N KMI MA AlJVI RTIS'Ek W. W. SANDERS, PunufiMcn Nemaha, Nebraska OlIMlC ("Jllim I llOVel' I'clt Hf lllll'll hurt In till my li.fc. 'I'lml wude Mis.) W-ososnld my llHtliiiiIlii'jl family wore only social climber Mlrw Tabasco-' oh. cheer tip, (Jnss'u It might, have been worse. Gusslo it nun Wow? I low could it lutvo been worsoV Miss Tii'biiwto Why, she might have Bald I hoy wore porch climbers. WfllllllllM It iMiC II. II liii And did you rend, my pooin?r 1 Iit-- Xo, dear. 1 1 1 in for me I ler Lcttdor, Oh : And I thought von cared '"lint's ihe-'iiiiHwciv-tMovelaiMl Vol Knouuli I'nr Tii. (.'hmi -They say TohmIo TyijcllcUoY In going to marry young Suplolgh. Maude- 1 don't hcllevc It. Wh., her salary Ik only J?S a week. ' m o I nipiirdint I'ni'l. "Ah," sighed' the rich old wtdowor. "I would willingly die Vor you." "How soon 7" queried the prcttj hut practical maid. . A aVi'ivuO v l.lIIn'tluii. "You didn't attend .Mrs. Tneklngton's big parly." "No," answered Miss Cayenne. "That In oik; of the occasions cinicornlng which I prefer to he mentioned anions those absent." Washington Star. Mrll'-ICvlileiH. "Do you know why a messenger hoy never has any chance of becoming p'res JdentV" "No. Why?" "I'ceniiKo he never could brijig him noli' to run for nlUco.- -Baltimore Amer luan. ' Wnni-Oii t IMilliiHopli'. "You must not think so much ot good looks, my dear. Meanly is only skin deep, you know." "That's all right, hut the girl with beauty has got all the other girls skin tied to death.!' Maltimore American. '1'lu- Autoorul. c First Tenant Hear the good news? Hoeond Tenant -No; what? First Tenant Thp'Jnnltor Is going to grant us a constitution. I'm;!;. TVol ('tin vlnccil. . .Mrs. Nuggs So you have moved to Wank, street. Is the neighborhood re sped'able? Mrs. .luggs Why, I live there. Mrs.'Nugg8--Oh,woll. you needn't an ewer my question If you don't wan) to." I OIxwIiik OriU-i'H. , "Ilenvcns, Gvorgo, what are yoif do ing?" "You told nie to '.stop walking on .the Moor with my shoes. What else Van I do?" Ilniicf ill. "Dls" Is a bottle o' mustard 1 swiped" nt de grocery," said the optimistic hobo. ' "Dat nln't no goodt" snorted the ofh or. "Wo on n't. eat mustnrd." "No; hut mebbe some kind hearteO lady seelt)' Ave got do mustard will glv! us de ham san'wiches."- Philadelphia Press. , F It rid Ktimi. "Isn't that one of the rjch huslnes-j men of the country?" . ' "Oil, he's rich enough, buj he's, no body in particular. Why. there hasn't been any gossip about Indicting hlnr."-2-Baltimore American. DllNllIlm llOlliailLM. it , il lo (sen.Jlinenta'lly) The eyes, you know, are. the windows of the soul. -. SJje,, (tllppnntly) 1, suppose that. ac counts for their frequent glassy stare - BnUltnpro American. !M tt iK'iitliiK' O i re u 111 Nt 11 11 oon. 'Mrs. llonier I see'yott have been granted a divorce. I'tnso sorry $ouf nutrrliiKP did not turn out well. .Mrs. Oaylord Hut It did. .Mrs. Homer I boj; jmrdon, but" Mrs. fSayloi't I 'not ifll.OOO a yea alimony. Isn't that well enough? Impertinent, l'olleo Magistrate You accuse tin orlsoner of stealing your watch, I bo- llevoV PlalntlfT Yes. 'your Honor. .l'ollce MjiKj.strate y the way, what Is your oceuiiatlonV Plaintiff I'm a "lawyer. Police Matrlstrate Huh ! Whom did you steal lite watch from? IilMIK-XVIIlfitfO.- "Tlrcsonie talker, isn't, he?" "Yes ; reinindi me of a woman sharp, nilng 'n. pencil." "Sets your nerves on edge, eh?'' "Well, II takes him so long to get to the point." - Philadelphia Public U'dgor. MUSCULAR M RT EM T 8 1 The Old-Monk-Curc will straighten out a contracted muscle In a jiffy. Don't play possum with pain, but tend3 strictly to business. Price 25c and 50c E52S5SKB After washing Jace curtains Jay a bliCnket on the lloor 'some empty room; spread tin; curtains on the blanket, stretching them carefully, and they will keep their place with out any fastening until dried. An ("xot'lloiit. elenner for .guitars, violins, etc, i'g made of one-third yioli of' linseed oil, turpentine, and water. These shaken together in u liottle form an emulsion or cream. Ituh.the instrument with a cloth iJamp"ened in the cream. Wipe dry and polish with a wo.ilen cloth: TEN YEARS OF PAIN. l.'imhlo tn Ho ISvvn Ilott.uMVorlc Ilc- caiiwi of lililnoy 'l'ronlhi. Mrs. Margaret Kmmorieh, ot Clinton' si root, Napoleon, "Ohio, says: 0"Kor tlfteon years I was a great sufferer from k dnev troubles. Mv buck nninoil ni terribly. Every turn or move caused sharp, j iIIWf I 111 J'lllIIC 'J tilti-iski Itirr rintitt lu r- dark spots appeared" . i ... . ,.. V,ljl 1 llt.l dizzy spells. For ten years 1 could not do housework, and for two yttars did not get out of the house. The kidney se cretions wore irregular, and doctor.1 were not helping mo. Doan's. Kidney .Pills brought me quick relief, and final ly cured me. They saved my. life." Sold by nil dealers. HO cents a box. Fostor-Mllburn Co., Muffulo. N. Y. . L. DOUGLAS '3.50&3.00 Shoes REST IN THE1 WORLD tf,LD3URlas$4Gllt Edgo lino, iannotbo oquallod atany price . C'JilltlriMi'H Millies; fur t t.vtn, Uti uml wear tlioy 'xell ottiiir ltmlcct. If I could take 'you Into nny large factories Brockton, Mass., and. show you how carefully W.L. Douglas $ltnts nre made, you would then understand 4t ''.I. hnn... fit llMtM. wear lontter. and aro o greater value Afar M Wherever yon live, yon can tihtnin W. L. DoukIu utincs. Jifi unmectUHt price li (ttnmucu on the bottom, widen ptn'.ccls joti npnlimt prices ami Interior shoes. Taftf no suhitC' tutr. " Ask vour denier for y. L. Douclas 8li(es ond inslst iipou trnvluc ttiein. Fast Color Cucloti isei; ti7 will not urnr nrmy. Write for Illustrated Catnloirof Pull Styles. WtL nOUULAS. Dent. 14. Urocktun, Mos. CURES CONSTIPATION Relief that comes from the use of pills 'of other cathartics Is better than suliertng trpm tne results ot constipation, but rcjiet and euro combined may bo mm tic tne name price and more promptly for Lane's Family Medicine Is a euro for constipation, nnd the headache, backache,, sidcacho and general .debility that. come" from constipation atop when tlie bowels do their proper work. Sold by nil dealers at 35c. and 50c. Ha ABB R tr H Una Dwa Bun 6 i3 W I ST. JACOBS mv Miib Ilousu is ilio most I PSy vj 1 ' I complelu In thM country It t'" .( -.V oJI 1 I . titnd for Catalog 1 bpt" p' I ' i mm f Wmi i SHOES FOR EVERYBODY AT ALL I'RICES. aVay f mm" the funenrif of Tropoff. his ETChwnM "ifaltliful servant. ami urotector. out of Mi !-fllU. for Utf. inu-rlte of, life 'own htdK tore Ffot, usa TOPICS OV TJiE TIMES. A CHOICE SELECTION OF INTER- ESTING ITEMS. Comments it rid Crlt IcImiiih Hnscd Upon the lltippciiluuH ol tho liny IHh torlent iiiid iuVH Notch. Alcohol Is widely u.ed as a solvent, thoifgh it makes many .people Insolvent. ion win never uwuiui-u mini iim: . it .. i nature until you permit him to owe you money A chit rit aide "man gives according to ids moans, and a miser gives according, to his meanness. Some men are. born famous, some men achieve fume and some become hand-' ome coachmen. The people of Porto Hieo ought to ! glad that their Island came in so" naiidy as a naval station. ft lias boon found thfit alcohol may ho manufactured from corncobs. Now watch out for adulterated corncolw. An Ann "Arbor student was hazed tvllh paste. The incident will stick as another proof of student foolishness. When a bank falls In China, they Jut off the heads of the ofllclals. They nrvoti't had any bank failure there in .wont year. The average Cuban would doubtless favor annexation if lie could be assured' :hat it would give him ir Job with 'little ;o do but draw his salary. Metry' (JroHi has moved away from Hollows .Falls because her taxes were raised several. dollars. Pt'rhaps it does hot cost Mrs. Green much to move. The .St,, Louis (.1 lobe-Democrat ro tnarks that it is bolter to be fnt than President. Our only ox-Presldeut, how ever, lcnowshov much better still It is to be both. New York now has an" apartment hotiso for the exclusive, 1140 of families in which there are Inauy children. It 'oiighl ln0all fairiHMs to bo called The Uoosevelt. 