Neinmha Advertiser W. W. SANDERS. PUBLISHER Nemaha. Nebraska Thousands o f women filter dally backache, head ni'He. dizzy spells, languor, nervous ness and a dozen oilier symptoms of kidney trouble, hut lay It to other caines. Make no mistake. Ken) the i.i.Ih.u'ii itwtll find vl irtlllDIOS Will uiau.i- m p?r- Ml'i Alimony Cadretle. 77 Me- clmnle Leominster. Mass., says: "My sight fulled, I had sharp pain In my buck and bea ring-down pains through the hips. I was nervous, fret ful and miserable. The urine was greatly disordered and I began to have the swellings of dropsy. 1 was running down fast when 1 started using Doun's, Kidney Pills. A wonderful change came and after using them faithfully for a short time I was well. ' Sold hy all dealers. r.O cents a hoi. Fostcr-M'ilhuru Co.. P.uffalo. N. Y. For fichool girls mothers lean to ward the practical shirt waist frock. Thero Is nioro Catarrh In Mils sfctlmi of tliti country than all otlwr (tlscaios put together, una until tlio last fuw ycuri uiih su))Joxv to bo In taindilu, For ft great niany ynars doctors pro uouneml It ii local lilwau'. ami prima died limal roinmlliM. anil by constantly fallals lo mire with local trcatnioiit. pronmmcoil It Itu'iinil.te. Scloncti lias proven catarrh lo bi a run-tltiitlonal dis ease, anil therefore, rniiulrcs conotltutloiial trout moril. Hall'n Catarrh (Jure, iiinntifarturcil by F. .1. Cheney & Co,. Toledo. Ohio. Is the only coii- ttltittloniil euro on tun iiihikhc. ii is uikoii id- ternally In doses from 10 droits to a tcaspoonfiil. It autfi dlrvctly on the blood tuna .if tlla. .l(I.Hi 'I'lt.lU I in in and mucous Mir- oiler one hundred dollars for any case It fall1 IP n in lilt) npini. mi j ' wins to euro, hund for circulars and testimonial. Aildns. V. .1. Clll.NI.Y & CO.. Toledo, O. Sold by Druggist. Hall's Family Pills aro tho best. When making pie crust ufo little wator and fold often. Many of the new coats have the extremely plain coat sleeve. Tho earliest riser of the bird family is the greenfinch, which sometimes begins to sing at 1 o'clock on u summer morning. Tho choicest beef is secured from a steer that is not only fat, hut well (supplied with lean. Quality of ilesli is not always indicated by weight. Theatrical criticism is severe in Warsaw. A prominent actress says that one evening while she was play ing there, two bombs were thrown on the stage. Lisbon lias an anti-handshaking society. Members who violate tho rules are lined 'is and the money is expended for lottery tickets for the bonolit of the other members. Newspapers in Herlln, not liking tho French iness of "entente cordials" have adopted the German equivalent of "Annnoherungsbeatrolmugon." 1 By careful measurement it lias been determined that the raindrops are one-lifth of an largest inch in diameter. Goal is comparatively a modern produot. History shows that it, was ilrst uso'l in England during the ninth century. In IMS the king pro hibited Its tue on thu ground that it was injurious to health, but the high price of wood Dually compelled thu Londoners to use it again. HARD TO SEE Even When the Vat'tu A limit Cone Art l'liilii. It Is curious how people will refuse to believe what one can clearly see. Tell the average man or woman that the slow but cumulative poisonous ef fect of caffeine -the alkaloid in tea and coffee tends to weaken the heart, up set the nervous system and cause Indi gestion and they may laugh at you if they don't know the facts. Prove It by science or by practical demonstration lu the recovery of cof fee drinkers from the above conditions, iiyd a large per cent of the human fam ily will shrug their shoulders, take some drugs and keep on drinking cof fee or tea. "Coffee never agreed with me nor with several members of our house hold," writes a lady, "it enervates, depresses and creates a feeling of lan guor and heaviness. It was only by t leaving off coffee and using Postuin 'that wo discovered the cause and cure of these Ills. "The only reason, I am sure, why Postuin Is not used altogether to the exclusion of ordinary Is, many persons do not know and do not seem willing to learn the facts ami how to prepare this nutritious beverage. There's only one way according to di rections boll It fully 15 mluutes. Then It Is delicious." Name given by Postum Co.. Rattle Creek. Mich. Itead the lit - i ..'