The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, June 29, 1906, Image 7

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Comments nml Criticisms Ilaned Upon
the Happening of the Day-Historical
and News Notes.
Tuo earthquake Is awful, but tho
"flro fiend" really Is king.
You will never be accused of cheating
at cards as long as you lose.
Pockets for tho dry dock Dewey have
een provided In the Suez Canal. IIlp
or side?
Let this at least be said of Frank G.
Blgclow: He hasn't tried to place tho
blnmo on anybody else.
If tho eaglo Is to bo retired as the
natlonnl bird, why not substitute tho
dove rather than the hen?
Have you any Idea of the number of
by-products of coal tar you are In the
habit of eating with your dally food?
Some of tho Senators nro hoping that
next month they may bo able to read
tho magazines without bursting a blood
An English newspaper refers to the
theater as "a refuge from thought."
Tho editor must have gono to see a
musical comedy.
It has been dellnltely ascertained that
Mrs. O'Leary's cow's hind foot was nowhere-
near as powerful as tho San
Francisco earthquake.
The people of Russia are now crying
"Bread or blood!" The grand dukes
can't understand why tho peoplo are
not more conservative.
American are being subjected to a
good deal of olllclal scolding Just now,
but they are too busy getting things
done to let It worry them overmuch.
Instead of merely building the largest
battle ship in the world we should
build one larger than the one that will
bo built larger than the one we are pre
paring to build.
Speed automoblllng and an appetite
for strong drink are traced to the same
cause by a British doctor. An appetite
for strong language In the pedestrian
Is a third effect.
Tho woman who Invented tho modern
corset Is dead at the age of 015. She
lived long enough to prove that her In
dention was not the deadly device some
Meople would have us believe.
The preacher who explains the win
lng out of San Francisco as a visita
tion ol Divine wrath Is probably wrong,
jut no nas plenty or authority troin the
Old Testament for his assumption.
Since a London doctor has declared
that bald-headed men are seldom found
among lunatics and criminals, perhaps
you will worry less about that little are
spot that Is slowly but surely making
ltfi appearance on top of your head.
Sir Norman Lorkyer, an eminent Ku
Bllsh sclentille man, nnd Professor
Archenbold, equally eminent In Ger
many, are reported to agree in the
jplnlon that the cause of tho late erup
tion of Vesuvius and also of the earth
fluako at San Francisco was the much
abused sun spots. Possibly sun spots,
quake and eruption may all alike be
referable to the same cause, but It does
not seem any more likely that the spots
raused the eruption and tho quake than
that the enrptiun and tho quake caused
the spots.
Tho engineers who . recommended a
ea level isthmian canal did not lay
particular stress upon tho greater abil
ity of that type to withstand an earth
quako shock, but this undenlablo ad
vantage, assumes fresh importance In
tho light of the Sau Francisco calamity.
One of tho strongest arguments against
the Nicaragua routo was Its admitted
liability to earthquakes, and while tho
Panama routo is less open to this ob
jection It can not bo safely predicted
that It will not lie visited by shoeka se
vere enough to damage a sea level canal
and to wreck one with locks.
Readers nro doubtless awaro that a
majority of tho engineers engaged ou
tho Panama canal have been taken from
the Middle West. Tho prcsldont of an
Eastern technical school recently called
tho attention of his students to this
cholco of Westerners, and told them
that It was because tho Westerners hro
not so much concerned as tho Eastern
ers about their health and other mat
ters of personal convenience. The
young man who declines to undortako
work that offers because, perchance, It
may bo a little unpleasant will always
be outstripped by tho man who over
looks unpleasantness In his eagerness
to accomplish results.
That China can change ma'y best bo
proved by establishing the fact that
ho la changing. It would bo unnat
ural if Bho wero not China has had
many opportunities In tho last live and
Blxty years of realizing that to bo se
euro sho must bo strong. But the pun
ishment thnt followed tho "boxer" out
break of 1000 enforced that lesson In a
way there was no escaping. It left
China hating tho Occident with a fervor,
n hundred times greater than any that
gave tho Impulse to the passing fury of
tho rising Itself. It convinced her that
diplomacy without a reserve force In
the background invited attack without
affording protection, it taught her that
western aggression could only be re
sisted by Western methods and that
Western methods could only be ac
quired by the adoption of WttUem
Among the curious records of old
colonial days Is an Inventory of tho
goods of a certain Dutch burgher of
New Amsterdam, who Included among
his household possessions thirteen
scrubbing brushes, thirty-one rubbing
brushes, "seven other brushes," and
twenty-four pounds of Spanish soap.
