Nemaha Advertiser W. W. SAND'RS, PunusHHn Nemaha, - Nebraska IIIII'm Ciiimc. Gold Prick Sum--Sy, Hill, nre you going imtly? 1 nct lf you don't mid anything thwe days 1ml lynching In tlio riinil districts. Green Goods Kill Oh, that's ine scheme. You always find Hie neeoimls headed with 11 list of the 'loading citi zens' mid tlicn I send 'lrruli to lltotn. II In 1,1111c (Tin I in. Sirs. A. Don't jou know, I really have an attachment for I his phuto. Tlio Slald Yosiuin, and the gentle tm i it who wits here while you wore out Hald he had nn attachment for It also. Sirs. A. Indeed ! Who Is he? Tlio Maid--Tli Sheriff, inuiii. ,Siii' Tim, lilmlli'il, "I heard you had a cow for Hale," he gan Subbubs, "mid iih I'm thinking of buying one for our little place " "Waal, sir," InloiTuptod tlio farmer, eagerly, "that's thot JnrHey yonder. Now, thur'H one good p'lnt In her thet you oiin depend on " "Oh, gnu-Ious ! that would never do. I'd need a (piart at least." Catholic Standard and Times. 111m I'niiiloNt .Memniic. A hard-headed old Pittsburg niunu fuclver, who made his fortune, as ho expresses It, "with his coat off," was Induced hy his daughters to accompany them to a Wagner concert, the first ho had ever attended. The next day ho happened to meet an acquaintance who hud seen him the night heforo, who asked : "I suppose you enjoyed tho concert last night, Sir. PrownoV" "Yes; It took nie hack to (ho days of my youth," the old man said, with a reminiscent sigh. "Ah, Bummer days In the country, girl In u lawn dress,-hlrds singing, and all that?" "No, tho days when I worked In a holler shop In Seruntoii." Success Slaguzluc. Modern Voufli. "Why are you not at school?" stern ly Inquired the parent meeting his son In tho street. Tho lad was not much einharrassed. "Fact Is, dad," he responded, "there's something tho matter with tho teacher's) temper, and I'm giving It ahsent treat ment." Philadelphia Puhlle Ledger. ' JnM .llt it Woman, Sirs. Stubb -.John, 1 am going to write to our Congressman to send us some seed. Sir. Stuhh Why, Maria, we live In the city. There Isn't, any place to plant seeds. Sirs. StuhhThen 1 will write and tell him to send us s6tne seed 'or our parrot. We must get all that Is coming to us. Love Voiiiiu' Dri'itin. They sat on the old porch and watch' cd the red moon cllmhlng ahovo the trees. "Love," whispered the sentimental girl, "makes the world go round." "Yes, darling," whispered the ardent suitor, v'imt. host of all, It makes the arm go round." And oven tho frogs croaked their ap proval from the chilly swamps. Optional. Harbor How will yon have your lmli cut, sir? Farmer Green Wn-nl, of ye haln'i got a lawn mower, scythe or mowing machine handy, yo might use scissors' IIiin Up mill Dimviin, Gunner That elevator hoy appears to ho a very plain-spoken chap. Guyer Yes; ho talks right up and down. (JlMMlI Dill. "Yes, there was u wonderful mob scene In tho opera." "Mob scene? And was there mucL noise?" "I should say so. There was halt us much as there was In the boxes." Terrllile Tin-cut. City Suitor Was your father alarm ed when you told him I would Jump down tho well If you refused mo? Rural Slald I should say so. said your cigarettes would plzon water so It wouldn't bo lit to drink nix months after. Chicago News. IK t lie foi Time to (Jut IIiin)-, Her Husband I thought you wora going to visit your mother? Ills Wife And so 1 am. Her Husband Well, you had bettei becln to nack your trunk at once. Tlu train leaves In forty-eight hours. Chi ifflSPT 1 l tf-:Mgg Returns of Railway Clearing House show that 1,000 parcels a day are lost on the railways of tho United King dom. J'Mftoeu thousand eight hundred and forty -iovon pol ice constable aro re quired to protect London, unci for this protection the citizona pay 1,300,000 pounds a year. Nearly half tho foreigners in Great Mritaln reside in London. There aro 212,000 in Scotland, 11,000 in Slunohos lr, ,000 in Liverpool, and 8,000 in Leeds. The largest cab rank in the world is situated in London, viz; at Water loo .Station, tho terminus of tho Lon don and the Smith Western Railway. t. isa quarter of a mile in length More than 1,000 cabs are called in (lis