The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, May 25, 1906, Image 2

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    Nemaha Advertiser
W. W. SAND'RS. PuoLiSHcn
Nemaha, - Nebraska
An ounce or mot Is worm more tiian
i carload of theory.
About tin; time Hip money HtopH com
ing In. the cooperative compnnloH fall
to co-operate
London runoh Imih u new editor who
h reported to bo u humorist This Ih
linportiint If true.
When life Insuninee grafters full out
Jtolley hohlerH stand a ohanee of get
ting their diton.
Attorney general Iladley hns a way
or extracting Information without the
use of an anesthetic.
Mark Twain hopes there may be no
w.nrs or grand dukes In heaven. Kvl
ilontly Marie .expects to go there him
iclf some day.
I At noboliy docolvo himself with the
idea that things will quiet down Home
Any so there will Ih? nothing left for
Tom Ixiwyon to write nbout
The arrival of a grandson ho pleased
Mr. Rockefeller that It was with diffi
culty he refrained from adding another
half cent to the price of kerosene.
Herman Heckling, a Hii'.lcton miner,
(led a stick of dynamite to his neck
Slid lighted It as a cure for toothache
.the desired result was accomplished.
Tho Hrltlsh member of Parliament
.who had a phonograph to mako his
Hpocehotj might buy a typewriter and
let It transact his parliamentary busi
ness. One of Russell Sage's friends says
the old man Isn't actually worth more
than ubout ?r),000,000. No wonder
Hussell feels that It Is necessary for
"Jilm to squeeze the pennies.
"It Is a poor hoy's country," says
Senator Dolllvor. Not an exact state
ment. It Is any boy's country, rich or
poor, wlto does not waive his birth
right. Opportunity Is democratic.
A Now York, Janitor committed sul
fide because the tenants worried him
o much that his life became a burden.
This soenm to prove thnt Andrew Oar-
uegle Is right when lie says the great
Minve their troubles.
General Corbln says the trouble with
tho Ohlneso is thnt they resent the ef
forts to force a lot of new creeds on
them. No wonder they want to leave
homo and come here, where they can
get religious freedom.
Tho promoter of a $1,000,000 corpor
ation with assets of $500 has been
found guilty of obtaining money under
false pretenses. After a while they
will expect captains of Industry to risk
renl money on their dope dreams.
A millionaire who happened to have
two wives on his hands explains that
lie married the second one when he
mipposcd the first one was about to die.
Such haste should be darkly frowned
upon. Even a millionaire might be re
quired to wait until tho funeral baked
moats were avallablo to furnish forth
.Iho marriage feast.
The editor of a Leipzig paper 1ms
gone to Jail for six months for criticiz
ing soiiio kings of Snxony who hud
been dead several hundred years. The
nnper will not suspend publication, how
ever, as tho editor Is merely a person
employed to serve In prison tho sen
tences which may he Imposed for what
the paper prints.
The first object of physical methods
should bo to straighten and expand the
body. Tho world may, In a broad, gen
oral way, be divided Into two groat
rlasscs the erect and tho luerect, the
Ktrong and tho weak. The epoch mak
ers, tho Oromwolls, Lulhcrs, Napoleons,
Wellingtons, Wushlngtons and Web
sters, have been men ninriced oy a
straight spine and n broad, high, deep
chest. Tho mastered millions, tho do-
Xonted ones, have been tho inorect
Germany's now tariff, which went
Into effect on March 1, Increases tho
duty on wheat Hour from ono dollar
nnd flfty-tlvo cents to four dollars a bar
rel, and the duty on wheat from twen
ty-threo to forty-nlno cents a bushel,
Similar Increases are mado on tho duty
ou other commodities. This duty may
be reduced by treaty. In order to glvo
time for the negotiation of a treaty
with America making tariff-concessions
on German goods In return for German
concessions, tho Gcrmnn chancellor has
secured tho passage of a 'law which
'postpones for sixteen months tho Iovy
exorbitant duties on foodstuffs from
this couutry,
The suspicion that a Brooklyn school
tlrl killed herself becauso aho had boon
threatened with punishment for using
fdang may or may not be well founded.