.n..K i,i vVtiii m nVoM 'There's reason.' TOPICS OF THE TIMES. A CHOICE SELECTION OF INTER. ESTING ITEMS. I'ommentfi mid Crlt IcIhoih Honed Upon the IlapiifiiliiuH of the l)ny-IIUtorl-cnl mid Nowm Nott'H. Tli busy h'8 of Russia nrc txmibs, bayonets and bullets. Instructors favor simplified spelling. Haves trouble for all concerned. Doing an American seems to he a Jallahle offense on the Isle of Palms. Tho country scents to bo getting along very well under tlnit famine of chorus glrle. Any lUne there Is n light; on In Cuba It Is possible to llnil u Gomez in the inldMl of It. Sea tidal Is merely an evidence of hu manity's firm belief in the doctrine of probabilities. China Is getting educated, and will soon ibe worrying about microbes and eating breakfast food. The impress Dowager of China has Joined the reformers. Why shouldn't the Czar move to make It unanimous? "Unlllgssaorntuliinllllmnjiingnr s i g u Jak" Is Ksklnio for "I love you." Now you know why those Arctic nights are so long! The cussednoss In a boy Is now b lug removed by an operation on the brain. The old fashioned way was to take it out of his hide. If P. T. P.arnum were alive lie could well exclaim: "1 toid you so!" The American people are as ready to be humbugged as they ever were. The Itusslan government olllclals have announced their alms. Now If the terrorists would announce theirs the olliclnls would have a chance to dodge. Large new coal Ileitis have been found in Pennsylvania, but the con sumer may as well be notitled at once that the coal trust Is goli to control them. An old soldier has set up the claim that he was once the husband of Cassle Chadwlek. Why should an old soldier llnd It necessary to gain sympathy for hliu.ell' In that way? .Mark Twain lias begun to publish bis autobiography. A large number of am bitious young authors are anxious to get the chapter lu which lie explains how he sold his Ilrst story. "Politicians should be consigned to an everlasting retirement," says the Itev. Hr. Stuart. You can place your own construction on this, according to your experience with politician!. In IPO.- there were S.t.;.7(S fewer In surance policies written by the New York companies than lu tho preceding year. That means that both tho com mules mid the public are taking fewer risks. A Chicago Judge lias refused to grant a divorce to a man who wanted to gut married a third time. Ills action will no doubt be frowned on by those who contend that a man has a right to make a fool of himself its often as he wants to. How practical a machine the auto mobile has become may be Judged from the trip recently completed hy two men, who covered the distance from San Francisco to New York In tifteen days and a quarter. The best previous rec ord, made by the same men two years ago, was thirty-throe days, and the best record before that was sixty-six days. If a small boy does not behave him self he ought to he spanked and the process Involves no derogation to the hpauker. If certain of our neighbor lug Central American friends become cantankerous they will have to bo at tended to. It Is a poor argument that because this Is a great and powerful nation It should submit to all sorts of affronts from small-fry States. Crown tips do not tight with children, but they do administer correction when the oc casion requires it. Physical deterioration Is alarming all hughum and lieallu committees are running around seeking the causes and then warning people about their man ner of living. One of the dangers they tltul to be guarded against Is the tea pot. Uvi'sslvo use of strongly brewet tea having been proved to he fatal to the best physical condition, to reduci this danger to a minimum the tea should not he made strong and shouh be drunk within two minutes. Put how to prevent tho working woman, for lu stance, from keeping the deadly teapot o. the kitchen stove and "drawing cup" whenever she feels so Inclined? I rm it t l II.. 1 , . .i... I A,,u waiiw, uk cheering poison but the second. Une bus to be comforted by tea lu ljudon'a fog 1111(1 HllH II 111 !t health ('OII)t(llttUC Is 1 powerliwi to change tho climate. ! It has been said that next to dentli or serious 1 1 lues the most distressing thing in the household Is debt. Tin general thrift of the .member of one ol our most highly reflected religious so clelles l.s doti'itless din; to the fact that they are enji Ined to live within their means. With this sect prudence in the expenditure of money is rightly account ed one of the Hauler's virtues. The se cret of the rise of many a worldly es tate Is to he found in tin; umlovlat Iny practice of .spending less than Is earned. This may Involve Spartan sncrlllcort In some Instance, but It comprises the art of getting on in the world. The maxim, "Spend loss than you earn," In easily understood. ,et the majority of persons, heads of families, are so constituted that, no matter what the earnings may lie, the standard of living rises with the llnanclal resources of the family, and at tin.