Thousands Have Kidney Trouble and Neyer Suspect it. How To IMml Out. I-ill a bottlcor conimonglnsa with your . water and let it stand twetit -four hours : nsednnentorset lliux indicates rm unhealthy con dition of the kid neys; if it stains your linen it is evidence of kid ney trouble ; too frequent desire to pass it or pain in the back is also convincing proof that the kidneys and bladder are out of order. What To Do. There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy, fulfills every wish in curing rheumatism, pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passage. It corrects inability to hold water and scalding pain in passing it, or bad effects following use of licpior, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant ne cessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild hud the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root "is soon realized." It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most dis tressing cases. If you need a medicine you should have the best. Sold by drug gists in fifty-ceiit and one-dollar sizes. You may have a sample bottle and a book that tells all i ;ilhtil it. Until Rent Fret? KTSiirTfet'sTftEa? '' bv mail. Address Dr. firSstl tUitiuum" Kilnler iS: Co., rung- hamton,N. Y-. When nomo of swnmp-r.oot. writing mention this paper and don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, lUnglumton,. N. Y. The trouble is, your liver's sick. One of its products, "bile is overflowing; into your blood. You can't digest your food, your appetite is poor, you suffer dreadfully from head ache, stomach ache, dizzi ness, malaria, constipation, etc. What you need is not a dose of salts, cathartic water or pills but a liver tonic This great medicine acts gently on, the sick liver. It purifies the Mood, renews the appetite, feeds the nerves, clears the brain and cures consti pation. It is a true medicine for sick liver and kidneys, and regulates all the c'gestlve functions. Try it. At all dealers in medicines 26 c packages rCT,;wagf7r:!T:,wy.'it, Ih lmjipy boenuso ho la heltiK Fnnnn I rum urn that torttiro and toriiu-tit. AuuiiHt, Mi-ptemiMT Oiuiifiniv niuiiths to dip Ii.'s'm t.. hill llc-i-. I)ii OI.I VI-, tho lieu Unit lll. works (iuf !i.v and th. r"Utchiy. It kills noo lick, ktrojs nil UWum' kithis, tiri-voni huh c nor. it , dines Iohh, keein your lmiH li.'iilMi.v and itrmv lnt:. livery hn-raiser needs It. On.' OMiS'R Is easy to use: the cheapest hotf liiHurance juti can l.uj. Wrlto for in n kN-r and i ikiukIi dip to uiuku u irallon, KKiiK. Box i Karslialltown, Iowa. H YEARiJ' EXPERIENCE &S$mmM Trade Marks WW Designs 'VvVH Copyrights &c. Anvono frndlii.i; n rltetrli nnd dst npti"n may Quickly hspcii mil our i ini"'t froo whether un "iivoittlon ,i ptMhat'TP .ti'iitublo. ( Jiiinuinli-A. tloiisiirtrtlyintiiloiitl. l. Handbook on l'i tents sunt froo. ()il'3t tiL'etiry for fei'iltlnir patents. J"nt C'nt s taken thnnu li Muiwt fi Co. rocolro P (dal not It f, without ctintvo, in tho Scientific Hmerscan. A Imndsdiiiely illustrHted wppUIv. l.nmot dr. , filiation of any Hcloiulth' Journal. Term, f i a four month, $1. Soid byull JHwlunleti. & Co.30,Droad' New York r.. - Uruucti Oillco. 025 V St.. Wiishliitn?u. D. C. , iwi t jtft, r ! You Look Yellow Black-Draught rrkTHE HAPPY HOG J IPX AT A , mwim Tim .khMJLi GO During tho fruit season there una billed out of t!ls station four cars of p -aches and 8.') ears of applet", making k total of ST ears. These weie all full i ctrs and in addition to these were the parlH of ears and small ordets which estimated at ten cars tnoie, making a total of 07 ears. Thh, at an uverngo of (500 bushels to the ear, would mean r.8'200 bushels of fruit from this station that has found their way, mostly Into tho western part of this state, and when we take into consideration that there are several other stations near us, that did probably as well, we can begin to estimate in a degree the Im mense money value that tho yield of; fruit means to our farmers. It pays to raise fruit, even at cheap prices. Shubert Uitien. THE ST- JOSEPH NEWS Makes nn Excoptional Offer of 25 couts for Tlirco Months ,to Trial Sutsoribors The Star is the only dully newspaper'd at St Jonepli that ia not con trolled by any clique or party. All the news is puhliHhed id a condensed, readable form in an independent and fearle.