The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, December 21, 1906, Image 2

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    Nemaha Advertiser
W. W. SANDERS. PuoLiancn
Voiiuiirr SIkIci'S llrnrl Wna All
KIkIiI WIicii It Wiifi HciiuIkmI.
"Mnlllc, are Mioso your licit kIiooh?"
rbe tired woman nt I lie jjuwlny 111a-t-AUppCll
In tliu middle of u Ion:-',
team to iikU the question, and there was
m mix Uhis nolo In her voice.
"Vos, they art'," admitted tlh gin,
tvlio was Impatiently IIIiikIiik on her
:oat anil hat. "I'm wearing thwn !
cauxo I hati' the others so -clumsy olil
thlK! Uli. 1 wlsll 1 could have enani
pumps, and hats to match the color
of my dresses! All thu tflrls do. You've
no Idea how much they dress at high
0 school, sister. Silk petticoats and love
ly hats-and then the jdrto make ex
cases to each other It' they happen to
wear the same dress to .school two days
In succession. I hale heliiK poor."
"Yjm look very sweet and trim, any
way," smiled the patient older sister,
who had worked until midnight a few
evenings earlier trying to make liar
winter hat as pretty as auyhody's.
oC"J need HDine new gloves shockingly,
Laura," vas the answer, made, while
Hnllle studied,, herself In the. mirror.
"All tthe girls are wearing two-dollar
gauntlets, and Tip Just cra.y over
Then the door closed, and Hnllh? was
off to .school.
Vhen she came home that, afternoon,
0she saw her Aunt Kllzaheth's carriage
, In .fnfut of the house, and. not. being in
the mood for visiting with rich, rela
tives? she slipped into the side door un
served. Aunt Klk'.uhcth was Just
leaving, and friini the sitting-room tho
listening girl heard her say, distinct
"Vou'.re selfish with Hiilile. Laura.
You keep .the best for yourself. Tho
thing sire really needs Is a chance to do
m soma of the giving tip. Von grow sweet-
cr'all the time hy doing it. of course
, hut I'm sorry for Hallle!"
The surprised exclamation Laura lia.t
lv(Mi'when Aunt Kllznbclh began turn
.oil Into a happy little laugh at the
. end.
" "Oli, but. aunly." she protested, "1
. sympathize with the way she feels
about pretty things because I love thorn
so myself. Why, even at my age I've'
beuu Just, hungry for something rich
ami bright this winter. One' get sn
tired of wearing black. And as for
.tshoex, I used -to ho dreadfully vain-of
my. small feet when papa was hero to
sp(dl inf with pretty shoes. - Uesldes,
' you know. ' Aunt IOll.aheth," and
. Ladra'a voice trembled a ll'ttfe. --'Tin
all tdio liiis now. 1 have to be fatju'i
and mother both. That's why I'm su
. thaulcful for this money , lint now."
There- were more farewell words, bul
I la I He did not hear them. She stootl
with burning cheeks- and wet eyes,
.thinking html, and when Laura Wilhui
turned tmek Into tin sitting-room slu'
" .suddenly found herself caught and belt'
fast t in n pair of impetuous younp
. "0 Ilallle, you're here!" she cried,
"The lyyollst' tiling! Tnele Seymoui
.has sent, us a present of $."(). not I'm
a hirthdujf dr anything, Just for love.
Xow'you can have "
"I eft ii have a beautiful, rich, wine
colored suit, for you. you iiarlfng. dar
ling nfigel!" Interrupted" a "choklnji
voice,. "And a pah ofnlep slioesy au
. Haunt let gloves -for, yiMi, haunt i Oh
why dhjfi't I tj'ilnlf of IP lieforeV Xo.
.you needn't, say a Word, yort precious.
Yjou're t(pt going "to lie 1selflsir with mc
any longer. T wou'J have It!''--Youth's
Cninfiajilon. 0
I Do Ycu TfiiSnk
For Yourself ?
; Or. do you oprn your mouth like & younc
pirn orut cuid oown whatever rood or medi
cine mnt)f offered you ?
ft ft ft
n IntolllKent thlnklnrr woman.
