The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, August 17, 1906, Image 1

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    VOL. LI XO. 12
W. W. 8JUTJ9JRM9, rubU$htr
Granite Ware
1 gal, Dish Pans, as many as you
want, 10 cents each
1 gal. Preserve Kettle, 10 cts each
1 gal, handled Stewers, 10c each
Sale at 3 p. m. Saturday, August 18, '06
F. L. "Woodward
Denver Wednesday.
started for
Miss Pearle Roberts went to
Kansas City last Saturday.
Mrs. E. H. Knapp has been
quite sick for a few days.
Rock salt for sale by the Ed
wards & Bradford Lumber Co.
Mr. aud Mrs. Roy Rogers are
visiting friends at Gordon, Nebr.
Rural route tablets and en
velopes for sale at the postoffice.
Miss Stella Washburn went to
Peru Tuesday returning the next
John Hawxby went to Waco,
'Nebr., Friday, to visit his son,
Elmer Morgan of Watson, Mo.,
visited J. H. Vanderslice last
Mrs. Seymour Howe and Mrs.
C. L. Russell went to Sutton,
Nebr., Tuesday, to visit relatives.
Miss Maude Burns is attending
the teachers' institute at Auburn
this week.
Miss Pearl Seid has been very
sick for several days, with ty
phoid fever.
Lillie Clark returned home
Tuesday after a'visi of eleven
days at Johnson. .
W. W. Liebhart has been con
fined to his home with rheuma
tism for several days.
Miss Bea Seabury is visiting
her sister, Mrs. Walter Farris,
near Howe, this week.
A petty thief stole five Sincer
ity and two Alballah cigars from
Will Keeling the other day.
If you want to buy a good
sewing machine cheap call on
the Edwards & Bradford Lum
ber Co.
Mrs. Susan I. Shiveley and
Mrs. Wm. Smiley started ifor
Lee Summit, Mo., Monday even
ing, to visit relatives.
School Supplies
As the schools open very soon it is time to think
of buying supplies, etc. We have a full line of
Pencils, Slates, Pens, Erasers, Etc.
School districts buying a full line of supplies
will be greatly benefitted if they investigate our
line before buying elsewhere, as our prices will
surprise you.
Nemaha Nebraska
Our fruit shippers say they are
finding a market for the peach
crop at very fair prices.
Emery Howe, who has been in
Colorado for a few weeks, re
turned to Nemaha Tuesday.
Miss Pearl Thompson went to
Shenandoa, Iowa, Friday to visit
her sister, Mrs. Henry Field.
Mrs. Fred Seabury went to Kan
sas City Thursday of last week to
visit her broteer, B. W. Smith.
Frank Shubert is a candidate
on the republican ticket for rep
resentative from Richardson
The Auburn chautauqua is now
in session and will continue the
remainder of the week, closing
Sunday night.
A fine line of carpet samples at
Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co.
Call and see them and give your
orders for carpets.
A. V. Farson, Sr., went to
Rulo last Friday to attend a
holiness campmeeting. He re
turned Wednesday morning.
Mrs. Frank Maxwell of Lincoln
arrived in Nemaha Monday on a
visit to D. W. Maxwell and
family and her many friends
J. M. Pone, who has been
agent here for a short time,
moved to Rulo Wednesday. The
best wishes of our people ,go
with them.
Orville Holding has been sell
ing some good watermelons and
muskmelons lately. He raised
them on the Missouri bottom
northeast of town.
We are informed that G. W.
Chapman and wife of Roca,Nebr. ,
are rejoicing over the birth of a
daughter July 31. The little miss
has been named Velma Rose.
E. L. Paris did not like west
ern Nebraska, and decided that
he would remain here unless he
finds a place he likes better than
the western part of this state.
The Park hotel, under the
management of the new landlord
Fuller Burns, is giving good
satisfaction to the traveling pub
lic. Give it a trial when in
Mrs. Sadie Scott and her
mother-in-law, Mrs. Andrew
Scott, came in from Pawnee
county Tuesday to visit the
younger lady's parents. R. I.
Brown and wife.
The fusionists nominated two
mighty good men for the legisla
ture last Saturday E. B. Quack-
enbush and W. D. Redmond. The
only thing we know against these
men is their politics.
G. V. Glenn, the new C. B. &
Q. agent of Nemaha, arrived
Wednesday morning." He is a
young man and we understand
has been married but a short
time. He comes here from Ar
mm a "r s ar -t t
wirs. a. it. Mcuanuiess ana
Gertrude returned home last Fri
day night after a ten days' stay
at the Epworth Assembly a
L-mcoln. Tney enjoyed it very
much with the exception of the
rain and mud, but were glad to
get hme again.
are in season. Get our prices.
Jar Gaps, Kings and Sealing Wax
Phone 20
to $
The wagon bridge over the
railroad track in the south part
of town has been completed and
travel is once more going over it.
It is a good substantial bridge.
The old one was about ready to
fall down.
The Burlington will run two
excursions to the state fair this
year, starting from Falls City
and going by way of Nemaha
and Nebraska City. They will
leave Nemaha at 7:03 a. m., on
4th and 5th.
Now that three county tickets
are in the field with the excep
tion of float senator and repre
sentative, there will doubtless be
a calm for awhile until the weath
er gets a little cooler. It is too
hot to campaign now.
A. B. Paris and Chas.
Stanley returned a few days ago
from their trip to Wyoming and
Colorado. They did not like
mm m
Wyoming very well out were
pleased with parts of Colorado
and will probably locate there.
Champion school house is being
thoroughly overhauled and put
in good shape for school. The
old siding has been taken off and
the house boxed up and resided.
This district is in good condition,
financially and will see that the
scholars are comfortable.
A lew boys ana young men
have recently got into the habit
of hanging around outside the
doors and windows of the Metho
dist church during services, ana
have at times disturbed the ser
vices by talking and smoking
Complaint has been made that
some ladies have been annoyed
very much by the conduct of
these parties at times, and the
smoking has been very offensive,
The trustees do not desire to take
any steps legally to stop these
performances, but will be com
pelled to do so it they do not
cease. The law is very severe
on this respect, and parties dis
turbinir meetings are liable to a
"heavy fine. It is hoped this
notice will cause these parties to
be more thoughtful of the rights
of others.
By order of the board of
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Alf
Rowen Wednesday morning Aug
ust 15, 1906, a fine son. Alf is
feeling pretty proud, of course-
just as if this was the first son of
the universe- Grandpa Sanders
is able to look after the postoffice
part of the time, bnt mistakes
must be overlooked for a few
days until he gets used to being
called grandpa.
R. I. Brown & Son-Robt. I.
and Curtis L. Brown who have
been in partnership in managing
the poor farm and the eierhtv
hey own in Brownville precinct,
have dissolved Dartnershin.
Curtis selling out to his father.
Curtis will go east to see
some of his native country before
settling down.
If any one has proof of boot
legging or the selling of intoxi
cating liquor in Nemaha on pic
nic day or at any other time, we
hope they will let it be known so
the guilty parties can be punish
ed. If parties are guilty thev
should be given the limit of punishment.
Did you Bee those dollar watches at
Keollng'a? They're all right.
School Begins
iu a few days.
W. F. Keeling
Haa the best assortment of
Ever bronght to Nemaha.
Gome and See
The big RbBortment of tablets, paper,
pencils, pens, ink, crayons, etc.