The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, July 13, 1906, Image 4

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    X)0 YOU GUT UP
Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable.
Almost everybody who rends tin news
papers is sure to know or the wonderful
H '1
curen mime iy ur.
I Kilmer's Swntnp
1 Root, tbe ff,rcflt kUl
L ney, liver and blad-
fed It Is I he ureal nicd-
lll-l 1!1II.IVI
, leal triumpb of the
, nineteenth century ;
iliRL-fivereil after veara
xxg of scientific research
by Dr. Kilmer, me
eminent kidney and
bladder specialist, uud is wonderfully
mtcccHsful in promptly curing lame back,
uric acid, catarrh of the bladder and
Urihl's Disease, which 5b the worst
form of kidney trouble.
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is not rec
ommended for everything but if you have
kidney, liver or bladder trouble it will be
found just the remedy you need. It has
been tested in so many ways, in hospital
work and in private practice, and has
proved so successful in every ease that a
special arrangement has been made by
which all readers of this paper, who have
not already tried it, may have a snmplc
bottle sent free by mail, also a book tell
inir more about Swauip-Uoot.aud how to
findoutifyouhavekidneyor bladder trou
ble. When writing mention reading this
generous offer in this paper and send your
address to j;r. Kinncr
& Co., Uiughamton,
N. Y. The regular
fiffv.Mi mid one-
dollar size Ixittles arc nomo of Bwuop-noot.
sold by all good druggists. Don't make
any mistake, but remember the name,
Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root,
and the address, Uiughamton, N. Y., on
every bottle.
Nemaha, Nebr.
Salt XmUo City
St. .Tohoi1
JvtinHiiH City
SLXjouiM and all an If rnolHco
PointH lUaHt and -A.nd 11 Polntn
South WoHt
No. 07 I'HNKoiiMor, dully oxooptHun
day, for TuuuiiiHuli, liniitrluo,
Hold rcKo uiul all poIutK went Osftla m
No. 08 1'iiHHouKor, dully uxeoptHuii
liy, tor NuliriiHlui Olty, UIiIchko
nml all pnlntH north and ciihI ttOOp m
No. Ill-Local frolirht, dally except
Kuiidiiv. lor Atchison ami Inter
inuilliitti Htitilons (Ul5 p m
No 112 Local freight, dally except
M lav, for iNouniHKii uuy nnu
J i to medlalo Htatlons 1:1 ()
Trade Marks
Copyrights Ac.
Anyono sending a sketch mid description mny
mlnklv mccttnln our onliilun frao r lintlmr mi
Invention Is probably imtoutnblo. Communion.
lions strictly contldontlal. llundbookoul'utouts
out rroo. Oldest ripency ror flcouriiiK patents.
Patents taken through Munn St Co. recelra
rvtclal notice, without chnrao. lu tlio
Scientific .American.
A hundsomolr Illustrated noekly. T.nrcest cir
culation of any sclonlllln journal. Terms, (3 a
rear: four months, L Boiilbyall netrsdealern.
TIUNN & Co.3B,B'" New York
Branch Offlco, W4 Y BU Watbtnmon. I). C. ,
The trouble is, yoor liver's
sick One of its products,
"bile is overflowing into
your blood.
You can't digest your food,
your appetite is poor, you
suffer dreadfully from head
ache, stomach ache, dizzi
ness, malaria, constipation,
etc "What you need is not a
dose of salts, cathartic water
or pills but a liver tonic
This great medicine acts gently on
the sick liver. It purifies the blood,
renews the appetite, feeds the nerves,
clears th brain and euros consti
pation. It is a true medicine for sick liver
and kidneys, and regulates all the
digestive functions. Try It.
At all dealers in medicines In
25c packages.
J2 I
M II I Il V. I ft
0cr 200 cattle stalls nre already
r -served at the coming State Fair to
bi' held at Lincoln the llrst week In
September and very few stalls are un
occupied in tho homo bariiH
Han FranclBco'a celebration of tlio
fourth of July wan an unusual one In
many respects. Thee was at. utter
ahsenoo of fireworks, tlio authorities
having issued orders against their iibo.