In need ofVX'f from weakness, ncrvousnns.
pain and strttfMntr, then It rnuans much to
you that thcicsf unf tried and trun honps
wdlHnn nr .knmvtm cokti-oiifio; sold by
druKiflsfg fr thf- euro of woman's Ills.
ft tt' ft ft ft
Tim makers of Ur. I'lorco's I'avorlto I'ru
Rcrlntloii, for the cure of weak, nervous, run
down orpr-worked, debilitated, wain-racked
women, knowing- thlsrnf.dlohio to bo mado up
of hnrredlcnts, very one of which lias tho
Htromrcst pofcstblo Indorsement of the leadlnt:
and standard authorities of thu several
schools of practice, are perfectly vrllllmf. and
hi fact, am only too clad to print, as they do,
the formula, or llu of ingredients, of which
It Is composed, in plain English, on every
I Hi ti
The formula of Dr. Tierce's Favorite Pro
scription will bijiir the taostcrltleal examina
tion of medical exports, for it contains no
alcohol, narcotics, harmful, or hablt-formlnif
drucs. and no nnont rutins Into It that is not
highly recommended by tho most, advanced
and leading medical teachers and author
ities of their several schools of practice.
These authorities recommend the Ingredients
or Dr. I'RiTcq-s 1-nvo'rlte l'rescrlpilon for the
euro of exactly tho same ailments for which'
Ibis world-famed medicine Is adrlsed. ""
'I4 fit -Jt
No other metllcino for woman's ills has any
such professional endorsement as Dr. Pierce's
Kavorllo description has received, In tho un
qualified recommendation of each of Its
soreral Intrrodlcnts hy scores of leading medi
cal men of all the schools of practice. Is
such an endorsement hot worthy of your
consideration '(
ft ft ! ft ft
A booklet of Ingredients, with numerous
aijtlionitlvo provisional endorsements by tho
leading medical authorities of this eotintrv.
will be mailed fret to any ono sending namo
and adilrt,s with ruuucM for samo. Address
l)r It. V. Pierce. Buffalo, N, Y.
It is (il)Hculfc to retain the services
of I'chinlc servants in New Zealand,
as (hey are soon won in marriage if
they are fair looking and efficient.
The following advertisement, in a
local paper, conlnins an inducement
ill I he closing sentence: "Wanted,
a capable girl for a dairy farm, able
to mill:. Four good looking sons in
the famiJy."
A German statistician asserts that
males are becoming scarcer year after
year; while females are growing more
numerous Three thousand years
hence, he predicts, there will be
only one man to two hundred and
twenty women. Heaven help hion if
he lias to buy their clothes.
- .i i .-
Spent Over $100 In n. VhIii S enroll
for Health,
Miss Frances Gardner, of 300 .Tack
son boulevard, Ciilcago, 111., writes:
"Gentlemen: I heartily Indorse
Doau's Kidney I'ills.
as I have found by
personal experience
that they are au
Ideal kidney reme
dy. I suffered with
co m p I i cationn of
kidney complaint;
for nearly live
years, spent over
$100 on useless rem
edies, while live
boxen of Doau's
Kidney Pills cured me iu aifcw short
weeks. I nin now eujoying the best of
health, have a iin; appetite, the 'best
of digestion, and restful sleep, all due
to your splendid pills."
Sold by all dealer:. r0 cents a boxi
Foster-Milhurn Co.. Buffalo, N. X. "
When 'knives have to bo stored
where there is danger of their be
coming rusty rub the blades with
littlo sweet oil and wrap them in
t isane paper; ' ..
o A Viiliuiltlc Sjt'tOmr.
ftilen Victoria was0always a khHlft'
an(lnrfli(ime-loving Imdy, Oafdo It is pos
oSlblp tlmt if Itchad been left to her tc
decide sht would hflve hesitated' t sac
rlllce a seftlng of yggs Tor t lie sako o
a bltUhdjiy salute. It was. on 0 tin
.twenty-third of a .May, says the author
of ".My tymth Syi I.og."as au ngllsl
man-of-war lay in Apia harbor, iu tin
.Samoan Islands, tjitit a unlive eani
alniard wit lj a nolo for tjio captain. lt
wae from, one of tlie0dlstrlet chiefs. 0
To the Captain of the Kngltsh .Man
oMVnr," It read. q"I, 'i'ul-le-tau, send
,you my greetings and love, and tie
love of m.5 family, and send also m
Jove to Queen Victoria. We Sanioniri
have much dove, for England.
".Most noble sir, to-morrow will l7
the day0 of the Queen's birth, and 1
ha ve learned that at the hoirT of noon
all tile great cannon on your sfitp will
be fired, and tfie earth will quako with
tht' uolsc thereof.
