UnnoiKMiiiH H -ft 3 JCV 4A J ft i r v . jDO YOU GET TJP WITH A IAMU BACK? Kifijf Trouble Makes You Miserable. ntost everybody who rends the liews-j-jpers is sure 'to know ot the wonderful cures uuuiu uy ui. I Kilmer's Swamp Hoot, the great kid- ney, liver and blad- 1rtt VMtW(Uv "it is the great mcd- fi ical triumpn m nineteenth century ; i ii .licovnrtMlnftervears -H of scientific research U . -r, T'SI. ...... il... ny xjt. i.iiiiitit kidnev and i t... i.i ..:i:cf mill ?s wonderfully successful in promptly curing lame back, uric acid, catarrh of the bladder and ilrighl's Disease, which js the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is not rec ommended for every thing but if von have kidnev, liver or bladder trouble it w 11 be f omul" just the remedy you need. It 1 as been tested in so many ways, in hospital vork and in private practice, and has 1. roved so successful in every case that a Lecial arrangement has been made by which all readers of this paper, who have not already tried it, may have a sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book tell ing more about Swamp-Roo , aud how to uloutif vouhave kidney or bladder Iron Niu When writing mention reading this Onerous otter in uu address to Dr. Kilmer .H; Co., Binghamton, X. Y. The regular lollar size bottles are uomo i. .'-old bv all good druggists. Don t make xuiv mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's bwamp-Root. P.nd the address, liinghamton, IN. ., on every bottle. illli TIME TABL ftemtiiia, Nebr. The mau who U entitled to bo willed u fruternullst is not tho one who, in order to stive cents, goes to n trust oi eombiuiitton for Ida good", but who patronizes his fellow brother, even If he know the latter is giiug to inula' n little profit Tliu tltm Inn come when fraternnllsts must Band together, and whim we must gt luck the llrst, prln cipl which formerly existed, where men patronized eneli other and lived ami let live. Modern Woodman. A few weeks ago the Johnson News whs telliuu its readers what n lint1 man Charley Parker was how he Htood for all the reforms the News advocated , and had for year how well posted ho was on the questions of the day and was uruing him for the nomination on tho republican ticket for inilway com missioner. Now wo understand the News is "ferninst" Mr. Parker for representative. Why is this? What Iihs Mr. Parker done to cause the News to (to buck on him V If he was an ideal man for a member of the railway commission, lie certainly would ho all rlghl for a member of the legislature Bro. Stuck was certainly not sincere in his previous portion, is not sincere now. or has discovered Homethlim lately against Mr. Parker Which is i'V A paper that howls reloim as had as the News, and then says that unless something occurs to change matters it will support a nominee of the fusion party In preference to a man whom the same paper has pronounced all right in every way a few weeks ago, certainly lays itself open to suspicion that it is ryieg to hold up some one. or has got a little hoodie Irom the opposition, or else is not very sincere at any time. Is no doubt that iriultn of a moit beneficial nature will be accoinpllahul . Many topics of vital Impoi tance will be discussed, and, In fact, the meetings will be on tho order of a school of education. America's Groatost Weekly THE rXlelo J?31aclc 3Dnver Holeint Bntti) Salt Xjoke City I-ortlmd an l?1 1'.nii And 11 LjliitM WOHt Lincoln C'hiouiro St. .ToHuph JvniiH.iH City St. Xjouis ami all Points JUant and I It V I NS IjHAVK AS l-'OUiOWS: No. )7 l,iisseiiuei-.iliinyi!XooplS'ini inf. hir Tuemnsuii, ni-nu tloliln-nc mill till points west N-i.tts-lit.M'-.uer, tl'illv wxcopt Sun- v . i. ....., mil', i! ilcimo itnirt.lt ptilnlH north ami eiwl 4:0" J' m No. lU-Ii'ictt froluht. d.illv e.xivpt . Stintl'iv, lor AU!inii iiu tneillitti' Mliillons "in P ,n No U2-L.ot;u! Iroluht. tlnll.v except M miliiv. for MiiinsUit (hy linn lute ineilliito Mtallons Hi tl.SII a in 50 YEARS EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Designs rirtOVniRHTB &C. Anvniiftsondlnc nsltptrli nnU description may nuloliV uuruitnin our opinion frco wnoincr nn .iivni.tlnn Is prolmhly imtontriblo. Comimmlcn. on it rlct ly ronlldonlfal. Ilmidboob on I'ntcnta H't froo. Oldest iiuuncy for securiiiB pntontn. rutcnts titkun throuuh Munn & Co. receive i-l .