0 During the month of September the 'public debt was reduced tflli.OOU.Oiti Fncle Sam must be getting his grocer ies cheaper than the rest of il, are cget. ting ours. ' - -.- . .1. L. Toole,, the 'Hngllsh comedian., left a fortnntof .flOO.dOO and Joseph 3offorsoifdiod a rich man. The only torlous objection to being1 a comedian Is'that It is so djllicult. U is lntwtfsttng to learn that Mrs. '"assle Chailvlcl --ueiiieinlter herV has decidfill3 to give up lni- light for 0"jus tlce." The dose of It she got was wholly Inadequate, but it" ought to have natlstled her. o 0 , A dog has succeeded hi swimming the English 'ClnfnJiol. II. Is Moo bad t'hat it 1 had to he a dog, but the benefHto sci ence and to civilization will be about ( the .same aso If the" feat had been uc wniplislied by a man. Japan is reported to havesCauountHl Its decision to hold In the hoar future an International exhibition.. Tlu5ro have also 17een reports of" a profxised I falls at l'nrooloua, Spain. The .fames'. 1 town exhibition of 11)07 will hardly bo an old story before another groat" fair Is opened in some part of the world. o O . . O 0 O a One vlrtu6ols exacted of all kings thuy niust be physically courageous or they cannot long 0woar the crpwn. A klug who Is y cur ls an lucongruify. When Nicholas of llussiif remained the cfineeleii the hist claim 'he may have ,li:ui tipon uie worty s wsjtect. '.no cow-, tu'd can wield thc.seepter. 0 t , l-BeMlH? HUH UX 1-ieiU'l.lFl ' elM-rJiiwut on a lartf. seale was per formed at trie" battletleld of Mukden. Several sanitary olltfet's,cwith tjood sur gical training beluyoiuvjut, out of 100 soltllers wounded In the abilothcn llfty. ! uere operated uixm- by0 laparotomy, the I llfty others left alone. the only treat 1 inentJconslstIntr' In absolute rostotind In hceeplnj: the Pxlernal wound opening ; clean. (f the (Iffy soldiers operated j upon forty died, of the non-operated , forty survived. 'Jvhls .striking result ttv I dlcaietl the manner of treatment of nb Idomlnnl wounds throughout the fwhole war. Laparotoiuy5 on pr fu the, rear Of the battletleld was afterward luu'djy ever performed, bin. strict care wtis tak en IhaX all soldiers wounded in the ab domen had absolute rest .for the llfst three days. " 0 , The revenue cutter "service hns de cided to construct it steamship for tlfe special, purpose of cruising for and de stroying .derelicts and, other dlonUiiK dangers' to navigation. The proposed ship Is to btivp a (Tlsiilacenient' of .11200 tons and a cruising rnnge under a speoil of twelve 'knots in ordinary weiitlifr of 4,000 knots. She Js to be equipped with n wireless telegraph out 1 fit, searchlights and u storage room of ( the most modem design for the storage ! of explosives to be used In blowing up j wrecks. Tudor thos?.- Hrcumstances, If the cruising grounds of this proposed 1 ship are in the Atlantic, not greatly re- j moved from the main routes between j Kttrope and America, It may ho possible ' for steamers supplied with wireless fob j ouranh svsUmiis to liiimfilL-id-Iv lmfliv " the wreck-destroyer of nny derelict -which they might wieet. giving with the notlllcatlon Its location In latitude ! and longitude, so that it may be speed- j lly Icoked un and dest roved. I i Under the ordinary conditions of 'modern driving life it takes a lot ot energy and constant effort to hold one's own. Even the abie bodied feel thU If one is crippled or handicapped il any way It is often a serious problem how to live. A dwarf who was arrest ed for stealing declared that he had tt steal, or starve. "A dwarf hasn't il chance as long as he's honest. Put il lie wants -to lie a thief he has the