Evidently It may becomo the custom
to precede the rending of the Dec-hirst
ti in of Independence on the national
holiday with a lecture explaining what
prdventlvu treatment to use against
totanuH genr, Ex.
From the Snrgont Leader.
The vlllago board did the right
thing in ordering the enrfew bill rung
at 8 p. in It la tlrno our boys wero
getting acquainted with their mothers
and learning some of the refining les
sons of home with mother and books.
A mother should mean more to it boy
and girl than a house servant.
After two and a half months of the
lid," made notable by a reign of law
fulness despite otherwise unfavorable
conditions, the authorities at Sun
Francisco have pei milled the opening
of six hundred saloons. On the opens
lug day, says the report, extra police
men were detailed lor duty in all the
blocks containing saloons. This extra
expense, It would sonn. might wipe
out tlio annual revenue of live hundred
dollars each which the city receives as
si license fee, but the report goes on to
show that the profit is to be conserved
from another quarter. "It is planned,"
says the dispatch, "to place all men
arrested for intoxication at work
cleaning away debris from sidewalks
and streets." State Journal.
San Francisco's mayor signed the
retail liquor ordinance and the saloons
I resumed business July 6
from that city says: "LI
A dispatch
iqtior selling
has been prohibited since April 18,
and tho city hsiH been remarkably free
from crime. Saloons formerly pa'd
$84 a year license They will be ro
quired to pay 8500. It is announced
that 2 000 licenses have been granted.
Dr. Ilassley of the health department
says there has been a remarkable de
crease in disease in this city, par
tlcularly In typhoid fever and other
contagious dlseasee."
If so much good wan realized under
the most unfavorable circumstances
from the prohibition of saloons, why
not eschew the evil thing foiever?
Why go back to the old way after
having tried a hotter one?
There is a general demand among
the reform element of the republican
party and in f.ict many who belong
to other parties join in this demand
for the renomiiiHiiuii of Roosevelt as
president in 1008 The people have
oonildenee in him exceeding by frtr
that of uny other man While he
makes mistakes yet tho people believe
he is honest, and not only but
a statesman who tries to serve the
people, regardless of whether it will
redound to his benefit or the benefit of
his party or not. Ho apparently
never thinks of t'mt view of the quea.
lion. He believes he is the servant of
the people and Is trying to serve them
to the very best of his ability. Of
course he will bo opposed by the
trusts, but that is a tiig recommenda
Hon in the opinion of tho common
people. Roosevelt insists ho will not
accept si renomiuation, and Is honest
in this, but he also insisted that ne
would not accept tho nomination for
vice president, but when it was tens
dered him ho felt it a duty he owed to
his constituents under the circumi
stances to accept. It may be the s.ime
way again. He is anxious to have
certain measures enacted into laws,
and may accept the nomination again
for the sake of assisting in getting these
laws passed. lis Jnlluence with
members of botn houses of congress,
regardless of party, is very great. In
fact probably no president bus over
had the support of so many members
of eongress of tho opposite party in so
many measures as has Roosevelt,
l'arty lines are swept away In many
cases and both parties vie in support
ing the measures advocsued by the
president. And yet he Is a strong
partisan and as independent and out
spoken as Jackson ever was. Hut he
is a man of the people and for tho
people, first, last, and all the time, and
this is recognized by all.
A Letter from Canada
July 4. 1000.
W. W Sanders:
Dear sir: As this is the glorious
Fourth of July 1 will write you a
little sketch ot this great country or
what t havo seen of it. I came from
Omaha by tho way of St. Paul and
Wlnnepeg to this place which Is about
1200 miles west and north of St. Paul,
and a prettier laying country man
never looked over. Hut the soM from
a little west of Wlnnepeg to Calgary is
very pooi, most of the way being very
gravelly with scarcely enough grass to
hide a jack rabbit as far as tho eye
can see on either cide of the railroad
and no timber and only once in a
great while a settler's aback. Rut
after you reach Calgary the country Ib
good and is settled from 20 to 75 miles
back from the railroad and .home
seekers are still pushing back farther.
1 urn disappointed In the country in
ono respect, there is no good timber In
this part that Is valuable, being poplar
and diamond willow with a thick bush
on moot of the land outside of the
sloughs which makes it look very
ragged to me. Hut the soil is good
and tho settlers nil seem to be prosper
ous and contented, but farther north
east or west, there is good timber and
not so much bush.
