The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, November 02, 1906, Image 1

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VOL. LI NO. 23
We want to show you our line of
shoes. Every pair has
combined in the making.
Our prices are
with good quality.
are dear at any price. J
We have just received a complete
2 line of Men's, Women s and Children s
rubbers and overshoes.
Still has a flno
ew ano
Gail soon
Bargains inHats,Ribbons,Notions
You will be pleased with goods and priceB.
Burkett and Sheldon at Au
burn Monday night.
Ron T?. K Buchor lor oest
E. Buchor
soft coal.
Car just received.
The medicine show has been
drawing large crowds this week.
A goodly number of our citi
zens are about sick with the grip.
Now burnt leather and comic
post cards at the postofilce book
Mrs. A. R. McCandless re
turned from Omaha Monday
fin n All burn Monday night
and hear Senator Burkett and
Hon. Geo. ,L. Sheldon.
Miss Muriel Barker and Elva
are at Falls City now taking
treatment for their eyes.
The heatincr annaratus for the
poor farm has arrived and will
be placed in positionsoon.
Mrs, F. L. Woodward is very
sick with inflammatory rheuma
tism and suffers intensely.
Marion Seid, a relief brakeman
on the Northwestern railroad
with headquarters at Verdigris,
came home Monday to renew
acquaintance with his wife and
see his new daughter. He will
return in a few days.
Hon. George
Republican candidate for Governor, and
U. S. Senator Burkett
will address
Auburn Next
i I
quality and style S
as low as consistent
Poor grades in shoes
selection of
Leslie Woodward came up from
Kansas City Tuesday to visit his
Hon. V. P. Peabody is about
sick with a bad cold that has
settled on his lungs.
M. T. Conner, fusion candidate
for county commissioner, jrave
us a social call Wednesduy after
noon. Cyrus Minick, who is working
for A, R. Titus, near Syracuse,
came home Saturday, returning
H. A. Lambert, E. B. Quacken
bush and W. D. Redmond, fusion
candidates, were in Nemaha
T-V WW 1(1 1 . .
Dr. iviattnews, the dentist, is
now located temporarily in
Brownville. He will be in Ne
maha soon.
Clyde Roberts came up from
Kansas City Saturday for a short
visit to his parents. He returned
Sunday night.
J. H. Littrell, street commis
sioner, put in a new crossing
from the opera house east the
first of the week.
John Strain and wife returned
home Tuesday after a two weeks'
visit with John Dorram and
family at Neck, Mo.
L. Sheldon
the people at
Monday Night
s yesgsaoie Mimnery
Will address the peo
ple at
Maclay's opera house
Monday, Nov. 5
at one o'clock sharp
A basket social will be given
at the Boatman school house
Friday night of this week, to
which every one is invited.
Louie Kerker was compelled to
take a vacation from the store
this week on account of a bad
cold and a touch of the grip.
Alva Maxwell, who has been
in western Colorado for several
months, returned home Tuesday
morning. He expects to return
Miss Nora Aynes went to Ord,
Nebr., Monday, to visit her
sister, Mrs. Frank Skeen. She
exnects to be rrone about six
A party was given at the home
of Rufus Rowen Tuesday night.
A goodly number of young people
were present wno enjoyeu uiu
occasion very much.
Dt Matthews
will be at Nemaha
Will F. Keeling has our thanks
for valuable assistance rendered
in furnishing news items during
the absence of the editor and for
favors at many other times.
Mrs. Lou Beckwith came up
from Knnsns Citv Monday to
help take care of her sister, Mrs.
F. L. Woodward, who is sick
with inflammatory rheumatism.
J. L. CuiTl right finished tho
stone work on the Methodist
parsonage, and made a good job
of it, after the Nebraska City
mason had made a bad botch of
Notice to Taxpayers
Personal taxes for the year
1906 are due November 1, and
delinquent December 1, and draw
10 per cent interest after Decem
ber 1.