-a manner. If ou would luiow the (acts about all .statu and national question!, just us tliey, aie, 301 will enjoy reiuliu4 tho Star bally accurate marhet report?, farm news, household hints, V porting uossip, and eveiytliiifu that cues to make a complete metropolitan paper are CfKUs lar feature.. ' Hveiv readiim petfou now has an opportunity to set just how jnod the Star is by sendini' .?u.'-'o to the St .Joseph Star, St. Joseph,' Mo., for a thiee months' trial subscription. The paper will be stopped promptly at tho end of three months unless ytiu decide to renew. Send today as this oiler will not apt 'jar imnin . J CHAMPION 00RU "3IIU0KER I fJeotge Mend,, who works1 for John J McCarthy, one of the well known , f u liters ol V omiiiL' piHcinut, Mondav shucked and cribbed H .busjiels of corn. John 8ays he is one ot the fast est men lie lias ever seen at work in his neighborhood and is willing to back i him against all comets. In twenty four and a half 'dayg, Mr Mead shucked ami cribbed ; bushels of corn and has the documents to show for tlie work ami lie lias a number of persons who will verify his statement Mr Mead is wil ing to wiger $1110 that he can shuck ii00 bushels of coin iq a day and is willing to try it nn a wagei of that amount-. mY., McCarthy sit s he h wil ing (0 alj(j,0 amuher hundred dollars to the...wager antl they are atrtingiiii.' with several d,;nbjert? in that part of Otoe and Cass 'count v tu Shuck one day for a wager of that I Mr. Mead can shuck 200, btuhels- ot i corn in ten hours Nh. City News. ! Mr. David Uankin of Tarkio, IIo. , lis without a doubt the most I.imous , I, in;. Hi' Hi tin. cm ii tiwl-iv Nu lu 1 j acknowledged corn king ot Ajjiei ua, ami produces annually' mote than 01 o million l)ti.hHls This coin is to IV, d to cattle hiuI, hogs ami tlnie is fed in addition not only the oiojt prudtjoed'by Mr Hitnkiii. but also t Iiou-hikIb ot inisliels puK'haseii Irom neighbors He feeds ami niaikots train h'mrs of cattle everv eai, ami lias uiHde'an enviable reputation as a breeder of. prune beet Mi. Bnkii.'.H pieiuier phce among funnels of tho "corn belt h.s be-n at lumen wiui ins coat on, as it were, and i today he can be loinuUn the ileitis "and j While 'in the legMnture IMunkitt In feed lot Btiperintending Mi detail Ihe LtrodireJ tho bills that provided' for the affairs, of his mammoth tat....' II.s 1 -Nw York. tlie Har- ,. . , , , . , Ieiu river speedway, the nshington ss.en,otc.op,,otal.on, tugeHier will. , In.;af tfl 0 lQm nu.mml. and Fiffj- pitoticoot teetlnfg roughage nd grain I nftu tl0ot vhuhi. t. addltjous to the alid i etui mug the: imtiiuit to tho laixl. ihusieaultedin preltlly incensing ,he 1 . . . . . 1 'piod.ictiveness ot liisfaim. It is' by 7 Hit tlli4:llkl litioitlMiiuin t. r l.ttn rn ' " n'V raise lover a laif,'Q acreai.o a ytt-ld U upward 'of one hundred bushels pur acre. Coin itinzette, o I l . ,. " A wusturn Wflndor Then 'n Hill at Bowie, Tex., Flint's, twice as big ns l.iBf Near. Thiswomler blyman, county supervisor and alder 0 i i.i. ,.i i,.....,. i... .I., is li. Mill, who I'lotn a v, eight ol DO pounds ,wn to over 0. IIMorni. Siul ho l..a of hta rei-onl In sajs: "I Htilleied with n leinble coimh . nillng four public ulileo In one year and doctors gave tno ifp to tile of etui- ifiitL drawim: fliarles from throe of huurpttun. I wa.s leduL-etfto DO poumls 'when I began taking Or. Kind's Ni V Hiscovery tor consumption, coughs and0 ouldi. 