TOPICS OF THE TIMES. A CHOICE 8ELECTION OF INTER E3TINQ ITEMS. Coimuentn nnd Criticisms Iinscd Upon the HnppcntiiKH of the Day Ulutorl cnl und News Notes. ( One oC the host things going, as you might Huy, In mi unwelcome guest. IMorpunt .Morgan has bought a rug Cor $17,W0. Hard 1o beat that rug. Wo often hear of ripe Judgment, hut most judgment 1h picked before It la irltc. Evidently the Czar has' no hope of ginning Immortal fame by being elected Iho ilrst president of ltussln. A girl went to Jail rather than toll her yige on the witness stand. She does not vlAiny, however, that she's over 7. In his latest poem Alfred Austin de clares "Nature Is Greater Thau I." There Is something memorablo In the modesty of this concession. At the age of 17 a Kentucky girl has been married three times and twice di vorced. If she has started after the record her chance looks good. Wo have often wondered why Luther Jturhank, the wizard, doesn't try to do something In the way of producing a cantaloupe with a clear conscience. Another man has almost succeeded In (swimming the Kngllsh Channel. Civil ization Is going to take a fearful slump unless somebody does it pretty soon. While Nlagura Falls will only last B.fiOO years, picture post-cards will be out of date by then, and In all probabil ity the falls won't be needed for any thing. A woman is suing for divorce Ikj cause her JS-year-oId husband smokes cigarettes. She ought to have made Itlin skow his lingers before she mar ried him. I.y boiling all the water and steriliz ing all the milk and thoroughly cook ing all the vegetables and killing all the dies, the average person may es cape typhoid fever. lOggs are now being recommended as prXlucts that cannot be adulterated, but If they could speak, what a tale of 'suffering In cold storage some of the fresh ones could tell ! Henry I'hipps, of Pittsburg, pays ?r0(),(MJ() a year for the use of a deer park In Scotland. Other Pittsburg mil lionaires have shown that he might put his money to a worse use. With the promotion of the American minister at Constantinople to the grade of ambassador, Turkey becomes the tenth power to which the United States sends a representative of the highest diplomatic rani:. "An honest man has nothing to fear from investigations," says Governor Folk of Missouri. This is true, but it wins to be dllllcult to get some of the men who are In the oil business to agree that there is any reason why oth er people should In their desire to In vestigate use so much time that might he otherwise employed. Dr. Mary Putnam Jacob!, who .!l"d In New York the other day at the age of (53 years, was a pioneer, but she lived long enough to see the world come round to her early view that women are as much entitled as men to recognition as phyulcluus. She was the first woman to go through the Paris Schtxd of Medicine, the ilrst to be ad mitted to the Now York medical socie ties and to the American Medical As sociation, and the first sent as a dele gate lVom New York to the State Afed leal Association. The Aimr;m Library Association recently held il.s thirtieth annual con ference. In thirty years the public li brary In America has become one of the most powerful agents In the Intel lectual development of the country. Those who remember the time when the librarian was an untrained person, jilaeed in Ids position by accident rath er than by special qualification, can appreciate the value of the work of the association. Without It many of the beautiful library buildings which hilorii our cities and towns would be but storehouse's for badly selected and uuiiFcd books. Tln congestion of population in cities Jium led to much moralizing on the de cay of farm life and the indisposition of fanners' sons to pursue the father's 'calling. Yet our census reports show that between l.S.'iO and 1000 the number of farms in the country Increased from less than l.fiOO.OOO to nearly (5,(X)0,(I00. That this Ls not wholly due to larger