It Is unquestionable, however, that
among school children as well as else
where the use of slang Is far too prev
alent There aro some Hlang words
which are not only unobjectionable hut
also decidedly useful nnd which may
profitably be Incorporated Into tho
standard vocabulary of the language.
Not a few of our words which now en-
oy unchallenged standing had their
origin In slang. Unfortunately, there
are still more slang words and phrase
which serve no useful purpose, but
which are simply vulgar and offensive,
If not actually Indecent or profane. Tho
discouragement anil suppression of
these would be a greater service to tho
language than the elimination of a few
superfluous loiters in orthography.
A German Investigator has been ex
amining the relation between the pre
vailing rate of wages In various sec
tions of the country and the amount ot
crime, and has reached some very lin
porant conclusions which are published
In the Herlln Die Neue Holt. He first
gives a table showing thirty-six dis
tricts, which aro arranged according to
tho proportion of criminals to legally
resixHislble persons In each district.
Tho table gives the proportions In fig
ures and also compares mis propor
tlon with the lowest average dally wage.
From his table: "It appears that tho
ten districts which make the best show
ing, with a single exception, have th-i
best, wage llguros. Among the thirteen
districts of average criminality novo
have relatively good day wages, and
among the thirteen districts wiucn
make the worst showing Herlln Is tho
only district which has a relatively
good dally wage. However, the high
criminality of Herlln Is due to condi
tions which have nothing to do with
wages, in fact, those persons wno arc.
employed in lteiiin and In reference to
whom, therefore, the dally wage may bq
considered, show no high criminal aver
age. Hut It Is only natural that Herlln
with ItH exceptional opportunities for
oiinio should bo a groat center of at
traction for the criminal classes." After
examining the general criminal statis
tics the writer considers the special de
partment of theft, and his tables hero
show the conditions even more striking
ly. Out of fourteen provinces the six
which show tho highest criminal record
are those In which the day's wage M
the lowest, and the reverse Is equally
true. That Is, tho higher the wages,
the less tho criminality. "These tig;
tires show how all other causes of crime
fade before the gloat cause tho social
It seems a curious thought that tho
supremacy of Western civilization the
ascendency of tho wheat-eaters over
the rice-eaters may ultimately depend
upon tho discovery of some cheap proc
ess of producing nitrates; but so emi
nent an authority as Sir William Ram
say Is sponsor for tho statement. More
thnn five years ago Sir Williams
Crookes declared the population of tho
world to bo Increasing so rapidly that
In a short time the supply of wheat
would bo lnsulllelent. Since then prog
ress has boon made in several experi
ments directed toward Increasing tho
world's harvest of wheat. Nevertheless,
many scientific men feel that a wheat
famine within a few generations is
among the possibilities. Efforts townrd
averting or postponing this condition
aro directed: First, toward Increasing
the acreage a process which is self-
limited; secondly, toward Increasing
the yield per acre by improving tho
seed and selecting that which is best
suited to tho locality where It Is to bo
planted: thirdly, toward Increasing tho
crop by feeding tho plants more gener
cusly with nitrogen through alternation
with nodulo-produclng leguminous
plants a process developed by tho
United States Department of Agrictil
biro ; anil fourthly, by tho mnnufneturo
of nitrates. For years tho supply of
nltraies has como from Chile, but that
sourco Is noarlng exhaustion. Tho sew
age of cities would supply enormous
quantities If thero could bo found somo
method of saving anil applying it
which would not endanger public
henlth. It Is estimated thnt eighty
million dollars' worth of fertilizer goes
annually to wasto In tilts wny in Eng
land alone. Tho artificial manufacture,
or rnthor tho fixation, of nitrogen looks
to tho air as tho great sourco of supply.
Rut the processes now In uso aro com
plicated and expensive. Many patents
havo been Issued. Ono of tho latest
plants is that nt Svaelgfoss, Norway,
in which a waterfall of thirty thousaiu
horse-power has been utilized to gen
erato electricity, by which nitrogen Is
taken from tho air nnd absorbed by
11 mo. Tho resulting calcium nltrato is
a powerful fertilizer. In this prob
loin tho young chemists nnd tho young
olectrlcinns of to-day havo n wort
which will tax the ablest and ought to
satisfy tho most ambitious.
CollllnKT Ilnelf.
