The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, October 05, 1906, Image 7

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    Cure Forjhe Blues
Hoalth Fully Restored and tho Joy of
Ufo Regained.
When aclieorful, brave, Hght-heartcti
woman ia suddenly plunged into that
perfection of misery, the HLUES, it is
u sad piet'ire. It is usually this way :
Slit has been fooling "out of sorts"
for some time; hend has ached and
back also ; has slept poorly, been quite
nervous, and nearly fainted once, or
twice; head dizzy, and heart boats very
fast; then that bearing-down feeling,
and during her periods she is exceed
ingly despondent. Nothing pleases
her. Her doctor says : "Cheer up : you
liavo dyspepsia ; you will be all right
soon "
Hut sho doesn't get " all right," and
lupe vanishes; then come the brood
ing, morbid, melancholy, everlasting
Don't wait until your sufferings have
driven you to despair, with your nerves
all shattered and your courage gone,
but take Lydia E. Pinkhum's Vege
table Compound. See what it did for
Mrs. Rosa Adams, of 819 12th Street,
Louisville, Ky., niece of the late Clen
eral Roger Hanson, 0.3. A. She writes:
Dear Mrs. Pinkliam;
" I cannot toll you with pen and ink what
Lydia E. Pinkhani's Vegetable Compound
has done for mo. I suffered with foiunlo
troubles, oxtromo latitude, 'tho blues,'
norvouBtiBss and that all-Rone feeling. I wns
advised to try Lydia 13. Pinkhnm's Vegetable
Compound, and it not only cured my female
HoranKement.but it bus restored nie to perfect
health and Btrougth. Tho buoyancy of my
younger daya has returned, and I do not suf
for any longer with dwipondency. as I did bo
fore. 1 consider Lydia E. Pinkhani's Vege
table Compound a boon to sick and suffering
If you have some derangement of
the femaje orgnnism write Mrs.
Pinkliam, Lynn, Mass., for advice.
Remove smoke stains from ivory
hy immersing it in benzine and
going over it with a brush.
$!Q0 Reward, $100.
The renders of this papiT will lie pleased
to lenrn that there Is at least one dreaded
dlsense Unit scleuee has ben aide to cm In
all Its stages, and that I Catarrh. Unit's
f'ntnrrh Cure Is tin only positive enre nmv
known to the medical fraternity, I'ntiiirli
being a constitutional disease, requires a
constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh
Cure Is taken Internally, acting directly
upon the blood and luueous surfaces of the
Hystem, thereby destroying the foundation
of the disease, and giving the patient,
strensfth by building up the constitution and
assisting nature In doing Its work. The
proprietors hare so much faltl) In earn
tlve powers that they oiVer One Hundred
Dollars for any ease that It falls to cure.
Send for list of testimonials.
Address l .1. CHUNKY - CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, .V.
Take Hall's Kuuilly Tills for constipation.
Chief lSnjclnecr of Ilne Determine
Amount to lie Used.
Stool rails form one of tho costliest
Items In the uiimml expenditures of a
railroad, and the manner in which a
railroad buys Its rails from ono of tho
grout stool concerns is ono which sug
gests the Importance of the annual
pvont. In all tho largo systems tho
president and board of directors are
notified and tho matter Is first passed
upon by thorn before the purchasing
ugent of the railroad begins to work
jut the details, says the Noy York
It Is a small order thiw days when
a system orders 10,000 tons of steel
rails. At the present prices for rails
MX order of 10.000 tons means an out
lay in cash of Jj'-'SIMIOO. More fro
liiontly, however, orders for rails run
up above $1,000,000 a year. There are
no rail tMiuipiuont trusts by which the
cash Is furnished, as there are car
trusts and equipment trusts. As ft re
sult, when the rails are being delivered
cash Is paid.