cotirso of twenty -four hours. Lima beans may bo made to grow a second crop by spading in between the hills after Hrstcropis oIL This lnosons up tlio eartli and lots in air and moisture. See that tlio grapo vines aro on tho trellis in good shape. Tf tho young shoots aro started in tlio right direc tion and tied in place until tho ten drils catch they will require little at tention during tlio summer. Tho growtli of melon, tomato and other plants can bo forced by the use pf nitrate of soda. A tablcspoonful scattered about each tomato plant and lightly raked it w ill produce good results. It should not bo used after tho fruit begins to ripen. riioso who aro good judges of cows may possibly be able to go into thp market or to tho neighbors and buy satisfactory cows. But usually it is not tho good cow time is for sale unless she has somo objectionable features. The surest way to get cows that aro entirely' satistact'jry is to raise them. it does not take long for a calf to become a cow. From twenty thousand to thirty thousand travelers annually visit Shakespeare's birthplace, Statford-on- Avon. They come rroin all parts oi tho world, and it is estimated that in tho aggregate tho town gains fifty thousand dollars by these visits. Wood ashes aro good for trees, especially peach trees. They somo- ,inios give now lifo to an old orchard. BUILDING FOOD. To llrliiK die IluliIt'M Around. When a little human machine (or a arge one) goes wrong, nothing is so uiportant as the selection of food to ning U around again. "Sly little baby boy llfteeu months old had pneumonia, then came brain fever, and no soone ud he got over these than he began to cut teeth and, being so weak; he was frequently thrown into convulsions," says a Color ado mother. "I decided a change might help, so took him to Ivansas City for a visit. When w e got .there he was so very weal: when he would cry h; would sink away and seemed like he would die. "When I readied my sister's home she said immediately that we must feed him Grape-Nuts, and, although 1 had never uod the food, we got somo and for a few days gave him just tho juice of Grape-Nuts and milk. lie got stronger so quickly we were soon feed- , lug him the Grape-Nuts ltMif, and In a wonderfully short time he fattened right up and became strong and well. 'That showed me something worth knowing ami. when biter on my girl came, I raised her on Grape-Nuts and she Is a strong, healthy baby and has been. You will see from the little pho tograph I send you what a strong, chubby youngster the hoy Is now, but he didn't look anything like that before wo found this nourishing food. Grape Nuts nourished him hack to strength when he was so weak he couldn't keep any other food on his stomach." Name given by Postuui Co., Rattle Creek, Mich. All children can bo built up to a moro t,,,..i,. ..,1,1 twin Hit- ,iui niiuuj n. it .. ... .j iwiiiiitiwii ijljuil n .v..- n.i ,, r.M. ' uiuiifnuw ..w "v iuuu ww tains the elements nature demands, from which to make the soft gray fill- lug In the nerve centers and brain. A w ell-fed brain and strong, sturdy nerves .....o.utely insure . ,. Look lu pkgs. for the famous littl book. "The Koad to Wollvlllo."- Hinco tho compiling of reliable records, beginning in tlio year 1147, 1,0!)5,000 persons have periehcl by ourthquakos. Prior to this time, however wo have tho facts of terrible earthquake disasters. In 7-12 A. 1)., Syria, Palestine, and cities of tlio region wore wrecked by a scries of earthquakes which destroyed more than f)00 towns and hundreds of thousands of human beings. In 1137 an earthquake In ('icily took the Jives of about 15,000 persons. Of much later dates wo have tho horrfying records of the great Jupan earth quake in 1703, when 200,000 lives were lost 'at Yeddo. Another hor rible disaster of tho samo kind visited Japan in 1891, when 10,000 persons perished on tlio island of Hondo. At Pekin China, and vicinity 100,000 souls perished by earthquakes in 1701. In Canton, in tho year 1830, 00,000 persons were killed by earth quake which nlmost totally de stroyed the city. A Salvation Army preaoher, in ono of iiis talks, exclaimed to his hearers: ,..! : i .. i