Crops look well but backward com1
pired with things in good old Nebraska
They don't raise anything but small
grain and vegetables with very little
wheal in this part of the country and
the cut worms have damaged that
close about here considerably.
The Canadians have their Fourth of
July the llrst, ouly they call it Domin
ion day and they had a big time here
only they waited until Monday to
celebrate as the first was Sunday
They had an exhibition like our state
fair four davs this week and It was
fine. I never saw a liner collection of
stock In my life iinywhere and there
were about 200 entries for the speed
ring with liberal purses for all classes
and the people came from all over the
dominion to attend it and tbe way they
spent the money wns not slow.
This is the greatest country to amoke
and drink I ever was In. They don't
have very much night up here as it is
daylight until nearly eleven o'ldock and
gets light in tho morning between 2
and (i
There Is onn thing I saw on my trip
I never saw before that was a grand
sight, and that was the nnow capped
peaks of the Rooky mountains which
were plainly visible after reaching
If yon want lo put any or all of this
In print for the benefit of inquiring
friends you can do so sifter revising it
aiirl I will close with hpst wishes for
all the old neighbors and friends.
Yours truly.
D. C. Holmes.
The First district congressional coin
mitteo met Friday evening at the
Liudell hotel and selected Auburn as
tbe place for holding the next con
gressional convention, and August I),
at $ p. tn, as the date. The representa
tion for the convention was fixed at
173, based on one delegate for each
fifty votes, or fraction thereof, cast for
Congressman Pollaid. This leaves the
representation as follows:
Cass 20
Johnson 14
Lancaster no
Nemaha io
Pawnee io
Otoe 'jo
Richardson 2f
Total 173
Those present at tho committee
meeting were: Chairman J. M. Tee
garden, Secretary Clapp, Vice Chair
mull Strode. Committeemen : O. D
Clapp of Cass, Frank McCartney of
Otoe. H. F. Reynolds of JohnBon, Qus
Ilyer of Lancaster, II. R Howe of
Nemaha, C. A. Chappel of Pawnee, C
J, Crooks of Riohardaon, representing
Committeeman Cooper.
Congressman Pollard was present at
the meeting and hoard reports from
tho members. Judge E. P. Holmes of
this county, who la a candidate for
congress an i will ask for this county's
strongth, was about tho hotel during
the evening, but did not attend the
committoo meeting.
It is understood that Congressman
Pollard stated that he was not inclined
a primary wero called ho would bo tho
only candidate before- the people, ul
though it Is nearly certain that he will
havo opposition of Lancaster county in
tho convention, and that some other
strength mny be taken away from him.
Ho was willing to run this risk rather
than put the voters to the Inconvens
lence of a primary with but one candi
date to vote for.
With the exception of Lancaster
county every county represented sent
reports encouraging to Pollard, and it
was said thore would be no doubt of
bis nomination by tho convention.
BecauBu of the fact that Lancaster
county had a democratic candidate for
congress during tho last congressional
fight, and some of tho republican
strength was lost because of personal
friendship, this county's representation
Is nob 8utllcient when added to that of
Cass or Richardson to make a nomina
tion. Three counties of the seven, in
eluding Lancaster, are required to
to ask for a primary, believing that if
tnakn a choice, 87 votes being necessary
before si nomination can be tiiHde
Even Lancaster, Johnson and either
Nemaha or Pawnee could not make a
nomination. This elimination of part
of Lancaster county's power is be
lieved to be an aid to Pollard. Lincoln
Doadly Sorpont Bites
are as common in India as are stomach
and liver disorders with us. For the
latter however there is a sure remedy:
Electric Hitters; the great restorative
'uedioine, of which S. A. Brown, of
Ueunuttsville, S C. says: "They re
stored my wife to perfect health, after
yesus of suffering with dyspepsia and a
chronically torpid liver" Electric
Hitters cures chills and fever, malaria,
biliousness, lame back, kidney-troubles
and bladder disorders. Sold on guatans
tee by Hill Bros., druggists. Price
IjAW, kkai. estate,- collections
Olllcenover PontonW Building, at
Krimk Neul'H old stnnd,
Ooath From Lockjaw
never follows an injury dressed with
Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Its anti
septic and healing properties prevent
blood poisoning. Chas. Oswald, mer
chant, of Renpselaer8ville, N, Y ,
writes: "It cured Seth Hurch, of this
place, of the ugliest soro on his neck I
ever saw." Cures Cuts, Wounds
Hums and Sores. 25c at Hill Hros
drug store,
Dealer In
fliglicBt market price paid for Hides,
Lard, Tsillow. etc,
Mdical and Surgi cal
Dis as s of Womn
- Nebraska
To .lerctnliil) Hcrzell:
You ruo horehy notlilod that on tho Gth
tluyof Juno A. L., lUot), An mi JIarzell nied
a petition nilnst you In tlio dlstBiet court
of Ncnmlm county, Nbr ska, tlio object and
prayer or wliloli Is to obtain u divorce Irom
you on tho L'i on nd Unit you Imvo willfully
ilunerted ami wantonly lulled nml refust'il
to support hor and tier threo infant chll.
