The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, June 29, 1906, Image 4

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    The Cause of Many
Sudden Deaths.
There is n disease prevailing in this
live. iuiiiiyHimiiuii
deaths lire caused
by it heart dis
ease, pneumonia,
heart failure or
apoplexy are often
the result of kid
ney disease. If
kidney trouble is
allowed to advance
blood will at
tack the vital organs, causing catarrh of
the bladder, or the kidneys themselves
break down and waste away cell by cell.
Uladder troubles almost always result
from a derangement of the kidneys and
cure is obtained quickest by n proper
treatment of the kidneys. If yon are feel
inir badly you can make no mistake by
Miss Georgia A, Burrm, of Oklahoma, Tll8 OlXt&hcL
Is llin youtifJt'Ht woman much owner in
this country SI10 Is ow nor and tnuii ( Commercial Club
nger of 11,000 acres, comprising the
Arrow Heart cuttle ranch, and she
recently leaned for nlnoty-nlno years
100,000 acres of oil and mineral lands
in tho Choctaw and Chickasaw nations.
Mies Hums not only manages her ranch
with ability, but spends much of her
time in tho saddle and can shoot and
ropo cattle with as meat dexterity and
skill as any of tho thirty cowboys regi
ularly In her employ.
Of tho million immigrants who liao
entered the country since last harvest,
not less than a third are able bodied
laborerH Notwithstanding, the farm-
ers of the great wheat belt, particularly
taking Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the KimbiiB, aro many thousand short of
compelled to go often through the day, enouR, ,n,, nwn n Now York city to
rmil to iei 111) iiiuuy .uuvn mmimii
IIIK1I1U " ' " - ' . ............. j
great kidney, liver and b adder remedy. t,1(J n,i,er 0f men needt'd properly
It corrects inability to hold urine and ' XT
MiidhSii in parsing it and over- care for the ripening grain. A N
conies that unpleasant necessity of being York paper assert that there
The Omaha commercial club has
made its promised visit, and Nemaha
has reason to be proud of the way the
visitors were entertained and the ap
preciation manifested by the visitors.
The train was a little late in getting
hore. When it arrived tho commercial
men. headed by the band, marched to
the opera house, where dinner was
promptly served. There were 132 of
the visitors and all weio seated at the
same time and were served expeditious
ly. They pronounced it tho best meal
they had had since they left Omaha.
In moat places everything was cold,
but the dinner served in Nemaha was
hot, and thero was plenty of filed
chicken, new potatoes, peas, string
beans, etc.. besides alt kinds of good
things to eat. As the nun had not
eaten anything since 0 o'clock la the
The ; morning, and it vus after 1 when they
Following tho Flag
Wlion our soldiers went to Cuba and
the L'hlllpine-4, health was the mostj
Important consideration. Willis T
Morgen, retired Commissary .Sergeant
V. 6 A , of Ittirnl Houto 1, Concord,
N. II , says: "l was two years in Cuba
and two years in the Philippines, and
being subject to cold?, I look Dr. Kings
Now Discovery for Consumption,
which kept me in perfect health. And
now, In New Hampshire, wo find it the
best medicine in the world for coughs,
colds, bronchial (roubles and all lung
diseases. Guaranteed at Hill Urns..
druggists. Price 50 and 81.00. Trial
bottle free
(1 It... .... I .r ... I. n ..
im... M.i.i nw f.vtnmrimiarv ,'
..rC.n'r Awntiin.UrinL is soon realized. Kansan emnlovmont bureau asBorts l aot here, they were good and hungry.
It stands the highest for its wonderful that nothing but railroad fnres standfl Thero were plenty of waiters, bo all
CUSwa between these New York unemployed were served promptly.
sold by oil druggists in fifty-cent and Und the employment of tlie KaiiBaa
one-dollar size bottles, you may nave u .,,, He(B.I5x.
wimple bottle of this wonderful new dis
covery and n book that tells all about it,
both sent free by moil. Address, Dr. Kil
mer & Co., IJingliaiutoii, N Y. When
writing mention reading this generous
offer in this paper Don't make any
niUiii L-n. but riMiitiinbcr the name, Swttinp-
Uoot, Dr. Kilmer's Swaum-Uoot, and the
address, Jlinghamtoii, N. , on every
Tliir TADI C
, ....... -j - .
