The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, October 26, 1906, Image 1

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VOL. LI NO. 22
ttiitic-liHon .VI it'fjtnf aitrniir
I S 3H O
We want to show you our line of
$ shoes. Every, pair has
. i
I combined in the making.
Our prices are
with good quality.
are dear at any price.
I We have just received a complete
5 line Ol mens, YY uiiiuii o " M
ubbers and overshoes.
New Fll and Winter
Ok I Ij b I II A ft I
Everything we have is of the
Call and inspect the new styles
Bad roads.
Still lots of pop bugs.
Only a month until Thanks-
J. W. Ritchey was an Auburn
visitor Monday.
J- C. Stokes of Howe was a
Nemaha visitor Friday.
John Steuteville was
from Brownville Friday.
See R. E. Bueher for best
soft coal. Car just received.
Fun for everybody Monday to
Saturday night at tho opera
Eli Knapp and wife of Stella
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
V. P. Peabody.
Chas. Smiley and wife of
Shubert visited D. T. Smiley and
wife Sunday.
Mrs. C. V. Glenn went to Wy
more Tuesday for a few days'
visit with relatives.
Floyd Ellis of Orchard, Nebr.,
visited Ralph Ritchey from Wed
nesday until Saturday.
Miss Maud Kinton went to
Nebraska City Saturday to visit
her cousin, Mrs. Cloyd Steele.
C. H. Kindig started for Cal
gary, Canada, Monday, with
several prospective land buyers.
Marshall Webb caught two
sturgeons one day this week, one
weighing eight pounds and one
five pounds,
Miss Hazel Parker came in
from Auburn Saturday and visit
ed her cousin Mrs. Alf Rowen
until Thursday.
jEC 3 !
ij .1 i. 1 T
quality and style
i T
as low as consistent 5
Poor grades in shoes
A C. lrlinr'c
Lind Carson visited Friday
night with F. L. Woodward.
Now burnt leather and comic
post cards at the postofflco book
store. Doors open at 7:80 p. m., seats
free, next Monday night at the
opora house,
Mrs. A. Matthews went to
Brownville Tuesday, returning
the next day.
Ben Noal of Holdredge, form
orly of Nemaha, loaded a car of
apples hero this week,
The Titus Nursery residence
has lately been repainted, which
adds much to its good looks.
Mrs. J. IT. Linn of Lincoln has
boon visiting relatives and
friends in this vicinity tho past
Lew Argabright, who has been
quite sick with a complication of
diseases, is reported to be slowly
IT. G. Shedd of Ashland, Neb.,
was in Nemaha Friday of last
week talking real estate with
C. H. Kindig.
Wm, Seid is through threshing,
and is out with his wood sawing
machine, which is one of the
sure signs winter is coming.
Mrs. A. R. McCandless .went
to Omaha Tuesday where she
will visit relatives a few days
and incidently take in the horse
Miss Lulu Cooper, who is
teaching school near Peru, came
down Saturday evening and
visited her parents until the
next day.
W. W. W. Mcdicino Co., at tho
opora houso beginning next Mon
day uight.
Miss Myrtle Jones of Peru
visited Nemaha friends from
Saturday until Monday.
I-L T. Miniek presented the
angels with some fine October
peaches the first of the week.
Misses Stella and Bessie Wasl
burn came down from Peru
Friday morning, returning the
next day.
Walter Keeling went to Peru
Friday evening and visited with
Dr. Nenl and family until Satui-
day evening.
A. L. JJ. Thompson and Mar
shall Pryor wont to St- Joe
Tuesday night to got sonio stock
cattle if they can buy them
1.G2 inches of rain fell from
6 o'clock Sunday evening untjl G
o'clock the next morning. This
rain was needed for the wheat
Andy Cook and wife of near
Craig, Mo., visited several days
with Mrs. Cook's sister, Mrs.
Wm. Snelling. They returned to
their home Tuesday.
Marshall Webb returned from
Omaha Friday of last week where
he had been attending grand
lodge I. 0. 0. F. as delegate
from Victory lodge No. 195.
A farcwellurprise party was
given bli Knapp and wife at
their home near Stella Fridav
evening of last week. A numbei
from Nemaha were present.
ino iorests are ueautirul now
in their varied tints of brown,
red, orange ana yellow, it is a
pity that pictures of them in
their natural colors can not be
The B. & M. bridge gang is
working on this division now
repairing the stock yards, etc.
