The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, October 12, 1906, Image 2

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    Nemaha Advertiser
W. W. SANDERS, Puuumnon
Nemnlia. - Nebraska
A child afflicted with meiiiloB re
llro the strident euro. It should
be put. to bed and kept warm, for
warmth Is very cBHr:iial in the trsnt
tncntofthis malady. Inllmnmntinii
of Uie lungs in frequently caused by
ill-truntmunt, in enes or measles and
.death ut ten results from this.
A German statlstici.iu, who has
recently been calculating what part
of a woma'H life is tpont before her
mirror, Hriupj it at 7,(X.K) houra. or
ibotib ten months of her life. He
logins with fiisjean and ends with
The world's record for railroad
building is nix tnilcH in twulvu hours.
Fho feat was accomplished in laying
(ho Oapo to Oalro railway.
Btatf of Ohio, City of Toledo, I.iicns Conn
tr, .:
Prank J. Chenejr makes with Hint lie It
tnulor partner of tbe Bnn of F. .1. Cheney
Sr. Co., (Joint InwInrM In the City f To
ledo, County nntl BtHte nfoniultl. ntiil tlmt
Jalfl firm will pay tho sum of ON'i: 11 IN
UKKD DObLAKK for earli ntid every w
f Catarrh that cannot lie Hired by the use.
f Hall's Catarrh Cure.
fiworn to before uie mid xubserlhod In my
presence, thin Oth day of IJereniber. A. U.
1680. A. XV. (IMiASON.
(Qoal.) Notary I'tiblle.
Tlall'a Catarrh Pure la taken Internally,
nd acta directly on the blood anil tiiueiiii
purfacca. of the system. Send for teatlino
glials, free. I J. CHUNKY & CO.,
f Toledo. O.
1 Sold by all DrupitNts. 7."e.
Take Hall's Kainlly 1'llln for constipation.
Tho number of murders and homi
cides decreased 2,000 in tho United
States during the last ten yearn.
the kind of 'J
Waterproof !
Oiled Clothinn h
that stands thcWS-
DoTSuKhow? I
Modo for all kinds
of wet vork or sport
. 8
la unit Crll!i'lrtiM UllMIVl ITttmt
...... ..r .... fi..v-jitM.ri. ty-ld year ago to keep the country
I Inuothniv Tin. niliiilrnl win nihlressliU!
n few of them and being one of them
htmrelf must have found owpeelnl pleas
ure in making his olMsmitlons.
Is' concerned the American part no
men hnvo a hot tor right to the good
thing goloi; and to the satisfaction )
which comes from viewing and cfuiKld' i
orlng tlioin than those who helped for-
ctil u ml Nwm ,te,
lUtwlkoroliU'ft emni
of crying nwK
under the head
Thow who on llif road to wealth
iki not object lo lb dust.
That thrilling serial, "This Ktwslan
t'rHK" will be "continued in our
Count that day lost wiien for mmio
unknown muse there's been no scrap
iH'hveou the various Thaws.
Itus-clmll is not played In Itusslu, and
tho fwir Is no goirer. What does the
poor fellow do to rorgot his troubles?
"Are there living men lnthls eoutt
try?" Kks .Mnxhu ( Jerky. 'There are,
ind most of them are llvlug.-Avlth their
wives. ,
Another way of making ehljdreti good
by surgery might bo 'to perform an op-
rati in on the skull ol an occasional
(in rent.
Awful Sight from-that Dreadful Com
plaint, Infantile Eczoma Mothor
Praises Cuticura Roniedlos. ,
4,.Onf baby had that dreadful com-
;sluiut, Infantile Eceuin, which allllet-
d him for several months, eonimen-
dug at the top of his head, ami at last
covering his whole body. Ills suffer-
lugs were untold and constant misery.
In fact, there was nothing we would
not have done to have given lilrn re
fllff. We dually procured a full set of
rthe Cuticura Remedies, and In about
three or four days he began to show
rii brighter spirit and really laughed,
for the llrst time In a year. In about
,:nluety days he was fully recovered.
. Praise for the Cuticura Itemedles Ins
-always been our greatest pleasure, and
;thorc Is nothing too good that we could
teay Jn their favor, lor they certainly
-saved our baby's life, for he was the
most, awful sight 1 ever beheld prior
rto the treatment of the Cuticura Heme-
Ules. Mrs. Maebidle l.yon, 1S-JI Apple-
ton Ave., Parsons, Kan.. .Inly IS. lr.n.i."
mm in will ml mm I n lilirnrWH I 11111 will -
The man who fasted forty-nine days
to Improve his health Just got to the
point where he could live without eat
ing when lie died.
Speaking of pure food, statistics show
that I I.S.TIi.'.l'.OO pigs feet were pleUlcd
m IbOn, and the outlook for a bumper
t-rop this year Is good.
