The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, September 28, 1906, Image 4

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    . I i iHHFIf
Thousands Haye Kidney
Trouble and Never Suspect it.
How To Find Out.
Fill n bottle or common glass with your
water and let it Htand twenty-four hours ;
a sediment or sct
Uiiij;iiilicatcHiiu unhealthy con
dition of the kid
neys; if it stains
your linen it is
evidence of kid
ney trouble ; too
frcducnt desire
to pass it or pain
in the back is
also convincing proof that the kidneys
and bladder are out of order.
WJint To Do.
There is comfort in the knowledge so
often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Hoot, the great kidney remedy,
fulfills every wish n curing rheumatism,
pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder
and every part of the urinary passage.
It corrects inability to hold water
and scalding pain in passing it, or bad
effects following use of liquor, wine or
beer, and overcomes that unpleasant ne
cessity of being compelled to go often
during the day, and to get up many
times during the night. The mild and
the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root
is soon realized. It stands the highest
for its wonderful cures of the most dis
tressing cases. If you need a medicine
you should have the best. Sold by drug
gists in fifty-cei.t and one-dollar sizes.
You may nave a sumim- uumu i
book tnai tens an
about it, both sent free
by mail. Address Dr.
Kilmer & Co.. Hing-
Inmitnil. N. Y. When noma of Bwamp-Soot.
writing mention this paper and don't
make any mistake, but remember the
name, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and
the address, Uiughamton, N. Y.
Interesting Letter
from Alberta, Canada
Is bpny bocauso bo la being frkbd
from lick that torturo and torment.
AuifuM, September October, aru heat
months to dip 1hk to kill lice. Dip
olkhe, tliu bent Iloir Dip, works
quickly and thoroughly. It kill iioo
lick, destroy All disease Hcrms,
(irovouta itoo choi.biu, aavpa loaa,
:oppa your hoRii hvalthy and grow
nir. Every hoic-ralsor needs It. Dip-
tho cheapest
hut. wri
lor booklet and enough dip ti
OLBNia la eaar to uae
hoif Insurance .you can
to make
a mllon, I'RKK.
Box , Xarahalltowa, Iowa.
Medical and Surgical
Diseases of Women
Stolla - - Nebraska
Ulllce over ToBtonico Ilnlldlnjr, at
b rank Neal'n old stand,
The trouble is, your liver's
sick. One of its products,
"bile is overflowing into
your blood.
You can't digest your food,
your appetite is poor, you
suffer dreadfully from head
ache, stomach ache, dizzi
ness, malaria, constipation,
etc What you need is not a
dose of salts, cathartic water
or pills but a liver tonic
This great medicine acts gently on
the sick liver. It purifies the blood,
renews theappetlte, feeds the nerves,
clears the brain and cures censti
patlon. It is a true medicine for sick liver
and kidneys, and regulates all the
d'.gestive function. Try It.
At all dealers la nedidnes In
25c packages.
Cai.oauy, Amikkta, Canada,
Sept. 18, inoti
Dour Mr. Sanders:
Ah I told you when I left Nemaha
about tun (lays ago that 1 would let
you know what 1 ihoiiRht of Alberta,
I am writing you today giving you my
opinion oi It. This may be of interest
not only to yourHelf but to various
other people around Southeastern Ne-
Wo left Lincoln on the night ol the
lOlti, with tivu of us lti the party, and
at Alliance next day at noon we mot a
arty of 20 from Colorado, all of us
coming together to Calgary. We had
very pleasant trip all the way
through, and It was especially nice
ooiing along the Yellowstone river
through part of the Kocky Mountains
We crossed tho Canadian line at Sweet
Grass on Thursday evening, September
the l:)lh. Wo left Lethbrldge, Alberta
tho morning of the 14th and after a
few mlled began to see some of the big
crops for wmcn Algeria is lamuuB
V arrived At Calgary at noon and
went Immediately to Langdoo to see
he Irrigated lands of the Canadian
.'.telfle Hallway Company. After an
afttrHoon spent at hangdon we went
on to Strathmote and there saw some
of the llnest land that, li-a outdoora.