imputation Is shown by the fact that while In 1850 there was one farm to every 1(1 persons in 1000 there was one to every 13.1 persons, the farms grow ing In numbers faster than the popula tion. There la shown In this fact ono reason why farm labor Is so inadequate to the demand just now. Man's devices for progress carry noise and commotion in their train. Tho trolley car, the steamboat, tho tele phone, tho railroad are so many Inven tions that lncrense tho clatter of tho world. Uvea human character In theso modern days makes a "to-do" In Its growth. The child passes Into girlhood with much talk about her feelings and preferences. When she has given up a had habit or curtailed an Indulgence for the sake of sweet charity, she talks over the acts with a dozen lntimntt friends. If she contemplates a college course or a matrimonial venture, she consults both Interested and uninter ested people about It. A religious ex perience Is discussed until It vanishes in talk, and a high resolve comes to nothing because the words In which it was to be framed could not be satis factorily defined. If the modern woman were to Imitate less the methods of practical science, and take more les sons in the still workshop of nature, she would achieve results more beauti ful, and perhaps even more useful. Only to grow ns' tho grass grows, Prating not of joys or wx, is a good motto for July or January. It would be a strange, confused world In which the grass made a commotion about Its upward climb, such as a puff lug automobile makes -as It thrusts Its nose over the hilltop. Of the great forces of nature It may be truly said, as a scholarly version of the Psalm has It: "They have no speech nor lan guage; their voice Is uot heard." One great sacrifice Is demanded by the American people of the man whom tiiey honor with election to the presi dency. That Is, the absolute surrender of any notion he may have that ho Is entitled to any privacy in his life. Tho servant of the people, he must keep constantly In slglrt of the people, and must endure any 'disagreeable features of the oillclal relationship. One of Washington's first queries, as lie sought, assistance from his cabinet In shaping the form's and ceremonies of the new republic, was: "What would be said If the President were sometimes to bo seen at quiet tea parties?" There was a great gulf fixed between the state coach bedecked with Cupids support ing festoons, with Its outriders and foot men In livery, and tho seclusion and privacy of which the first President was so fond. He felt the need of ca tering to the public interest in tho ruler of a people, but his heart often turned with longing to the old friends whose quiet companionship he craved. Long afterwards, when Jefferson anil Jackson hud had their leveling lutlu once, criticism was directed to Presi dent Pierce, because he used to step out of his oiliclal surroundings now and then to call as a plain citizen upon old friends of his New Hampshire home. If President Lincoln, opening a closet door, found an oillce seeker hidden within, It was to be taken as a matter of course, and many a woman, forced for the time to share the White Houso with her husband during his term of ollice, has bemoaned the fate of "tho first lady of the land" when cut off from that homelike seclusion which every man and woman wants at times. It is probable that the curious Inter est of tho ruled In their rulers will not cease while our government lasts. Hut It must be trying, If not absolutely dis gusting, to a man of President Roose velt's good sense and democratic spirit to find a press dispatch Informing tho citizens of every State that during a sudden shower he and his wife had their clothes drenched, even though tho added Information was missing that the President's garments were at onco sent to the tailor's to be pressed. Tho President has a right to be put out by a tale of Ids habits of eating, particu larly If almost every single paragraph