The coffee consumed In this country
last year cost the people $SI,lH.)()0.
No wonder coffee has a tendency to
make some of us lie awake.
Since the llrst of the year the ICrupp
Kiln works have put on M0.00O new ine-i.
not counting the two that have been
accepted by tho Krupp girls.
With $:i.()UlU!i:o alimony Mrs. Corey
can buy a nice frame for the divorce
which she got from tho president of the
Ueol trust and have money left.
Question for debating joelcly: When
a lite insurance agent tackles a book
canvasser, will tho canvaHHer get his
life Insured, or will ho sell a hook?
It'a all right lo suggest that it man
should mako love to his wife, but the
trouble Is that when he does so she be
gins to subject that he is doing It to
relieve his conscience.
Ann Odella Diss do liar, who has
been In prison in Knglnnd for tho past
live years, Is out on a ticket of leave.
Cassie Cbadwlok wilt not be doing the
proper thing ll' she falls to send her a
message of congratulation.
A deaf mute has become able to talk
and hear as a result of being run over
r-y an aut nnoblle. It Is not explained
iow or why he happened to refrain
tang enough from walking on railway
tracks to get run over by the automo
Tablr.ts an l powders advertised
as cures for s:ck-headacho are gen
1 nf1 ihtt ilnrot cum
v but only dca Ion the pain 1 putthifj
v the nerves to sleep for as! J f t mo
t throu.;H tbu use ot morpmno or
& cocaine. $
-m- tr. . "tl P
the tonl.--U.sativc, cares sick-head-aeht!.
iK)t morelv stons it for an
4 hour or two. It removes tho causo
of headache and kccp3 it away.
Rrild Sv .ill dealers at 2 SC. and 50C.
II afflicted wilhThnmncnn' C Fvo Wfltfif
There is nothing In the Sage -will to
kivp Mrs. Sage from giving away all
i ho money she desires. Whatever may
be said against Mr. Sago 11 will have
to be admitted that he died with a Ciin-
lldence In his wife that compels admiration.
A girl who several months ago wrote
her name and address on a piece of
liaper which she slipped Into the pocket
of an army blome that she was making
has Just been married to a soldier. Lot
the anxious girl who hns carved her
name and address on a watermelon con
tinue to hope.
'1 here aro few games of chance in
ivhi.-h the odds aro heavier against the
jilajor than that of marrying a man to
reform him. Tho rock of masculine re
!orm has cost more hlgh-souled women
iliclr happiness than probably any oth
er In the sea of life. Perhaps the few
linns when it does succeed In saving
;he man Justify tho saerlllee, but It Is
certainly hard on the women.
Cuba desires lo Increase Its popula
tion, and the Cuban Congress 'has made
an appropriation of a million dollars lo
lie used In transporting Immigrants
from Kurope. It Is planned to Induce
laborers from Norway, Sweden and
Denmark to settle In the island, pro
iuiuably by setting forth the advan
tages of a tropical climate. The Scan
linnv'ians In the United States are most
content In the Northwest, where the
cold winter reminds them of home; but
there Is room J'or them In the Southeast
lis well, even If they do not care to go
lo Cuoa.
Admiral Dewey in an address to an
association of war veterans at Ctlca,
N. Y voiced an old truth In good style:
'This Is a beautiful world and none of
as is anxious to leave It." So say we
ill, admiral. We complain of It no 111
!c and tinker 'with It constantly, but It
a a mighty good "place after all. So
In thrfle days of tho "higher criti
cism" and "scieatllle" investigation of
spiritual things it Is still well to re
niomiKU that the dicta of a few uni
versity professors - some of them doc
tors of divinity have not. availed to
shako the faith of the great mass of
Christians. In this as In most other
matters the noisiest faction is by no
means the strongest faction. Tho lilgh
or critics and the scientific Investiga
tors aro few In number. In spite of a
groat deal of loose assertion to the
contrary it is constantly shown that,
rightly or wrongly, the Christian re
ligion Is the hope and trust and guide
of Jiiore people than ever before pro-fes-icd
It. Wo hear so much about the
few renegades that we aro apt to for
get the millions who stand tlrm ami
steatlfast In the faith. What, for In
stance, does (leorge Hurmau Foster
count for as against the 4,000,000 .mem
bers of tins Christian Hndenvor
societies constituting a rel
nth isly small proportion of even tho
Protestant couununlcan-ts of tho
world? What do all the dilettante the
ologians of 'liberal" views amount to
as compared with tho millions of Ito
man Catholics who till tho churches
of that faith every Sunday? The vol
untary offering- of the CJhureh of Kng
lnnd for the ecclesiastical year 1!("
exceed $10,000,000. Will the "higher
critics" maintain that these contribu
tions were made by people who have
lost faith In the religion that they pro
fess? Are the thousands of people who
attend tho meetings of Torrey and Al
cxaudtv, the revivalists, all hyp.vritojj
or sensation seekers? Are the Sunday
school mere breeding places for false
p rot oi wo and humbug? Is it true, in
short, as aswrted by tho theologians
who deny Clod, that faith in religion
lias becomes uncertain in evor-widen-
ng circles and that nobody any longer
beliovofi anything? Is not the asser
tion a piece of stupendous effrontery
which is disproved by facts which aro
patent to all men? Tho world 'pays too
much attention to tho would-be Icon
oclast Attacks on the faith of mil
lions always oxolto attention. Vet tho
fame of tho tearer down Is evanescent.