"Great sir, I east myself at yom
feet. I have much love tq, you, hut 1
o beseech you,, not to ilro great guns., to
"morrow. Do not tire tlremcfor two flay
"more, and my heart will be big with'
gratitude, because' my wife has a lien
Mttlng on Mine duck eggs, and to-mor,
row Is the rtnv Tor tluwx
"fehVlls, '
"Noble sir, if the great guns aro
fired they will all' perish and grief en
lor my house. Itut In three days II
ivil! not matter if they hear the guua.
I beseech you to do me this favor."
i'Udck ruA.iKrt (jkants Divditci;
Husband to Tako Appeal r.-)potttnn
hi: vii,i. rtcirr
riiK i:nd
Ooart Sfn KvhlntiOn Oor Not I'rorr Mm.
Hrtje IVrote ,tnttor to IIirr
gro (.oaeliniitii- Other
PlTTdBUKd-judge Kobert S.
Frazier handed tfown his decision in
tho fan.ouH Martje divorce ca?e. Tito
petition of Augustus liartje, tiie
millionaire paper manufacturer for a
divorce from his wife, Mrs. .Mary
.Scott Ilartje, whom lie charged with
intimacy with Thomas Madlnc, a for
mer coachman, is inconclusive, the
decision snvs. and in stihstuntiiitmn
of this conclusiveness, Judge Frazier
cites tho following points: The scr
TantH' stories or Mr. Uartje's wrpng
doings aro quite ditrerent from those
based on Mr. Hartje'a petition. The
Btory of Susie Wacner, a maid, was
grossly exaggerated and built up; she
was prejudiced and under the influ
ence or llartje's family. Mrs. fiartje
perhaps visited the stable too often,
but iior fondues for hordes sullicient
ly explains what, miht be considered
an indiscretion.
Tiie letters introduced arc opon te
suspicion and are conclusive of noth
ing. Expert testimony is of little
The stealing of the said fetters
from Madine'd rooms, as testified to.
shows those who produced them to be
law breakers
Can it truly be said of any ' o trie t
book than Webster's, International
Dictionary that it is:
Tho standard of the Federal and
Statu courts? Tho Standard of the
(iovernm'ont Printing Qtlioe? The Ba
sis of nearly all the, Schoolbooks in
tho country' Iwlorsbd by every ritate
Suhool Superintendent)? Universally
recommended by College Presidents
aiuUSduoatoca? Adhered to as .Stijnd
ard by over !3'J percent of tho News-
imnm-S?, K'1 inllln Tml lannnm Ivli.
(Jompleto, Scientific, Practical, Pojni'
lar, The Safe Guide for a Professional
.Maif, Business Man, Teacher , and
Student? 0 0 - o
Should you nob own such a book?
Look elsewhere for advertisements
in this paper.
Many nfbn thhd: tnat becauso their
wises Tiave never hull any experience
in business that it would bo fooll-sh
for thorn to talk business matters
over with tliem. But, no matter how
much experience you may have had,
no matter what a great brain you
may haved you need tho swiftness
and tiie accuracy of woman's instinct
to keepyonofroin making foolislj, in
vestments, from making alliance
with bad men. and fronf foolish
things generally. '
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Signature of ci
I)i-featril hy
105 Ynan,
188 Nays to
Shot ly Daughter
Pilli.ADEr.pHIA-Miss Mary Mc
Antee shot and probably fatally
wounded her father, the Rev. Join:
Quincy.McAntee, at their home here.
The shooting, according to police
officials, tollowed i quarrel between
Rev. Mr. McAntee and his ivife, in
which the minister, it is asserted,
was trying to throw Mrs; McAntee
Jown the cellar stairs. The- daugh
ter, who was in the upper- portion of
tho house, rushed down stairs- .with a
small revolver in her Iian'tl alid fired
three fahpts at her father, one or the
bullets penetrating tiie brain. Mrs.
MtsAntee and the daughter told the
polico.that the husband and father
had been "drinking lately and had j
been quarrelsome, and caused them
much iron file. A short time ago, the
daughter said", ie had choked her and
tried jo throw her over a stair rail.
Mother, daughter and a colored ser
vant, who was in the house, were ar
rested,. The McAntee family is w.idoly
known. Rev. Mr. McAntee was a
member of the .Lutheran synod. He
was formerly pastor of tlis Lutheran
.church of the Holy Communion in
thia, city, but la now on the retired
list. He wae for five years in Nova
Scot.ia and returned a short, time ago
from Palestine and the holy land
where .fio'.went in the interest .of the
church. The daughter who did tho
.shooting is twonty-three years old.