of an alleged accurate account Is found to be false. A certain amount of popu lar Interest must always attend tho routine of a public servant like tho President, but It is dilllcult to believe that there are many American citizens who care a straw whether there are ten courses or two In the dully dinner in the White House. Kr:in t!! iiancIurliiK. Lncle I.'rosdoclmo, looking at his two little nephews playlug at taking a fort, promised 'J cents to the victor. Flvo minutes after, tho fort was taken. . "Well, one of you is a clever cap tain. How was the fort taken?" "Oh," said one, "I promised Gigl a cent, if he would surrender." 11 Mondo Umoristlco. An A:ravul-, Annitult. "They have a cow out In Oregon that wiggles her horns." "Gee! I'd Jmto to have a cow llko tbiiL hook me." Cleveland Plain Deal or. a What tho world Is really looking for, according to the women's version, is some man who will hand consclenco money over U his wife, A woman's tongue Is the important pari, of her running gear. What Ails You r Do you fool weak, tired, despondent, have freqaent headaches, coated tongue, bittftr or bad taslo in morning, "heart burn," belching of g acid risings In throat nttsr eating, stomach gnaw or burn, foul breath, dizzy spells, poor or variable appetite, nausea at times and kindred symptoms? If yoTNvo any considerable number of thabovoiytorns you aro suffering fromTN"llousnftsCrpld Jlvcr with Indl ffcstIoniEdpeJ3Ttw pr. PJfrce's Golden Mrllpftl pcoycrv la miUg tm of mot valuable medicinal principles known to mndloal science for the nenniuiept euro of fuch abnprmftLeonditojisu It Is a most efficient liver Invlgorator. stomach tonic, bowel regulator and norvo strongthoner. The "Golden Medical Discovery " Is not A patent mcdlclno or socrot nostrum, a full list of Its Ingredients being printed on Itfa bottle-wrapper aial attested under oath. A glance at Its formula will show that It contains no alcohol, or harmful habit-forming drugs. It Is a fluid extract made with pure, trlplo-roflned glycerine, of proper strongth, from the roots of tho following native American forost plants, viz., Golden Seal root, Stona root, Rtack Chorrybark, Queun's root, llloodroot, and Mandrake root. The following leading medical authorities, ft mom: a hunt of others, extol the foregoing roots for tho euro of Just such ullutonts as tho bovojmptoinsiii(llcntn: I' Iltirthnlovv, M, 1).. of Jefferson Mtl. College, PhlU : I'rof H.O Wood.M. D,.of Unlv.of Pa.: Prof. Kd win M. Half, At. 1).. of Hahnemann Med. College, Ohkatro: Prof, John Kim:. M. D.. Author ot American Dispensatory: I'rof. Jno. M. Send der. M. D.. Authorof Spocltlc Medicines: Prof Laurence Johnson, M. I).. Med. Dept. t.'ulv, of N. Y.: Prof. Klnloy Klllngvrood. M. D.. Author of Materia Modlca and Prof. In Dennett Medi cal Colleen. Chicago. Send name and ad dress on Postal Card to Dr. It. V. Pierce. Buf falo. N. Y and recotvo ret booklot giving extracts from writing of all the abort medi cal authors aud many others endorsing, In tho ntrengest poislblo terms, each and every In grfltlent of which "Goldtm Medical DUcov ery " In composed. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate and inrlgorata stomach, llvor and bowel. They may bo used In conjunction with "Ooldon Medical Discovery" If bowels aro much con stipated. They're tiny and sugar-coatod. A loud voioo and a clumsy manner bespeak the coarse woman. Colored print goods will he fresher if tho color is set before washing tho first time, and this may lo done by soaking tho garment in a strong solution of salt and wator for an hour beforo washing. If tho color is greon, n little vinegar should be added to tho rinse water; und if lilac, a small quantity of ammonia. The best way to iron tucks is to pull them struigt and iron on the wrong side lirst, and then iron on the right side. They look bettor if tho aucok is raised with a knife after pressing, instead of leaving them Hat. FADED TO A SHADOW. Worn Down ly