The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, January 25, 1907, Image 1

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t VOL. LI XO. 35
flubicripHoH, tCl ymr Im fr Me
Calico Sale
Just received, two car loads of
fine soft coal.
Edwards & Bradford Lbr. Co.
Begirming Saturday, Jan. 26, we will
place on sale all Calicoes in stock at 4c i
$ per yard. J
5 These Calicoes are all first grades ;
Snot a second grade piece in uie 101.
Fine patterns. uet your
now. Come early.
S supply
Dr. Bourne fits glasses. So. Auburn
Horse blankets at' Edwards &
Bradford Lbr Co.
Bicycle supplies at Reeling's.
Bicycles repaired.
For harness goods go to Ed
wards & Bradford Lbr Co.
1847 Rogers Bros, silverware
for sale by W. P. Keeling.
"Dry wdod$2 per cord. Phon4
:93. Wm. Moore.
Joe Bunger was
visitor last Friday.
a Nemaha
Curtis L. Brown and Miss
Grace Mumford, who have been
visiting at SummerAeld, Kansas,
returned home Wednesday morning.
Miss Grace Peabody angel No
2 returned from Auburn last
Saturday. The Advertiser and
postoffice forces were especially
glad to see her.
Mrs. Dr. Matthews writes
that the doctor has his office now
ready for business at 303 Neville
block, Omaha. She is stopping
at the Drexel hotel.
We have some post cards con-
r 1 j
taming nne views oi tno court
house, Hon. Church Howe's
home at Auburn, and the Peru
coal mine, at the postoffice book
Joe Bunger has bought what is
Known as tne oia starry nouse,
this side of Brownville, and will
move it to Peru and transform it
into a rooming house for stu
dents. .
Best photos in
.Nebr., at Criley's.
So Auburn.
Buy your coal of Edwards &
Bradford Lbr. Co. Two carloads
.just in.
I want a niill to saw native
lumoer. I have a good covered
cartor sale.
Jno. S. Stull,
Auburn, Nebr.
I desire to correspond with
.parties wanting to sell river
bottom and bluff land, in large
and small tracts. Give legal
-numbers, description, lowest
.price, etc. Address:
John M. Livingston,
Nebraska City, Nebr.
We sell sewing machines, get
our prices. Edwards & Brad
ford Lbr Co,
Uncle Samuel Christy of
Brownville was visiting Nemaha
friends Thursday.
Verne Taylor was up from
Shubert Tuesday afternoon and
gave us a brief call.
Miss Maud Kinton visited Au
burn friends from Thursday unti
Saturday of last week.
Wm. E. Wolfe called in Mon
day and paid a year's subscrip
tion for The Advertiser.
White Lily washing machine'
run easy. For sale only by Ed
wards & Bradford Lbr Co.
Will Hacker has bills out for a
public sale Feb. 4. He will leave
for Dundv county. Nebr., about
the first of March.
To those that have good dogs,
keep them at home, tor it is .my
intention to shoot all dogs prowl
ing around my sheep.
G. F. Rider.
Having sold my stock of General Mer
chandise to Messrs. Harrington & Sons, I
desire to return my sincere thanks to the
people of Nemaha and vicinity for the pat
ronage and kind treatment given me during
the four years I have been in business here
end to ask a continuance of the same to my
We have gathered up all the short lengths of
Kibbons and are going to give you some Kibbon Values $
that you don't often see. There are a great variety of i
$ colors and lengths.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer E. Allen
went to Auburn Wednesday to
attend the funeral of Joel Cul-
well, a cousin of Mr. Allen's.
They returned home Thursday
t e f oi r
uon c rorgei to see our nne onoes. we nandle
the Selz line best on earth.
Phone 20
The Auburn Telephone Co.
completed their line from Nema
ha fn Shnhprf. Satnrdav nicrhtand
the comnariv has now made a
rate of five cents between these
two places.
Thunder Storm
There was considerable thunder
and lightning last Friday night
during the rain storm. This is
something rather unusual here
in winter time.
Mr. Glenn Harger and Miss
Wavie Thorn, both of Aspinwall
precinct, were married Wednes
day, Jan. 23, 1907, at Auburn.
We extend hearty congratulations
to the young people.
Ferry at St. Deroin
The Missouri river is open at
St. Deroin and the ferry is pre
pared to cross at any time. Good
asfe ferry.
Henry Lemon, Prop.
All parties owing me are re
quested to call and settle their
accounts before Jan 1, as I need
the moeey. W. H, Barker.