wt. !,.., .... t...... lilVlllltJ MJIJT, WWII 1 JUU JMIUW tlio mooning of that word? Nor I either, hardly. It Is for ever and ever, and Hvo or six everlastings a-top of that. You might place a row of figures from here to sunset, and cipher them all up, and it wouldn't begin to tell how many ages Ion jr. eternity is. Why, my friends, after millions and trillions of years had rolled away in eternity, it would bo a hundred thousand years to breakfast time." A very vain preaoher having de livered a sermon in tlio hearing of the Rev. Robert Hall, pressed him, with a mixture of self-complacency and indelicacy, to state what ho thought of the sermon. Sir. Hall remained silent for some time, hop ing that his silence would be rightly interpreted; but this only caused the question to bo pressed with greater earnestness. At length Sir. Hall admitted, "There was ono very fine passage." "I am rejoiced to heat you say so. Pray, sir, which was it?" "Why, sir, it was the passage fron: tlio pulpit to the vestry." Climbing a telegraph-polo is child's play to Sllss Rrenneincn, of Lindsey, Ohio, she is a lineman, and can splice a line, put on a now insulator, reihi"o a new fuse or repair a dropped switchboard. She is just twenty years old. A pint of linseed meal is reoom monded as a euro for cows wlioso milk tastes bitter or weedy. The cows that aro run from the pasture by a boy or dog will give less milk and of poorer quality time if brought in in tho right way. A GB8TiOALPER80i INTELLIGENTWOMEN PREPARE Dangors and Pain of ThlB Critical Poriod Avoided by the Uso of Lydla E. Plnlc. nam's Vogotablo Compound. How many wo men realize that the most critical period in a wo man's existence is tho change of life, and that tho anxiety felt by women as this time draws near is not without reason ? If her system is in a deranged condi tion, or she is predisposed to apoplexy or congestion of any organ, it is at this time likely to become active and, wttn a host of nervous irritations, make life a burden. i At this time, also, cancersand tumors nre more liable to begin their destruc- ' tivo work. Such warning symptoms as a sense of suffocation, hot Hashes, diz ziness, headache, dread of impending evil, sounds in the ears, timidity, pal pitation of the heart, sparks before the ivis ii-rnfriilnriMim. (nriNl inu t.ion. varln.. lippt,tltc, weakness and Inquietude are promptly needed iy intelligent women who are approaching1 the period of lifo when woman's great change may bo expected. Wo believe Lydia 13. Piukham's Veg etable Compound is the world's great est remedy for women at this trying period. Lydia 13. Piukham's Vegetable Com pound invigorates and strengthens the female organism, and builds up the t weakened nervous system as no other medicine can. Sirs. A. 13. G. Hyland, of Chester town, Md., in a letter to Sirs. Pink- ham, says: Dear Sirs. Pinkluun: " I hud boon sutrorint: with n dlsnlaceuiont for years nml was pausing through the change of life. 1 had a good doul of soronoss, dlzxy spells, headaches, and was very nervous. I wrote von for ailvico and commenced treat- ' inont with Lvdla K. Pinkhuni's Voirctaliki Uomr'iid as you directed, aud 1 am happy io nav iiiui a i inoso iiisvrossiiiK svmnioms n en "... j .V.. i i ii ine, and 1 have pafcwd .nh y through the ciiungo or uro a well woman,-' ' i-'0r special advice regarding this im port tint period women aro invited to write to Sirs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass hc, s daughter-in-law of Lydla 13. lJSt'SS oeen advtsinir slctc women ireo o plun-fT... llnr tul v I n la ire nnd nlvvavi . . " . . "V.. , tieiptm to tilling1 women T0PIC80F TOE TIMEkS. A CHOICE SELECTION OF INTER ESTING ITEMS. Continents und Crl t IcIhiiii HmhciI Upon flic IfupneiiliiKH of the liny 11 In tori en I and Nciv Notcn. Dowio apparently has Joined the long procession of discredited emotionalists. Vesuvius merely emphasizes the fact thot It Is never a good thing to slop over. It will keep George ,7. Gould hustling to buy princes and dukes for all of lib girls. Pretty soon tho trust magnates may bo asking If they haven't any rights fhe Supremo Court Is bound to ob serve. The Czar has just returned