VOL. LI XO. 13 NEMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, AUGUST 24, 1906 W II. MJVitKHN, VuMlihtr Subitrt)ttlon A'l yttu Kit liHf k k k k - k -ft k k k k k k k Go to the New Store for best goods at Lowest Prices. EARLE GILBERT NEMAHA, $ BenNealof Holdrege was a Nemaha visitor Snnday. Harry Kimmel and went to Dawson Tuesday evening. Go to the postoffice for your tablets and school supplies. Rural route tablets and en velopes for sale at the postoffice. Rock salt for sale by the Ed- i . n-n j T 1. Tvaras'ac jsraaiora jjumrue bo. Marion Tuesday. Soid went to Omaha Mrs. C. V. Glenn, wife of the station agent, arrived in Nemaha Friday. Mrs'. Emma Carse and Avis want to Thurman, Iowa, last Saturday. Mrs. A. Matthews came over from Phelps Saturday evening, returni ng Tuesday. Miss Lulu Cooper will teach a school two miles west of Peru the coming school year. Miss Maude Burns has been en gaged to teach the Boatman school for the ensuing school year. M. 0. Gaskill of Otoe county was visiting Nemaha friends Monday. Mrs. J. H. Littrell is visiting relatives and friends at her old home in Missouri. Miss Elizabeth Hawxby is visit ing in Denver, going,,.out there Thursday of last week? Mrs. J. M. Clark, Daisy and Todd returned from Smith coun ty, Kansas, last Saturday. ' C. H. Kindig is now talking Canadian land, as he is agent for a large tract of Alberta irrigated land. If you want to buy a good sewing machine cheap call on the Edwards & Bradford Lum ber Co. Mrs. Floronco Jar vis, Grace and Lynn wont to Wabash, Neb., 1 Thursday to visit a week or two. . T. J. Rumbaugh and wife went to Republican City Tues day to look at some land they think of buying. Wo had a good rain Thursday, which was groatly needed. It will help out the pastures and crops wonderfully. A fine line of carpet samples at Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co. Call and see them and give your orders for carpets. Mrs. Earle Gilbert and Miss Minnie May started for Chicago Tuesday. Mrs. Gilbert goes to buy a stock of fall dress goods, notions, etc. Josh Matney and Lemuel Brad ley started for South Dakota Mon day afternoon, and expect to go from there to Wyoming to look at the country. Miss Pearl Thompson, who has been visiting at Shenandoah, Iowa, returned home Thursday. Her sister, Mrs. Henry Field, came home with her. Cloudy n Crothor who has been visiting his aunt Mrs. J. D. Rainey and Grandma Hoover for the past week and taking' in the circus at Auburn, returned home Saturday. W. W. Soid was brought homo from the country Friday of last week, with a lrig',rrtevorV suffer ing from malaria and biliousness and was sick for several days, but is able to get out again. G. N. Titus went to Lincoln Tuesday morning to assist ' in booming Ellis Good for state treasurer. Nat is one of the strongest supporters of the anti railroad, anti-pass reform repub lican movement. 4 J. 4 jfjf Mrs. A- V. Farson, jr., return ed home Tuesday from Nebraska City, where she visited her sister for a few days. 44-4 k k k k k k k k k k School Supplie As the schools open very soon it is time to think of buying supplies, etc. We have a full line of Pencils, Slates, Pens, Erasers, Etc. School districts buying a full lino of supplies will be greatly benefitted if they investigate our lino before buying elsewhere, as our prices will surprise you. I-IILXj BROS. Nemaha I Nebraska R. I. Brown brought us in a big watermelon Saturday. We ate on it that night and Sunday and had some left for the next day. It was a good one, too. Uncle Jack, the gardener at the poor farm, knows how to raise watermelons. He always has good ones. J. M. Clark returned from Smith county, Kansas, Tuesday, with 90 head of fine 2-year-old steers he bought out there. Forty head are especially lino, bright red, natural muloys. Ho bought another car load that will come later as it was too hot to drive thorn to the station. Get Tablet for school at the Postoffice Bookstore A big lino of good tablets to select from Pens, Ink, Pencils, etc. Call and seo stock School Tabs k JOT k SOT JXTO. W. RITCHET KSI O FRUIT JARS are in season. Get our prices. Jar Caps, Rings and Sealing Wax J1TO. W. RITCHET Phone 20 NEMAHA, NEBR. v- CO oat sz: CD & D. C. Holmes seems to be stuck on Alberta, Canada. He invested in some land that he says has doubled in value the short time he has been there. He is still there and enjoying himself in hard work. Wm. Rossell brought us a big piece of fine catfish Tuesday. IJncleBilly is the oldest resident of NeTnaha almost 87 years' olb! but he is one of the best fisher men in town yet, and has been catching some good ones lately. Helen Marie Walsh, one of the very nicest little girls in Nemaha was six years old Monday, and invited a number of her little friends to a party in the after noon to assist in celebrating that event. Of course they had a fine time. Friday evening a number of young people of Nemaha went out to the poor farm to pay Curtis Brown a farewell visit hpfnrft ho left for the east. A feast of fruit, watermelons, muskmelons, etc., was enjoyed by those present. Walter S. Maxwell went to Suporior, Neb., Tuesday. He went out to trv and buy tho crop of tho owner of tho farm ho recently bought south of Suporior, and if ho succeeds will move out there as soon as hd can got possession. A post card from Elmer E. Allen says they expect to be home about Sept. 1st. They appear to be having a fine time. The card was bought on Lake Otsego, on which Cooperstown, N. X. is located. Tney were boatriding on this lake. Tho Brock Bulletin says that nine graduates of the Brock high school will teach in this county tho coming school year, and believes that more of tho graduates of that school are teachers than any other schoo in the county. Porhap so. Tho trouble with the Nomaha young lady graduates is that they aro too popular and tho young men persuade them to quit teaching and go to housekeeping. Clyde Brown of Roseville, Ohio, who has been visiting his brother, R. I. Brown, for a few weeks, started for his home Saturday morning. Curtis Brown wont with him. They expect to do considerable travel ing in the near future. Walter S. Maxwell and wife returned home Thursday of last weekr" They bought a farm of 160 acres in Jewell county, Kan sas, south of Superior, Nebr. The farm is well improved and is five miles from Hardy, Kansas. They will not move until next spring. Ed Littrell started oil Wednes day afternoon with a load of trunks on the dray wagon, a commercial man sitting with him. He started to turn in front of the livery barn and something broke, and the wagon upset. Both men jumped and escaped without damage. The wagon was broken somewhat. The trunks were loaded on another wagon and another start made. Did you neo tliouo dollar watcliei at Koollng'H? They're all right. School Begins in a few days. W. F. Keelin has tho best assortment of School Supplies Ever bronght to Nemaha. Gome and See The big assortment of tablets, paper, penoils, pens, ink, crayons, etc.