Usually It Is the chief engineer of
ti railroad system who makes up his
estimates of the necessities of the com
ing year for the company. Tho main
lino, ho figures, needs so many tons of
heavy standard rails and the branches
require so many tons. Usually his es
timates are cut down when the presi
dent and his subordinates go over the
'.natter, but then, again, they may he
Increased. Other changes are made
ivheu the Ideas of the president are
suggested to the engineer. Whoa the
Until estimates are made up the matter
Is presented to the droctors by the
president and the purchase Is then au
thorized. The engineer again takes up
the subject, together with the pur
chasing agent. The engineer makes up
Bpecllleatlons and the purchasing de
partment gets In touch with tho steel
rail concerns. Freight charges and
nenrness to point of shipment are
among tin? considerations which the
purchasing departmnts have to weigh.
When the engineer's department has
compiled1 the details of the grade of
3teel with tho proportion of the essen
tials that are to enter the rail then the
order is taken up by the president
again and conferences are held with
the leading olllcials of the steel com
;any. After many suggestions and
changes the order Is finally placed.
L)o not use the
flickering Jit;lit.
eyes in a poor or
A Positive
Ely's Cream Balm
Is quickly absorbed.
Uitas Relief at Onco.
It cleanses, soothes,
heals and protects
the diseased membrane. It cures Catarrh
and drives away a Cold in the Head quickly.
Restores tho Senses of Tnste and Smell.
Full size !0ctn. nt Druggists or by muili
U'rial size fO els. by mail.
Ely Brothers, .10 Wnrreu Street, Now York.
A Bkln of Beauty Is a Joy Forover.
T. Follx Gouraud's Orlontal
Croam or Moglcol Boautlflar. '
Removes Ton. Flmplos,
Kieckles, Moth l'utclies,
llakij, and hkln Dlnciim,
ami every niomisn
ou beauty, ami do
ties itntsotlon. It
liai stood tub test
of til jmp, anil
U bo liurmlms wo
tasU'H tobssuralt
l.i propeiljr mails.
Accept no counter
feit of ulmllnr
name. Dr. 1. A. ssM to a
laity of tbtt rmut
ton ( p-itlcnt) :
"Ai you tallies,
will us them,
I rfieutnmund
'fniirii,iil, Crtimn' m tho leapt linrmfiil of all the
nklu nrepsrallonv" For ssls by all druggists and Fancy,
ttooda Unlet In tbo United Statu), Canada and Europe
FERO.T. HOPKINS, Prop., 37 Great Jons: Street. New York.
"Its the easiest and
only wfvy to get
trie best
Sold everywhere
IHuUlnu' li'ocl from Wit Jr.
It has been esfiniated that In tho
"'"lip, w VtlUlj t. V "HOI) IV. I 1 1 11 i
.....-.. - t . t .i. . .1 1
Ncreeuiugs rejireseui nearly ii loiiriu or
Hie output of the mines, writes XV.
Frank .McClure in Toclmlcal World
Magazine. To utilize these products ,
has long been a problem. The fact that
in France, (Jerniany, and Cardiff,
Wales, the utilization of this waste has
boon an established Industry for years,
lent impetus to the introduction of
some such plan In America; but Euro
pean methods. It was found, could not
he advantageously adopted here. Tho
advanced price of coal and the likeli
hood of strikes, however, have kept the
problem of using waste products to tho
front, until now Inventive genius Is be
ing crowned with success and both an
thracite and bituminous fields will ere
long be profiting greatly thereby.
A new machine, recently completed,
In its tlrnt practical tests tit St. Louis,
Mo., produced from what was previous
ly considered waste products eight tons
of fuel In one hour's time. This fuel
Is In the form of hrhpietles each oval
In shape, weighing three-fourths of a
pound and being inches In diameter
and Vi inches thick. This Is much
smaller than the briquettes produced in
Europe, which seldom, weigh less than (J
pounds each. The smaller size Insures
more perfect combustion.