- ml. I.ml. ImrirA III flin A tmndsomoly illtistrntoit wppkly. I.nrccst clr- MNH & Co.361Broadway' New York (lrnticti omco. m V at.. Washlnuton. IJ. U. . The Hrock Unl'etin savs that nine graduates ot the Brock high school will teach In this county the coming scliool year, and believes that more of the graduates o' that school are teachers than any olhei school in the county. Peihiip.s po. The trouble with the Nemaha oung lmly graduatesna that they are too popular and the young m ii leivimde them to quit teaching and g to housekeeping Nemnlm Advcrlir( r . And tj,ie Hrock lady teachers are so etlicient mid popular as educators that thtyureiot forced to grasp tho first opportutiity that is piebented to quit teaching and go to housekeeping. Hot when sohio worthv young man does Hiicceed in' winning one he congratu lates himself upon his good toitune the rest of his lilo Yes, indeed, the Hrock selioolina'.iin is a winner anywhere, and her name never figures among those who "flunked." Brock Bulletin Of course the Brock young ladies are not to blame because ths young men do not come around The young ladies ol Nemaha who do leach aie always in great demand as teachers and a-e classed among the very highest C.1.IS9 or teacheis And onr girls are not only fust class as teacheis hut also as hoinemakers, and in addition aie as sweet, and good looking as you will llnd iny where They are pns. every one A Missouri Letter Bomvak, Volk Co., My. August 5J0, 1000. Letter to The Adveitlser: Thinking peihaps that some of my friends would like to hear about Polk county, Mo , 1 will write you a few tacts about tho Ozark fruit country. Strawberries grow in abundance every whore and just lay and rot as people cannot gather one louith tho wild ones Tamo ones sold as cheap as h cents per box. Gooseberries, dewberries and blackberries also grow in abundance overy where Wo just plow up dews botries and blackberries by the millions all over our lields, and 1 picked a !1 gallon bucket lull of dewberries threes fourths inches In diameter and one inch long on u !10-foot j-quare patch at one picking and wo could pick thu Biuve patch every other day for two or three weeks. I also picked threb gallon of blackberries on u :i0-foot square patch in one picking and black berries were ripe from July -t to August 15 in abundance and are a few left yet. Haspbeitios do well but are not so plentiful wild. We had u line crop oi plums, peaches and apples Fall apples ere so plentiful that they are selling at 10 cents per bushel to bo dried at Bolivar But they buy all wind falls even winter apples to dry at 10 cents per bushel. Our Ben Davis apple trees are almost breaking down with fruit. Now a word about our crops Out wheat is fair, yield about IS bushels to acre and nice plump berry. Oats mo Hue, plump berry, but very thin on giound and owing to so much rain al harvest time Is damaged more or less over tho count rv. Our corn crop is good and the lirst planting is ready to commence using. Timothy and oilier urasses fair. ''natures are ex"ellenl and some grasses stay green all winter This is tho best stock country I know ot anywhere. One of my neighbors who has lived here over 40 years, says ho never saw a year that wo couldn't raise a fair crop of corn, except some years the chinch bug was bad. But of late years they have no chinch bugs Have had rain fall enough every year for 40 years to make a (join crop. Can Nebraska beat it? For further in formation write to me. E, L. AitOAiuuaiiT TOLEDO, OHIO Tho best known uowsptipor in tho U. S. Circulation 185,000 POPULAR IN EVERY STATE In many lespects tho Toledo Blade la the most remaiktiblo weekly news paper published in the United States. It is tho only newspaper especially edited for National circulation. Jt has had the largest circulation for more years than any newspaper printed In America. Kurtlitruioro It It the cheapest newspaper in tho world, as will bo explained to any person who will write us for terms. Tho News of tho World so arranged that busy people can more easily comprehend, than