- end of the year the debit and credit. sides of the domestic account bal ance, or, perhaps, the household Is grievously In debt. The piling up ot debt for domestic expenses is' Inexcus able, save In cases where no amount of prudence will keep the wolf from the door. Whenever an employer drops a few women and puts men in their place;' there is a great commotion, as if .some thing momentous had happened as If a general attack were being made on woman labor. If a firm were to dismiss half a dozen men stenographers or type writers and hire women nothing would be said about It. Nobody would Jump at the conclusion that men were being proscribed. .Manifestly many wi.en have a feeling that the place they have won lu the labor market Is held by an uncertain tenure. They need have no fears on that score. The fact that an employer here and there decides that he can have his clerical work done to better advantage by a man than by a woman proves nothing and is not worth noticing. Women cannot be driven out of any of the Holds of labor which have been opened to them during the last llfty years. In that time they have largely supplanted men as teachers. They have to a considerable extent driven them out of the dry goods stores. The "counter Jumper" has become al most as extinct as the dodo. Of em ployment In new occupations, such as typewriting and shorthand, women have a full share. In the beginning ol the telephone men had charge of the little .switchboards, while women do tin work now. Women may draw comfort from the rellectlon that if they were to throw up their jobs lu factories, stores and olllces It would be Impossible to llnd men enough to llll their places. Women got various kinds of work not merely because they will accept lower wages than men, but because their labor Is needed to supplement that of men. or course, the difference in wages counts for a great deal. Jt often turns the scale In favor of the woman. Many women who are poorly qualltled are given the preference over men no more competent than themselves simply he uise they ask les. Now and then an employer will get a notion that It Is better not to have women around and will discharge a few. Oivjtslonnlly la bor organizations will resolve that women .should stay lwmic and not take work away from men. Theae Incidents uut for nothing. The number of wi.aien workers in tins country will continue to increase. A SPECIALIST IN COURAGE. Stonewall" Jackson's brothcr-lii- law. Gen. It II. Hill of North Carolina, was known as the "Christian, Calvlnlst and Soldier." Ho was a graduate of West Point, and attained the rank of lieutenant-general lu the Confederatd service. The stories told of his grim bravery and grit are almost countless. Once, says Major Hubert Stiles, in Four ears ruder Marse Robert," lu commenting upon the lllght of a body of cavalry before overwhelming num bers, General Hill remarked, Incident ally : "It takes a good man to stand and light heavy odds when ho has only two legs under him ; but if you put six legs under him to run away with, It requires the best kind of a stand and light." Soon after taking command burg ho wished to know the caliber and character of the man to at tees number Fedora guns across the river. He gathered a largo escort and rode up and down the river bank lu a manner calculated to attract the lire of artillery. When the eiiemj accepted his Invita tion and the riiell came singing over and burled Itself in the earth hard by, he called for a pick and shovel, dis mounted and dug It up with his own hands, apparently unconscious that oth er shells were shrieking and bursting about him. Tin; Incident Impressed Ids men to a marked degree, and sho.ved that Ids In difference to persona peril was not "put on." ABOUT WOMEN AND OLD AGE. Kldfrly l-Vinnlc of To-ilny Different from Her l-'oromol her. "P.ut there are no old ladles nowa days!" exclaimed a man the other day. "At least," he added, "not what I call old ladles. When I was a boy 1 h ive distinct recollections of periodical visits to certain elderly females, principally relatives, who Invariably occupied com fortable armchairs lu the best place by the tire or at the window, and who did nothing hut knit or embroider all day long. Surrounded by an admiring fam ily and garbed In black silk ami lace caps. 