Mrs. M. H. Taylor of Shubert
was in Nemaha a few hours
Tuesday afternoon, coming in on
the afternoon train from Auburn,
where she had been visiting her
brother-in-law, J. W. Taylor, and
going home on the freight.
All persons holding checks will pleaso
present at the store for redemption as soon
as convenient.
Parties owing me will please call and
settle at once.
J. H. Vanderslice
Mrs. Jesse Ellisf -living 'rieaf
Brownville, underwent a severe
surgical operation last week, at
Auburn. The operation was
successful and the patient is get
ting along nicely, She is a daugh
ter of A. G. Warren of Nemaha.
Rev. J. W. Sapp closed the
meeting at Brownville Saturday
night. Although the attendance
was good ana consiaeraoie in
terest manifested, there was only
one addition to the church. The
meetings continued about three
G..N. Titus, Dan Maxwell, A.
B. Paris, and a number of other
farmers in that vicinity have
been burning coal from the Peru
mine this winter. The quality is
good and gives satisfactory ser
vice. They pay $3.50 per ton at
the mine.
Mrs. C. T. Minick and Masters
Elliott and. Hubert came in from
Dewitt last Friday and visited
Mrs. Minick's mother-in-law and
sister-in-law, Mrs. E. A. Minick
and Mrs. E. E. Allen, and other
relatives in this vicinity until
Thursday. '
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence E. Hill,
who were married at Lincoln
Tuesday of last week, visited
Mr. and Mrs. Elon E. Hill of
Nemaha from Friday until Mon
day. The bride is a daughter of
W. H. Hill, former deputy sheriff
of this county, now living at
Still More Coal
According to correspondence
from Brownville, Wm. Gillespie
has developed a coal mine on his
place, a mile and a half southeast
of that place. It is stated the
new mine has as equally flatter-
northwest and some ' ing prospects as the Honey Creek
but it quieted down mine had at its beginning. Au-
burn Herald.
John I. Dressier is building a
wareroom fourteen feet square
in the rear of the store room
occupied by Jno. W. Ritcbey.
This will be some relief to the
congestion of goods in the main
Rev. "W. H. Prescott, the evan
gelist holding meetings at the
Method fst church, went to Lin
coln, Tuesday, going on the early
morning freight, and returning
to Nemaha on the freight Wed
nesday evening. .
Mrs. Pryor, .mother of Mar
shall and Walter Pryor, died at
her home in Brownville Saturday
evening and was buried Monday.
She was an old citizen and
hisrhly respected by all her
friends and acquaintances.
The weather had all the ap
pearance of a coming blizzard or
a bad storm Saturday afternoon.
It turned colder, the wind blew
from the
snow fell, but it
without any storm after all.
We have received from our
friend T. A. Clark of St Paul,
Nebr., a postcard picture of the
U. P. motor car speed limit,
sixty miles per hour. Standing
in the door in the front end of
the car ia Clarence M. Beard,
son of John M. Beard, and
nephew of Mrs. Ellen Howe.
J. W. Wolfe has bought an
other forty acres of good fanrf
land, and now owns two hundred
acres of elahdIjistwelc he
completed the deal by which he
becomes owner of forty acres of
the Sperry farm, just across the
road east of where Mr. Wolfe is
living. He paid $3,000 for it.
Mrs. Knapp Gets a Bad Fall
Last Sunday afternoon Mrs.
M. W. Knapp got a fall from
which she is still suffering. Mr.
and Mrs. Knapp drove down to
J. H. Seid's and visited a few
hours. As they were leaving
Mrs. Knapp stepped into the
back end of the sleigh. . The
horse just then stepped forward
and Mrs. Knapp was thrown
backward on the frozen ground.
She was considerably bruised ,
and jarred and was confined to
her bed for a day or two. It is
hoped there were no permanent
injuries sustained.
J. H. Vanderslice Sells Store
Tuesday night a deal was com
pleted whereby J. H. Vanderslice
sold his stock of general mer
chandise to Harrington & Sons
of Crab Orchard. H. W. and
R. E. Harrington, the two
younger men of the firm, came
in Tuesday afternoon and the
trade was soon completed. It
was affected through the agency
of Frank Titus. R. E. Harring
ton will move to Nemajia and
have charge of the stock. This
firm has a large stock of general t
merchandise at Crab Orchard. ,
They are rustlers, good business, ,
men, and will be a benefit to the
community, v f
Mr. Vanderslice has not yjjfc;
decided ,where he will go. He
sells out on account of the health
of himself and family, which.has
been poor for some time.
The Messrs. Harrington' re
turned to Crab Orchard Wednes
day. Mr. Vanderslice will be in
charge of the store until next