Nebraska Advertiser Mmmnan V. L. Woodward ity Thursday. Woodward & Allen aro having tho opora Iioiibo painted. Fred .Scabury Is doing tlio work. It is to bo a cream went to Kanann I color, tlio sumo Hliado a8 Mr. Allen's llOUHO. Blcjolo supplies at Reeling's, ryclosropairud, l)i County Cotninibaionors Ord and Cutninings woro in Nomuliu Thuraday aftornoon. Mr. and Mrs. Omor Hall, son of Mart Hall of Auburn, viBitod relatives near Notnalia Wednesday. Sco It. E. Uuchor for tlio Qucon incubator and broodur. Tho prlcoB aro right. Tlio llvo-yoar-old Hon of 0. W.Rowen living on tho StokeB farm southwest oi Nemaha, had the misfortune to broak ilia right arm Thursday forenoon, lib was climbing a pole and fell, breaking both bones in the lower third of Ills forearm. Dr. Fra.lor was called and reduced tho frncturo. Mrs. C. E. Qitthona and aro vloltmg Mrs. Uitthon's Mrs. Kate Thompson. children mother, Mrs, N. B. Scrivoner went to Au burn Tuesday to visit her grand- daughter, Miss Alma O'Harra. Elmer Elliott, representing tho Au burn Muslo and Jewelry Co., was a pleasant cal.'or Thursday afternoon. 0. E. Evans has boon appointed postmaster at Shubert in placoof M. JI. Taylor, resigned. He takes posbcs siou July 1. Miss Lizzie Hawxby, who haa been teaching aohool at York, Nebr., re turned homo Wednesday, where alio will spend nor aummor vacation. Miss Lulu Hickey, who taught tho Champion school the past year, has boon elected teacher of the sixth grade of the Antiocb school at Auburn. Tbore will be an unveiling of a monH umentattbe Prairie Union cemetery Sunday afternoon by the W. O. W. lodgo and Nemaha lodge baa been in vited to attend. Olaudo Maxwell, Holla Morton, Willio Korkor and Frank AyneB bled themselves to the Nishna Thursday morning to Abu for croppies and flgbt xnoaqultees a few days. The Beatrice Creamery Go. will pay 10 ceolf per pound of butter fat for liand separator cream, delivered in Ne raaha. Separators sold on oaay terms. R. E. BuoiiKit, Agent. Jimmy O'Harra, who has been at Boatrico for some time, camo in to Nemaha last Saturday. Jimmy says he is going to join the U. S. navy, going to San Francisco in a fow days. Elmer E. Allen, who wont to Kanb aaa City Monday night, and W. W. Sanders, who wont to Omaha Tuesday to attend fio postmastors' convention, both Returned homo Thuraday fores noon. Dr. F. E. (Jalthor camo In to Nemaha on tno afternoon train Thursday and is vlHltinir his numerous frlenda for a few days. Tho doctor graduated from tho Omaha Creighton Medical col logo about three weeks ago. Ho talks of locating at Uagan, Nebr., but is not certain yet whore ho will stop. J. 0. Killarnoy, of tho Auburn Tolephono Co., was in Notnalia Thtirss day talking to our pooplo regarding tolophono business. Ho came down on account of tho efforts of tho Bell telephone company to have tho farm ers and businesB men organizo a soi called "farmor's" exchange to connect with tho Boll company. W. 0. Hoag and J. 0. Tageler of Omaha aro in Nemaha thla week promoting a farmer's and merchant's telenhono to connect with tho Bell tolephono at Nemaha. They aro having good buccobb and it won't bo long until farmors can talk to Lincoln, Omaha, Chicago and moat any old place from their own homo. The populist state central committee bold a mooting at Lincoln Tuesday to decido about calling a convention. It was decided to call the convention for AuguBtl5, at Lincoln tho samo time and placo as tho democratic convens tion. Of course tho remnant of the onco powerful populist party will fuse with tho democrats. Borgo was the favorite candidate for governor, but It is probablo tho democrats will insist on having tho governor this timo. Nemaha county was not represented in tho conference. Only 21 out of 00 countlea woro represented. Y. P. S. 0 