Warren Stokes, Johnny Golf and
Arthur Littrell, former Nemaha
boys, are with the gang.
Wayne Morris, who has been
living in California the past four
years, visited with his sister,
Mrs. Will Hacker over Sunday.
Wayne says he thinks he will
stay in Nebraska from now on.
Born To Walker Burdette and
wife, Sunday, Oct. 21, 190G, a
son. urandpa wm. ivieacl is
surviving the advent of this boy
and it is hoped he will soon be
able to come over to Nemaha
Miss Dora Morton is giving
excellent satisfaction as teacher
of the Champion school. The
patrons of the school speak very
highly of her work. She is now
one of the highest paid rural
teachers in the county, and can
probably stay at Champion as
long as she wishes-
Edwards & Bradford Lbr. Co.
havo jnst received a complete
lino of
Cook Stoves,
Base Burners,
Coal Stoves, '
Wood Stoves,
and everything jn tho. way. of
See our large line of
Fall and Winter Goods
and get our prices on the things
which you will need, such as
Cotton Blankets Wool Blankets
Fancy Table Covers
Gloves and Mittens
See our
Phone 20
Mrs. C. L. Russell returned
last Saturday from the Rebekah
state assembly at South Omaha
where she went as a delegate
from Bona No. 1GG lodge.
Mrs. J. M. Sanders started for
Garretson, South Dakota, last
Friday, to visit for a few weeks
with her son, .John G. Sanders.
W. W. Sanders went also, but
will return the last of this week.
John Rutherford, who lives on
the Burson farm south of Nema
ha, left a squtish at the meat
market which weighed AL'
pounds. Jt is a monster and
would do for Peter pumpkin
eater to put his wife in.
Delbert, the three year old son
of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Colerick,
died Friday night, Oct. 19, at
their home in Johnson and was
buried in the Nemaha cemetery,
Monday, Oct. 22, Rev. Ay era
officiating at the funeral.
The road across the creek
bottom east of Scott Arga
bright's is being graded up in
good shape. This has been
almost a swamp in the spring,
and next to impassable. It is to
be hoped that it will be better
Mr. Baldwin of Plattsmouth
visited several days last week
with his nephew Ben Baldwin in
Nemaha, and his niece Mrs.
James Wolfe south of town. He
rented a farm east of Shubert
while here and will move thereon
in the spring.
Dan Holmes, who has been
spending the summer at Ed-
monston, province of Alberta,
Canada, returned home last
Friday. Dan says he likes that
country and will return there in
the near future. He purchased
town property in Edmonston.
T. J. Doyle spoke to a fair
sized audience at the opera house
Monday, night from a democratic
siandpoint. Dr. Heilman of
Sterling, candidate for state sen
ator, and Mr. Phelan of Johnson,
candidate for Uoat representa
tive, also made a few remarks.
line of
, , .
Dr. Honnu! IUh hIiihhi'h. So. Autnirn.
Huat photon In HoiitlioiiHUirn Nebr
at Orlloy'H. So. Auburn.
Did you Hon tluiHt) dollar wiiIcIich at
ICacliiifj'rtV Thuy'rn nil rljzlit.
Wo would ask thoso who have
so kindly subscribed to tho
Methodist parsonage fund to
please pay to tho bank to Mrs.
filnier Allen's credit, and ask
thoso that havo not subscribe
to please help us on this fund if
possible, as wo havo almost one
hundred dollars yet to raise.
M. A. WoonwAitn,
Lillian Allen,
Soliciting committee.
Thos. Shaffer purchased of
John Colerick last week the old
Bennett mill west of Nemaha
aiid he is moving it this week to
his farm east of Shubert. The
consideration for the mill was
$125.00. The taking away of
this mill removes an old land
mark, the mill being erected the
first time in about 1859 or 1860.
The old mill was torn down in
1883 and the present mill was
erected. It has been idle for
several years.
W, W, W,
Medicine Company
Will occupy tho
Opera House
Monday night, Oct. 29
and ending
Saturday night, Nov 3.
Nice Clean Performance
by High Class Artists
All seats FREE Monday night
Come Yourself and
Bring Everybody Else
Capt C, W, Smith,