one year, $4.00; 6 months, $2.00; 3 months, $1.00; Sunday Edition a big newspaper and magazino com bined, 48 to 76 pages every Sunday, one year, $2.00; 6 months, $1.00. A sub scription for the Globe-Democrat, at these prices, is the best possible news paper investment. Send your order today or write for free sample copy to Globe Printing Company, St. Louis, Mo. See special ' 'long-time' ' campaign offer of the "Twice-a-Week" issue of the Globe-Democrat, two years for $1.25 elsewhere in this paper. Croup can positively be Btopped in 21 minutes. No vomiting nothing to sicken or distress your child. A sweet pleasant and safe syrup, called Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure, does the work and docs it quickly. -Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure is for Croup alone, remember. It does not claim to cure a dozen ailments. It's for Croup, that's all. Sold by all dealers. Dealer In Hunting for Trouble "I've lived in California 20 years and am still hunting for trouble in the way of burns, sores, wounds, boils, cuts, sprains, or a case of piles that Buck len's Arnica Salve won't quickly cure," writes Charles Walters, of Alleghany, Sierra Co. No use hunting, Mr. Wal ters; it cures every case. Guaranteed at Hill Bros drug store. 25c. Homeseekers' Excursion County Treasurer Dirks has called in all of the outstanding London and Brownville railroad bonds. The total amount of the unliquidated bonds will approximate $7,000. Only $2,500 worth of the bonds are owned in this county, the rest are held by investors who are represented by the fiscal agents in New York City. All of the property owners in London and Brownville precincts have not yet paid their railroad taxes and those that are not yet in represent quite item. The county treasurer would like to have all those that have not settled to come to his office and do so" as he sayslmaha tnat it will De a distinct advantage to those twa precincts to have all these taxes paid up in anticipation of the re tiroTient of the bonds. Whatever money that will be left over will go to The two fourteen-year-old sons of Fred Clark and Frank West, living near Bracken, became of home recently and imagined they would have a better time some place else, so they skipped out Thursday of last week. They walked to Falls City, and then concluded they had enough of the free and independent life and started to return home. Their feet were pretty sore and they were stiff from walking so much, so they stopped at a farm house four miles soilth of S. Deroin and asked for work. The farmer suspected they had run away and told them he would give them something to do, and Monday Cheap Excursions morning naa mem neip mm butcher some hogs. - In the meantime the fathers of the two boys thought they would let the boys get good and tired of little , running away, and did not make Lands any searcn lor them until batur day. They traced them to Ne- and found they had gone Rates Grequently each month to home seekers' territory. Winter Tourist Rates To Colorado, California and al Sonthern resorts. Personally con ducted California excursions. TO SALT LAKE CITY, JAN UARY 15, 16, 17. TO DENVER, JANUARY 20, 21, 22. How's Your liver? It will pay you to take good cart of your liver, bacause, if you de, your Hvtr will take good care of you. Sick Uver puts you all out of sorts, makes you pale, tizzy, sick at tlM stomach, gives you stoaach ache, headache, maUria, etc. Well Uvor keeps you well, by purifying your blood and digesting your food. There is only one safe, certain and reliable Uver medicine, and that Is Bedford's Black-Draught For over 60 years this wonderful vegetable remedy has been the standby In thousands of homes, and is today the favorite liver medicine in" the world. It acts gently on the liver and kid neys, and does not Irritate the bowels. It cures constipation, relieves con gestion, and purifies the system from an overflow of bile, thereby keeping the body in perfect health. Price 25c at all druggists and dealers. TettK. The persons who need glasses are not I always those who have poor vision. Headaches, neuralgia, inflammation of the eye or even indigestion may come from eyestrain which is a steady loss v iivt tv 1UI VJ nitU 111 UllULL LI1U I , strongest constitution. Small errors of ' . . refraction can be corrected with glasses HcHIlGSS fWOTDctiriUSC with a wonderful help to tho wearer. We make no charge for examination Hand Made Harness a Specialty i j.it i 1 r i wii you piauuy wnetner Kinases MRS. HILL BUILDING Shoe RcEairinec :m::e.ats Highest market prico paid for Hides, Lard, Tallow, etc. Worn as Well is l Are late MseraMe ly Kidney ni Blatter TmHe. Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, discourages and lessens ambition ; beauty, vigor and cheerful ness soon disappear when the kidneys are out of order or dia cased. Kidney trouble has become so prevalent that it is not uncom mon for a child to Ik: born afflicted with weak kidneys, If the child urinates too often, if the urine scalds) the flesh, or if, when the child reaches an age when it should be able to control the passage, it is yet afflicted with bed-wetting, depend upon it, the cause of the diffi culty is kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards the treatment of these important organs. This unpleasant trouble is due to a diseased condition of thcTcidncysand bladder and not to a habit as most people suppose. Women as well as men are made miser able with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same great remedy. The mild and the immediate effect of( Swamv-Root is soon realized. It in'sold by druggists, in fifty cent and one-dollar size bottles. You may have a sample bottle by mail free, also 8 Iom of Smnp-Xool pamphlet telling all about Swamp-Root, including many of the thousands of testi monial letters received from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer & Co., Uinghamtoiv N. Y., be sure and mention this paper. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad dress, Binghauiton, N. Y., ou every bottle. STULL ft HAWXIY ATTORNEYS LAW, REAL K8TATK,J COLLECTIONS Oflloei over PoRtonio Hulldlng, at F'nuik Neal'n old stand, AUBURN NEBRASKA. KNAPP & SON Proprietors of the Liveryft Feed Stable. N2KAHANJBB. Gcod Dray in connection withLlvry Satisfaction guarantied, C. P. BARKER DRAYMAN Prompt and careful attention given to all work, Your patronage Is HolieilMl. W. W. FRAZIER, M. D. . Physician and Surgeon Nemaha, Nebr. All calls promptly attended Phone 28 TWO YEARS FOR $1.25 A complete history of two history making years 1907 and 1908. The entire proceedings of. all the important sessions of congress to be held during those two years. The fight to a finish of the im pending battle against the gigantic trusts and monopolies. Every detail of the next national south. Sunday evening they came to. Nemaha and the next morning got a team and started south to hunt for them, and had Write for folder describing how to obtain froe 640 acres of gov ernment land in Nebraska for mixed farming and dairying. those two precincts to-be used for the ho trouble in locating them. The i jiuunc ucuuir, eimer mr me scnoow or Doys naa no oDjecnon to going ine le lent 01 tne puunc roads of the. home. precincia as tney elect. "-Republican. Piles get. quick relief from Dr, Shoop'j Magic Ointment. Remember it's made alone 'for Piles and it works with certainty and satisfaction.' -Itchr ing, painful, .protuding or blind piles disappear like magic by its use. Try it and sec! All dealers. A Valuable Lesson ."Six years ago I .learned a valuable lesson," writes John Pleasant, of Mag nolia, Ind. "I then began taking Dr. King'-s New Life Pills, and the longer I tako them the better I find them." They .please everybody. Guaranteed at Hill Bros, druggists, 25c, Send for Free Eolders f "A Good Dairy District," "The ' Big Horn Basin," "Irrigated Lands in the Billings District," "Eastern Colorado," "Personally Conducted California Excursions" and ",To the -Great Northwest." ' INQUIRF FOR' DETAILS.- 0- V. GLENN, Ticket Agentat Nenjaha L, W. WAKELEY, G P, A., Uroalin. Neb campaign, including all tho party conventions and the hnal resnlt of the Presidential election ot JNo . vomber, 1908. In short, ALL THE NEWS OF ALL THE EARTH. THE TWICE-A-WEEK ISSUE or THE ST. LOUIS GLOBE-DEMOCRAT ill Two big papers every week. Eight or more pages each Tuesday and Friday. The best news paper in the United States. Pre-eminent its a journal for the home Unrivalled as an exponent of the principles of the republican party. Always bright, always clean, always newsy, always reli able. Write for free sample- copy or send one doIIar for onf, kjuar's subscription, better still remit 1.25 today to the globe printing Co., st. lodis, Mo,, and secure this great semi-weekly paper two, years, under special "long-time' "campaign . offer, which must bo acceptod within 80 days from date of this paper. Two Vears for $1.35 i, r. ..