VOLUME L NEMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, MAY 4, 1906 NUMBER 49 Wo bad onotbor rain Monday night. Bicycle supplies at Kcoling's. Bl- k 3f. k h. A NICE LINE OP SUMMER DRESS GOODS consisting of Eolionnes, Porsisu Lawns, Ombre Taffeta, Silk Zephyrs, Toilo du Nords, etc. cyclesrepalred. iWARM WEATHER M. Ad. Elmer E. Alien got a now rubber tired road wagon n few days ogo. I at Haixci Goo. S. Christy of Johnson was a Nemaha visitor Monday evening. i PRETTY HOSIERY For Men, Women and Children AA Aft AA AA AA AA AA 8 AA The newest Tinsel and Wash Belts Fans, Parasols, Gloves, Collars and Ribqons Highest Market Price paid for Produce EARLE GILBERT aa aa AA AA $ AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA NEMAHA, NEB. $ Dr. II. L Feistner, veterinary surs geon. Phone 338, Auburn. Nebr. W. 11. Lemon, the owner of the St. Doroiu cable ferry bus again taken cburge of tho ferry and will again cross tbe public without danger or delay. Dr Bourne (Its glasses. So, Auburn. Tbe Beat rice Creamery Co. will pay 25 cents per pound of butter fat for baud separator cream, delivered in Ne maha, Separators sold on easy termB It; E. BuoiiKtt, Agent. $ . 'v: v ,. ... . - v , f t -k Watch this space for. next week. HILL BROS., BSUCGISTS INernaha, Nebraska aa aa aa aa AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA i AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA ! aa AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA aa AA AA AA AA AA if Rev. J. W. Sapp preaches at Sbubort next Sunday, morning and evening. Elmer E. Kurabaugli is crippled with rboumatism in his foot and anklo Dtlph Farmer of Lincoln visited his cousin, Miss Ncra Aynes, from Friday until Monday. Mrs. II, M. Sherwood and Miss Ethel went to ShubortlMonday evening to visit friends for U'few days. The hardest rain this season fell Friday afternoon of last week. It wet up the ground in good shape. Miss Stella Washburn was sick one day this week and her aister, Miss Bessio Washburn, taught in her place. Noah Colerick and family, who have been living at Alliance, Nebr.. for several yeurs, returned to Nemalia Monday. Perry Rowen came down from Lin coin Monday. Ho returned to Lincoln Thursday and will probably start for Wyoming today. Mrs. W. W. Keeliug went to Omaha Monday to visit her daughter, Mrs. Culver, and attend the grand lodge of the Eastern Star. John M. Clark shipped a car loud of postB to hiB brother, James II. C.'ark, at Smith Center, KansaB, this week. Most of them were hedge posts. A number of our furmers havo boon getting SI 50 to S2.50 per day for eggs this spring. It pays to raise chickens at the present high prices for eggs. High bred barred Plymouth Rock eggs. 50c per 15 or 1.00 for 00 eggs. Finest stock in stute, W. W. Likmiaut. Hill Bros., druggists, are getting in their new stock of drugs aud sundries and it will be but a short time now until Nemaha will again havo a first class drug store. Myra Mi nick, daughter of Oscar L. Mlnick, came to Nemaha Sunday to attend school the remuinder of the year. She is staying at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Elmer E. Allen. Von Farson went to Sbubert last Snnday and started in to catch in a bull game but soon caught a bull on bis right thumb that bursted it in one place, bo ho is laying off from work tor a few duys until it gets to feeling better. Fred Hoover thinks bo is afllicted worse than Job. Ho has a carbuncle on tbe back of his neck, an abBcess on one hip, tho toothache, and a few duys ago be cut the end off of one of his forefingers. Ho is wondering what will striko bim next. Notice The Hoover pastures are now ready for stock. Parlies in town having cows they desire pastured will please call at tbe bank, pay for pasturago, and then turn cows in. F. L. Woodward. Next Sunday is tho third quarterly meeting of tbe Methodist ahurch. Services will be held at Brownville in tho forenoon. Dr. Geo. I. Wright, presiding elder, will be present and preach. Quarterly conference will bo held at Brownville at 8 o'clock Satur day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. John Watson, who havo been visiting in California for several months, returned homo;Moni day. It ! said that Uncle John was so glad to get home that ho kissed every woman on the depot platform. $ t We are prepared for it with fine line of New and UjvKvdate Goods Paris Chiffon, blue and black Batistes, blue, pink, blue and white, black and white Ombrenel, flowered and figured Dotted Swiss Silk Tissues, plain and figured White Goods, all kinds For Saturday Crackers, by the box, while they last, per lb., 5 cents. Not more than one box to a customer JUO. W. RITCHEY Phone 20 NEMAHA, NEBR. Alt! AP At. A A- Miss Minnie May's health has boon poor for some timo and thought recent ly she would have to quit tho millinery business. But on Monday Miss Oru Morgan of Watson, Mo , came to Nemaha and will assist in ths work, und Miss May now thinks sho nun go ahead with the business, Miss Morgan is a niece of J. H. Vandorslice. She will probably remain hero for a month. J. II. Seid got kicked by a horse Thursday night of luBt week and for awhile it was thought ho was very soriouBly injured, but fortunately be was not so badly hurt as was feared at Qrst. He wus kicked by one norse and knocked in tho next stall where another ono kicked at him but fortus nately did not strike bim, He was very sick at tho stomach for uwhilo but is gradually getting better. What made Henry feel the worst was that ho had to miss the Odd Fellow's supper. Did you see those dollar watchos at Keellng's? They're all right. Tho village trustees haye had a large number of trees cut out of the park. They woro entirely too thick, as thoy are getting quite large, and on that account are killing the grass. Judge McCarty has appointed F. L. Woodward administrator of tho estate of Mrs. 3. 0. Cummings, deceased. This action was taken at the request of Mrs. Israel Landis, Mis. Cummings' daughter, who lives in Silver Lake, Ind. Charley Burns came in from Beatrice Monday afternoon and tho next day went to the fruit farm near ShuberC which bo has rented with his father. His lutber, J. M. Burns, drove up after him. They have an elghty-ucre farm over half of which is au apple orchard. There is a fine prospect for a big crop this year. THE STORE FOR BARGAINS has new Spring & Summer Millinery You aro cordially invited to call and soo our new styles. You will bo pleased with goods and prices. And the women wero so glad to soo IWCIftS. THEO. him that not one of them objected.