'ie.o worthy old ladles twed to strike terror into my boyish soul, and I regarded them with an awe scarcely less that whr.f would he due to royalty. "Ami yet these old ladles could not have been so very old. either, for the age limit was no longer then than It is now." No, the old lady of a generation or so ago has vanished and there are but few specimens of her left Whether the disappearance Is for good or evil suc ceeding generations may be able to t!l. Put it used to be that after a woman was married and had children she was virtually laid on the shelf. She was an "old lady" by the time she reached her fiftieth birthday. Put what about the women of to day? The woman of K Is but Just at the prime of life, while the woman whose years number half a hundred would be deeply Insulted to lie laid upj on the shelf, even though she were con rldered an object of deepest veneration by her family. She does not settle down to the chimney corner and cover her silvery locks with a cap. She keeps up her Interest In current events. When her children grow up she Joins a cluti or devotes her leisure hours to chan ties. A woman may sometimes overdo tln matter and appear too youthful for hm years, and here, of course, she makw a bad mistake. "Just as young as mj feels" Is an excellent maxim to live u to, but a little natural dignity is mo" graceful. Uenienilier Mine. Ucciiiiimi. the famous French beauty, who lived to be over !)U and retained her magnet lc hold over her associates until th? very last. Philadelphia Ledger. FRIENDS ON EVERY SIDE. A little girl in red. so small that she had not mastered the intricate art ot dressing herself iinasslted. recently started from Jersey City for tho home of her parents lu P.ismarck, N. IJ. A writer in the New York Sun describes the beginning of her Journey as follows: She carried a Maltese kitten in her arms, candy was sticking our all over her like prismatic quills, and when ever she moved about silver coin o .ill kinds in all her pockets and she had lots of them made her Jingle merrily. She is Freda Petroska of Warsaw, Poland, live years old. Her f ither aud j mother came to America thret yc.irs ago and bought a farm In North Da-i kota. leaving Freda with her grand ! mother. After they had got the farml into good shape and paying they M'tit' for Freda. An aunt of the little girl! spoke English well, and had taught lion the language, and she spoke it with a, slight accent. She had passage In the steerage of i Hamburg-American liner, hut when the ' cabin passengers beard about her. trav j cling all alone and tagged for her des tination, as all lone baby voyagers are,! they asked permission to bring her up I Into the cabin, and this request the ' ip-1 aln granted. The ship's cat had a litter of kittens i on the Ilrst day out from Hamburg, and! credit claimed and got one kitten tUo moment she saw them. The Utile girl expressed tho belief that there was no more .silver and cop per money left in the world after SM) had lilled all the pockets she had orig inally and the more- that the stewardess made for her. Conductors on the trains or: wni-a Freda Journeyed out to her m-w home helped to make her toilet. At Kills isl and the money changer gave her more coin, the caterer supplied her with enough tilings to last her several days, and Inspectors added nickels ami dimes to her overburdened s'atehel. When a reixirtor asked her what she thought of America, she said it was a very nice place. Coins rrereri-ed. Harry (In the department store) How would this book "(Jems of Thought," do for Polio's birthday? Maude I'm afraid that Pelle Is moro given to thoughts of gems.--Ito.stou Transcript. (ilrlH linnet- Tout !