The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, October 19, 1906, Image 1

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    VOL. LI XO. 21
W If. HJ.YIU1JKS, I'i,l,ll,h,r
Suhtcriytlon tfl a ymr tit ailinnr
Yankee Doodle came to town,
Yankee Doodle Dandy,
$He was the brightest youth around,
And with the girls so handy.
SSaid he, "I need a pair of shoes,
A hat and shirt and necktie,
$ Suspenders, collar, gloves and hose,
A pretty good supply.
$ril go to Gilbert's, that's the place,
To s-et Q-ood goods in style.
Earle always gives me a square deal,
And is courteous all the while.
tSo Yankee Doodle bought those togs,
And dressed himself up neatly,
? And went to church next Sunday morn,
Where the girls all smiled so sweetly.
Young men, a lesson you should learn
From Yankee Doodle Dandy, ,
I Go buy your clothes at Gilbert's store,
And with the girls be handy.
Ieu Rfall and Winter
Everything we have is of the
Call and inspect the new styles
Dr. Bourne llts glosses. So. Auburn.
Baat photos in southeastern Nolr
at Criley'8. So. Auburn.
Did you sen those dollar watches lit
Keeliug'ti? They're nil right.
See II 12. Bucher for the Queen
incubator and brooder. The prices ar
The Beatrice Creamery Co. will pay
d cents per pou ndof butter fat for
hand separator cream, delivered in Ne
maha. Separators sold on easy terms.
It, E. Buoiieu, Agent.
For a complete line of
Cook stoves,
Go to Edwards & Bradford Lbr
Mrs, R. I. Brown mot with a
painful accident early Saturday
morning. She had been out to
the chicken coop and caught a
chicken to cook for a lunch for
her daughter, son and son-in-law
as they drove to Pawnee. As
she was hurrying back to the
house she stumbled over the
buggy pole, falling and hurting
herself badly for awhile. Sho
was hardly able to got to the
house. Dr. Prazior was sent
for, who found one hand and
arm injured, besides the severe
jar and bruises. The ligaments
of one thumb were torn loose.
It was feared for awhile that her
injuries were serious but this is
not tho case, and aside from the
torn ligaments in the hand sho
is all right again.
Democratic Meeting
Hon. T. J. Doyle, democratic
candidate for coiiotms. will
0 .....
speak at the opera house in
JNemaha Monday night, Oct. 22.
Come out and hear a man that is
a man among men.
By order of democratic com
mittee. S. H. Avey of Auburn was in
Nemaha Wednesday.
All kinds of household furni
ture at Edwards & Bradford Lbr
Woodward & Allen got a piano
for the opera house Wednesday,
buying it of S. H. Avey & Co.
Rock salt and barrel salt for
sale by
Edwards & Bradford Lbr Co,
Our draymen are both kept
busy these days and this week
could, hardly keep up with the
Delbert Webb, who has been
in the state fof Washington for
several months, returned home
James A. Stephenson started
for Clintonville, Wis., Tuesday,
to visit his sister. He will be
gone about ten days.
R. J. Tussey of DeWitt, Nebr.,
who has been visiting his daugh
ter, Mrs. Weldon Shiveley re
turned home Wednesday.
. Make, wash day a pleasure by
using the "one minute washing
machine, for sale by
Edwards & Bradford Lbr Co.
Fall and Winter Goods
See our laree line of
5 63
and get our prices on the things
which you will need, such as
Cotton Blankets Wpol Blankets
Fancy Table Covers
Gloves and Mittens
See our line of
I Fall Standard Prints 41 cents I
i Phone 20
The editor had a broad smile
on his face Wednesday morning,
as the angels had returned after
an absence of four days. When
he has to do all the work that is
done at the printing office and
postoffice both he begins to find
ou how useful the angels are.
Ben Parker and Mr. Scammon,
secretary of the Auburn Music
and Jewelry Co., were in Nema
ha Monday in the interest of
that firm.
Ben Parker, representing the
Auburn Music and Jewelry
Co., recently sold a fine piano to
Fuller Burns. It is appreciated
by the hotel patrons.