tlron, tho Issue of hM marriage, and tn ob.
tain tlio care, custody and education or mild
ehlldron. you are requited to answer mild
not It Ion nn nrhnrnrn tniiil..i. i..... ......
6fjuiy, A.D.,i9o;i: "w ,u"j uuy
o. AA HK1WBI,L, plaintiff,
HyHtull J: Jfawxby, lier attorneys
Ibank of
Nemaha, Nebr.
First Nat'l,
We have
Capital, $5,0001
tion to the
Auhuhn, Neb., July 7 A mars
meeting was held at the court house
In this city today and the following
resolution adopted:
"Whereas, tho republicans of Nema
ha county assembled In mass meeting
at the court house In said county, ap
prove the course pursued by Hon. Ellis
E. Good as the reprfsentatlve of this
county, both in the house of represen
tatives and in the state spnate, and
believing In his honesty and sincerity
of purpose, and fully recognizing and
appreciating his pre-eminent fitness for
office of state treasurer. Therefore
be it:
Resolved, that the republicans of Ne
maha county, heartily endorse the can
dldaoy of Hon. Ellis E. Good, and
hereby authorize him to select a com
mltteo of republicans of Nemaha
county to nsslst him in promoting the
interests of his candidacy."
In accordance with the above reso
lution Mr Good selected the following
named persons as such committee: J.
W. Armstrong, R. C. Hoyd, R. F. Nea'.
T. J. Majors, G. N. Titus, F. L. WootN
ward, Geo. Sanders, S. W. Maynard,
Pater Herger, S. M. McGrew, C. E
Ord. George S. Christy, II. R. Howe
J. W. Lash, Herman Holtgre.we. J. II.
Pohlman, M C Shurtleff, August Tux
horn, F. M. Gregc, J. 13. Lewis. B II
Hailoy, Hon, V P. Penbody.I N. Har
ris, George Sutton, W. J. W. Mayer,
Jr. C. H. Graham, C B Thompson,
John Weors. J. M. Anderson, O. O
French, Hon. Peter Beriet, H. L.Shel
horn, J. W Kerns, E. C. Yont.
An Alarming Situation
frequently results from neglect of
clogged bowels and torpid liver, until
constipation becomes chronic. This
condition is unknown to those who use
Dr. King's New Life Pills; the best
and gentlest regulators of Stomach and
Bowels. Guaranteed by Hill Hros.
druggists. Price 25.
Proprietor of the
Livsry& Feed Stable
Good Dray in connection with Livery
Satisfaction guaranteed.
J. 1EC. Oi'otliei'
In the
Shoe Rtd airing
Harness Repairing
Hand Made Harness a Specialty
First elass Building Brick for
sale at the
Nemaha Brick Kilns
Call and see them and get
prices. Quality guaranteed
VM. CAMPBELh, Pres. F. E. ALLEN, VJccITcb.
E. ALLEN', Cashier FRANK TITUS, Ase't Cash j
Nal'l, New York Omaha Nat'l
Auburn. Nebr. Neb. City Nat'l j
every facility for haDdlingaccounts
them, and Rive our personal atteiit
interests of our depositors.