The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, November 16, 1906, Image 2

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    Nemaha Advertiser
Nemaha, Nebraska
What Do Thoy Cure 't
Tiw ivlh)vn iiuosllori Is often asked con
wmilng Dr. Pierce's wo lending iicdl
tIwm, "Golden Medical Discovery" and
'Pnvorlto Prescription."
The answer U thi.t "Golden Mori leal
Discovery " la a most potent alterative or
Mwid-purllier, and tonic or Invlgoratnr
and iieui especially favorably In a eu ra
il vu way upon all tho mucous lining .stir
Jmiw, as of llin nasal pa-stipes, throat.
Irouclilal tubes, stomach, IkiwcIs and
blntlderr curing u lare per cent, of catar
rhal caVns whether 4lm disease nITocts tho
navtl peaces, tho tnvnat, larynx, bron
chia, stomaclHas eatofNtar dyapcpla),
uowcls (as tnu.oiiaWirixJiTTO. Ladder.
ntcrus or other ilolvlc orufrtr? Even In
Lgyiirc".sful In affect-
tpn " IS ndylspft
i.iassoi oimmiscs i noni
Uy-ghrrmh; on.
Jorlhn cure ill fin
IgjfiUli? il wnujjjiSST "fli'VlTTitfPTnlni ts amf
trn-ituII7lU' icMrrriTiTTTTriTrV. Tt
U iv. powerful yet gently acting mviKorat
Jog tonic and nervine. For weak worn
vau, over-worked women - no niattr what
fcn caused tho break-down, "Favorite
'rwrlptlon "will ho found mos-teiroctlvn
1n building ti the strength, regulating
JLi? womanly functions, subduing palu
inl bringing about u healthy, vigorous
CTndltlon of tho whole system.
A tnKilr of particulars raps each Ixittlo
jrlr f rtpc tho forinuhoof both medicines and
uoting what scores of eminent, ined
kail authors, whoso works are consulted
'lijr physicians of all thohchoolsof practice
n rnldos in prescribing, say of each In
jtrrciflvut entering Into these medicines.
Tho words of praise bestowed on tho
revoral Ingredients entering Ihto Doctor
Phircn'a medicines hy such writers should
itavu more weight ihau any amount of
nun - professional testimonials, because
3udi mon are writing for the guidance of
their medical brethren and know whereof
luey speak.
II0M1 medicines nro non-alcoholic, non
Accrot, and contain no harmful habit
iormlng drugs, being composed of glyceric
nucuclKof the roots of native, American
.nudftrlnal forest plants They are both
sold by dealers In medicine. You can't
afford to accept us a Hiilxtltuto for one of
these medlclnns of known composition,
ny secret nostrum,
fir. I'lerco's Pellets, small, sugar-coated,
my to take as candy, rcgulato and In
Wgoruta stomach, liver and bowels.
"When you buy an
Tts the easiest and
only weyy to get
Ihc best
Sold everywhere
i ii iii x i n
3.50 &530 Shoes
W.LUoudas$4 Gilt Edgo lino
amDtuo equalled alanyptlco
flTib Muni ttealz-rt
IV, l Iluuulu' .loll-
1 br fi
iiousn m urn innut ii rr "'- vi i
1 tendor Uataloa ifift f j
III AfllT Villi I'M.
.Smith- -Whet! (ireeti wiih courting
lint .rmiiiK widow a couple of yearH
ngo he deehired he couldn't live with
jut lni.
.Join And did he iiiiiit.v herV
Smith - Yea; mid now he l trying to
jet u dlvorr-e on the Ki''uinfi that it's
uiposfdble to live with her.
TIiiic for l)iHiiiHiirlnu'.
ft was If) :.'!() by the cuckoo clock.
"Father," sulil the dear lrl,"iised to
ije a enick football player."
"I or fjiions I'd belter be Kolng."
rejoined the young man. "Mo'h rather
near-sighted. I belliive, and might mis
lake nio lor the hall."
Byspepsiajrf Women
Cauow by Fcmnlo Disorders aRd Cured by
Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
A gTryit many women sufTer with a
form of IndltfesUou or dyspepsia which
docs not Hccm toylcld toonllnury treat
ment. Willie the .symptoms 4cem to be
fcimllar to those of ordlnury indlpe.s
tlon,yot tho medicines universally pre
Rcribcd lt not miciii to restore tlie pa
tlent'n normal condition.
ClMTOOl A ( IIIIINItlll'l-l'.