0 Now, after inking 'Jt, Unities, I have more lhau doubh-d in WHighioa..d am completely uuiud " Onjyuie cough ami coldouio. (Juiiraiuud ny jdUll Bros, Dniugists.0 fifc ai.d 4i.W. ' I Triul!. 0 0 0 I HONESTJGRAFTER A Glimpse Into the Future of Mu nicipal Ownership. A Tbu .ib Nail Sketch of a "Practical Politician" Tho Profits of an All Around "Servant of tho Pcoplo, Who Cecil His Opportunities and Took 'Em." "Honest Kraft" will reach Its highest level when, as predicted by the en thusiasts, the principles of municipal ownership arc accepted by Now Yorlc ami the city controls the trolley linos, the electric light ami mis worhs and all tho ferries as well as tho water - works ami the police, the tiro and tho otreet departments. Then such patriots as George Wash ington l'luukltt, for many years or ganization loader of the Fifteenth (lis-' trlct In Now York, will roar rewards of greater magnitude than they have ever been able to gather under the present order of things. I'erhaps you have never heard about Mr. IMunkltt's "honest graft" .schemes. He told about them himself In a book published last year, which was Intro difcetl by a paragraph Indorsing him as a "vek'ran leader of the organization," signed by Its greatest chief. l'luukltt was sore because there were some objections to graft being made out'Of the city by men like him, ami In the first chapter of his book ho uttered a vigorous protest, "lilackiuallln' gam blers, saloon keepers, disorderly peo ple, etc.,',' he admitted to be wrong. That was "dishonest graft." "Hut," ho added, "there's an honest graft, and I'm an example of how It -works. I seen my opportunities anil I look eln." Ir. IMunkltt's explanation., of how ho did these things will Illuminate tho possibilities of future' municipal owner ship days, If they ever come." After elucidating the ways he was "tlpjied oil" at various timet by mem bers of his party the party In power when nt5w bridges, new .parks, new streets were to bo opened, so that he might invest In real estate likely to rise In price from the improvements oonteinpluted, ho tu'rls. "I haveiiteon; lined niysejf to land. Anything that pays Is In my lino." Then ho gives a specific instance: Learning that the city was about to repavo' a certain sTroot and. so Avowld have several hundrcl thousand olJl paving blocks to sell,, ho was "on hand ' i to Infy," and ho "knew just what they I'were worth." Hut a newspaper "tried to do him" and got some outside men from Brooklyn aiftl Now Jersey to bid . against him. Mr. IMunkltt's own A-ords toll li e story best: "Was I tlonoV Not. much. I went to each ,xt the men and said, 'Ilqw many. of those U."tf).000 stones do you 'want?'" Otio sa'id.2(XU()ii.' ,nnd uiuther wanted 1. ".000, and another wanted 10, 0(K). I said'. AU-rl-rht: let me bid for i the lot, and I'll, give each, of you all you want for nothin'.' "They agreed, of. course. Then Hie aucfloueor yelled, MIow much am 1 bid foV thee fine pavln' stones V ' 'j " 'Two dollars and fifty cents,' say I. ! ' " 'Two dollars ami . fifty cents!' .screamed th'o ar'.rjJwnecr. 'Oh, .that's a joke. Give mo a real bid.'- ' "He fduud. the bid was real enough., My-riyuls stood silent. ! got tho lot for Sl'.riU and gave tliem 'jhtMr snare. J nut s . how the attempt to do IMunkitt ontled, and that's how all Midi, attempts end. ft h ftat'jlli iwtiiiu' ' ii' bi tUt II 'rid if this -autherdle sta.enmnt of 'honJst gr.ifj's" worfiings. to enlarge upon the extended opportunities that would come 'to the men of tho IMunkitt stamp worts the. dream" .of 'municipal owner ship to come true. o IMunkitt says "most pnlitieians who are accused oM'obbln' the city get rich the same way", he did. "They dhlu't steal a dollar from the city. They just Keen their opportunities n!id took theui." Museum of Natural History and immy oUifcij important public luiprovemont. it., te Axv. .. ,.,iir.iiiitr( T'n.ti.i. iiift 110 1 ow l luilhonalie. I. ndei the proposal order of tilings, with city con-. triil of m-orrllilti", he iiilirlit lipmuiiii a iiUllonali-e. . t Uulkr municipal ownership of, nil .public utilities in New Ytti'k, and in 0 a most oilier cities" hi fact politicians like pimik!t'. dlfferimt ilms has been elected state senator, assein- man. J Ids fellow citizens, lH.sIde.s UiMltillK in mnll.ni1' I II f f rl iJ f 111 I k I'nil ilui them-uf the samp time, wo.uhl Jlourlsli Uku uvhoJo grove tr gftHn bay trecss. 