unopened another resignation by Wltte. Perhaps the old man is binding for a raise of salary. it should be some comfort to Dowio to reflect that In any event nobody can get thoso magnificent whiskers away from him. Incidentally it is pertinent to inquire why tho Zlonltes didn't lire Dowio long ago If they know all thoso Iniquitous things against him. Legislatures arc getting more care ful about giving to unknown companies clfaTters to do everything on earth and In the waters beneath. A. Cincinnati man has named his baby Ananias. Perhaps he Intends to make It necessary for tho child to bo truthful lu self-dofense. A New Jersey minister wants to know f hoaven will "bo crowded." Not by the men folks, unless it differs a good deal from tho average church. A Pennsylvania!! named Weeks, with a chronic habit of purloining watches, has been given the time of his life by tho judge, who sent him up for ten years. John 1). Rockefeller Is going to build a 91,000,000 palace for his grandson, hut an extra bottlo or two would prob ably give John D. III. greater satlsfae- lon Just now. The secret of wealth, according to ono of the comic weeklies, lies In mak ing a quarter look like thirty cents. That Is a good Illustration of tho ex pressive compactness of modern slang. .Members of the English Parliament, we are told, don't get any salary and can't even send their mall free. To think of tho difference makes an Amer ican Congressman proud of his country- George Gould says ho put $1,000,000 nto tho Western Slarylaud syudlcate merely os a favor to a friend. George should not be surprised now to hoar that some of the rest of his friends are starting up syndicates. Tho man with tho boo has not been much In evidence for several years, al though ho onco created as much dis cussion as tho man with tho muck rake Is arousing now. How soon wo pass from ono form of excitement to an other. It Is a curious fact that the average ago of Senators Is far In excess of the constitutional requirement Tho young est man In tho Senate Is 80 years old, and hence Is nine j-ears older than the minimum ago required by the Constitu tion, while tho two oldest members of the Senate have exceeded tho minimum age limit hy more than llfty years, being above SO years old. Charles 13. Hughes, speaking before tho Kthlcal Culture Society recently, found an admirably torso expression for the causes of corporate malfeas ance. He said: "When we say a cor poration has or has not done a certain thing wo mean that tho directors have attended to or neglected a duty." In other words, tho responsibility Is al ways personal. To attack the corpora tion as such is so much sword play wnsted. The ofllcers and directors con stitute the soul under the ribs of death. Since they aro subject to tho usual moral and Judlclol penalties, they alone aro really worthy of a reformer's effort. A loafoi; on tho street, whose wife was probably at homo getting out a neighbor's washing to mako money to buy the children shoes, asked a busy man the other day If ho over saw a bald-headed woman. "No, I never did," replied the busy man. "And I never saw a woman waiting around town in her shirt sleeves with a cigar In her teeth and running Into every saloon sho Baw. Neither did I ever seo1 a woman sitting all day nt tho fitreet corner on a dry goods box telling peo ple how the Secretary of tho Treasury should run tho national Mnonces. I havo novor seen a woman go fishing with a bottlo In her pocket, sit on tho bank all day and go homo drunk at night, Nor hao I over soon n woman yank off her coat and say she could lick any man in town." What are said lu lie tho first mural paintings ever ordered for a free pub lie school in America havo recently been completed. They were painted for the Do Witt Clinton high school In New York, and are to be placed on the walla In the same way as the decorations aro i nfllxed in the (Congressional Library, the .Minnesota State Capitol, and other j puhlle buildings noted for their adorn ' ment. They represent tho opening of i the I'tie canal In October, ISL'H, and the meeting of tho waters of tho hikes with the ocean, a ceremony which con cluded tho opening