"I this place highly correct In Its at
mosphere?" "Couldn't bo more ho. Why. even the
fogH are seldom dissipated." Haltlmore
I'rojiiT I'arly.
"And now," said the young man who 1
loved and won, "I suppose It's up to me
to ask your father."
'lOh. that Isn't necessary," replied t In
only girl; "Just, put on u bold front and
seek an Interview with mother."
"The opinions of most people-." re
marked tho morallzer, "depend on (lie
point of view."
Tlml's right," rejoined the demor
alizer. "They usually say one thing to
your face ami another behind your
"Your l'rleiul prides himself on being
very candid."
"Yes. lint a very candid friend Is
Komotlinos like an alarm clock. You
know his announcements are for your
good, but you don't like them."
Washington Star.
Little Willie Sny, pa, what Is i tau
tological term?
l'a -It Is u repetition of tho sumo
meaning In different words, my son
like "mysterious hash," for example.
Willing to OI.Iluc
lack Will you bo my wife?
Iris -Impossible; I'm pledged to an
other. Jack r.lvo me the ticket and I'll re
deem you.
Ono Wonum' Wny.
"Yes," she said, "I made him ac
knowledge the corn."
"How?" queried her friend.
"I 'Tipped on It," she explained.
Smith - l broke ell' a tooth yesterday,
but 1 don't see how 1 did It.
Dentist Of course you can't. It was
your eyetooth.
Vtn' fihonii. $8 to Cl.OO. Mnya' Dhoen, $3
UiSlJiO. Women's Hlioea. 4.00 to $l.SO.
Uisiviu & Ohtldron'a Hhaoe, $2.23 to $1,00.
Tri- 1V I)oui;lf IVouii'n'ii, AlUxm ami
ijhlltlrim'u rIkxih; far to, tit nnd nciiv
tlioy oxi'l atlim- niuUo'i.
1! J could tako you Into my large
factories t Brockton, Mass., nnd show I
jryaltow carefully W.L.. UouKinrtflliow
lire made, you would then uiulerstnud
why they hold their shape, fit better,
-?7car longer, and arc 0 greater value
'Chain "any other male
UTrtrtvcr yoa live, you c,-,n obtain W. I..
Xkn.(luH lhocA., Ill name nnd prlco i.-t Htnntpcd
on ttus bottom, Avhlcli pratcctfi yon aculnst high
iprirt and Inferior liocs. Taker no .xubstl
luf7, v Auk youritcnlcr (or N'. I.. t)otr:las3lj(;cj
witt huMvt unon liavlnc them.
iir Color Lyeleti used; they wilt not wmr ttrassy
Wrifo tor lltiitrntM Cutnlosol Poll Stvleii.
W. l, OOUULAS. Dent. 14. Urockton, MnH
.1 i i - ..-
ZA well-known Rochester lady J
fays. "I stayed In the Adirondack, h
tt nvav from friends and home, two (S
.tffe J - - ... . A
2 -niters huforo lounu that by
2 Kemp's Balsam 2
I,' could subdue tho cough that ?
y ilrove me away from homo and
6 seemed' likely to never allow mo w
to live tfture in winter."
y Kemp's Balsam will cure any 7
w euuEh that can bo cured by any W
? medicine. S
7 fld by all neaters at 25c. and 50c.
Scno form of ill; Is produced by
all moths.
U is. W In slo w'u SOOTH 1N0SYHUP (oretdl
tin teeihtni:. soJlens the (rums, reduees InHu
3inn. iillftjs patn. cures collo.I'rlue Wo bottle
n. u. nr:4. york, nkbr.
I'ali- War 11 Inn.
I'eckein So you want lo marry my
daughter, do you 7
l.)e Young -Yes. kIi
Peckeiu- Hem! Are you aware that
she strongly resembles her mot her 7
UeYoung I am, sir.
reekom Then take her, young man,
and or be as happy as you can.
AVitiid'il 11 CIiiiiiu'o.
Customer (at tho phone) -Send me
a pound of butter, please.
(irocer Yes, uui'ani. Do you want
tho genuine butter or the Imitation V
Customer -Which kind did you send
me last week 7
(Irocer The genuine.
Customer- Send the Imitation.
Ciinsf nuil KlIVol.
Clerk Kxcuso me, sir, but I would
like to get otV for a week.
Kniployer- -Why, you have only Just
returned from a two weeks' vacation.
'Yes, sir. mid that's the trouble. I
need a rest."
KvtMl lll'IVlU.
The Harbor Hog pardon, sir, hut this
Is a bad quarter.