8 Senator Sorglfum In Doubt, ur .r.. t1it,4. lliflt lltlin!llut I a rviiMl- ;vouU, oIfllllimtt..rr,.' . J ,'t Hm. not tjtilte sure," uuswered Soup "ator ortbuui. "whetner0 It-yvotMh! isllml- nat8 Itor simply ot-lghmte a i1bw-lrtnd." -Wartihr Str.V 0 0 . ,0 0 GOVERNMENT WAGES LOW. H. T. Nowcomb Qivon Facts of Inter est to Wntjo Earnors. Vvom ISfM to 100 1 tho average retail j cost of the ordinary articles of food used In tho United States advanced no j loss than 17 per cent (Ul.Otl, to be more I exact) that Is, tho purchaser of food for a family hud to pay ,$1.17 In 1004 for tho flame quantity and quality of food that .?L would purchase In 1S00. Tliono are official statistics compiled by tho highly skilled exports employed by the federal governinonl, ami every housewife knows that they do not over state' the advance. Other necessities of life have advanced in cost with ap proximately equal rapidity. Unquestionably wages ought, genet' ! al!y I'W'k,"K. to Imve advanced some what In proportion to the Increase In the cost. of living. In private employ ment this has apparently taken place, the average wages per hour reported by the federal bureau of labor being 7.'I0 per cent higher In 1001 than In 180(5 ami the average weekly earnings 1L7( percent higher. The advances thus represented lire spread all over the country; they charaeturlzo every pri vate industrial enterprise and have benefited all classes of workmen em ployed In private undertakings. I low Is ?t with public employi'ieut? A few undertakings conducted under public ownership employ labor like that similarly serving private employ ers In the same communities, and In these cases tho public rate of wages has slowly been advanced In proportion to tho advance In the wages privately paid. But where any American government, municipal, state or national. Is the sole or by far tho largest employer of n particular class of labor the advances to meet Increas ed cost of living have been so few that the ordinary Investigator will bo un able to discover a single Instance. Throughout the postal service, among the lir',000 clerical employees at Wash ington. In the customs and internal revenue services there have been no advances in pay to meet the rise in cost )f food, clothing and shelter. The pay of lett.-r curriers, for example, re mains precisely where It was fixed twenty years ago by an net approved on Jan. ::, 1SS7. Tho largest printing ofllcc In tho world Is that maintained at Washing ton by tho government, and thoro the federal government employs a largo force of Intelligent and highly skilled workiii'me.t. A .change In the basis of payment in 1800 from the piece work to fie per hour system prevents comparisons w'.th dates prior to the change, but avu:os have remained, sta tionary since March .'I. 1S00, although tho ofllcial statisticians report that tho ca-it of food has advanced since the rate of wares was ilxed by statute ful ly )'2.'2o per cent. Durln.'; the same ye::rs tho wu'os of printers In private book publishing or Job printing estab lishments advance.! throughout th United States as follows: Compositors, male, 11.(17 per cent; compositors, fe male, 'JU.30 pur cent; prt feeders, male, U'J.