Wo saw wheU, oats, and all kinds f
vegetableH that made ib large a crop na
I ever saw.
I talked with Mr. Ilartell. a farmer
l.vlng near Strathuiore. and questioned
him very cloaoly regarding the country.
Mr. Iliirtell saya that he lift been
living there for seven yeara and baa
had line srop every year. He saya
that hla whwat thla year made 00
bushels to the acre and his oats 100
busliela to the acre; he also got 450
bushels of potatoes from one acre of
ground. In fact, Mr. Ilartell aaya that
all kinds of grain and vegetub.ea are a
good crop in Alberta Mr. Ilartell
liau quite a large number of horaea and
cattle Mud aaya that he never hua had
any shelter for them during any time
of the year ainc he haa been here, nor
have they been fed anything, live
entirely on the grasa.
There are any number of people In
Alberta who will give the same story
an Mr. Ilartell and sum of them make
It even larger, and no far I Hleve
pretty near any of ilium from what 1
have seen with my own ees.
The soil in Albert is a rich black
oandv loam, from ten inches to two
feet deep, and tho whole country ie
coveted with an abundant growth of
grass, wtiich when cut with a mowing
machine, will make from one ton to
two tons per acre.
Npur StrHthmorA I saw a herd of
3,0o0 head of cattle which had never
seen grain or shelter of any kind
Thfse cattle all looked fine and were
nearly aa good ae some of our corn-fed
ateer9 In Nebraska; they wore the
culls of 11,000 head, 1,000 having just
been picked out and exported
Up until the past four ycarB Alberta
haa been in the bands mostly of the
stockmen, but the farmers are now
coming in and crowding the stockmen
farther back from the railroad, and In
a few yeara more what bus been
nothing but prairie covered with grass
and cattle, we will aee nothing but
grain and vegetables and other klndB
of farming.
The irrlgatod lands of the Canadian
Pacific Hallway Company were pro
nounced by mumberB of our party from
Colorado, Bush. Merino and Ft Mor
gan, who are thorough irrigatiouista
and in every detail, to be
the best irrigation project they have
overseen Every man bought land,
one man bought 4 sections, I bought
Yi section myBelf.
The rilsing of sugar beets is going
to bt one of the coming industries of
Alberta. They are raised with aa
much success aa they were ever raked
in any irrigated portion ol tho States,
clearing 3100 per acre to the producer
There is now In Alberta one sugar
factory. Alfalfa, timothy, and clpver
do well.
Tho weather ever since we have
been here haa been grand and from
conversations with people who have
live! here for a number of yeara I tlnd
that thoy have very mild winters. The
snow very, seldom excodu a foot in
depth and seldom Ilea on tho ground to
any extent more than forty-eight
hours. The chlnook winds strike thla
portion of tho country with wonderfu
effect, melting tho snow and tempering
the climate. 0 e man told me that
wo were apt to havo warm weather
until after Christmas, this having been
the usual w wither since he had been
in the country. The roads are always
1 havo reperved several ploeea of
land for myself and friends and am
sure It will be a good investment for
us if we never turn a furrow. There
are hundreds of people coming into
Alberta every week to look at the
country, and moBt of them are locating
and are going ahead putting their
farms under cultivation and that we
know will increase the value of tho
laud in each district, in fact it will be
the earn" thing as has taken place in
Nebraska and Colorado, and other
various states of the Union. The man
who gets the land first and at a low
price and puts it under cultivation and
holds it, Ib the man who la going to be
the rich man in the future.
The Japanese government Bent a
repreeentatlve to Calvary to contract
with the Alberta Pacific Elevator
Company for three million bushels of
wheat to be delivered this year, which
cannot be done because there is such a
demand that their request cannot be
complied with.
I have not seen Mr. Ilolmps bub will
viait him tomorrow. I expect to leave
here Friday evening lor home, arriving
there sometime next week. Moat of
the party starts tomorrow, but I am
making a thorough investigation of
this country.