D. J. A. Dirks, Co. Treas.
Edwards & Bradford Lbr. Co.
have jnst received a complete
line of
Cook Stoves,
Base Burners,
Coal Stoves,
Wood Stoves,
and everything in tho way of
Our Line of
is complete in all colors, figures
and qualities
We have a large stock of
for Everybody
Our Gvoceiy line
Is always full of good things to
We have Pure Buckwheat Flour
a Phone 20
W. W. Sanders returned home
Saturday afternoon after a
week's pleasant visit with his
brother, John G. Sanders, editor
of the Garrctson (S. D.) News.
He stopped over night both going
and returning with his son, Will
F. Sanders, at DeWitt.
Oscar L, Minick of Bracken
returned home Tuesday after a
few days' visit with A. R. Titus
and wife near Syracuse. He
says Albert has a good crop this
year and is prospering. He is
going into the fine stock business
ising thoroughbred cattle and
Next Monday will be a big day
at Auburn. At 1 o'clock Hon.
William Jennings Bryan will
preach democracy to the faithful,
either in the opera house on the
north side or on the street, and
at 8 o'clock the republicans will
have a big blowout, with United
States Senator Burkett and Geo.
Sheldon as the speakers.
The C. B. & Q. has issued a
new time card, going into effect
last Sundav. No change was
made in the time of trains on
this branch, Greatly to the
flisannointment of many, the
i- i -
Nebraska City and Lincoln pass
enger will not run through to
Atchison by way of Nemaha, as
it. was rumored would be the
Dan Bennett and family, who
have been living in Belle Plaine
Town, for several years, arrived
in Nemaha Tuesday and wil
make this their home, They
have rented Mrs. Hill's house of the lumber yard ana
will move in as soon as their
household goods arrive. It
seems like old times to see Dan
on our streets again.
As a result of the counsel of
the officers of the county Sunday
school association, our Sunday
schools will hold teachers meet
ings. The Methodist teachers
meet Tuesday nights, the next
meeting being held at the home
of A. R. McCandless, and the
Christian teachers will meet
Friday nights, the meeting this
week being at the Park hotel.
Dr. Bourno IHa glnsnea. So. Auburn.
JU:Ht photoa in floiitlioiiatorn Ncbr
t Criloy'a. So. Auburn.
Did you boo tlioso dollar watcliou at
Koeling'd? Tlioy'ro all rlclit.
We would ask tlioso who have
so kmcllv subsm-ihod in
4 V w V r
Methodist parsonairo fund to
ploaso pay to the bank to Mrs.
Elmer Allen's credit;. md
tlioso that have not hn
o please holp us on this fund if
jossiblo, as wo have almost ono
lundred dollars yet to raise.
M. A. Woodward,
Lillian Allen,
Soliciting committee.
Land $10 to $25
Who wins? The man who acts.
Who loses? The man who
Get land! Where? .'In Alberta
Canada, the famous winter
wheat country, fine climate, good
soil, good water, good markets,
what more do you want? The
earth, with a fence around it!
100,000 acres sold in GO days,
many have gone back the second
and third time and bought. 90
per cent of all who go buy and
many buy who have never gone
to see the land.
Free sleeping car Oct. 22 to
Calgary, via Billings and Helena,
return via Denver and Colorado
Springs, stop over anywhere on
return trip, fare $36 round trip
from Lincoln. Come and go!
Monday, Oct. 22.
Remember the date
100 acre farm 8100 per acre, ono
tnilo from Stella.
80 aero farm ono mllo from Neuiaua,
$100 per acre.
40 acre farm adjoining Nemaha $"
per acre. Snap.
Dwolllne: and implement bualnesa in
a Rood town, ouly bualnesa.
(110 Irrigated farm near Sterling,
Colo. $25,000 cash . Bargain.
030 aero farm overlooking Platte at
ABhiand, Nobr, 61)5,000. Your own
Other farma in Colo, and So. Dak,
See us.