Tho Victim Oh. well, don't you care.
It isn't any worse than tho haircut you
gave me.
.Mrs. Naggs- Kverythlng the Uroke
lotghs have is borrowed.
Mr. .Naggs Oh, 1 don't know! They
M'om to have troubles of their own.
Mil III Oil til UN UlM'St I II II.
Her--Would you say that Miss
Muggsby has a pug nose or that her
nose Is retrousse?
Hint Well, that depends. How or
much Is her father worth?
( JPfrs.Af. Wright j
Mrs. l'Inkham claims that there is n
kind of dyspepsia that is caused by a
derangement of the female organism,
and which, while it causes a disturb
ance similar to ordinary indigestion,
cannot be relieved without a medicine
which not only uets as a stomach tonic,
buthasapeculiartonic ctt'ect on the fe
male organism.
As proof of this theory we call at
tention to the ease of Mrs. Maggie
Wright, Brooklyn, N. Y., who was
completely cured bv Lvdia E. I'inlc
ha m's Vegetable Compound after every
thing else had failed. She writes :
" For two yonrs 1 sulfered with dysjH'psla
which so degi'iiornted tho entire svstcm that I
was imnblo u attend to my daily duties. I
frit weak and nervous, and nothing that I ato
tasted good mid it caused a disturbance In my
stomach. I tried different dyspepsia cures,
but nothing seotned to help me. I was ad
vised U) give I.ydia E. Finklmm's Vegetable
Compound a trial, and was happily surprised
to find that it c-ted Hko a lino tonic, and in a
fewdays I boan to or, joy and proporlydlqest
my food. Ah recovery was rapid, and in
five weeks I was a woll woman. I have rec
ommended it to many buffering women."
No other medicine in the world has
received such widespread and unquali
fied endorsement or has ouch a record
of cures of female troubles, as has Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
A Positive
Ely's Cream Balm
is quickly r.bsorbcd.
Gives liclicl at Once.
It cleanses, soothes,
herds and protects
the dinenscd membrane. It cures Catarrh
and drives away a Cold in tho Head quickly.
3e9torc3 tho Senses of Taste ami SmelL
Full size 50 ets. at "Druggists or by inailj
Trial size 10 ets. by mail.
Civ llrothers, 50 Warren Street, New Yorl
fi. Wf
Little Liver Pills,
Must Boar Signature of
See Foc-Stndlo Wrapper Uelow.
Very pin nil autl an easy
to take as sugar.
R , , oXKieiNX! Muartuvt SUWATURC.
83 POTClT TCEtailD.xteV75iSeS
,IN lltVMMI llcllllN.
Mrs. Orowells--My husband treats
me shamefully !
Miss KlderlelghWoll, In case he
ever becomes a widower I'll promise
you to do my best to reform him.
New Wheal
IN Tilt
Canadian West
Cnnn nddlt'oanl miles of r.nhvay tliia yoar
UVMJ hnve opened up a lari:e.t in- reased ter
ritory lo the progressive firnu-rs of Western
Cannda, and the Cover meat of the Dominion
cominucs to b'Wo 160 Actcs free to Every Stiller.
The Country Has
No Superior
Coal, wood ai d water In abundance, cliurchti
unit tchonU convenient: markets easy of access)
taxet low, climate the he si la the northern tern
pet ato seiie, Law and order prevails everywhere.
I'or advice and information addresn th
Supeririteudrnt of Imink'ratlou, Ottawa, Canada,
nr tho authorized Canadian Government Agent,
W, D, Fcott, Superintenilent ol Immigration,
Ottawa-. L'auadi. or W. V ltennett. Sai New Vnrk
Lite Bulldmc, Omaha, Neb., Authorized Govern
ment Acrnts.
wbr you w tbtt AJrartlitntoU
lMciisiuit Incldciitn Occurring tlie
I World Over-Huyiuuti tliat Arc Cheer
i r.., ... ' - . .. . .
IIoiih that liverybiuly Will Kujuy.
'"ro-dny." romarked the pretty young
widow, Ms the ltf'tli miulversnry of my
"mi fringe."
"Indeed! And tit what age were you
I un i-rled?" asked the bachelor, who
iiottgiit to get next to the number of
.ears she laid sojourned on earth.
"At the pnrsniinge." answered the
',) y. w.
Hotv II fjiioUt'il to llor.
The I'rleud 1 hear yon are going to
amrry young Wilde to reform him.
The Maid Your hearing Is good.