U'ho picture presented to tho imagina
tion by such a formidable array of Im
plements may be supplemented by an
other, drawn a century later, evidently
by a not wholly unprejudiced eye wit
ness of what ho describes. "Tho bus
band gone, tho ceremony begins walls
are stripped of their furniture, paint
lugs, prints, looking glasses, He In hud'
died lamps about Moors; curtains ard
torn from testers, beds crammed Into
windows; chairs and tables, bedstead;)
and cradles, crowd tho yard ; and tho
garden fence bends beneath the weight
of carpets, blankets, cloth cloaks, old
coats, under petticoats and ragged
breeches. This ceremony complete and
the houso thoroughly renovated, tho
next operation is to smear tho walls
and ceilings with brushes dropped into
a solution of lime- called whitewash, to
pour buckets of water over tho lloor,
and scratch all tho partitions and
wainscots with hard brushes charged
with soft soap or stone-cutter's sand.".
Small wonder that tho good man pru-'
dently retires! Ladles looking forward
to such a strenuous day arc hardly in
the frame of mind for light and easy
conversation. But wonder of theso
wonderful days ! there Is now a queer
machine that rattles and throbs In tho
street while Its long black pipes, climb
ing into upper windows of a bulldlug,
proclaim the passing of the old-fash
loned houset'leanlug. Tho vacuum
cleaners, Joining tho long procession o
labor savers sewing machines, cook
ing and dishwashing machines, man
gles, carpet sweepers, bread mixers, and
countless others are banishing ono
more drudgery. Certainly woman's
work Is constantly growing physically
easier. Whether tho more exacting de
mands of an age which changes Its
fat Jons every few months and Its fads
every few hours counterbalances Its
advantages may be an open question.
But one thing Is certain tho woman
wist enough and resolute enough to
choose the best has In these days a
freedom from drudgery and a conso
quent opportunity never dreamed of
by her sister of a hundred, or even
llfty, years ago.
Chlucst Popnlntloii lit A merlon I
ltlllllillv mill il UK' ii .......... i .. ...
In llfty years perhaps less than fif
ty, if the present laws remain In effect
aim nro rigidly executed tho Chinos
population of the United States will
become practically extinct. From 181)0
to 1!K)0 they fell away from V20.1SS to
U!,."00, a decreaso of nearly S.OOO on
more than 0 per cent. In the fiscal
year ending June :50. BMW. more thai
1,U00 voluntarily left tho port of San
D'rancisco for tho land of their birth
the total deported and returning vol'
untarlly being 5,020. A very large ma
jority of these Chinamen were ml
vanced In years nnd went home to die.
A generation ago there were In San
Francisco' from 80,000 to dO.OOO China.
men. Tho Chinese consul general says.
that, ('minting men, women and chil
dren, there are now not 10.000. Tha
same proportionate decreaso Is setm In
other places, it should he borne In
mind that the total number of Chlnosa
now in tho United States includes 20,.
707 in Hawaii and 55,110 In Alaska, so
tiiat at tho beginning of this decennial
period there wore living in the United
States proper only 80,000. A generation
ago thero wore at least 1 ."0,000.
According to tho most liberal estN
mate there are not more than 150 logai
Chinese wives In San Francisco. Bui
tho number of Chinese women Is esth
mated at between 1,000 and 2,000. Ol
such female children as are born tc
the lowest classes, a largo proportion
are sold for immoral purjioses by theli
parents, tlnm still further reducing tha
possibilities of an Increased population
Tho main adult population Is male,
is unmarried, or, at least, wifeless, In
America, and is rapldJy approaching
old ago. Thus by 10.10 or 10-10 tho main
ChlncsG life In America will have he-
come extinct. World's Work.
Appropriate "H'lckcilnei.
"That operatic singer was arrested
for uttering forged notes."
"Yea, but you see, ho waa a thorouirb
bass singer. "Baltimore American.
Ilv tierlmcni.N by a French t'ltynlclnit
Prove 1 ih-ii la Correct.