K, H'indn, Juno 17 Subject "The Glorified Life." John 17 1-10; 22 21 DiHuussions on subject as follows. Moses sons glory, I5x 21 15 18 Anna Knapp. Solomon's vision of glory, 2 Chron 7 1 -!J Belle Dressier. Elijah's glorification, 2 Kings 2 1-12' -Will Smlloy. The glory of tho church, lsa GO 1 0 Mrs, Burns. A foretaste of glory, Matt 17 1-8 Alice Peabody. Tho glorified Christ, Bev 5 1-M Grace Peabody. What comes before glorification, in Jesus' life and ours? J. 1. Dressier. To what extent are wo glorilied? Nora Aynes. How does tho glory God gives differ from tho world's? Hollo Barker. Name ways In which wo may gain true glory Minnie May. DIPSOMANIAS LAW VALID That tho dipsomaniac law is consti tutional iu tlio main is tho decision of tho court 'in the application of John Schwarting for a writ of habeas com pus. The court decides that tho law ie pari materia of other laws providing for tho detention, care and discharge of persons committed to tho hospital for the insane and must bo construed NEW KURIL ROUTE EEGULATIONS Tlio postollicp department has iwent- ly issued the following orders regard's ing mail mutter on rural ronton: On and after July 1, moo. patrons of the rural delivery set vice will be res quired to display signals on their boxes when they leave mail in them for carriers to yollect. as, afti r that date, carriers, when serving their routes, will not tie requited to open and examine any mail boxes ox-cunt those to which they have mall to deliver and those on which sigralB ore displayed to indicate there is mail for cairiers to collect. provided with signals must attach thereto some device which, when disi played, will plainly show passing carriers there is mall to be collected It is not necessary that such dovice shall bo either complicated or costly; a very simple arrangement will answer the purpose. Carriers must lower (ho Bignals on boxes after making collection, pro vided no mall is left therein; and must display tho signals when they deposit mail for patrons unless the patrons huvo made request to tho contrary. Notioo lor Hoanng Claims iiiity (mi.h, ,f N.-mnhu 'otintj , Cnin- Writo for catalogue D, BROWN'S BUSINESS COLLEGE Geo. W. Brown, Jr.. Prop. 1610 0 street Lincoln. Nebr. PETER KEHKER. The annual mooting of tho school district will bo held ut tho school houso Monday, Juno 28, at 8 o'clock p. m. for tho purpoeo of electing two moms borsof tho school board and auch other buBluoss as may come beforo tho moots inc. Potor Kerker, who has been suffering from rheumatism for boeqo time, is feeling better both pyhalcally and mentally. If there is anything that will make a man feel grouchy and peBslmiBtio it la to have the rbeu mutism. J. C. JKillarney of Auburn was in Nemaha wedneaday evening In bis new automobile which is surely a One one, He gave some of the boys a spin around town which was greatly en joyed. Bart Howe was the driver for Mr. Klllarney. Laura, the eight year old daughter of 11. 0. Morton, while picking cberrlet Wednesday morning, foil from the tree and broke both bones in her fore arm just above the wrist. Dr. Kay reduced tho fracture and reports the little girl as resting easy. Auburn, Nob., Juno 11. Bon Bur ress and Henry Hobson aro both quar antined at their homes on account of smallpox. Mr. Burross was talking to a number of men Saturday afternoon and wus broken out with the disease, ajd it Ib probable that a number were infected. The live Commercial Club of Omaha Ib planning anothor trado excursion from June 20 to 22. Thoy will be In Nemaha on tho 22nd. These excun slons have boon quito successful in tho matter of extending the acquaintance of tho wholesale merchants of Omaha. Tho Club declares It is not tho intention to solicit orders on these excursions, but merely to extend acquaintance