The Friend Well. If you don't sue
eed you won't be nble to keep him out
&f Jail.
The Maid That all right. If he
doesn't reform I'll not want to keep
Him oJVr.
Aflfr tliw Antoiuohlle
Tipsy Owner of Car Ish no use.
Whisky nnd gasoline -hie won't mix.
Klmlra Telegraph.
Well S 11 1 oil.
Singleton I suppose your wife has n
lot of Avill power.
Wedderly Yes; but she has a lot
more won't power.
I iihIii mil Ion.
Mlgglos -What are you doing now?
Wiggles Oh. I'm doing literary
stunts. Harnlug a living with my pen,
you know.
Mlggles Well, come and dine with
me. 1 think too much of you to let you
Druggist Huh! Vou sewn to think
you are the boss of this establishment.
New Clerk Oh. no, sir.
Druggist Then why do you talk like
n blooming Idiot V
An OIIum-n S'" (t,s.
Crooning Kvcr.v one tells mo that I
am long-headed.
Browning Of course you are. Only
long heads are adapted to narrow
Ilf Au-reftl lvltli Ilt-r.
"After all." remarked Mrs. Inswlm,
"home Is the dearest spot on earth."
"It Is." answered her husband, who
was engaged In auditing the month's
III P-!no utility.
"That man over there is of very strik
ing attributes to Judire from his appear
inee. Isn't he?"
"Striking attributes! should say
so! He's the champion pugilist of this
-eetlon." Maltlniore American.
I'l-nllHt'iit tifoi-jjc.
- - ; a.- ..t.
Mr. Kounder Doe, your cousin
tiourge take as much interest in horse
racing as he used toV
Mrs. noundir--Yes, Indeed. George
can always tell the day before a raco
which horse ought to win. and the day
ufter why he didn't.
Alwaj-N 11 .M.v.sttrv.
'"And that's a fact," remarked tho
man who sometimes lets out an audible
"What's a factV" rpierled tho party
who wanted to know.
"That a woman enn't umler.nin
why her husband doesn't pity old bach
elors more than he does," expmlned the.
uolsy thinker.
Vinegar rubbed Into badly chapped
hands and allowed to dry wilt
illeviate the stinging pain almost
Of every 1,000 inhabitants of tho
globe 558 live in Asia, -'12 in Europe,
til in Africa, 32 in America, live in
Oceanioa and tho Polar regions, and
only two in Australia. Asia contains
more than one-half of the total popu
lation of tho earth, and Europe
nearly one-fourth.
If a child is feverish, omit solid
foods, put to bed and call a doctors
Don't scolV at the souvenir post
card craze! It has been given tho
endorsement nnd her.rty approval of
Postmaster General Oortelyou, and
as a matter of fact if furnishes tho
government with a most protitablo
form of mail matter, in order to
keep the proli table fad from dying
out, the Postal Service has issued an
order providing that all such cards
may boar written messages on the
front, tho right half of the card being
reserved for tho address, and with
sullicient postage they will be trans
mitted under the post card rates to
foreign countries. T110 order goes
into effect March I, 1007, and tho
post cards will be treated alike in
both the domestic and international
Tlw Troe "Way to "orreet crrona
Tron M ex.
Nervous troubles are more ofter
caused by Improper food and Indiges
tion than most people Imagine. Even
doctors sometimes overlook this fact
A man says :
"Until two years ago wattles and but
ter with meat and gravy were the mall
features of my breakfast, finally dys
pepsia came on and I found myself In
a bad condition, worse in the morninj
than any other time. I woiiM have a
full, sick feeling in my stomach, witr
pains in my heart, sides and head.
"At times I would have no appetite
for days, then I would feel ravenous,
never satisfied when I did oat and so
nervous I felt like shrieking at the top
of my voice. I lost flesh badly and
hardly knew which way to turn until
one day I bought a box of Grape-Nuts
food to see If 1 could eat that. I tried
It without tolling the doctor, and liked
It tine; made me feel as If I had some
thing to eat that was satisfying and
htlll l didn't have that heaviness that
I had felt nfter eating any other food.
"I hadn't drank any coffee then In
five weeks. I kept on with the Grape
Nuts and In a month and .1 half I had
gulned 15 pounds, could eat almost any
thing I wanted, didn't feel badly after
eating and my nervousnoss was ul
irnnik It'll . to III IVOll Ml'llltl '
Name given by Postum Co., attl
Creek, Mich. Uead the book, "The
Uoad to Wellvllle." In pks. There'
a reason.