To test the truth of the assertions of
many persons that they sleep better
with their beads pointing to the north,
work better facing the oast and so on.
Dr. Charles Fere, who Is well known
in Franco Tor his studies In physiolog
ical psychology, has constructed a deli
cate machine which he calls an ergo'
graph, with which lie has achieved1
some Interesting results. Tills muchlut'
registers the number, rapidity am!
quality of the movements of the Index
linger when writing or performing any
accustomed work.
He announces that his experiments
with It prove that work done by a per
son facing the west or east Is better
by i!3 per cent than similar work tlonu
by a person facing the north or south,
and that when working facing the west
it Is about 2.' per cent better than
when facing the east.
il'hls matter of orientation seems to
have an lnlluence upon the nervous sys
tem, due largely, It is believed, to tho
fact that the earth Is a gigantic mag
net. .Many learned men have noticed
that they sleep best with the head to
the north and work better facing tho
west, while at least one famous pianist
ilnds he plays with the greatest easo
when the piano faces the east. It may
ho that the. great migrations of the hu
man race, all of which have been from
east to west, and the observed tendency
of trees to develop in the same way re
lated to these phenomena.
It is generally the unusual thing
which Is the easiest to remember but
it seldom happens that exactly tho
same elements In any situation nra
most unusual or most striking to any
two onlookers. A man who lias trav
"!ed many times up and down the Mis
sissippi stood on the levee at Cane
u'lrardeiHi, Missouri, one noontime,
Waiting for tho arrival of a down
bound packet. Another prospective,
passenger stepped up and accosted him.
"Pardon me, sub," he said. "You
ami 1 have met befo', but you do not
remembeh me."
"Doubtless if you will recall the cir
cumstances 1 shall do so," said the
"Well, sub, It was at Balilleld, All
kansas, ono evening, live yeahs ago."
"t remember Barlleld and the even
ing perfectly," said the man accosted,
'it was a frightfully stormy night. Tho
mud at Barlleld was deeper than I had
ever seen before. I had moored my
boat at the bank in front of the town,
but the bank was so soft I could not
climb it. I shinned up a rope to tho
top, waded over my shoes In mud to a
slope, bought some groceries, and re
turned to my cabin by sliding down a
lumber chute. My wife cooked supper,
and we spent an evening reading aloud
from Mark Twain's 'Life on the Mis
tlsslppi.' A raft of logs broke loose
and went down-stream, and as l had
no skiff to follow them with, 1 shouted
an alarm, and others went. The riln
turned to snow before niorniiur. and
the next morning, which was Sunday,
the steamer Fred lloroM came In from
.Memphis at daybreak."
"Yes, sub," said the man who re
membered him. "Yes. sub, I reckon
all those things ah so. 1 do not recall
them, howeveh. Bahfleld Is tiJweys
muddy when it rains, the Fred Ilerold
conies In every week, lugs often break
away, and none off those things Is fas
toned into my memory.
"But, sub, I was settln in the sto'
that evenln when you catered. Wlieli
you come l'om no one of us knew. You
bought, sub, two pounds of rice uiul a
can of tomatoes. Now, sub, I ieeli
knew a gentleman to buy ju-t that
combination of groceries at the snnio
time befo', and not one of us could im
agine, sub, Jos' what a man v!io. so
fab as we could see, didn't lie tlieh
ami didn't have any home full mln'
them, was goin' to do with two p'nmds
of rice and only one can of tninntt.e.-).
"I have reuienibehed you evdi since,
Mill, and have always wondered what
you did with them," Youth's Compan
ion. All Pri-lt-M"
Batcheller I've come to the conclu
sion that marriage Is Just a game of
Jenks How do you mean?
Batcheller Well, half tU married
,mon I meet pretend they're perfectly
happy, and the other half pretend
they're jierfoctly miserable." Philadel
phia Ledger.
A Sou ml Sloiiiui'li.
"Ever troubled by InaigestionV"
"I should say not. Why, 1 helleve I
"mild eat those health foods and suf
fer nothing worse than hunger."- Phil
adelphia Ludger.
When a man's wife suddenly puts
her arms about his n"'lc Just before
making a touch, it's n case of being
close pressed for money.
Itemember, ytjung num.. It is far easi
er to iiuJ a wl'fo'tisih. it Is to lose her.
