VOL. LI NO. 27 NEMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, NOV. 30, 1906 W, W 9JJYJKK.V, ruhlhhtr SifiiertpHen, A'l nr In nHrnne THANKSGIVING is past and CHRISTMAS , is near at hand. We have suitable for every member of the family, and in quality and prices to suit all. It will give us pleas ure to show you our line. EARLE GILBERT NEMAHA, NEBRASKA i t $ If you want to sec a fine lino of leather novelties, post cards, etc., call at the postoffice bookstore. P. G. Swan has bought a quar ter section of land in Dundy county. He says he is tired of paying so much rent, and wants to get in a home of his own. W. W Liebhart shipped six white Plymouth Rock chickens to Hon. T. J. Majors a few days ago, and six White Rocks and one Barred to a party in Eagle. The members of Class No. 8 of the Methodist Sunday school desire us to return thanks to those who assisted so liberally at the social Saturday night, both with contributions and patron age. Mrs, John B, Stiers says she has fine chickens, too. She has the white Wyandottcs and thinks they are the best as "vrell as the handsomest she ever had. They are beauties and she gets lots of eggs from them. Mrs. THEO. HILL Still ba3 a Quo selection of New and Desirable Millinery Gall soon for f " Ffof orain s in Hats- Ribbons.Notions You will be pleased with goods and prices. Mrs. Julia Frazier Auburn Saturday. returned to Mrs. M. A. Curtis from Peru Monday. returned See R. B. Bucher for best soft coal. Car just received. Miss Maud White went to Peru Tuesday to work for Dr. Cap Reed. Buy your candy, books and stationery at the postoffice book store. John and Ed White took about 000 pounds of fish over to Stella Tuesday. See those handsome boxes of fine stationery at the postoffice bookstore just received. Harry Williams of Shubert came to Nemaha Saturday on a visit to his uncle, Joe Titus. A drizzling rain fell all day Sunday, beginning early in the morning and lasting until late at night. Mrs. A. A. Minick to Brown ville Monday after a few days' visit with her friend, Mrs- F. L. Woodward. We were mistaken last week in saying Miss Pearl Burns had resigned as superintendent of the Christian Sunday school, as she is still acting in that capacity. Edwards & Bradford Lbr. Co. have jnst received a complete line of Ranges, Cook Stoves, Base Burners, Coal Stoves, Wood Stoves, and everything in the way of stoves. Miss Pearl Seid returned home Saturday after a visit of several days with friends and relatives at Auburn. Mrs. McDougal, living between Humboldt and Stella, came to Nemaha last Friday on a visit to her sister, Mrs. Walter Hadlock. n T-v i ml miss .reari xnompson is now stopping at Auburn, where she is taking music leosons. She ex pects to remain most of the win ter. Mrs. W. H. Hoover started for New York City Monday, where she expects to spend the winter with her daughter, Miss Marie Hoover. John Clark is having a large cattle barn built on his farm south of town. The barn is 26x50 feet. Sylvester Yates is doing the work. Will Hacker has bought a half section of land in Dundy county, near the Colorado line. He will move out there in the spring; and quit paying rent. Hans Kruse of Calgary, Alber a, Canada, field man for the Canadian Pacific Railway Irriga tion Col. Dep., was in Nemaha the first of the week, the guest of C. H. Kindig, helping the latter praise the Canadian lands. Social A dime social will be given at the home of Rufus Rowen Satur day nitrht, for the benefit of the Christian Sunday school. Pie, cake, sandwiches, pickles and coffee will be served. Every body is invited. Rev. G. W. Ayers informs us that he will begin a protracted meeting in Nemaha immediately after the holidays. He has ar ranged with Rev. Prescott, a conference evangelist of much ability and an earnest, conse crated man, to assist him at that time. Rev. A. Jacobs and wife, who conducted a revival meeting in Nemaha a year ago last summer, arrived in Nemaha last Saturday and are guests of A. R. McCand- less and family. Rev, Jacobs is not well and his wife has been sick for several months, but is now some better. Our people were pleased to meet them again. 5 Grocery Specials 25 cont can K. C. baking powder - 19c 5 cent bottlo liqnid bluing - - - 08c 135 cont package Crescent oatmeal - - 21c 15 cont can gooseberries - - - 12c Clothes Pins, per dozen I cent Navy Beans, 7 lbs. for 25c 10 cont can pumpkin 08c 5 boxes Bird's Eye Matches 19c To make room for our Christmas goods wc wish to get rid ot the range given with White Clover Baking Powder. To do this we will sell you a can of this baking powder for the special prioc of 20 cents per can for Sat urday only. These Specials are for Saturday, Dec. 1,5! oniy, uo not expect mem belore or after that date. Ml MS 3k - 3 i c5 gd -a Phone 20 D3 JNO. W. RITOHEY NEMAHA, NEBK.$ i-M ffi Burnt leather 5 cents at the store. postcards only nostofiico book Did you see those dollar; watches at Reeling's ? They'ro all rijht. I DR, A. MATTHEWS The Omaha Painless Dentist WILL BE AT Brownrille every Monday At Nemaha Tuesday, Wednesday Tkursday, Friday and Saturoy of eaoh week mntil January 1. Office at Mrs. W. H. Hooyi-'s residence, Nemaha, Nebr. ..; From one of the St. Louis papers we clip the following from the Jefferson Barracks items: "Corp. Richard Scott, 19th recruit company, has been pro moted to the grade of sergeant in his company." Richard, who enlisted only seven months ago, is a Nemaha boy, and his friends here are pleased to hear of his advance ment. T The contractor is having a hard time getting the bridge in at the Webber farm. Several times the dirt has slid down the side of the bank and pushed the heavy rock in the bed of the stream, so the work has to commence again. The last time they had got the stone on the sides up high enough to commence arching over, when the slide pushed in one wall crushing the arch timbers and taking the derrick in the stream. We were greatly pleased Sat urday night at the manner in which the members of Mrs. Earle Gilbert's Sunday school class assisted in the work of waiting on table, washing dishes, entertaining the guests, etc. These young people certainly did well and their teacher is deserv edly proud of them. The gross proceeds of the social were $22. 15 and the net proceeds $18.25, and has been turned into the parson age fund. Rev. A. Jacobs will preach at tho Methodist church noxt Sun day night. Low Roach and wifo came down from Nebraska City Tues day to attend tho funeral of tl e latter 's grandmother, Mrs, D M, Colerick. Thoy rotumed in the afternoon. v Little Kathryn Millicent Croth er was 2 years old on Saturday, Nov. 24. Some of her little girl friends were invited to a birth day dinner which the mamma prepared. Millicent was pre sented with a number of nice presents, some of them being sent to her from Auburn. One Good I nvesiment worth a JifoLimo of labor. Got a farm in tho famous Alberta country, good soil, good grass, good water, good markets, line climate. $400 makes the first payment on 100 acres of land, one crop pays for tho land. Go now. Buy now. Freo sleeper, cheap rates, stopovers on re turn. Wo go every Monday. Write us. Farms of all kinds and sizes in Nemaha county and in all parts of Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado, Missouri, Iowa, and Dakotas. We have just what you want, see us. KINDIG & PEABODY, Nemaha, Nebr. SOUVENIR POST CARDS A large line of Norelties just re ceived at tke Postoffice Book Store Also Burnt Leather and Burnt Wood Novelties. Call and See Them 4- -.