Who nowadays reads the once-famous
lectures of Robert G. Ingersoll? Who'
looks Into "The Age of Ituason?" How
many people can .so much as name any
thing written by the cynical Vollalro?
The-ui men are no deader than their
works, yet the religion which they at
tacked survives, professed, as we havo
said, by more people than over beforo
acknowledged 11. So will It be with
the no-Cod theologians of the universi
ties ami their works. In such matters
history repeats Itself. Let no one foaC
that the Christian religion is to be
overthrown by pygmies. A faith that
has endured and grown stronger for al
most LMMO years which has been tho
comfort and hope of countless millions
and has changed for the better tho
whole current of human thought and
acll in -Is not going to bo obliterated
by a few apostates.
llrl;;litiilii K roiling Clothes.
Kor a long time the tailoring fra
ternity 1ms bewailed tho propensity ot
man to array hlmelf In sober clothes,
and freiiueiit have been the efforts to
educate present day l'.eau I'.rununels
Into a liking for
brilliant coats, varl
and chameleon-hued
And a True Story of How the Vegetable Compound
Had Its Birth and How the "Panic of '73" Caused
it to be Offered for Public Sale in Drug Stores.
This remarkable woman, whose
maiden name was Ksten, wiih born in
Lynn, Miuss., February tilh, 1810, com
ing from a good old Quaker family.
For some years she taught, school, and
becamo known as a woiuau of an alert
colored trousers
Now, however, the cherished dream
of tho tailor Is about to be realized
Heretofore ho has been obliged to be
content with an occasional radiant
waistcoat or with the spectacle of a
callow youth arrayed in a brilliant
green or blue suit, l'.ut In this ycat
of grace the long prayed-for revolu.
Hon Is to come. London tailors nr
already preparing for the new even
ing dress suit, which will obtain, w
are gravely Informed, among the high
est circles of the British metropolis.
The coat will Ivo of bright blue, wiU
a velvet collar and with silk faelnge
brought to this edge of the lapel. Knot
breeches of black cloth will be worn
and gilt buttons will decorate the beau
tiful blue coat. Milwaukee Sentinel.
,11iii1- it Mlu mi.
A gentleman visiting some relatives
In Scotland was persuaded to try a
game of golf. At his llrst stroke h
aimed a terrific blow at the ball, scat
tering the turf lo right and left, and
looked around for the result.
"What havo I hit?" he asked.
"Scotland, sir," grullly answered th
cuddle. TIt-I5lts.
When a mother drops a dish and
breaks It, It means that It will be at
least six weeks before scolding her
children for a similar offense will have
tiny effect.
and investigating mind, an earnest
Becker after knowledge, and above
all, possessed of a wonderfully sympa
thetic nature.
In 1843 she married Tsaac Pinkham.
a builder and real estate operator, ami
their early married life was marked by
prosperity and happiness. They had
four children, three sous and a
In those good old fashioned days it
was common lor mothers to make
their own home medicines from roots
and herbs, nature's own remedies
calling in a physician only in specially
urgent cases. By tradition and ex
perience many of them gained a won
derful knowledge ox the curative prop
erties of the various roots and herbs.
Jlrs. Pinkham took a great interest
in the study of roots and herbs, their
characteristics and power
She maintained that juot as nature so
bountifully orovides in the harvest-
flclds and Orchards vegetable foods of
all kinds; so, if we but take the pains
to find them, in the roots and herbs
of tho field there are remedies ex
pressly designed to cure tho various
ills and weaknesses of the body, and
it was her pleasure to search these out,
and prepare simple and effective medi
cines for her own family and friends.
Chief of these vas a rare combina
tion of the choicest medicinal roots
and herbs found best adapted for the
cure of tho ills and weaknesses pccti-
har to the female sex, and Lydia K. Pink
ham's friends and neighbors learned
that her compound relieved and cured
and it became quite popular among'
All this so far was done freely, with
out money and without price, as a
labor of love.