Yours very truly,
C. II. Kindig.
It is extremely unlikely that the
First district, a purely agricultural
community. wH turn down a renublK
can farmer from Casa county for the
purpose of electing a democrat lawyer
Woll Worth Trying
W. II. Drown, the popular pension
attotne), of Pittslleld, Vt., eajs: "Next
to a pension, the best thing to get is
Dr. King's New Life Pills " He
Chairman Griggs, of the democratic
congressional committee, professes to
see a rift in tho clouds, and hope for
his cause In the election in Maine
But Mr. Orlggs was wise enough to
not send any of his democratic suell
binders into Maine to discuss any
question to be found in the national
democratic platform. The democrats
of Maine did not ask any material help
from the outside, because they did not
want democratic issues discussed in
that state. They had but one issue
resubmission of the liquor question to
the people. Prohibition waa written
into the constitution of Maine some
years ago, and the cities and towns are
opposed to that constitutional amends
ment. The democrats took advantage
of thii? demand for resubmission to the
people, and they made their campaign
on that question alone.
Tho democrats did not even recognize
Mr Gompera aa an ally, nor did Mr.
Gomnera apeak for the democratic can
didate for congress while in Maine
The democratic candidato for congresB
who opposed Mr. Littlefield persistent
ly refused to discuss national issues
He refused to say that he would vote
with the democratic party in congress
on the tariff question: he refused to
say how lie would vote on the anti
injunction bill advocated by Mr. Gom
pera. He refused to take issue with
Mr. Littlefield on any question before
congress, lie insisted mat mere waa
but one issue in Maine this year, and
that was resubmission of the liquor
question to the people.
The democratic candidate for govern
nor, and all the other democratic can
didates and speakers, also Insisted
that this was the only issue. The
reduced plurality for the republican
ticket in Maine was on this issue alone
and no other issue. Chairman Griggs
of the democratic congressional com
mittee, and Sum Compere of the
American Federation of Labor, had
no more influence on the voters
Maine than did the man in tho moon
because there was but one issue
Maine tills year Ex.
from Lincoln. There
Ingenious reasons spread before the
voters during the campaign why tills
should be done. The chief reason la
that the democrats want the congress
man. They want to capture the next
congresH, turn Joe Cannon out of the
place of power and put a democrat in
an office that wields a power second
only to that of the President. They
desire to get hold of one branch of
congreea and tie the hands of Hoosevelt
ao that no more items on his reform
irogram may be put into law. They
tope In this way for a democrat to
succeed Roosevelt. It Ib a clever
scheme, but Its weakness lies in the
fact that it must depend for success
upon republican votes. How many
republicans in the FirBt district will
lelp them out? We venture to say
thi't they will be few Indeed.
Mr. Pollard has served a year in the
owar house. In that time he has dili
gently applied himself to the task of
earning the needs of his district, ac
quainting himself with the methods of
government in Washington, and other
wise fitting himself to do good work
for the people or thla section. His
record la a clean one. The only sem
blance of a charge again Bt him la that
ie accepted aa salary, money the law
says belongs to him. This charge was
made before hia nomination, but he
met it fully and waa endorsed by five
of the Beven counties afterwards, one
convention having already been held
and the other being the home county
of his rival. His nomination was
unanimous. Mr. Pollard holned nut
in the statute hook the important
egialation desired by the president at
the Inst session. He iB in thorough
accord with Roosevelt on every ouess
tion, and he ouebt to bo sent back to
asafst that great leader in completing
the splendid work beeun by him.
will bo some writes: "tney Krep my family in splen-
did health." Quick cure for Headache
Constipation and Biliousness. 25c.
Guaranteed at XI 111 Bros drug store.
You Name the Price
On the evening of October 2nd, we
shall open our sale of Watches, Clocks,
Jewelry and Silverware. A ppeclal
salesman will be here and any articles
u these lines wilt be for sale at your
own price.
Our word Ib given that we will offer
a big bunch of bargains, and when you
come we will show you that you name
the price.
Don't forget The Royal Live Stock
and Horso Show, Oct. 3rd and 4th.
The greatest time Auburn has ever
had and no charge to you.
Auburn Music & Jewe Irv do
West of Court House. Auburn Neb.
Dealer la
Highest market price paid for Hides,
Lard, Tallow, etc,
W. W. FKAZIER, M. 3.
Physician and Surgeon
Nemaha, Nebr.