celebration. A small barrel of the water of Lake I3rlo was taken from the canal and carried down the Hudson and out Into the harbor, where It was emptied Into the ocean by DeWItt Clinton, Governor of the State, to whose efforts the construction of the canal was largely due. Pottles of water from the Thames, the lthlne, the Seine and other noted rivers wore also pour ed into the ocean at the same time. The convention oi' chiefs of police at Hot Springs expressed the wish that the law would establish the death pen-; alty for burglars who carry deadlyj weapons with them and that it wouh?, restore tlio whipping post for wife beat-! ers and minor offenders against ehll-s dren. Chief Collins of Chicago heartily Indorses both these suggestions, and from tho policeman's point of view he makes a good argument for them. Put he does not state the whole case by any means. Take burglary with deadly weapons. That the burglar has murder in his heart, or, more properly, that he reckons with possible murder as one of the details In his business, Is perfectly clear. That he might le properly pun ished as a murderer Is also manifest. That such punishment, strictly enforc ed, would make life much safer for city residents yo may well believe. Hut against all this there is a practical certainty that the death penalty will not lie established for such a crime. Tho tendency Is away from hanging, not toward it. Only a riot of crime, duo to some great loosening of the social bonds, will restore It. And there is no reason to expect that tho case will be come so bad as that. Instead of rec ommending greater severity of punish ments, the police would do well to urge greater discrimination. They would do well to emphasize professional crime oh needing special treatment for the pro tection of society. Our laws make prac tically no distinction at all between tho professional criminal and the chanco criminal or first offender. Tho board of pardons will turn a professional loose under the Indeterminate .sentence law us readily as any other convict. It should not have such power. If pen alties were mild for first offenses and pardons ready; If every criminal on his second conviction should be sub jected to an Investigation as to whoth"r or not he had adopted crime as Ids llf- business, and If all those found to bo professionals should bo so treated as to keep them permanently from their trade, with an ultimate possibility of segregation for life, our criminal sys tem would bo not nearly so Ineffective as It Is at present. As for tho whip ping post for wife boaters, there Is good psychological basis for believing that It is the kind of penalty that llts tho crime. Put recent attempts to Intro duce It have shown that it is certain to be cried down as a species of barbar ism which canuot be seriously consid ered In this age. Tho police chiefs must seek some other cure for this of fense. All 5ono. Tho society editor of a paper In Richmond, Va., was prevented by sick ness from attending the wedding of tho daughter of a well-known citizen, and so was obliged to mako tho best sho could of a second-hand account of tlio festivities. 13atiy in the morning' after tho wed ding tho young woman repaired to tho home of the bride's parents. To tho darky who opened the door she said: "I havo called to get somo of tho de tails of the wedding." An expression of intense regret caino to the dusky countenance of tho ser vant. "I'so awful sorry, miss," she exclaim ed, "but doy Is all gone. You oughter come last night. Do company eat up every scrap'." The MniiiiHri'r' Donultlon. "The legitimate drama!" said tho playwright as Slauagor Fiasco handed him back his rejected manuscript "I hear nothing but 'legitimate drama!' What Is tho legitimate drama, any way?" "The legitimate drama," said .Mana ger Fiasco coldly, "comprises all thoso plays which, their authors being dead, mny bo produced without tho payment of royalties!" Modern Society. The IfniileiiNunt Sort. "Nice house, old man," eald Naggot's old friend, who was visiting him, "but haven't you any household pets?" "Only those my wife gets into occa sionally," replied Nagget Philadelphia) Press. ' . cago News. i