Lincoln Donvor
Omaha Hulunn
Chiouuo UuttM
St. Joho,1i Suit liiilce City
IChiihum Olty Poitluml
SLUiouIn mul nil rfni irVuolMoo
PolntM ICuhI nnd A.1111 11 Polutrt
South. -VVohI
No. 07 PiiHRoiiMiir, dally excoptrtiiii-
HoldroBO ami all points wont , u n
No.oa-PiiHHonmir, ilally mxcopimiih-
iiml'iill nnluiH nortli mul onsl 4i')" i"
Nn.tll-Lneal fielidit. dully except
. mliltmi mul tutor
mediate NtllllOIIH ln P m
No. 112-r.ocul rrellit, dally excopt
r. ....!.. nnlivuultll 121 IV llllll
luterniodlatuHtatlonB siu
Copyrights Ac.
Anrono aendlntf a nkotrli nnd description may
qulclclr narottnln our opinion froo whether an
IntenUon In probably nutontablo, Communlcn.
tloni ntrlctlr ontlilontiiil. Handbook on I'atcnta
pnt froe. Oldest auenoy for iecurlii)M)utents.
I'atcnta taken throueh Hunn X Co. recolro
Wtialnotki, without chnrao, lutho
Scientific .Hmcrican.
A handsomely llluitrntnd woefcly. Tdiritcst clr
rulatlon of any scloutlUo journal. Terms, 13
raart four months, U Sold by all nowsdsalcra.
ilUNN Co.3G,B'"d New York
Hraoch Otuco. CU V Bt, Washlnnton. V. C. .
of a woman's life Is the name often
given to "change of life." Your
menses come at long Intervals, and
grow scantier until they stop. The
change lasts three or tour years, and
causes nuch pain and suffering,
which can, however, be cured, by
It In the fashion nowadays to deplore
tho general want of moral principle
and to lament lugubriously the decline
of old-fitHtiinnt'd honcaty
Hut. reully bow about tho old-fushi
on till honeHty ?
It la always cany to Red a Hiiint in a
doad ro ative, just as It is eimy to see
a HtateHiuau in a dead politician
Grandfather vlrtuea. like grandfath'-
eib' olockf, may bo a badge of respects
ab.hty, but m our own day thoy are
not always In good running order
Our f irefatherB wero no better Hum we
aielndeec', to judge from theciltlninn
of their contemporaries, thoy wero a
g Kul deal woio
The world in which old-fashioned
honesty lived wiib siuguhuly uncom
plicated. Smith knew Joiihh and .Jones
knew Smith, and it the one did not
client the other thero was a chanie
that enCh would die in tho odor of ri-s
Hiiectahilltv. Individualism set. the
limits to old-fashioned honesty.
We need this Individualistic honesty
toilav. and wo have It. lint wo need
today h much biggoi sort of honesty
an honesty which news that our obll
gallons ate set not alone by our tola
lions with each other, but also by our
relations with municipalities aod
states, with a nation and a world.
t i. i.. ...... ..... .........,...
OHUII llllllftlljr in lltlk UIIJ HM UWIIIIIIUII,
but it is growing
Men have gone down to their mauso
li'iims labeled honest uilMioiihires who
were directors in corporations whose
methods would bring blushes to the
cheeks' of a coulidence man. Accotd
ing to the slaudaid of old-faHhi-med
honstv there was nothing to be said
against these honest millioiiiiir-s. Hut
trom tho point ot view nt tho new
honesty they uio thieves, thmuti they
After dinner the members of the
commercial club took in tho business
portion of tho town, calling on the
business men and getting acquainted.
They are a pleasant set of follows and
made many IrU-iida. Thoy aro a jolly
set of fellows and out for u good lime
as well as to make business,
Whou the procession arrividatthe
opera house tho doors wero thrown
open and tho tables loaded with food
were seen reaching almost the full
engtli of the room. A portrait of
President Roosevelt was hanging out
side over the dour, and when this was
seen the commeiciHl iihmi took off their
hats and gave cheeis for House. veil and
A big banner was stretched across
the street from the livery bam to the
public well, on which was painted
"WYIeome, Omaha Boosters."
I'he commercial men sav everything
was better arranged, dinner whs served
the most promptly and with the WmhI
confusion, the dinner was the best
aim everything was planned and car
ned out tho best of auv place on the
trip They were all warm in their
praise of Nemaha
Mayor D.ihlman and ex-Congress
man tiitcboocK, eui or or too worm
Herald, were among the guests.
The ladies aid societies of the Met I o
(list and Christian churches provided
the dinner, and afttr feeding the 1IS2
guests there was enough left to feed a
small army. Many of our citizens eat
there. Probably !U0 or ::&0 people
ate, and then ureal quantities wir
taken home. Nemaha ovals the worlrt
for getting up good dinners, and as
Fiank Woodward says, can feed the
woi Id provided of course that they
do not all come at once.