John Ithlgley Carter, secretary of the
American embassy at London, wa.s pi
loting some American friends through
the museum at Hastings when he ob
ved nil unhappy attendant wearing
a military uniform, with a helmet from ,
which a chin-strap hung, at wlnun ait !
Inquisitive tourist was firing till man- I
ner of silly questions.
The tourist's last question was: '"Say, 1
what. Is that strap tinder your chin
for?" I
The attendant sighed. "The trap Is
fo rest my Jaw when I get tired answer
ing questions," said lie. Harper's '
Weekly. j
"Wonder why It's so easy for a fel- .
low to g.'t engaged at a summer re- i
"Ever look Into one of these summer
dotel mirrors';"
"Well, when a girl swu herself In
one or those, she's ready to accept ul
most anybody." Cleveland Leader.
Unite So.
.Mr. Dresser Your' hat looks very
well with that -wing In It.
Mrs. Dresser Yes, but It would look
bettor with two wings In It.
Mr. Dresser Oh, that's nwrely a
matter of a pinion. Philadelphia Led
ger. If .some people should make it a rule
to pay as they go they would never get
very far away from homo.
slmiln ling tlictfood tind Rclj ula -ling
llic Stomachs nntl Bowels of
Promotes Digcslion.CliccrruI
ncss andltcsl.Conlalns neillicr
Opium .Morphine nor Mineral.
Javpktn Steel"
Jhfxrmint. -JltCtulwialtSjttiL
hiatetymti Harm
AperTccl Remedy for Conslipn
Uont Sour Slonmch.DiaiTlioca
Worms .Convulsions .Rjvcrish
ncss mulLoss of Sleep.
Facsimile Signature oF
: I
Tho Kind You liavo Always Bought, nntl -which has hecin
in itso foi over SO years, has homo tho signature of
- nntl Jms hcon matlo under his pcr-
S&Tfljt&lAj fionnl supervision slnco itsinl'anuy.
fzfVy, Anow 0 ouo to dceetvo youin Uiis
All Oounterlotts, Imitations nnd " Just-tis-good' tiro bufc
ISxpcriiucnts that trtilo with mid endanger tho health oC
Infants mid Children Experience against Experiment
What is CASTORIA -
Castorla is a harmless substitute for Castor OU, Pare
goric, Drops mid Soothing Syrups. It is IMeasant. It
contains nolthor Opium, Morphine nor other Harcotlc
substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
mid allays Fcverlshncss. It cures Dlarrluua and "Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. Ifc assimilates tho Food, regulates tho
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep
Tho Children's 1'auaccit Tho Mother's Friend
Boars the Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years
Makes the
An ounce of grease is sometimes the only difference between
profit and loss on a day's teaming. You know you can't afford
a dry axle do you know as well that Mica Axle Grease is the
only lubricant you can afford? Mica Axle Grease is the most
economical lubricant, because it alone possesses high lubricating
property, great adhesive power, and long-wearing quality.
Hence, the longest profitable use of your outfit is to be had, only
when the lubricant is Mica Axle Grease.
Mica Axle Grease contains powdered mica. This forms a
smooth hard surface on the axle, reduces friction, while a special
ly prepared mineral grease forms an effective cushioning body
between axle and box. Mica Axle Grease wears best and long
estone greasing does for a week's
teaming. Mica Axle Grease saves
'sS horse power consequently saves
feed. Mica Axle Grease is the best
"-Willi w""'
SOT lubricant in the world use it and
draw a double load. If your dealer
does not keep Mica Axle Grease we
will tell you who does.
Jotor more ooofc krlfhter and filler eolwi tbtn any othfrdyi. Oie 10c ;iekK colon all flktrj. Tfcev dte li colt wUr Mltr hw my oJbtr tfw. Yea tm few
eygflfneflt wlthovt rlpnlo apart, Wrrte for tit booklet .How to Dyr.KcicH and Htx CoJori. MOiK.QE. 7)H lC CO., tnen, Mljjovri