Eczema Brolco Out Also on Hands and
Limbs -An Old Soldier Declares:
"Cutlcurn Is a Blessing."
"At n M times and to all peoplo I
am willing to testify to the merits of
Cutlcura. It saved me from worse
than tho torture of hades, about the
year 1000, with Itching on my scalp
and temples, nnd afterwards it com
menced to break out on my hands.
Than It broke out on my limbs. I then
went to a Surgeon, whose treatment
did me no good, but rather aggravated
the disease. I then told him I would
go and see a physician in Krie. The
reply was that I could go anywhere,
but a case of eczema like mine could
not lie cured; that I was too old (SO).
1 went to an eminent doctor In tho
city of Frle and treated with him for
six months, with like results. I had
read of the Cutlcura lltliedles, and so
I sent for the Cutlcura Soap, Ointment,
and Resolvent, ami contlnurd taking
the UoHolvout until 1 had taken six bot
tles, stopping It to take the Pills. I
was now getting hotter. I took two
baths a day, and at night 1 let the
lather of tho Soap dry on.. I used the
Ointment with great effect after wash
fug In warm water, to stop the Itching
nt once. I am now cured. The CutI
cura treatment Is a blesslug, and
should be used by every one who has
Itching of the skin. I can't say any
more, and thank God that He has
given the world such a curative. Win.
II. Cray, JKHW ML Vernon St., Phlla
dolphin, Pa., August 2, 1005."
Tho Salvation Armv mtlilishoH
Bixty-four periodicals in twenty-four
How's This?
We offer One Hundred Dollar rtemrd for
ny ense of Catarrh than cannot bo cured
by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHKNEY &. CO., Toledo, O.
Wo, t lit uiidiTHlKiicd. luire known P. J.
Cheney for the lust 15 yours, nnd bellorc
him perfectly honornblo In alt buslnpstt
trunsnctlmiH nnd unrutelntly nblc to curr;
out any obligations nrnde by bis llirn.
Wholeanle- DrutfclatH, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure la takru Internally,
acting directly upon tlw blood nnd mucous
furfacea of the Hynteni. TostluinnlnlH sent
re. Trice. 7 fie per bottle. Sold by all
Take Hall's Family Pill for constluirilon.
In 1708, Cieily was visited by
earthquake, tho loss of life reaching
50,000. In 1S05 NapleB lost 00,000
IouIh by earhquake.
enable you to enjoy your meals without
having to spend half your time between
them oyer a hot cook-stove.
All the cooking it done in Libby 'i
kitchen a kitchen as clean and neat ai
your own, and there's nothing for you
to do but enjoy the result.
Libby's Products ate selected meats,
cooked by cooks who know how, and
only the good parts packed.
For n quick and delicious lunch any
time, in doors or out, try Libby's Mel
rose Pate with Libby's Camp Sauce.
Bootlrt flee. "How to Mako
Good Trunin lo Eat" Write
Libby, McNeill $ Libby, Chicago
Positively cured hj
those- Little Tills.
They also reltovo Dis
tress from Dyspepsia, In
digestion and Too Hearty
Eating. A pertoct rem
edy for Dizziness, Nausea,
Drowsiness, Had Tant
In tho Mouth. Coated
Tonpuo, Tain la tho Bide,
rsjnilate tho Bowels. Turoly Vegetable.
Genuino Must Boar
Fac-Similo Signature
ill I CftnTKAGi?
A Certain Curo for Tlrod, Hot, Aching Feot.
Sale Ten Million Boxes a Year.
25c 50c
, iii
Mre. Sarah Kclloggr or Denver, Colon
Doarar of tho Womnn'fl noliof Corps,
Bends Thanks to Mrs. Plnkham.
Tho following,
lottcrwas written
by Mrs. Kellojrp;.!
of 1028 Lincoln
Ave., I)onvor,
Col., to Mrs. Pink
h am .Lynn ,M ass.
" For five years t
wns troubled with a
(lltnnr wlili'li lfnnfc
A. V I 1 II '(
vifS. uaranwlfogS K'owmg,muaingma
intense agony ruu
tTcnt rnentnl depression. 1 wn utmblo to nt
tend tomy housework, nnd life !cnmonhtiri
den to ino. I wrw confined for dnys to my bod,
lost my appetite, my courage and all hope.