-ll per cent; press feeders, fe male, 21.fJ7 per cent; pressmen, 11.7." per cent. H. T. Nowcomb. DO YOU OWN A MORSE? Electric Light Plants Aro Like Horsca In Some Raspccit. The subject of depreciation is we'I worthy of the careful couslderat! :i of those who are prone to Ignore item In estimating the cost of light supplied by municipal plant'. But a i 11 k ow.n lm'v? .t!,:ni IW plants It may Ire helpful to consider depreclntfbn as applied to horses. , You pay $230 for a flve-ye-tr old horse. That's orlgltial cost. If you hot vqw the money you must pay lntere-t on It. If you don't borrow it you lo- the Interest you would xJl If you dh'n't buy Ure horn. Klther way it' intorei. You feed tho honge, and perhaps I:. re a man, to take ejjro of him. That's op. r ntlng i You get lUlm shod tehslonully anil cull In the veterlnntfi .n when ho li slei. That's renewals repairs After a few years, in spite of tho best of care,, the horse Is uoa longer capable of doing, tin, required work and 1 1 sold for 50. n loss of 200 a s , ' .u dipreclatio!i. If you haven't lnhfthit . 1 . ' .. n, ' ' , --' earnings, you've got to lmrrow It to buy a now horse, and you m.ny not" llnd Roe tsy to do so If yoli haven't re paid the original loan. That's what happoiis to municipal plants that don't provide an adequate, depreciation fund. e r " o A (VllruculoUG Curo The fnll.iwiitg statement bvMI M. Adximf aj'tl" wife llenr:o fa, I'a.. will i -lerest patt'ifts ?uul nthe-m t iiiitn iiculntl cute has taken phot) in our ( ,,,0",u ()"1' (1 0,M'1 i ytn's !ani wsas. pi i.iuwincUl ineurableao tt hen no lead iiuout hlfctrio bittwi.s, and umftlueil to trv it. BetPmfMlfti second liy'.tle 'aall taken we o notictfd a ohiingclor thtf better, lllld after0 trtkutg' 7 .tllH8 lie was Somtely tl " It , Jhe up to-date Dloril lyod milk) and j b-tflj' liultdrnu0 t.-nic. Guaranteed suu All at HllflJros drug stjJre.p Piles get quick relief from Dr. Slump's Mnglc Ointmont. Hemernlur it's tnmlu alone for Piles and It works with certainty and satisfaction, ltcbs lug, painful, protudlng, or blind piles disHppcar like magic by its use. Try it and eeol All donlers. Biojck' Buppllcs at Keellng'e. cycles repaired. Long Tonnossoo Fight Fur twenty years W. L. Haw's, of Hells, Tenn , fought nasal catarrh. Ho wiitca: "The swelling and soreness in , side my nose was fearful, till 1 began applying HucUlen's Arnica Salvo to the sore surface: this canned thesoronuss and swolllng to disappear, never to return." Best salvo in existence. 25o at Hill Bros, druglsta. W. W. FKAZIER, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Nemaha, Nebr. All culls promptly uttondoa Phono i! STULL flt HAWXBY ATTORNEYS LAW. KICAI. IChTA'I'IC,! COI.MiCTIOAN OHtot'M over PoMtofilon Kttllilln, itl H I llllli iNlltl'H lllll Htllllll, A UBUltN NEBRASKA J. XC. Oi otliex- in the MRS. HILL BUILDING Shoo Rcrairin? Harness Repairing Hand Made Harness a Specialty If you l:ke coffee but dare not drink tt. trv Hr Slump's Hrtiilth Ctdl'ee. It is true that real coffee does disturb the sioinach, neart and kidneys. But Dr. Slump's Ilfiilll) Cofft-H has not n grain of line collt-K in it. Being made from pat -hed t"in, melt etc., it forms it vholenomi' foi'dtke drink jet having thotruo tlivor uf Old Java or Moclin e ff. - 'Made in a minute." Call at fir Hti i" fin a life H.titiple bonl by (1 The Youth's Companion FOR E, V E R Y MEMBER. OF THE FAMILY IIK volume for 1907 will give for $1.75 an amount of good reading equivalent to twenty 40o-page books history, fiction, science, biography arid miscellany costitig ordinarily $1.50 each. Sample Copies of The Youth's Companion and Announcement for 1907 will be sent to any address free. Every New Subscriber who cuts out and sends this slip at once with name and address and St. 75 will receive s F R. E E All the Issues ot Tho Companion tor the remaintne veek3 of 1906. Thankseiv iug, Christmas ana New Year's Iicuble Numbers. The Companion's Four-Leaf Hangins Calendar (or 1907 in n colors and gold, and The Companion (or the 53 weeks o( 1907 a library o( the best reading (or eve?y member o( the f&mily, gig 20Q " and tunny other special hctiXMM TllF-Voirni'S rnMPNinv nn;Tn mq; 1UE YOirr" S LMPANI0N' 0ST0N' ASS 1 tvsubscrlpUoas received at-.tlils office.