Nemaha Advkrtiskr A Positive jg W. W- SANDERS, PuBtitMcn Ncmalia, Nebraska A 1) rii Hi; Cnri-. Tro hoard It said, doctor," remark nl Mis Jonka, "that n yooil blx done of lull water will ofton euro seasick- DOSS." That's possible," roplicd Uoclor WlSO. "Indeed?" "Yes. If tlio iiuantlly at milt water Is tmMclont to drown you. Philadel phia I.iIkoi. How lie Siuv II. NS'tfu Tills book says that In Iiulln U Hie custom to bury the living win with hor dead hUHband. Imi't It Icrrlblc! IluKbund -Indeed It Is! The poop husband- even death brings lilin no re lease! Translated for Talcs from Stre-koza. CURE FOR GATARRH Ely's Sraam Balir n q.ilckly nssarlioe Givoj "'eiicf nt Once. It ell4llV, HOntlllH. herds ami nroterlf tln disfflHod ini'irilirano. It euros (yfunrrh uiul driviniiwny nCold in the Hond quickly. JtentorM tho H''1jkcs of "J ante mm hindi. Fall nfzo fit) pt. at DruggUH or by mud; Trial si?." I') . by mail. li'r lJrothr, fjl Warron btretvt, New lork. IVl'NOIIM. ine for a rldo A Con fusion of She Won't you tak la your aiitomoblleV lit -I'm Harry, but It's broke. 'Oh, aro youV" Translated for Talcs from I,o It Ire. com said to u SlIMI'lellHIft. "I think It's about time for a jidttee to examine Ids accounts,' tho first plain citizen, referring Jlty Hall olllelal. "Why so?" Inquired the other. "I notice people are beginning to call him 'Honest .lohn.'" Catholic Stand iml and Times. Held I'p. Jimmy Pores Yes, 1 cracked :i law 7 it's house, de udder night an' do law ycr wuz. dero wld a gun wuitlu' fur uie. He advised me ter git out. Itlll Clymer (Joe! you got off easy, Jimmy Pores Not much I didn't. Ho vharged me ?t'2o fur de advice. I'hlln lelphla Tress. I r Vn ii ll;llvir. "Do you believe in hypnotism?" nsk fd tho Huffy-haired boarder, who write type between meals. "Sure I do," replied the old bacho lor at tho foot, of the mahogany. "Other wise I couldn't explain to my own sat isfaetlon why men get married." Chi titgo News. THE BEST COUGH CURE something else When offered Instead of eiips stop and consider: "Am I sure to get Komcthing as good as this Iicst cough euro? If not sure, what good reason is there for for taking chances in n matter that may have a direct hearing on my own or my family's health?" Sold by all dealers ut sje. and 50c. ABSOLUTE p. Cenuino Carter9s WIT Of Tilt YOUNGSTERS. Tommy--Mamma, didn't you say :hnt tho cake in the pantry would make aie sick If I was to eat It V .Mamma tew, dear. Tommy Well, it didn't. Small Harry- Mamma, what Is the aieanliig of hereditary. .Mamma It ! joint-thing you get from your papa 01 oie. Small I lurry--Oh, you mean a qiankin'. "Now, Johnny." wild Van you tell me what a the teacher, .Mormon lV" the little fol- ftn I)InIii-(Ioii. City Man How shall I know which house It is? Suburbanite You'll be ablo to tell easily enough. It's tho only one In the neighborhood that hasn't a "foe sale" sign on It. Puck. ltd ti I'ny, Little Liver Pills. Wluot Dear Signature- of See Pac-Slmllo Wrapper Uclow. 'Ye, ma'am," answered low. "A Mormon Is a man whose wife (s twins or triplet"." "Whose little boy are you?" asked a ohyslclan of a bright -l-year-old who was playing on the steps of a patient's 'csldcnce. "I'se mamma's," replied the tittle fellow. "Whose big papa Is you?" I.lttlo Margie I said my prayers 'even times Sunday night, pupa. Papa - Why did you do that, dear? Little Margie--()h. so I wouldn't have tc other saying 'em the rest of the week The Visitor - Hon't you think your eldest brother Is rather young to be a .ihysk'ian, Johnny? Little Johnny Oh, he ain't a real grown-up physician yet. I guess he only doctors children so as to get some practice. "Well, Harry." said the hostess tc Her small guest, "did you rest well last light." "I don't know," answered liar y. "You don't know !" echoed the lady. "No. ma'am," replied the little chap. "I was asleep all the time." "Mamma." asked Margie on her re turn home from Sunday school, "have I any children?" "Of course not," re plied her mother. "What put that Idea Into your head?" "I'.ecause our lesson was about people and their children's' children," explained the little- student. Tommy, aged .". was a very sympa thetic little fellow, one day upon hi return home from a visit to an animal ihowlie found his mother suffering with a severe case of throat, trouble. "I'm awfully sorry for you, mamma." h said, "but I'm glad you ain't a giraffe." Vorjr inanll ntiil n ctuijr to take as Kiignr. CARTERS 1 ITTLE EVER Price FOR HEADACHE. FOR DIZZINESS. FOR BILIOUSNESS. FOR TORPID LIVER. FOR CONSTIPATION. FOR SALLOW 3KIH. FOR THECOMPLEXIQK OHCNVirVli MUtTKAVt A10WATUItC AS A MAN WIPETH A DISH. cents I Xurclr Vcffetablo.V?