Klv- Vonri of Suf fering: from Klilni" Ciiiiiluliit. Mrs. Komothe Myers, of 100 South Tenth St., Ironton, Ohio, says: "I have worked liard In my time and have been exposed again and again to changes of weather. It Is no wonder my kidneys gave out and 1 went all to pieces at Ust. For five years I was fading away and final ly so weak that for six months I could not get out of the house. I was nervous, restless and sleepless at night, and lame and sore in the morning. SomeMmcs everything would whirl and blur before me. I bloated so badly I could not wear tight clothing, and had to put on shoes two sizes larger than usual. The urine was disordered and passages were dreadfully frequent. I got help from the first box of Doun's Kidney Pills, however, and by the time I had taken four boxes the pain and bloating was gone. I huvo been In good health eve since." Sold by all dealers. fiO cents a box. Foster-Milburn Co.. Buffalo, N. Y. HOLD UP! etxicl con&idear POMMEL 1IKE ALL WATERPROOF CLOTHING. hmadt of thr best nuMihhblickorytlltw fulry Ajdriinttei.a-i sold fcyfl rriiiflc dtdkrs wtowhtrtl " 3T1CKT0THE air. nr-rur rieul iv. ' "mii vt i lit run I 1 TMIDWTO.fAH. lorrcm.rusiuiA i THE BEST COUGH CURE In buying a cough medicine, re member tho best cough cure, Kemp's Balsam costs tio more than any other kind. Remember, too, tho kind that cures is the only kind worth any thing. Kvery year thousands aro paved from a consumptive's gravo by taking Kemp's Halsam in time. Is It worth while to experiment with anything else ? Sold by all dealers at 25c. and 50c. mt e mm i ni a mmr .mvMi r m mm -A- i-TT PUTNAM FADELESS DYES! Cfcr mere m4i brltMer m4 fwte cslsn tim My other ityt. Om 10c Mckne ester U fer. Tlwv dts to cl witer better ttaj WOtker ile. You cm f MV ors4t wltlkMt rlwlM Nrt, WrtU for free bklet..tfew te Dye, BlMdi mi Mti Celm, MO4"RC. "X UC CO., VniontiiU: Mljjmrl NO REST NIGHT Oil DAY. With Irritating Skin Humor Hair Began to Fall Out Wonderful Ro- Bult from Cuticura Remedies. "About the latter part of July my whole body began to iK-h, I did not take much uotlce of It at first, but It began to get worse all tho time, and then I began to get uneasy and tried all kinds of baths and other remedies that wero recommended for skin hu mors; but 1 became worse all the time My hair begau to fall out and my scalp itched all tho time. Especially ut night, Just ns booh na I would get In bod nnd get wnrm, my whole body would begin to Itch, and my finger nails would keep It irritated, and It was not long before I could uot rest night or day. A friend asked me to try the Cuticura Itemedles, aud 1 did, and the first application helped me wonderfully. For about four weeks I would take a hot bath every night and then apply tho Cuticura Ointment to my whole body; and I kept getting hot tor, nnd by tho time I used four boxes of Cuticura I was entirely cured, anil my luilr stopped falling out, I). K, Itlaukenship, ail) N, Del. St., Indlannp mMs I ml. Oct. L'7. 1!)0.V BUSHELS Thai's (he WHEAT CROP I.N Western Canada This Year This with nearly 80,000,000 BushcU ot Oats and 17,000,000 Bushels of Barley mean a continuation ot good timet lot the farmers oi Western Canada free Farms Big Crops Low Taxes, Healthy Glmate, eood Churches and Schools, Splendid Rail way Service The Canadian Government oilers &o acres ot land FKEK to every settler willim: and able to comply with the Homestead Regulations. Ad vice ami Information may be obtained tree (rom W. I). Scott. BupurliilfncUnt of Immigration, Ottawa, CnuHila.or W. V. HnnU.t)l Naw Yoik l.lfn lliillUlnii, Oiiiaba, Nob , AutU .rizml (iotoroiuonl Atfauta. I'lna aar whir TOO niw th la Ailvnrtlanmnnt. ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Boar Signature of See Facsimile. Wrapper Below. Very aw nil nntl an easy to talus as hukux. CARTER'S FOR HEADACHE. FOR DIZZINESS. FOft IIL50UEHE8S. FOR TORPID LIVER. FOR CONSTIPATION. FOR SALLOW SKIN. FOR THE COMPLEXION ITTLE IVER PILLS. , OBSTftJIMU MUT MAVtUOMATUaC, 15 Carts I Fnrelr TcyetaDlo.WSri CURE SICK HEADACHE. A Skin of Beauty Is a Joy Forevor. iR. T. Follx Gouroud'a Oriental Cream or Magical Baautiflar. Rtmovea Tan, Pimples, Freckle, Moth l'ulclmi. Iiaiti, and Skin Dlaraita, anil every Dicmiib no beauty, and ilo fles detection. It hat atood tbe teat of 67 years, and la so tannines wa taitelt tobumrtlt In properly mad. Accept no counter feit of ilmllar name. Dr. h. A. Havre laid to a lady of tbe liaut. ton (a patient) : "As yon lujlea will uee them. I reeotnnittid '(Jnijrmut'a Cream1 ai tbe Irsat harmful of alt the 1 kin preparations." Knr sale by all drugclits and i ancj, Uoous Dealers In tho Ubltod State!, Canada aud Kuropa, FEBD.T. HOPKINS, Prom 37 Great Jones Street. Htw York. OROPSY Ni:t" lIM!OVKllY (it., furs iff mill curf wurtt rMtt Hciik of tinmriuii aim IO Diiyn trut(unt Dr.lUI. iKl;KSO.VS, lioi I, AtlmitMiu I I II Nil I I III HI I 90,000,000 Sale Ten Million Boxes a Yean THE FAMILY'S FAVORITE MEDICINE CANDY CATHARTIC- SSBSmWEtfwnyiiiMltfmjf An M 25c 50c BitJMMBmMjMwKilU DronUts H mmWmmHmmmmmmmWmmwm W) BESFOTOWELP You CANNOT CURE all Inflamed, ulcerated and catarrhal con ditions of tilts mucous membrane such as nnsalcntnrrh, uterine cntarrh caused by feminine ills, sore tltront, soro mouth or Inflamed eyes by simply dosing the stomach. But you surely can cure these stubborn affections by local treatment with Paxtine Toilet Antiseptic which destroys the disease Kerms,cltcck3 discharges, stops pain, and heals the inliammation and soreness. Paxtine represents the most successful local treatment for feminine ills ever produced. Thousands of women testify to this fact. 50 cents at druggists. Send for Free Trial Box THE R. PAXTON CO.. Boston, Mus, L. DOUGLAS 350&3.00 Shoes DEET IN THE WORLD W.L.Doug!as$4Qllt Edgo lino. cannolbaoqualloualanyprlco. SHOES FOR EVERYBODY ATlLL FRIGES. Man' Shoes. $5 to $1.0O. Iloya' Shorts. $3 tofl.UO. Woman' Shone, $VOO to fl.OO. Mlaaea1 6V Ohltttran'a B!io. $3.flB to $1.00. Trv W. I.. DntiKln Winni'ii's, MUsoft ami Olillil rcii's nlioc; for Htylo, lit aud woar tlmy oxcol otlmr make. If 1 could take you Into my largo factories t Brockton, Mass., and show you how carefully W.L. Douglas shoes nrc made, you would then understand why they hold their shape, fit better, wear longer, nnd nro o greater vnluo than anv other make. Wherever you live, you can obtnln V. L. Douelas shoes. Ills nnmo and price is stamped on the bottom, which protects you against high prices and Inferior shoes. Tako no subttl' tute. Ask your dealer (or W. L. Doutflusibocs and Insist upon hnvlnz them. Fast Color Etjelott tned; they will not wear orrrssj- Wrlte (or Illustrated Catalog ol Pall Styles. k W. I. UOUULAS, Dept. 14, Urocktou, Mass, AGE comes all too quickly to her who suffers from the diseases peculiar to women. Pain, weak ness, debility, soon leave you but a wreck of your former womanhood. CARDUI WINE OF WOMAN'S RELIEF relieves female pain, cures fe male diseases. "I was scanty, had numb feelings, and was terribly nervous every month, but Cardui has made me feel so much better," writes Mrs. J. Brandenburg:, of Hunting ton, W. Va. Try it. At all Druggists. c is WRITE lor Free Advice, Statinir wo nnd describing your MyruptomM, to Lmlii'8 AuYiMory Dopt,. (Jbattiiuooga Medici iiu Co., Chattanooga, To nit, a Fresh air is not a tiling to be takorit in littlo closes tjmco a day, but a tiling to live on. Mrs. WlnsloWs SOOTHING SYUUP for dill, dreti teething, softens the gums, reilucoa Infl'i maiiou, ulluyb puin.uuifj, collo. lrleei3c Uottla Tlie lirst P ulltuuri sleeping cur was constructed and run in 1803 WANTHIJ Mn to learn Teltigniphy. Write J. H Tiahcs care Santu Ke Ity. ArlcansasCity, UunsiiH Wo never misn the witter till tho buclcot chuin breaks. N. U. U. 015-38, YORK, NRBR' fir To Ihoc Itrnltrs tiX-. W. Doimlas' Job. Kff t W blntf ltotuo la tlin most (JJC "f Jn) 1 cumpletn In this country I K'Y . Wl Html tor Catalog 1