At Auburn, Shubert and other places
the travelers were told that Nemaha
could not feed them that they might
get a small lunc'i but that would be
all. So the men were a little surprised
Earn more money than teachers nnd
have employment 12 months instead oj
7 to 0 tnontln; also hotter salaries.
Write for catalogue I),
Goo. W. Brown, Jr.. Prop.
1M0 O street Lincoln, Nobr
Dealer In
Highest markotpiico paid for Hides,
Lard, Tallow, etc,
Medical and Surgical
Diseases of Women
- Nebraska
Deadly Sorpont Bites
are as common in India as are stomach
and liver disorders with us. For the
latter however there is a sure remedy:
Electric Bitters; the great restorative
medicine, of which S. A. Brown, of
Bennettsville. S C. says: "They re
stored my wife to perfect health, aftr
yeais of suffering with dyspepsia and a
chronically torpid liver" Electric
Bitters cures chills and fever, malaria,
biliousness, lame back, kidney troubles
and bladder diaotdeis. Sold on euaiaii'.
tee by Hill Bros., druggists Price
Woman's Refuge in DUtrcM
It quickly. relieves the pain, nerv
ousness, Irritability, nlserableness,
fainting, dizziness, hot and cold
flashes, weakness, tired feeling, etc.
Cardul will bring you safely through
this "dodging period," and build
up your strength for the rest of your
life. Try It.
You can get it at all druggists In
SI. 00 bottles.
robbed ImlmIIv
One does not need to be an academic ,,ml re,,t,y ,,Bwl at t,,tt reception
optimist to see the beginnings of this
uew.fashin!i"d honesty.
We are doing tho best we can to
shape up laws which will exuiess a
new social conscience.
M i y is always a generation or
two ahead of legality
The number of offenses against the
moral ami ley "I codes is increasing
enormously. principle never cut so large a
figure In the aff iirs of this American
people its it does now.
Our godly ancestois had one moral
qualui where we have twenty.
It never occurred to them that a
lottery whs wrong, or that It was
wicked to drink turn, or to whip a
child or a wife, or to enslave the black
man and cheat and debauch the red
Nine out of ten of the little con
scientious niceties of life urejjdiaeover
ies of the last hfty years. More so
cieties to do all sorts of good and work
all kinds of reforms were created in
the last two generations than had been
formed or thought of lioforo from the
beginning of the world. -Omaha
I suffered." write Vlrtlnla Kobton.of Eit-
on.M4.. "until Ltoak CsrAul. wMch cur4 I
me. so quickly It sutarlsed my doctor, who
dian t Kno I wu uuinc u."
An Alarming Situation
frequently results from neglect of
clogged bowels and torpid liver, until
constipation becomes chronic. This
condition is unknown to those who use
Dr. King's New Life Pills ; the best
and gentlest regulators of Stomach and
Bowels.. Guaranteed by Hill Bros,
druggists. Price 25.
given them. They will never have uwy
doubt of Nemaha'ti ability to feed any
number of people and do it well and
.1. C. Buchanan, a genuine Scotchman
played the bagpipes in tine style, and
attracted attention from all. He whs
especially interesting to .s-ntehtnen.
lie was dressed in the regular plaids,
with kilts a lid bare knees.
Tho llnater hand Is a good one.
Nemaha will he glad to bee the Omas
Im commercial club again and will try
to entertain them. The members are
all jolly good fellows.
It Is reported the Atchison county
Mo., dyke, built some three miles
below Hamburg, was swept away
Monday night by tho storm and that
the low land in that neighborhood is
inundated. This dyke was built to
keep out the Missouri river and also
f ir the purpose of throwing the waters
of the Nishna into the Missouri river
instead of sending it through the old
channel of the river. The breaking of
this dyke means that the Missoiinriver
has gone back Into its old channel and
the Nishna will continue its old course
by way of Phelps and Langdon The
Ciange will ho an expensive one to the
landowners Neb. City News
Nonce for Hearing Claims
;n the County Court of Kemnlia County,
Nebraska: "
In the inuiier of the listnte of Siuan C. Cum
nilnuH, deoeiiHed.