-! St'l'l t 11 1'e.s ' to Show I'ropei- Vorallon. editor of the citizen of tin? who is being and uubecoin CURE SICK HEADACHE. City ManAre you still keeping Muunier boarders? Kl Xope, but I'm keepln a fow of their trunks! No 'i-u-Hy. Traveled Yes, 1 was captured by tho savages, and sentenced to marry a Usquaw. Hostess Horrible! Traveled Yes: but they had somo mercy. They did not Insist on a fash ionable wedding. New York Weekly. Cold Ili-coiXlon. Coined lau What became of that old Is'ow England play that had a real snowstorm? Soubrette It met with a heavy frost, Chicago Xews. (rami K punic She (sentimentally )--What a glori ous view from this mountain top! How one's Ideas seem to expand. Ho Yes. The Inkeeper charged a dollar for these two sandwiches. a Cain ttcrf' w fciJ vua a 53.50 &$3nOO Shoes DCST IN THE WORLD W.L.Doi!clas$4 Gilt Edge lino. cannatbBcqunllodaianyptico 71) Shoe Dtatrrs: W. 1 1. IlouulnH Jot lilnsi Homo 1 tlio must complete In thta ooumry Htmlor C(fn(otf iff llKh "e Husband (during the spat) Then you adinlC that you married me for a home. "Wife Yes. Husband Well, that Isn't so bad. I was beginning to think you had mar-I ried me for spite. Jokesmlth jokesmith I'ruclU'iil Slile. Eva So you gave up a for a blaeksinlth. Why, a ran furnish wit and humor. Kdna Yes, but a blacksmith can fur iilsli steak and onions. Mow II llflllN, Iltwiklns (a visitor in the Canadian woods) I notice that tho loggers oat a great deal of pork ; I supposo it Is ' great help to them? The Moss Yes, pork chops. Ill'l I'unll. The Young Husband (growling) This chicken Is like a piece of India fuhber. The Young Wife (in tears) Pleasb tlon't scold, Tom; It is all my fuult: I asked for u spring chIckMi. SHOES FOR EVERYBODY AT ALL PRICES M01V1. She... $0 to $1.60. yoys' Bboj". 83 toSl.23. Women's Bhixu. $4.00 to 81.00. Ml8' & OhtUlrou'a 8U0M. $3-30, !1-00- , Tr V. I. Dmiirlus AVoimtnV, 9LiikUh and OUIMioii'h shofn; for atylo, lit ami wour tlmy oxcol otlior innkcx. If 1 could take you Into my large factories at Brockton, AIass.,nnd show you how carefully W.L. Douglas shoc.-j arc mado, you would then understand wiiv ihev hold their shape, fit better, wear longer, and arc of greater value than any other make. Wherever you live, you can obtnln w. u DoiiRlns nJioes. His name unil prl" s1st1n1,rc on the bottom, which protect youaRalust hlb price and Interior shoes. Take no ,' tute. Ask your itculcr lor W. L. Douulas shod and tniht upon ImvlnR them. fait Color Wft itsetl, Vitv will not wear bmssij. Wrlto lor lllustratrd Catnlocul Pall Myles. ' W. L. UOUdl.AS, Dept. 1-t, llrockton, Must, IV'Ifc UtlllllVH (In IIiinIiiiiiiI III'; If we may believe the LMorence Item there is a fair suburb of Florence impressed Into unwilling lug domestic service, having beeu tlianghaied under false pretense. It appears that this man was be sought by the wife of his bosom W; wipe the dishes, and when he had an swered this unreasonable request in suitable terms the perverse woman brought out the Holy Scriptures tc show him that the wiping of dishes is a man's proper vocation. She cited bin; to. 11. Kings. 