and niako now friends. It mokes a mer chant feel better if ho has a personal acquaintance with tho man ho is doal Ing with. Omaha Ib growing rapidly and is surely becoming tho Market Town of this territory. Representatives of tho Bell telephone company have boon In Nemaha for a week or bo, endeavoring to got our pooplo to organize a local company. As we understand it, tho plan of the Bell company Ib for the local company to buy wire, poles, switchboard, oto. The Bell transmitter will bo used and the local exchange will connect with the Bell or Nebraska telephone lines and no others. If Bell local exchanges are put in at neighboring towim these locals oould connect and talk without toll. Tho Bell cannot now put in a local exebauge at Auburn as the Auburn Telephone Co. have an ex clusive franchise there. Our people who go into tho Bell local are asked to pay in 925 each to pay expenses of putting in tho exchange. ' Mayor Knapp recelvod tho following letter from the Commercial Club of Omaha Tuesday: To tho Honorablo Mayor, A special train containing n party of about 125 business men of Omaha and South Omaha and Buster's band of Omaha will bo at Nemaha, Nobr., on June 22nd at 12:55 p. m. and remain for dinner. Tho purpose of sending out this train Ib to moot In a social and friendly way nil of your business peoplo and wo will appreciate It very much if you will announce to them through your local papor, or otherwise, the dato and time of our visit. Yours very truly, Wr. L. Yettek, Chairman, Trado Extension Committee. Everybody como ns there will prob ably bo a good game of ball at tho ball STENOGRAPHERS Earn moro money than teachers and .v.,lnn,nnt 111 1. .. Int... .1 n. In connection therewith. That part of - ' 3 Z"r UJ 4 1. I. .L1.I. I .J t II I ' , . . w . " - . w . dipsomaniacs, requiring thorn to re fraln from the use of liquor and to keep out of the company of drinkers waa de clared unronstitutional. Judgo Letton wroto tho decioion. The dcclaion states that tho law is an exercise of the paternal care of the state, deslgued for the benefit of those persons whoso mental fibre has become 60 weakened by the excessive uso of intoxicants aud narcotics that they are unable to rofraln from an undue Indul gence in the same and in whom tho cruving has bocoma so intense as to bo in the nature of u mental infirmity. "The law is not enacted to punish crlmo and is by no means penal in its nnt.nrn. Whpn illriqnmnnUn In rn. leased, he otanda on an equality with UK. JM.. AJN JJJxJUi W b all other citizens. In so far as the provisions of section 7 provide for the restraint of persons who have been cured, they are in conflict with the couatitution aud must fall." The application of Johu Schwarting for r writ of habeas corpus is denied. State Journal. Bonier In Highest market price paid for Hides, Lard, Tallow, etc, Medical and Surgical Diseases of Women Stella - Nebraska Best photos in southeastern Nebr at Crlloy'fl. So. Auburn. Doath From Lockjaw novor follows an injury dressed with Bucklen'a Arnica Salve. Its anti septic and healing properties prevent blood poisoning. Chas. Oswald, in or chant, of Rensselaersville, N, Y., writes: "It cured Seth Burch, of this placo, of the ugliest soro on his neck I over saw." Cures Cuts, Wounds, Burns and Sores, drug store, Th.rt art nior. McCall Pattern sold In the UnilW Li thin of any oth.r mike of ptllcriu. This U on account of their Uyle, acturacy and ilmpliclty, McCnU'a Mnlne(The Queen of FihIon)hi mere lubicrlberi thin any other I.idlit' Mifiilk.. On ytir'a eubictlpllon (u number.) coin SO cent. Lateit number, 5 canta. Every .ut.crib.rf.eU a McCall Pat tern Free. Subacrlbe taday. 5C at Hill Bros 'i LrAnUWil. HanIime premium. r annul xhuu n,t;,h eommliiUn. f itt.m C.t.lof .