btd chance In the world. There are men iu clilengo the year round looking fot dwarfs to assist them In their work."' The context indicates- that the . work consists of robbing stores by -pushing j the dwarf through the transoms. In a way these utterances of the misshapen youth are a rellectlon uimiii our civili.a- ( Hon. The ancients solved the' problem by exposing to death nil children win gave any evidence of being weaklings. Modern thought is repulled by such : suggestion as well as by the argument of some advanced persons that the do, pendents should be put to death as tin) cheapest and on the whole host solution of the situation, lint while such opin ions find no favor with the majority it is undoubtedly true that a persois who has anything abnormal in his phy; steal makeup has a hard time of it in i Jife. . The giant and the dwarf are in the same class. Nobody cares much about having them around. Some poo pie cannot endure the sight of the crip pled, even when "their heaiUs are moved by storks of misfortune. It simply irri tales them to see the evidence of suffer fifg. Put opposed to that is the almost pathetic remark of the dw xwxu "if .r be ask(Ht til wasn't sftiall I would not be help in stealing. I'd get a man's job and a man's wages, and I'd live on thd siin!in. itv t, t.riMW;itci i!irniicf. 1 ,.- . T 1 wbih that 1 had your chance." Is used lu congratulation, hi reproof, or in half envy. It only omphasl7.es tin; tlunighf that there are many people in thil would who" really never have much of any chance-. Such beings are found by the liundreds In every itirgo city. Th lack of chance may be due to prejudice or it may Je the result of environment. The raising of tigs from thistles 'pre1 scuts .dllliuulttes usually regarded as impracticable oS solution. The making of men add women out of children rais ed uiyler certain conditions Is just at Impossible. It follow,-; as- a necessary conclusion, therefore, that judgmoubi mjist. be tempered when individual oases' are considered. The conditions L suggested certainly exist in modern so ciety. They are being ameliorated niori! srful more thrimgh a thousand helpful agencies.. TheJdeal situation would bo one elu which every boy. and girl had equal eluuico with .flyery "other. That" would be a genuine democratic society. Pub we have not reached that state.yet, and there sttll "must be thought and a little of pity for the one who really has no chance at ajl In competition wltU those wlio are normal oIn physique, strong and healthy, and who perhaps do not oalways realize whut such uj equipment jnoans to them in the battla of life. The I'll nIi JIu Noeilfd. "Wheti, 1 was a llttlo fellow I waa Inclined to wait to be coaxed," relates a fearncd-tind successful man In an ex change. T remember sitting beside tho brook one day while the older children were building a dam. They, were wailing, carrying stones, splashing thu inud and shouting orders, but none ot them j laying any attention to nuv,o I fiigan to fts'l abused and lotfely, nd was llihhoring over nfy neglected cou dltion when Aunt Sally camt down thd road: . 'What's0 tne matter, sonny V Why nln't you pi try In with tlje rost?'o 0 ' 'They don't want me,' I said, 'dig ging my lists info my eyes. .'They nev er ask me to come.' " 0 "I "eSpected" sympathy, but she gavo me an lmpatlont shake and push. "'Is that "all, you little nluiiy?' Nobody wa1itso folks that'll sit "around on a bank, and wait to be asked, she cried. 