Mr. Ouycrr Why dou't you got mar
ried? You'll bo an old maid pretty
Miss Torchnnco If I were as ensy to
nienso as your wife was, I'd havo been
married years ago. -Cleveland Loader.
A daily uath iu co.'J or tepid water
13 an ir.despou'ibte ntd in keeping
Iho skin of the body m cord condi
tion An sccn'lounl washing of the
face in hot rainwater, softened vith
two cr thrpf ; ncr.Jul "f oatmeai, J
good tor the complexion
In Montana a divorce pan be ob
tained for habitual drunkenness or
neglect for one y?ar, cruelty deser
tion, or felony 'lc bring tult one
year's residence is required ot tho
plaintiff. .Similar ftatuteK are in
force in Nortt. Dakota ur.d South
Tho greatol rr.iir.ber of men over
employed on on structure was In
connection w;in the Ciizch Pyramid
where poven million men wete
iMiiployed in forced labor. This
pyramid U foir hundred and lifty
foot high, and 'overs an area of thir
teen acres
When the eye? have n burning sen
sation bathe them in hot water to
which a little witch hazel lias been
Red spots which have been left on
the face by pimples will look hotter
after being massaged gently with
old cream.
Persons who suffer from excessive
perspiration of tlte feet should be
aroful to bathe the feot each night
jeforo retiring. Iho use of hot
water nnd common bar soap, the
kind with plenty of rosin in. is well
recommended for this purpose Rock'
salt added to tho water helps to
larden feet softened by unnatural
Wrinkles aro not from age alone.
1 1 t
.acini expression, nines? ana worry
contribute their share of the unwel-
omc lines. Good health and Joyful
spirits are the best preventives ot
Cold sores may be verv much
relieved by bathing them with
camphor every few minutes It will
reduce the swelling and dry their, in
a few hours.
Rinsing the skin thoroughly after
washing is quite a3 important as the
washing itself. Soap must be washed
out of the pores or it will roughen
ind dry the skin nnd aggravate the
tendency to blnckheads.
The DlwroMtlnif Klemcut Onl.
Hread dyspepsia is common. It af
fects tho bowels becniwe white broad Is
nearly all starch, and starch is digest
ed in tho intestines, not In the stomach
Up under the shell of the wlient ber
ry Nature lias provided a curious de
posit which is turned into diastase
when It is subjected to the saliva and
to the pancreatic juices in the human
Tills diastase is absolutely necessnry
to digest starch and turn It Into grape
sugar, which is the licit form ; but that
part of the wheat berry makes dark
Hour, nnd tho modern miller cannot
readily sell dark flour, so Nature's val
liable digester Is thrown out and tho
human system must handle tho stnrch
as best it can, without the help ttiat
Nnturc Intended.
Small wonder thnt appendicitis, peri
tonitis, constipation, and all sorts of
trouble exist when wc go so contrary
to Nature's law. The food experts that
perfected Grape-Nuts Food, knowlug
these facts, mnde uso in their expert
ments of tho entire wheat and barley.
Including all the parts, nnd subjected
them to moisture and long continued
warmth, which allows time and the
proper conditions for developing tbu
diastase, outside of the humnn body.
Iu this way the starchy part Is trans
formed into grape-sugar in n perfectly
nntural manner, without the use of
chemicals or any outsldo Ingredients
The little spnrkllng crystals of grape-
sugar can bo seen on tho pieces ol
Grape-Nuts. This food therefore Is nnt
urally pro-digested and its use in placfl
of bread will quickly correct tha trou
bles that have been brought nbout by
tho too free uso of starch in the food,
and that is very common in the human
raeo to-day.
The effect of eating Grape-Nuts ten
dnys or two weeks and the dlscontio
unnco of ordinary white bread, la verj
marked. Tho user will gain rapidly I
strength and physical and nieutu;
There's a reason."
THE "MOB OF '48.
When tho dlRturbnnces of 18-18 broko
out In Prussia, tho King, Frederick
William IV., issued proclamations not
unlike many which havo been given out
by tho present Czar of Russia. They de
nounced those who protested against
the old state of affairs find urged u con
stitution, as "a band of miscreants,
mostly foreigners," says Carl Schurz In
McCltire's Magazine, and Informed "my
dear Rerllners" that he would never
grant a constitution.