We are pleased to learn that
Miss Pearl Seid, who has been
sick for several weeks, has so
far improved that she is able to
walk around the house- She is
very weak but is slowly gaining
in strength.
Lew Argabright was not im
proving as fast as it was hoped
he would, so last Sunday Dr.
Frazier and Dr. Boal of Auburn
had a consultation. He has con
siderable fever and his stomach
is in a very bad condition.
Earle Gilbert has a badly
sprained ankle, caused by his
foot turning as he stepped down
from the sidewalk in front of the
store. Pie is compelled to use
crutches to get around. The
injury is very painful and will
probably cripple him up for some
L. L. Coryell, president of the
Nemaha County Sunday Schoo
association, was unable to be in
Nemaha last Sunday, according
to announcement, but if nothing
prevents will be here one week
from next Sunday October 28
and desires to meet the Sunday
school officers, teachers and
workers at the Christian church
at 2:30 p. m. No one interested
in Sunday school work can afford
to miss this meeting, v
Phil Shuck has moved to
Now burnt loath or and comic
post cards at tho postofilco book
E. H. Knapp, who has been in
Minnesota for some time, selling
apples for G. N. Titus, returned
home Tuesday night. Ed says
the mosquitoes didn't bother him
any, as they had cold weather,
and a snow storm last week.
He doesn't want to see an apple
or hear about any for awhile.
W. D. Redmond of Peru was
shaking hands with the voters of
Nemaha Wednesday. He is a
candidate on the fusion ticket for
representative and was not at
all backward in saying that he
would like to have the votes of
all men, regardless of their
politics, religion or previous con
dition of servitude.
The editor expects to start for
Garretson, South Dakota, today
(Friday), to visit his brother,
John G. Sanders, editor of the
Garretson News. He expects to
be gone a week. This is the first
real vacation he has taken for
many years. His mother goes
with him and will probably re
main for several weeks.
Frank Titus, who has been in
Minnesota selling apples, re
turned home last Friday night.
Frank says the country is flooded
with apples. The day he left
the town where he sold out his
last car load seven car loads
arrived, and the town is not a
very large one either, Frank
didn't fall in love with any of
the country he saw.
Mrs. Theo. Hill found the room
left for her millinery department
in her new brick building was
entirely too small for the stock
she is carrying and to accomodate
her customers, do millinery work,
etc, so she recently had a par
tition taken out and is utilizing
the additional space that was
formerly in the middle room.
I This is a great advantage, but
I still she hasn't any spare room.
Eddie Yackloy has gone to
housekeeping in tho Whooldon
Mrs. Marion Seid has moved
to Nemaha from tho Iiirju near
H, A, Lambert and Miss Anna
Gates of Auburn wero married
Thursday evening of last week.
Lee Dovorss and Miss Lizzie
Thorn were married by Judge
McCarty, at his office, Wednes
day of this week.
Land $10 to $25
Who wins? The man who acts.
Who loses? The man who
Get land! Where? '. In Alberta
Canada, the famous winter
wheat country, fine climate, good
soil, good water, gopd markets,
what more do you want? The
earth, with a fence around it!
100,000 acres sold in 60 days,
many have gone back the second
and third time and bought. 90
per cent of all who go buy and
many buy who have never gone
to see the land.
Free sleeping car Oct. 22 to
Calgary, via Billings and Helena,
return via Denver and Colorado
Springs, stop over anywhere on
return trip, fare $36 round trip
from Lincoln. Come and go!
Monday, Oct. 22.
Remember the date
100 acre farm 8109 por acre, one
milo from Stella.
80 acre farm one mile from Nemaba,
$100 per acre.
40 ucre farm adjoining Nemaha $70
per acre. Snap.
Dwelling and implement business In
a good town, only business.
010 Irrigated farm near Sterling,
Colo. $25,000 cash. Bargain.
030 acre farm overlooking Platte at
ABhland, Nobr, S35.000. Your own
Other farms in Colo, and So. Dak.
See us.