- Worie Tlifin the Chinese
..NEW YOrtlvJa'panesc inunigra
tiou was bitterly .'denounced ' iu i
s'peceli by Representative Julius Kalii'
of San Francisco.' Mr. Kalin was ona
of 'the speakers at a'dinner of .the
New York 'credit men's .association
held at .the llotel St. IJenis,. J Hi
subject was "flio, Japanese Question,
as atTecting'S&n Francisco;"
The people, of hu Vaciffc 'ctiast, 'iia
said were satisfied that tlip 'Japanese
would afways remain , loyal to the
mikado, ami the oath of naturaliza
tion" would bo io tliem "a hollow,
mrickory, (Jilifornians did not want
t4tat kind of. citizenship rAiid" did not
intend to have it if they could' rre
viuiit U. TJicpeoplo of tl,e Pacitfc
coast, ho said had had tljeir experi
ence with0 the Chinese9 coolies,0 and'
were now threatened 0 with i?no0ther
Invasion, still tnore jsgrious, fop the
Japanese0 had all the viceg of 0thn
C hinese with none of their "virtue
The treaty between tit is country nnd0
Japan giving Tree entry to each eoun
try3to the citizens of tho other, o he
declared, to be one sidled, as lalor
onditions Vere so different in,"
American and Japan that only the
Japanese Could be benefitted by the
international agreement. He defend
ed the policy of segregation of Jap
anese in the public schools of Oali
fornia add eaid that tho people of, his
state wou'd never permit their chil-iJ
dren to be thrown in contact with
WASHINGTON By a vote of 106
to 188 tho house of representatives
refused to increase from $5,000 tc
$7,C00 the salaries of senators, mem
bers and delegates. The house, how
vcr. by an overwhelming vote,
'increased tho salaries of vice proei
dent, the speaker of tho house and
members of tho president's cabinet
t) $12,000 each. In anticipation ol
the question of increasing salaries
coming before the house, there wa?
an exceedingly large membershi
present, and the debate on the
foveral amendments for increase,
which were offered hv Mr. Littaue)
of New York to the legislative appro
priation bill, was foliowcd witl;
marked interest.
After disposing of tiie salarj
question tho house passed the legis
lativc, executive and judicial appro
priation bill. Tho house adjourned
It 3:45 p. m.
The house was brought face to face
iv i th the proposition to increase lh
falaries of its own members, senators
and vice president, tho speaker of the
house ami members of tho president'!
cabinet whilo tho legislative, execu
tive and judicial appropriation bill
was under consideration and while it
passed favorably on the proposition
as applied to other otlicials, refused
to make the order for members of
cither house of congress.
Mr. Littauer of Now York, who
had given notice that lie would oiler
tiie amendments to the legislative
bill necessary to accomplish the pro
posed increase, immediately secured
the floor after the previous question
had boon ordered on the bill and
presented an amendment raising tho,
salaries of the vice president and tho
speaker of the liouso to $12,000 per
.annum each. Ho spoke of the'
dignity of tho position of the speaker
it the house and said everybody,
recogiiizsd that tho duties were
arduous and the pay unequal to the
Mr. Underwood or Alabama said
Jio was opposed to any further in
crease of salaries along tho lino of
legislation, und legislative ollicers.'
lie further said- he believed tho
snlarie's of the minor clerks of tho
government should be incrisaed on
account of the increased cest of liv
ing. His contontion was that salaries
are paid to members of congress so
that a poor man might come to co.'
gross and represent his constituents.
lie said he would not contend that :i
congressman could live in
ton and keep pace with modon'
Mr. Fitzgerald of New York said
ho would vote for the increase, evei;
if tho price h paid was political
oblivion. He called attention to the
salary paid the mayor of New Yorb
and also to the pay of the eomptrolloi
of that city and insisted that the vice
president and the speaker should bo
paid salaries commensurate with the
lignity or their oflices.
Alter other speeches the amend-
ment was adopted by a vote of 51,
the opposition failing to secure votes
enough to call the ayes and noes
Mr.' Littauer then introduced
another amendment fixing tho
salaries of cabinet ollicers at $12,000
per anii my after March 4, 1007
During the 'course of his remarks
on "this amendment Mr. Littauer
held up, a large picture of a baseball
'association manager' whoo sal ry had
be,em increased from $10,000 to $15,000
n unni- nnd i'nn trnat-oll it. with tin.
salaries paid meifibers of the cabinet.