But in 1873 tho financial crisis struck
Lynn. Its length and severity were too
much for the large real estate interests
of tho Pinkham family, a3 this class
of business suffered most from
fearful depression, so when thoCenten
nial year dawned it found their prop
erty swept away. Some other source
of incomo had to be found.
At this point Lydia E. Pinkbam's
Vegetable Compound was made known
to the world.
Tho three sons and the daughter,
with their mother, combined forces to
A Positive
it quickly absorbed
Gives Heliot al Onco.
It clonuses, BO-'lhi'
heals and protects
tho uisoascd mem.
brano. It cores Ca
tarrh and drives
away a Cold in tho Jfta
Head quickly. Ko-
fitorcs tho Senses of
'Unto and Smell. Full sizo."o a., at Drug
gists or by mail ; Trial Si.e 10 cts. by mail.
Ely Brothers, DO "Warren Street, Now Vow.
Ely's Cream Balm riBAi.$l
car 9 ft bV&Ut
restore tho family fortune. They
argued that the medicine which was
so good for their woman friends and
neighbors was equally good for tho
women of tho whole world.
The Pinkhams had no money, and
little credit. Their first laboratory
was the kitchen, wltjro roots and
herbs wcro steeped on the stove,
gradually filling a gross of bottlco.
Then came the question of selling
it, for always before they had given
it away freely. They hired a job
printer to run off BOine pamphlets
setting forth the merits of the medi
cine, now called Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound, and these were
distributed by the Pinkham sons in
isoston, New xwrlc, and Brooklyn.
The wonderful curative properties of
tho medicine were, to a great extent,
self-advertising, for whoever used it
recommended it to others, and the de
mand gradually increased.
In 1877, by combined efforts the fam
ily had saved enough money to com
mence newspaper advertising and from
that time growth and success of
tlm enterprise were assured, until to
day Lydia K. Pinkham and her Vqjh.
table Compound have become noua-
hold words everywhere, and many
tons of roots and herbs are used annu
ally in its manufacture.
Lydia E. Pinkham herself did not
live to see TI'o great success of this
work. She passed to her reward years
ago, out not till sue had provided
means for continuing her work as
effectively as she could have done it
During1 her lone; and eventful expo
rience she was ever methodical in her
work and she was always careful to pre
serve, a record of every case that came to
her attention. The "case of every sick
woman who applied to her for advice
and there were thousands received
careful study, and tho details, includ
ing symptoms, treatment and results
were recorded for future reference, and
to-day these records! together with
hundreds of thousands made since, aro
available to sick women tho world
over, and represent a vast collabora
tion of information regarding tho
treatment of woman's ills, which for
authenticity and accuracy can hardly
be equaled in any library in the
With Lydia R. Pinkham worked her
daughter-in-law, the present Mrs.
Pinkham. She was cure fully instructed
in all her bard-won knowledge, and
for years she assisted her in her vast
To her hands naturally fell tha
direction of tho work when its origina.
tor passed away. For nearly twenty
live years she has continued it, and
nothing in tho work shows when the
first Lydia E. Pinkham dropped her
pen, and the present Mrs. Pinkham,
now the mother of a largo family, took
it up. With women assistants, some as
capable as herself, the present Mrs,
Pinkham continues this great work, and
probably from tho office of no othei
person have so many women been ad
vised how to regain health. Sick wo
men, this advice is "Yours for Health"
freely given if you only write to ask
for it.
Such is the history of Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound ; made
from simple roots and herbs; the omi
great medicine for women's ailments,
and the fitting monument to tho noble
woman whose nanio it bears.
Ures the hair in a becoming
f shion, regardless of what is the
latent style in coillures.
To WukIi a Cnrvrt.
To clean an Ingrain carpet that is bartlj
-;id, rip tlit: widths upart and sl'-
Have ready a Mil) of hot Ivory Soap fmfl
ii nd wash a width at n time on the mil.
tliiae, usins s-v-riii waters, juiim? hhu
run through iln wringer. Add a handful
of snlt to tho last water to sot the colon
and upreud on the grans to dry.
Hvery person who has contractor)
and carpenters around says it reuulro
ar as this particular part of tlu world the patience of Job to handle them.
In Korea bachelors cannot vote,
nor can tney buy liquor.
M.VIrVli'0VK,T' '"
rM M currt worn i'i .
Or. 11.11. .1 U iV&WV'I'4 .! 0 tm.r
. AtUulu Ou
Tho body of a moth contains over
1,001 miiboles.
Gloves adorned with golden oi
silver mirroru, attached to the palmi
is the latest fud in Paris.
Raw egg applied to a cut will tend
to heal the wound quickly, as well
as allay tho pain.
Sale Ten MlSon TaYear.
sore yes, m
I 1 1 U 1 1 1 (I v U 1 1 OI.JU maim