by reading cumbersome columns ot dnll ies. Allotment topics made plain in each Issue by special editorial mattet written from inception down to dato The only paper published especially for people who do or do not read dally newspapers and yet thirst for plain facts. That this kind ol a newspaper is popular Is proven by tho fact that tho Weekly Blade now has over 1S5 000 yearly subscribers, and is circulated in all parts of tho U. S. In addition to the news, tho Blade publishes short and serial stories, and many departs nients of matter suited to every mem bor of the family. Only one dollar a year Write for free specimen copy. Ad diesb Tine Hladis. Toledo, Ohio. A IVIy story Solved "How to keeo off periodic attacks of biliousness and habitual constipation was a mysteiy that J)r. King's Now L (o Pills solved for mo," wtitea John N, Pleasant, of Magnolia, J ml. The only pills that are guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction to evetybody or money retiinded. Only i!5u at Hill Bro'a drug store. DR. GL M. ANDREWS Medical and Surgical Diseases ot Women Stella IMTd i IC $ R ICE 11. Duiilur In IliirhoflL market price paid for Hides. Lard, Tallow, ete, W. W. FRAZIER, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Nemaha, Nebr. AH calls promptly attended Phone 28 STULL & HAWXBY ATTORNEYS LAW, UKAI. KSTAT1C," COIjI.K(!'l'IOi! i OllleeH ovor PonIoRIoo Hiillillu, at ! riink Nrnl'M olil Htntul, AUBUItN NEBRASKA The VWJ - nr t 4t. m ui u. wiuu.ui a uiu 1 me iiiiuie wuvii given to "change of life." Your menses come at long intervals, and grow scantier until they stop. The cliange lasts three or four years, and causes much pain and suffering, which can, however, be cured, by taking WINE OF Woman's Refuge in Distress if nuidflv relieves the Daln. nerv ousness, irritability, miserableness, fainting, dizziness, not anu com tlaslies, weakness, ureu reeling, eic. Cardui will bring you safely through this "dodging period," and build up your strength for the rest of your life. Try it. You can get It at an aruggisis in SI. 00 bottles. EVERYTHING BUT DEATH I 9U11VI eui mi it a . ("" t - i . .... M.( "unlit I innlr C'irdlll. which cured me so quickly It surprised my uocior, iwiu dlJn t know 1 was taking it. We have tint iced with much Hatin friction the agitation over tho Htate foi ii meeting of letail merchants ot Neoiaska at Fremont on jjeplemher 11 and 12 t"i the purpose of nigain.mg a slate association along the lin-a oi ii-siiciation wuik in other Mateo In the country. From reports we an- inclined to helieve that the meeting will he one ot the most enthusiastic o the kind evei h Id in any stale in the Union, and the indications aie that .-oveial hundred le.aileis will be present. I'lie sessions begin on September 11 at 2 ::10 o'clock in the afternojii and will continue until Wednesday after noon. September 1?.. On the evening ot September 11 an informal banquet will be tendered the retailers in the Masonic hall, under tho auspices of the Fiemoiit Commercial club. A good program has been ariauged toi the ui( eling on that evening. Thq various railroads of Nebraska have gianled a rale ot one and one- hird fare for the round trip from any point in the state, tickets to be sold on the certificate plan. The purchaser must ask for n eoitilicato when lie b ivs his ticket for Fremont Tickets will be placed on sale September 8, 0, 10 and 11, and will be good for return trip not later than September 15 livery merchant in tho state should attend thin meeting, and assist in or ganizing a good, live state association. The hotels at Fremont huve also de cided to allow a reduced into to the merchant delegates. The expense la very little, and there Tho End of tho World of troubles that robbed E. II. Wolfe, of Bear Grove, la., of all usefulness, came when he began taking Iilecttic Bitters He writes: "Two years ago Kidney trouble caused me great Buffering which L would never have survived hud 1 not taken Electric Bitters. They also cured mo of General Debility Sure cure for all Stomach, Liver and Kidney woinplaints, Blood diseases, Headache, Dizziness, and Weakness or bodily decline Price fiOc. Guaianteed by Hill Jiro's drug store. Never