( of o. d.. Ifni) and rrtmlum Catalogue (.kewinf 44 premium.) at fret. Aadiei THE McCALL CO., N.w V.rk. .1) ( Nl'lmi.kii: It) tho mailer oflhc ICMnl iif Hnsim milium. ilccfitHPd. Nnt'oo Is lrtliv kIvpii M.n! tliH Court lin made mi order limiting tin. uh 0r ttrptllf ltorn to (He cIiiIihn iiKHliift mild (f('ettMi t nix months ft (ill) tho 20th !hj ,x .hinc, f); nnl Hint .HidpW, Soi'tniiilicr.'if) mill lit oftnbor W, ItKHl, nt Inn o'clock i. in. of riioh day ut tho ollli-n of tlio comity Judge of Nt-tunlm' county, NVbniMkn, In Auhnm, Scbmnka. Iiiih bcPii llxcil ly tno con it n the Himch und pliice when unit where nil iicihoiih wnoluivc dnlD'H nml dctnaiidi niiiiliihl . id ileccnscil cut) biivc ti e Hi) ino oxiunlncil, ndjiutcd olid allowed, and nil datum not pic(iilct by tho lust mentioned dnte will be lorcver btirrtd, bv on order ol the court. Dnlcd Muy 90, 1!KX. Skai,J .1. a. AIuCAUTY, County Jii(lc. To .lorcmlali llerzoll: Yon nro hereby notified t tint on flio Olli day of Juno A. b lOufl, Annii Hcrzoll tiled 11 petition HBiiliiHt you In the dldM t court of Ncnmbii county, Nebr Moi, tho object nod jirnycrof which In to obtnln ndlvoico ironi you on tho ground that you have wlllluliv dcscrtcl nnd wantonly fulled nod reftiHui to support her nnd her threo lnlnnt uhll dren, tho Ihhuo of Hdld inurrliiRc, and to ol tnln thocaro, custody und educntlon of snld children, you are requited to answer MUd petition on or beforo Monday, tho ICth dny of July, A. t)., lfjOfi. ANNA TIKIt.UIiL, plnllitlir, IlyStull & Huwxby, her nttorncys. Wall Paper and Painting Season at Hand We have on hand a largo as sortment of Wall Paper at from 7 to 25 cents per double roll. Headquarters for Sherwin-Williams Cel ebrated House and Family Paints Oils, Varnisher, Stains, etc., always on hand. Give us a trial. W E. KEELING BRICK BRICK First class Building Brick for Btilo ut tho Nemaha Brick Kilns Call , and see them f nud got pricea. Quality guaranteed JOSEPH M. WEST NEMAHA, NEBR. Sfclc Watches Every Jeweler can't repair a sick watch. lie may patch it up but he must be a skilled mechanic to effect a permanent cure, we find lots of I watches that havo been in the botchers bands that have not been properly cieanea or repaired, we nave a very positivo way to toll whether a repaired watch will glvoyou satisfaction, and that Is to run it and time it ournelvea until wo know wo can guarantee it. Bring in your watches, clocks, jew elry and spectacles and we will promise you first class work, no delay and moderate prices. Auburn Music & Jewelry Co. West of Court House, Auburn Neb. A. GL WARREN Painter, Paper Hanger Decorator I havo nil tho latest designs in Wall Papor, uuuciiii iiiiiumi ynu liny myio or quiltltlt jui wiiiii. 1 ricua Irani iv guaranteed, J Complete Stock, of LUMBER k 1 n HARDWARE FURNITURE Is found tat Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co. Prices are rigHt. Mario Woodward was bitten by Frunk Titus's rat terrier Thursday. Mario aud Juno Titus wore playing with tho dog and undertook to whip liar jltirfnrv Mm ntnn tu linn flia Aen 1 mi 1 1 k 1.1 Vrk iu tho afternoon of that day. Mario. Tho bite is not very bad and v v. It is thought will not result in anyi Did you see tboBe dollar watches thing serious. I Keollng'a ? Thoy'ro oil right. Oo per roll up. Work T?hono mo at control ofllce or write NEMAHA - NEBRASKA at W. . Banders Justice of the Peace NOTARY PUBLIC Real Estate and Insurance Agent IBANK OF NEMAHA Nem aha, Nebr. Capital, $5,000 WM. CAMPBELL, Via. F. K. ALLEN, Vice. Pres. ELMER R. ALLEN, CaBhler FRANK TITUS, Ass't Cash DEPOSITORY BANKS Hanover Nat'l, New York First Nat'l, Auburn, Nobr. Omaha Nat'l Neb. City Nat'l We have every facility for haudling accounts appreciate them, and give our personnl atten tion to the Interests of our depositors.