'Run aloug with thG rest," and make yourself wanted.' r"Thnt shako and push did the work. lteforo I had time o recover from my Indignant surprise 1 was In the mlddlo of the sf renin, and soon was as busy aa the others. Hut for that' shake and push I might be neglected nnd waiting to this" day. It's the people who'll help push Instead of "waiting to be pushed that, make the worthwhile eltlzens." St. I.ouis Republic. In looking yourself over, here is a good' thing to remember: Iu all reason ablo probability, you do not know much, therefore be careful In coming to coti elusions. i m ervon Waladies, but pet rid of the dis- mease wnicn is tne cause or fe most of woman's nervousness, vi2 female trouble. I was very nervous," writes Mrs. I mT. L. Jones, of Gallatin, I M Tenn., "and suffered six years I with every disease peculiar to K my sex, I had headache, backache, and acute female j inflammation. I took three bottles of Cardui and it cured me I gained 35 pounds in weight. I tell my husband that Best West 'I lit- trstimony of (t iit of thousands ilurins the pnst ycir is Umt the C an Lilian West Is the brsl West. car by yc.r the agricultural return liiivejnc-ip.vr l in volunu- and in value, and still tlic CanadiiiiM lovtrnmcnt olftrs 160 acr -s free to everv bona htlc settler. Some1 oS the Advantages Tim phenompiial increase in railway miiirage main lines and branches-has put almost every portion of the country within, easy reach ol churches, schools, markets, cheap fuel and every modem convenience. The NINETY MILLION BUSHEL WHEAT CROP of this year means 560,000,000 (o tho farmers of Western Canada, apart ftoin the results of other grains and cattle. For advice and inlormation addrcsa tha superintendent ot Immigration. Ottawa, Canada, pr the authorized Canadian Government nKent, W. I), cott, Superintendent ol Immigration, Ottawa; Canada, or V. Dennett. Sot New York Life HuildiiiKOiiiaha, Neb , Authorired GovtTn mciit Artcnts. , IMo co m r uhro you tvt t ''Is ft'lTr' i"nrnl (A Positive CURE ElyVOtoainBalSM t.. is quickly absorbed Gives Relict at Once I tt" clear scs, soothes Ileitis and protects tho disca3eu inem- bmne. It euros Cn- liirrh and dvivos away ft Cold iu tho Head quickly. Ho- stores tho Ponaes of 1 d'asto and Smell. Full size DOcts., tit Drupe gists or by mail ; Trial Size 10 eta. by mail. Cl..l.l...--o KI!V,n., OtnNl- VmtiVnrV WE B STER'S IC X JL Oifdi X NO OTHER CMRSGTr.lASCiFTl wUUooflenbeariminilerotlhe elver. Useful. jaPtactical.Attraetivc.Las.ttnrr.Hchallc.ropul.u.'jl r" U.jmplete, octecttlic, up l o uaie aim Autntirita- .. L-.i...?. 1-1.1.1 w T 11...,. m.11 I M ikttimib, bUtUJl III V..IIVI jtwin, 1 tl.w., I IS I:L.D., U.S. Comr, of Kdn. Hiqiiest Awards ail tne at. Iouis aim inc rortlanti L.xpi.Kitun3. IS IT NOT THE BEST GIFT YOU CAtl bELECTP. WrlnSTI.U'a CuLl.Ku.A Ik i A k'NAI'.Y.N Largeili ffjtatir. !(,'nuifli. l'fijuljr lir.'l 1 ,m t';;r e:litUui. i no ij-'e. nnd iim DLnr-.tnAi. IS; Wnto lor "Jlftc Story ol a I'.ooW ' uepcu - v Wi.st;i" Ulctlonurj. It ls"tho t'onsccvatlsm backeiL by tho pchohtrshlp of tht edUor-ln-chler, Vlll iam T. Iltiruis, Plu !., LL. D , lata United Stipes Commissioner of Edu cation, and hundreds of others of tlio greatest educators of this audootlier, natldns wlilch has nuide the Webster , International Dictionary the standard In .the United .States Supreme Court and qll the State Supreme Courts, also the sthttflard of the Oovernuient Print Ing Office, and the hnsls of nearly all the Rchoolbooks In the country. Onr readers should write for "Thn .Story of a Book." Department C, G- A C. Mcrrlam, Sprlticflold. Mass. Keep Jtn Good HeuKh, There are many-thousands of people all over the world who can 'attribute their good health to taking one or two Brand reth'fl Pills every night. These pill cleanse the stomach nnd bowels, stimulate the kidneys nud liver and purify the blood. They are tho same fine laxative tonic your grandparents used, and being purol Vegetable they arc adapted to children and old people, as wtll as to those in tho vigor ot mannooa ami woraanjiooa, Branrtreth's PilU have been in uie tor over a century and are for sale eerv- yhere, either plain or surar-Mated WIWC U a B?& M U B 0 of iMniiin h'Ji im hM mruf in h'i ini m m 1 WOMAN'S RELIEF H a was worth its weight in gold S A to mc, and I recommend it to ffl M At all DnifjgistS'