befoio in the history of Ne braska lias politics be-in ol such vital nterest to the masses as the contests now being waged in the slate. The people aie entitled to know the whole truth about all the men who are seeks ing olllce and about the principles that are being advocated. A paper mivii.g some personal or private inteiest in the outcome of such contests can rarely lie relied upon to print the news from an absolutely unbiased standpoint. Has the thought occurred to you that The Statu Journal Is tho only newspaper of Nebraska whose ptoprletor is not an office holder or ollice seeker? This may be sotiio explanation why Tho .loumal is so especially interesting these days Its attitude upon all absorbing topics of public interest is in behalf of the people and not for otllco-gettlng. Burlington Bulletin SEPTEMBER, 1906 It will Pay to consult this Bullotiii To New England and Canada: Daily low excursion rates during Seps cumber to Canada, and on Sept 5 and It) to New England ri'BOits. Sept U to Oct ill Billings $15, Salt Luke 820, Spokane $2'2.r0. l'oitland and Tacoma 825, Suattlu unci San "rancisco $'!'). Cheap ohm way to l'aeillo coast Cheap Colonist :ates, dally to San Francisco, Eos Angeles, Portland, Seattle, Tacoma and other coast terrh tory Aug 27 to October ill, also cheap one-way to Montana, Wyoming, Big Horn Basin, Utah and Western Colo rado Sept 15 to Oct ill. To California, Portland and J'uget Sound Koui.d trip Sept il to M, S50.00 to California; oiio way via Paget Sound i (52 50. East chance this summer. Denver, Colorado Springs and Puobs lo One tare tound trip, maximum excursion rate $15 00 from Nebraska Sept 10 to 22 inclusive. To tho East and South Cheap ex cursioiiH lo various destinations during September. Ilomeseeker's Excursions I1 requont ly each month to Western Nebraska, Eastern Colorado, Big Horn Basin, dy land farming destinations or irrigated sections. Free Kinkaid Lands Write I). Clem Denver, Agent Burlington's Homes seekei's Infoimation Bnrwati at 1001 Farnam St., Omaha, about getting hold of a free section of Kinkaid lands now being restored to the public domain. Consult nearest Burlington Ticket Ayont from time to time and ace what one-wav and round tri p rates ho has available for your immediate purposo. C. V. Glknn, Agent C. B. & Q. Hy. L W Wakki.ky, G. P. A., Omaha. KNAPP & SON I'roprluturHof tlio Livsry& Feed Stable NEMAHA, NEBR, Gcod Dray in connection withfiLivory Satisfaction guaranteed. J. 3E. Ox-otlxer in tho MRS. HILL BUILDING Sho Rrmirinoc am ss Repairing Hand Mado Harness a Spocialty BRICK BRICK First class Building Brick for sale at tho Nemaha Brick Kilns Call and eeo them and get. prices. Quality guaranteed ' JOSEPH M. WEST NEMAHA, NEBU. Galveston's Soa wall makes life now as safe in that city as on the higher uplands. E. W.Goodloe, who resides on Dntton St., In Waco Tex., needs tio sea wall for safety. He writes: "1 have used Dr Kln'gs New Discovery for Consumption the past live years and It keeps me well and safe. Before that time 1 had a cough which for years had been growing worse. Now it's gone." Cures chronic Coughs. EaGrippe, Croup, Whooping Cough and prevents Pneumonia. Pleasant to take. Every bottle guar i lunteed at Hill Bio's, drug store. Prlc 50c andtfl.UO. Triiil,botUeJree This WW Sntevost Ladies Only m C- fit VL'Mufl Wo aro Klvlm? away KISSRIl HUTS, flR,llTi:. unci liuiHlrods of othur artlcliw, nil full Blzo lor family uso, to onalilo ub to Introduce) our Hwun linking imkI H:ilvona llmiHls of Teas, Cofleos nnd other JIousOlio l i m ..... ..II lilirli.irrn.il. frnfkita nltSOlllLIII V ffinrrnic'd as to quollty-cort no jm.ro tlmn you uro now piiyliin for tho Biinio kooiIs, n il SMtvwvr&VuriA of Bolllnu koo.Is will bo fully explained If you .will only send i i vi ur ii mo aha aditrcsi. Wo havo ImndriMH of patrons whosi) oubiom wo Rocuruu i y i j Ii' w.v w.mlrl tint-, niiti-i.rilzn IIR nnll'iswd tmVO tllGIU lllll VHUI" UMU ' ..ij . ... tn..i...... .1.. ...II... txt tliln Ui) pupcr will toll you tlmt wo aro thorouuhly rcsponslblo. (tlvinu yotir namo and addroi.a will do. ThlH Is n i'haneo That Dovi Not Happen Every hay. SALVONA SUPPLIES COrflPAWT, JI27-II29 Pino Stroot, St. Louis, I