121 : Hi, wherein the Lord, speaking by his servants the prophets, says: And l will stretch over Jerusa lem the line of Samaria and the plum met of the house of Aliab: and I will wipe Jerusalem as a man wlpetn a dish, wiping it and turning It upsldn down. We do not opine that this is a case. for a rescue expedition or any violent measures, for a man may wipe dishes and still live, although It is a rather i hopeless and subdued existence. A man who wlnoth a dish or two and turneth the same upside down, under the shade of his own tig tree In the shank of the ovcnlnc. Is In hotter business than he who goeth to the tavern where he turn oth several dishes unshle down and wlpeth his mustache and plnyetl pinochle. Hut, at the same time, let us keej. the records straight. The verse quoted from the second book of Kings said nothing about a man, In the original It said "will wipe Jerusalem as wlpeth a dish." Hut the Kngllsh Idiom re quires a subject for the verb, so that tho translators put In the word "man" where the Hebrew had nothing. They could just us well have said "woman," and the only reason why they didn't, probably, Avas that they wanted to slg nlfy doing a good job of It. We don't really care whether that Florence man keeps on wiping dishes or not, but with the meddlesome dlsjK) sltlon common to humanity we should like to Inform him that, he Is being bumboozled. Omaha World-Horn Id. HOLD UP! 3Lnd con&iclezo I i wmm BBS J"JL poMMEL BRAND&LICKE& LIKE ALU WATERPROOF CLOTHING. Ijmadf of thf best rrwhrialvInWdcKcrytllow fulhrcMirdflttciiriscMbyl IT 3TICKT0THE SIGN OFTHE FISH T0Wt CAMAJU CXUnnt AJTOWtH to. TORONTO, CAH. nim.nnuiuj to Smiiii . That was a clevah thing you said Mr. Frescliey lawst evening," began Sapliead. Cholly "Who HVtss. 'Why, enow " 'Yes, :l'ver?"- told you?" demanded Miss 1 heard you say It. yon but who told you it was -Philadelphia Press. IIimv ll' HnimiiioiI, To what, major, do you attribute rour longevity?" 'Principally to the fact that jaronts never kept an unloaded n the house." Houston Tost. my gun Unless a ulrl has unlimited faith In ler complexion she will not tolerate u tlss on her caeek. Woman's Mi depends so much upon" her ' functions, that the least upset of them affects her whole system. It is the little things that count, in woman's life and health. The little pains, and other symptoms of womanly disorder, soon lead up to big things, serious pains, serious diseases. It is for just these ordinary, common, womanly troubles, that the use of a gentle, strengthening, female tonic, like Woman's Relief has brr:n found so successful, in thousands of cases,"1 in relieving and curing. "I had been troubled with female complaints for 12 months," writes Mrs. Bettie Arp, of Ballplay, Tenn., "and although I was. under doctors' care for four months, they did but little good. I took one bottle of Wine of Cardui and one dollar's worth of Thedford's Black Draught, and now I am better. I believe Cardui saved my life. We are poor people, but I shall always keep it in the house." It relieves woman's worst pains and regulates fitful functions. Try it. At All Bragglsts lit $1.00 Bottles and frankly, in strictest confidence, telling all your troubles, and stating age. We will send you FREE ADVICE, in plain sealed en velope, and a valuable 64-page Book on "HOME TREAT MENT FOR WOMEN." Address: Ladies' Advisory Dept., The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. ghss S t'c'i o c r. x.s O s. Mo ore Cold Rooms If yon only knew how much comfort can be derived from a PERFECTION Oil Heater how simple and ecouomicnl its operation, you would not be without it another day. You can quickly make warm and cozy any cold room or hallway no matter in what part of the house. You can heat water, and do many other things with the PERFECTION Oil Heater (Equipped with Smokeless Device) Turn the wick as high or low as you can there's no danger. Carry heater from room to room. All parts easily cleaned. Give3 intense heat without smoke or smell because equipped with smoke less device. Made in two finishes nickel and japan. Brass oil fount beauti fully embossed. IIolus 4 quarts ot oil and burns 9 hours. Every heater warranted. If you cannot get heater or informatio from your dealer, write to nearest agency for descriptive circular. cannot be equalled for its bricht and steady light, simple con struction and absolutesafetv. Equipped with latest improved burner. Made of bmaa throughout and nickel plated. An ornament to room, parlor or bed- Wnte to nearest 0 any room whether library, dintng-i room. Every lamp warranted. agency if not at your dealer's. STANDARD OIL COMPANY W Sale Ten Million Boxes a Year. B TI,E FAMILY'S FAVORITE MEDICINE BESTJFORJTHEj3QWEL