Th actual fighting, however, when for
days his troops took barrier after bar
rier, only to bo opposed nfter each us
resolutely half a block further down
the street, soon changed his attitude,
and he aniiouceil concessions. Tho
troops were sent from the city.
When the soldiers had marched away,
from all parts of the city solemn and
silent processions moved toward tho
royal palace. They escorted the bodies
of those who had fallen in tho battle.
The bodies of the slain were borne aloft
on litters, their gaping wounds uncov
ered, their heads wreathed with laurel
and Immortelles. So tho procession
inarched Into the inner courtyard of tin;
Tho litters were placed In rows on the
courtyard floor, and round them stood
tho multitude of men with pallid faces,
begrimed with powder, smoke and
blood, many of them still carrying tha
weapons with which they had fought
during the night; nnd between their,
women and children bemoaning their
The king was loudly called for. I la
appeared in an open gallery, pale and
dejected, by Ills side the weeping
"Hat on'!" the multitude shouted,
and tiie king took off his hat to tha
dead below. Then a deep voice among
the multitude intoned the old hymn,
"Jesus, melne Zuverslcht," "Jesus, my
Refuge," in which all Joined. Th
chorus finished, the king withdrew, tho
corpses were lifted up again, and the
procession moved away in grim solem
nity. It was a terrible humiliation to the
crown; at the same time a pointed an
swer to tho king's address In which tho
fighters had boon denounced as a band
of miscreants. Ilnd there been such
among them, Frederick William IV.
would hardly linve survived that mo
ment when ho stood before them alono'
nnd defenseless and they fresh from
th field of blood, with guns still in their
hands. Rut at that moment their cry
was not "Death to the king!" nor
"Down with royalty!" but "Jesus, my
Then; In (.rent l'rortt In IlrccilliiK on
ii I,nrK; Son its
The possible profit that may result
from Intelligent hog breeding on a
large scale Is worthy of serious thought
on the part of fanners, says Farming.
With the right conditions of food
supply and market tho two important
factors it may prove to be tho very
tiling' that the farm is best adapted to.
Tho hog has always been a "fixture"
on American farms. The early settlers
raised u few that lived on the refuso
of the garden, dairy and kitchen, and
in turn provided tho family with meat
during the winter. Tho modern "Amer
ican hog" supplies, in his various prod
ucts, ninny of tho wants of tho civil
ized world, not only the hams, pork,
lard, bacon, but also illuminating and
lubricating oils, combs, brushes but
tons, knife bandies and various kinds
of ornaments.
The hog is really ono of the farm
er's most profitable crops and is worthy
of more attention; ho Is useful to tho
dairyman because lie will cat tho by
products of tho dairy; he is useful to
the grain farmer becauso ho will con
vert tho grains and grasses of tho farm
Into money; so from either standpoint
ho will show a pro tit. Tho more caro
you devote to him the better he will
pay you. Ono must get the idea out of
his head that anything Is good enough
for a hog; tho fact Is that nothing Is
too good for blm.
"Washday Is Monday everywhere."
snld a globe trotter.
Ho made a gesture of amusement.
"How strange that Is," ho snld. "Wo
believe In the Hlble, tho Algerians be
lieve In the Koran, but both of us be
lieve In the same washday."
"Tho Germans, the French, the
'Jsb, the South Americans, tho Arabs,
Iho Japs, tho Chinese, nil have Monday
for washday. Go where you will over
the world, and on Monday clothes.
white and wot from tho
tub, flnp craz-
My In tho wind."
A Welsh mountain is gradually
changing Its location at Troedyrhlw-
fuwcli. Why don't tho spelling reform
ers try it first on Wales? St Louis
A girl before marrlago Is always
anxious to help bear Ills burdens, nnd
after sho has married she Is mad be
causo ho Is wllllug to let her.
Increasing Among Women, But
Sufferers Need Not Despair
Of all the diseases known, with which
the female organism in afflicted, kidney
disease is the most fatal, and statistics
show that this disease la on the increase
among women.