- Dancing lu India is held lu the high est eteem and dates back many eu turlcs. The girls never dance with the men, but with one another, informing all sorts of grotesque tlguros. Although the toper knows that he has to die some time he draws the line at a watery grave. Some men llnd It as dltllcuP to get out of debt as others do to get In. Cures Woman's Weaknesses. Wo refer to that boon to weak, nervous, Buffering women known aa Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. Y Dr. John Fyfn one of the Kdltorlal .Staff f. of Tm: Eci.kctio Mbiik ai. Hkvibw sayj of Unicorn root Ulclnntan Diotca) which Is one of tiifi chief ingredients of tho "Fa vorite Prescription " : "A remedy which Invariably nets as a uter ine Inviirorator makes for normal ac tivity of the entire reproductive fystein." Ho continues "lu Uelonlas we haven medica ment which moro fully nnswers the a!ovo purposes than any olhtr dmy with which I am acquainted. In the treatment of diseases pe culiar lo women It Is seldom that a case Is seen which does not present .some Indication for this remedial nffent." Dr. Fyfo further says: "Tho following are among the leading Indications forllolonlas (Unicorn root). I'aln or aching In the back, with leucorrlio'a : atonic (weak) condltlottof the xcproductlvo organs of Homcn. niontiri depression and Ir ritability, ni.soclatcd wltlichronlc diseases of the reprodtfr-'tlve organs of women: constant sensation A heat in the region of the kid neys: menArrhagld (flooding), due to a weak ened conjiltlon ofthe reproductive system: uenormcoAsurrcsscd or absent monthly Ierlod.wSlhgrom or accompanying an abnovvyfi condition of tho digestive organs and iimcmlc ( thin blood ) habit: dragging 6cnsftjr!ons In tho cxticmo lower part of tho obdonicn." . . If more or less of tho above svmptoma nre" brVenl. no invalid womnii cjjji (fj ue.tTornriitalto Dr. lJicrcers Favorltj; ProtWtidlironiroiins 'eadlng ingreai ciitsof wiucii Is Unicorn root, or Helonlas, and tho medical properties of which it most faithfully represents. Of Golden Seal root, another prominent) ingredient of "Favorite Prescription," Prof. Plnley Eilingwood. M. D., of Pen nett Medical College, Chicago, says: "It Is an Important remedy in disorders offf tho womb. In all catarrhal conditions ' and general enfcoblement, it Is useful." Prof. John M. Scudder, M. D., late of Cincinnati, says of Golden Seal root : "In relation to Its general cll'ects on tho system. fir,ru i nomedtctne In uhc alxntt which there to such ventral unanimity of iwinion. Id Is unlvenally regarded as the tonic useful In' all debilitated states." v Prof. It. Hartholow, M. D.. of Jefferson Medical College, says of Golden Seal : "Valuable In uterine hemorrhage, menor rhagla (Hooding) and congestive dysmenor rluea (painful menstruation)." Dr. Pierce's Faorito Prescription faith fully represents all tho above named In gredients and cures thu diseases for which they aro recommended. You Cannot all inflamed, ulcerated and catarrhal con ditions of the mucous membrane such asl tiasal catarrh, utcrlnccatarrli caused by feminine ills, sore throat, soro mouth or inflamed eyes by simply closing the stomach. But you surely can cure these stubborn affections by local treatment with Paxtine Toilet Antiseptic which destroys the disease germs,chccks discharges, stops pain, and heals the inflammation and soreness. Paxtine represents the most successful V local treatment for feminine ills ever produced. Thousands of women testify to this fact. 50 cents at druggists. Send for Free Trial Box 7T1-1E R. PAXTON CO.. Boston. Mass. HOT YOUR HEART If you think you have heart dis ea you are only one of a countless number that arot deceived by indi gestion into believing the heart is affected. 4 "r 4 1. tho tonic-laxative, will get your stomach back into good condition, and then the chances are ten to one that you will have no more symp toms of heart disease. Sold by all dealers at 25c. and 50c. W. L. DOUCLAt; 53.50&3.00 Shoes DCST IN THE WORLD WLDouglas $4 Gilt Edgo lino cannotoo equalled alanypiloo lOLS FOR EVERYBODY AT "ALL I'lUUES, Vry YV. r.. DeiigliCi "Women's, fillsnott und C Hlllimil mimw , tor ijri, lit uuu nciu tliov Kscol other uiukcH. 1 1 wm.m w j w . . v w . a a .... inr-tni-lcs At Rrockton. Alnss..nnd show nrc made, you would then understand why they hold their shape, fit better, vv r-n i iiniyci mill n i 1 -la l. v i vuiui. than anv other make. .... 7 11... Mf 1 nfira. 11 nil ini.nnr hiiiiw. w nx-n nn .11 11 Tin unu insui upon navinz 111cm, Write lor tlliutruted Catiilogol Fall St vies. r i twuuuoi-i ww 1 MiukntuHi 41 imam 1 11 11 1111 ia"in . . mr-wnn rvi . mmm H V rt mmt oiim u.-... ....... n. w "w " MatiUIODlkll and lO llll iMalinari n. u. uo- 10, xvjuii., Niumv II itfllctcdnilhThnmnnftH'r. CunUat Feaa. uca MlWIIiyouil Ul-juwi .aa m n w m v tit . Ty.h1i n'oufflas' Job- f&f t&S H t)lnK IIouso is Iho most r'j f uomplote in this country I Ri X.i ft 1 .Senitfor Catalog J