All calls promptly attended
Phone 28
Diuiug the seven years that have
jtiBt passed there is no duty, domestic
of foreign, which we have shirked; no
necessary task which we have feared
to undertake, or which we have not
performed with reasonable elllclency.
We have never pleaded Impotence. We
have never sought refuge iu criticism
and complaint Instead of action. We
face the future with our past and our
present as guarantors of our promises;
and we are content to stand or to fall
by the record which wo have made and
are making. President Roosevelt.
County Attorney French hna made a
good record In that office during the
tltno he has been in it. He is deserve
Ing of reelection.
Remember that a vote for the repub
lican legislative candidates is a vote
for Norris Brown for United States
i senator.
America's Greatest Weekly
Toledo JSladc
The best known newspaper in-tho U. S.
Circulation 185,000
In many respects the Toledo Blade
a thii most remarkable weekly news
paper published in the United States.
It iB the only newapaper especially
edited for National circulation. It haa
had the largest circulation for more
yeara than any newspaper printed in
America. Furthermore it tne
cheapest newspaper in the world, aa
will be explained to any person who
will write us for terniB. The News of
the World so arranged that buay people
can more easily comprehend, than by
reading cumbersome columns of dail
iea. All current topica made plain in
each issue by special editorial matter
written from inception down to date
The only paper published especially for
people who do or do not read daily
newspapers and yet thirst for plain
facts. That this kind of a newspaper
Ib popular is proven by the fact that
the Weekly Blade now has over 85.s
000 yearly subscribers, and Ib clrculatfd
in all parta of the U. S. In addition
to the news, tho Blade publishes short
and serial stories, and many departs
ments of matter auited to every mem-
uer oi tne ramuy. uniy one dollar a
Write for free specimen copy. Ad
dresa The Blade.
Toledo, Ohio.
Proprietors of the
Livsryft Feed Stable
Good Dray in connection withjLivory
Satisfaction guaranteed.
J. EJ. Orotliei-
in the
Shoe RcToairinec
Harness Repairing
Hand Made Harness a Specialty
First class Building Brick for
sale at the
Nemaha Brick Kilns
Call and see them and get
priceB. Quality guaranteed
This Will Interest
Ladies Only
We nro Rlvlnc away DIXSfEIl NVTH, OHAXITE.
and hundreds of other articles, all full bIzo for family
use, to enablo us to Introduce our Bwan Making Powder
and Salvona Brands of Teas, Coffees and other Household
Blinnilcs. 1'hlt.M nm nil hlirh.irr.iria rrruMls
puarantoed as to quality cost no nioro than you aro now paying for tho Bamo uoods, and
wo depend entirely upon their rosrlt to secure yonr fnturo orders. Consequently by kIvIok
away froo premiums wo pain now customers and you nave tho profit which formorly went
to tho dealers, as by doallnu directly with our customers wo savo tho proUt of tho
wholesalers and retailors, which WK IIAM oVJUl TO YOU in tho stmpo of useful
premiums nnd honoet poods at fair prices. Bocanso you llvo miles away from us bocauso you
nmy novor havo soon us-ls no good reason or not Klvlng us a trial. You rink iiutliliV.
fc t tin lint, nut ta Im n .1 m . -v t . . . r
win luTsnrif ,. V. , I ... . 1 "i 1 rrn vur caiaioRuo or premiums
ni,V iTnn.n i . " uu tj"" " " K w 1 1 1 DOluny uxpiaineu li you will oni;
juui uiiiuy uim auurcss. wo navo hundreds of patn
lhoy WOUld not tiatronlin ua inilxcann mum tf.nm
in? m X i0' u,em to. Besides, tho editor of this
paper will tell you that wo aro thoroughly responsible.
Wrlto us today-a postal-card Just
iuui iiauiu unu uuuruts win ao.
ThU In Chance That Does Not Happtn Eyrry Diy.
1127-1129 Pino Streot, St. Louis, Mo.
y explained ir you will only Bond ua
atrons whoso custom wo secured by tlii? plan.
iuu vuiun anu mir treatment, wo