Tho amfiijdmoat was opposed by MrJ
Mtu-in of Illinois, but was adopted by
! voto of 201 to 00. Mj. Littaue?,
wh'q, retires to , private lifo witji tho
rloso of the "present congress, then
nITer.cU a provision raising the salaries
nf isenators and members of congress,
delegates and residents commis
sioners of Porto Ricouto$7,500, and
on agreement the time for tho
increase to begin was llxed on Marcli
-I, 1900.
Mr. Bour.tll of Illinois' said he waa
lopprjsedto the proposition to increase
salaries of members, but was glad to
vdte to increase the compensation of
liie speaker, vice president and mom-,
bers of tho cabinet.
Representative Clark of Florida wai
accorded an ovation when he an
nounced that he desired to discuss
ilio question from the standpoint of
n poor man,
. When you're in a big hurry youJ
sell it's rather provoking to see your
man leisurely taking his time. Snap
and dash aro qualities that count on
the farm, especially when an import
ant piece of work needs doing in tho
quickest possible time.
A freak of nacure is reported in
Jacksonwa'd, Pennsylvania. From
the side of an old apple tree grows a
big red apple. The fruit snrings
dircatly from the bark without
branch or twig. Last spring the
tenents noticed a small bud, which
he did not disturb. Presently a small
Apple Intmcd, and today it is perfect
in shape and very large.
When burning a keroscno lamp
place it in front of a mirror (not near
enough to heat tho glass) and there
will be practically twice as much
light, the mirror acting as a reflector.
No. 1 Hard Wheat
(63 Pound to the Bushel),
Are situated in the Canadian West where
Homesteads of 160 ncres cm be obtained
free by overy settler willine and able to
comply with the Homestead Regulations. 1
During the prebent year a large portion of - j
New Wheat Growing Territory
has been mnde accessible to markets by
the railway construction that has been
pushed forward so vigorously by the three
great railway companies.
For literature and particulars address tfa
Superintendent of Immigration, Ottawa, Canada,,
nr the authorized Canadian Government .Ancmt,
W. D. Scott, Superintendent of Immigration,
Ottawa; Canada, or W. V Bennett, Soi New York
Life BuildhiK, Omaha, Neb,, Authorized Goveru
ment Agents.
Ploiise my where jou u thta Tirtlieraeut.
Ely's Groam Balm
t is nulcktjr absorbed.
Gives Relief at Ones.
It cloanscs, soothes
Heals and protectK K$
die diseased mom
brnno. It euros Ca
tarrh and drivos
mav a Cold in tho
Head quickly. Ro-fU!i
itoroe tho Souses of 8(1
Tfisto and Smell. Fullize50ct8.,at'DruK
gists or by mail ; Trial Size 10 cts. by raaiL
Ely Brothers, 06 Warroa Streot, New York.
Tt: nnf. ntilv nrmtvnru vnur nnvsttnnal
In QnAlllnw Prrttiimnl nf tnn. T)tltittinn.l
flan Wnnli. T?tn.. lint, alfin amweri nufis-l
ttons Iu Geography, BlographyMFictlon.l
roreirn worut uuu iumh,hiiu-iiuo,i
Arn,d',.i1 tili.nru. finnO.TlliintrfiHonn.l
tureu home, too uaw- unristmag zil
LstKita(ourkrldrmiatn. Kutlrn.l Thin rJir
CUllluna. 1,1. ,ty. nun ...iv iuui,ia,ivua.
G. Si C. MF,KRIAM CO,, Spntjgfield, Maaa
You Cannot
all inflamed, ulcerated and catarrhal con
ditions of the mucous membrane such as
nasal catarrh, uterine catarrh caused
by feminine His, sore, throat, sore
mouth or inflamed eyes by simply 1
dosing the stomach.
But you surclvcan cure these stubborn 0
affections by local treatment with
Paxtine Toilet Antiseptic
which destroys the tliscasegerms.chccks o
discharp;es, stops pain, and heals the
inflammation and soreness.
Taxtine rcpreseats, the most successful
local treatment for feminine ills ever
produced. Thousands of women testify
to this fact. 50 cents at druggists. , '
Send for Free Trial Box1
THE R. PAXTON CO.. Bo.ton, Mas..
J. iiiLHiu, mac:
an uAtr. et1