Unless early nnd correct trcatmontis
applied tho patient (seldom survives
when once the disease is fastened upon
her. We believe Lydin 13. Pinkhnm'a
Vegetable Compound is the most effi
cient treatment for chronic kidney
troubles of women, and ia tho only med
icine especially prepared for this
When a woman is troubled with pain
or weight In loins, backache, frequent,
painful or scalding urination, swelling
of limbs or feet, swelling under tho
eyes, an uneasy, tlrod feeling in tho
region of the kidneys or notices a
sediment in the tirlno, she should
lose no time in commencing treatment
with Lydin B. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound, as it may bo the means of
saving her life.
For proof, read what Lydia T3. Pink
ham's 'Vegetable Compound did for Mrs.
" I cannot express tho terrible suffering I
had to endure. A derangement of tho female
organs developed norvous prostration and a
sorious kidney trouble. The doctor attended
me for a year, but I kept getting worse, until
I was unablo to do anything, and I made up
my mind I could not live. I finally decided
to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound as a last resort, and I am to-day a well
woman. I cannot praise it too highly, and I
tell every Buffering woman about my case."
Mrs. Lmma Sawyer, Conyers, Ga.
Mrs. Pinkham gives free advice to
women. ; address iu confidence, Lynn,
Powdered borax and pulverized
alum mixed and sprinkled on pantry
shelves before putting the papers on.
wi'l keep ant? away.
It is much bettor to have plastered
walls painted than papered. Paint
san be washed occasionally and is
really more economical than paper.
Equal parts of boiling water and
strong vinegar used with a sponge to
wa;i calciminod walls will cut tho
calcimine and prepare tho wall for
Iron stains can be removed from
marblo by applying a mixture ol
wine and oxalic acid and washing oft
with warm water within a few
If the finger nail3 aro brittle and
break easily; rub vaseline on and
around them after washing them. It
will prove very beneficial.
Hard water should not be used foi
bathing. A little borax or cornnieal
added to hard water will soften it.
It is easy enough to please a woman
if you know how, but the trouble is
in knowing'how.
Treating Wrong Disease.
Many times women call on their family
physicians, suffering, as they Imagine,
ono from dyspepsia, another from heart
disease, another from liver or kidney
disease, nuothor from nervous exhaustion
or prostration, anothor with pain hero and
thero, and in this way thoy all present
nlike to themselves nnd their easy-golna
and indifferent, or over-busy doctor, sep
arate and distinct diseases, for which ho,
assuming them to bo such, prescribes his
pills and potions. In reality, they arc all
only symptoms caused by some uterine
disease. Tho physician, Ignorant of tha
cause 01 suiiennir. encourages iuib prac
tice until largo bills aro mado. The suf
fering patient ffOtB no bettor, but probably
worse, by reason of' the delay, wrong
treatment and consequent complications.
A proper medlclno liko Dr. Plorce's Fa
vorite Proscription, directed to the causa
would havo entirely removed the disease,
thereby dispelling all thoso distressing
symptoms, and instituting comfort In
stead of prolonged misery. It has been
well said, that "a dlseaso known ia half
cured." , ,
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is a
scientific medicine, carofuliy devised by
an experienced and skillful physician,
nnd adapted to woman's delicate system.
It is lniiilo of native medicinal roots and
Is perfectly harmless In its effects in any
condition of the system.
As a powerful invicoratlng tonic "Fa
vorite Proscription" imparts strength to
tho whole systom and to tho organs dis
tinctly feminine In particular. For over
worked, "woru-out," "run-down," debili
tated toachers, milliners, dressmakers,
M-anirttrossoa, "shop girls," house-keopers,
nursing mothers, ana fooblo women gen
erally, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
Is tho greatest earthly boon, beliiK un
pquuliul a an appetizing cordial and ro
Storutlvo tonic.
As a soothing and strengthening nerv
ine "Fa vorl to Prescription " is unsnualed
and Is invaluable In allaying and sub
dulrig norvous excitability, Imtablllty,
nervous oxnaustlon, nervous prostration,
neuralgia, hysteria, spasms, chorea, St.
Vltus's danco, and other distressing, norv
ous symptoms commonly fttwnuant upon
functional. and organic disease of tha
uterus. It Induces refreshing sleep and
relieves mental anxiety and despondency.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets Invlgoratt
the stomach, liver and bowels. One to
thrco a dose. Easy to take as candy.