Notice Is hereby given that the Court hiw
made an order Umitliit; the time lor credit
lion to tile claims nuainst said deceased to
Mix inontlm from the 20th day ol June. 19(
.miaV,nt ,,uno 2,,( Septemoer 2fl and December
.'9, IWHi, at ten o'clock h. in. of each day at
Hie unlet i of Hie county Judue of Nemaha
""')' .eurHHua, in Auburn, Nebn.Hka,
hiiH been fixed I y tlie court iih the times and
place when and where all peisotiH wan have
claims and demanda niialnNt s Id deceived
can have the same examined, adjusted and
allowed, and all claims not presented by the
last mentioned dale will be forevei barred, bv
an nnl,.r ol the court.
Dated May 90. 1900.
Skai.J J. d. McCARTY, County JuiIbp.
To .leremlah Her.oll:
You are herely notified that on to Gth
dayofJuno A. D., lOoll, Anna Herzoll filed
a petition against you In tho dlsiMct court
of Nemaha county. Nebr sk. tin, ni,iu
prayer of which is to obtain u divorce irom
yon on the iound that you have willfully
deserted end wantonly tailed and refused
to support her and her three Infant chll
ilren, the Issue oi H-ld manlane, and to oh
lain the care, custod.s and education or said
'.',!! i.i Y"". Ht0 rp't" '''' lo answer Mild
of ! J lily! lA"ii"'l!!(K!,re'MC""1'iy' U,e 101,1 "rty
' i. . u. A,??',U EIWELL, plalntlir,
M .sum iV. Hiiwxby, her attorneys.
Only 1,700 harvest hands have beon
sent to the various Kansas counties by
tlie free employment bureau and its
agents when tlie state required more
than 22,000 men to handle the wheat
Painter, Paper Hanger
N have nil tho IntPNt designs In Wall Paper
andean furnish you uny hU-Ib orTi antltv
SimVlmt" cdj rlCt'3 'r0m ,0C POr r,,U p" Wo&
Phono me at cantral oflico or write
N KM A. II A - - NF.niiA atrA
Uio Boat Friend
hoa erer hil It "Dlpolen," the old re-
tl.u truinnteed "one minute" d o thtt ln.1
' ntlv rfrttrovi Inteet MiU and Drfttntl tholeti.l
an. i .. nine, eczemi and oiher hoe troublet.l
A tannine eoi ur vtcmmim, iree uoiuiuuc, iui-
" . . .....
ptiur tnu omer injunoui ibuimik.hi
nv the whitest emuliton of ny dip on the rnftrktt,
M-h nrawai 11 lobe Uieourott dip made. Now, yon
wint llie belt hoc dip, of course. Because the htalth
and comfort of your uniman mni kj:i uch )
Dut how are you I J Know wnitn nun
ih. niiOLlhr vli-"lr buy." If ,
thia nlan attlkea you are rleht here to help ,
" . . . - . . tl'.l a In 1 . u t iW 1. u L r .
rou aeciaeine mine, .nnsi, -
I pie Uottleof"Rlilene,"ourOuaranlee, and Free
aiOOKVI vaiUAUJC iniuiiii.uwH,
, Mtraheiaown.iowe. j
Thereart moreIIcf!ll Paxtterusaold In the Unlit
States than of any other make ot liatterns. Thla la on
account of their style, accuracy and simplicity.
nicCfill'a ntntrmrlned'he Queen of Fashion) haa
more subscribers than any other I.adie' Mae;iili.. One
year's subscription (u numbers) coi SO cent. Latest
number, 5 cent. Every sutcribr geta a McCall Pat
ttrn Free, Subscribe today,
T.B.U a miii. WnntM. lTanitentne oremluma or
liberal cash commission. Pattern Catalo(u(of too de.
aiens) and Premium Catalogue (sbowinr; too premiums)
ent iroe. Aaureis Tim MCLAJ.L, w., iiaw xoric.
Olllces over romolllro Building, at
Frank NiiiI'h old stand,
I'roprletori! of the
Livsryfe Feed Stable
Good Dray in connection with Livery
Satisfaction guaranteed.
J. 3LC. Oi-otlxer
in the
Shoe Itoairi nec
Harness Repairing
Hand Made Harness a Specialty
First class Building Brick for
sale at tho
Ne maba Brick Kilns
Call and Bee them and set
prices Q i ality guaranteed
Nemaha, Nebr.
Capital, $5,000
EL.MElt E. ALLEN, Cashier FRANK TITUS, Ass't Cash
Hanovei Nat'l. New York
First Nat'l, Auburn, Nebr.
Omaha Nat'l
Neb. City Nut'l
Wo have every facility for handling accounts
appreciate them, and give our personal atten-
tion to the interests of our depositors.