" 1 could not lear to think of an operation,
and in my dlstresa I tried overy remedy which
I thought would Ixi of any uso to me, and
rending of tho value of Lydla K. IMnkhnm's
Vegetable Comixnmd, to alck women decided
to gi vo ft a trinl. I felt so dIcouruged that I
hud little hojHj of recovery, and when 1 begun,
to feel Iwtter, aftor tho second week, though,
it only meant temporary relief; but to my1
great suniriso I found thnt I kopt gaining,
while the tumor lessoned in sire.
"Tho Com)toiuul continued to build up my
general health and tho tumor noemed to Ixi
nlMorlcd, until, in ooven monthw, tho tumor
was untiruly gono and I a well woman. I am,'
so thankful for my recovery that I ask you
to publish my letter in nowopaponi, bo oilier
women may know of tho wonderful cttratlvo
nowcrs of Lydla If. i'fnkbam's Vegutublo
When women nro troubled with Irreg
ular or painful periods, wealtneKa, din
placement or ulceration of tho fenuilo'
organs, thnt bearing-down feeling, in-'
flammntion, backache, flatulence, gen
oral debility, Indigestion or ncrvoun
prostration, they should remember
Ihcro la ono tried and true remedy.
Lydla E. Pink-hum's Vcgetublo Com
pound nt onco rumovcH such troubles,
No other niedicino In tho world han
received such widespread aud unquulb
fled endorsement. No other rnediclna
hnn such a record of oureu of fouiulo
Mrs. Plnkham invites nil sloU women
to write her for ndvico. Sho lsdanghtcn
in-law of L-ydiu E. Pinlcham and toi
twenty-five years under her direction
and since her decease has been
advising side women free of charge.
She has guided thousands to health.
Address, Lynn, Muss.
Itemember that it is Lydju E. Plnlt
ham's Vegetable Compound that is cur
ing women, and don't allow any drugglat
to sell you anything else in Us place, j
You Cannot
all inflamed, ulcerated and catarrhal con
ditions of the mucous membrane such xi
nasal catarrh, uteri no catarrh caused
by feminine Ills, norc throat, soro
mouth or Inflamed oyos by simply
dosing the stomach.
Sut you surely can cure these stubborn
affections by local treatment with j
Paxtine Toilet Antiseptic
which destroys the disease germs,checks
discharges, stops pain, and heals tho
inflammation and soreness.
Paxtine represents the most successful
local treatment for feminine Ills ever
produced. Thousands of women testify
to tills fact. 50 cents nt druggists. '
Send for Free Trial Box
THE K. PAXTON CO.. Doaton. Maaa.
h Skin of Beauty la a Joy Forever
R. T. Felix Gouraud'a Orlontal
Oream or Magloal Beeutlflsr
IlemovM Tun, I'lmpltr
Krcckltn, Motti I'mIcM
Itmli, and bklD DlaeaMt
ana cvorr biemun
on beauty, nnd de
fies detection, Ik
hat iluod tli teil
or 07 year, and
It o liarmlcii wft
tnttelt tobeiurtli
U properly mad.
Accept no counter
felt of ttmUar
name, Dr. U. A.
Barr laid to a
lady of tho tiuut
ton (a pattest)
"A you ladlee
will uea theio.
I recommend
'(Jiitii'iinil'a Gronm' an the least harmful of all ILo
kin preparations." For ealt by all drucgUU and l'anoy
Goods Dialers In tbo United States, Canada and Europe.
FERD. T.HOPKINS, Prop., 37 Great Jones Strsri, KiwToit
nnnncv- dikootrkti iim mu
PBIcflfllrl D miisi ana sums wgrii . uou u
- utlMlls n 10 liar' Irsttmsel
('re... lr.U.I.UnKUif'auONa. Uut U,AUanls,Ua
$2 to5 LANDS
I.&XXO0O acres richest farm land. Colorado.
ICutisiLs iiml Niliriwln will ........ ,,.....1.1....
- '...". ,,., tiny bllliJU.
(jov t liomuHtotuW located. Printed llau
hho wlnir exact locations and prices, also iuuuj
pictures etc. KHKK
JiOr. I'ront Ht. Htorllnir Coin.
N N. U. 031-20, YORK, NEBR
TIiIb ipiatnro
Trial Packasre,
AdiiresH, Allen
y. Olmnteil,
VvSitcV JsAL
ca every box.