VOLUME L NEMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, APRIL 20, 1006 DUMBER 47 TT SUNFLOWER SHOES The Kind. that Make Your Feet Glad A fine line of Men's Hats, Shirts and DAINTY RIBBONS, LACES and TURNOVERS ! Note the qualities and. prices Cash Register Checks purcnuso fin.vn fhrm tJmv $ Look over tho list ?A firm linfi of Heinz's Salad Dressing, in bulk and bottled, justj received 1 ARLE GILBERT PHONE X- 42 Local News Victor flour at Gilbert,' Dr Bourne llta glasses. So. Auburn. See Seid for the best talking machine made. Call at the postotlice book store bibles. for Charley Smiley of Shubert visited his parentB Sunday. Vest pocket dictionaries at the postotlice book store. Best photos in southeastern Nobr. at Criley's. So. Auburn. II. T. Minick went to Dunbar Sutur-. day to visit his son, John Minick. Eli M. Knapp, living near Stella, was a Nemaha visitor Wednesday We had a heavy frost Sunday morns ins, and standing water had ice on it. See It. E. Bucher incubator and brooder, right. for the Queen Tho prices are Miss Grace Peabody is helping in 'Earle Gilbert's store Saturday after noons. A. G. Warren moved in Mrs. Theo iH ill's house, south of the lumber jard. Thursday. Ned Crother, who bus been at Alma, Nebr., the past winter, returned home Saturday, A good stock of roeoids on hand at all times. See W. 13. Seid, at Edwards & Bradford. Our merchants paid 13 cetrs for ones Saturday while neighboring towns paid only 11 and 12, Mr, and Mrs. Lou Morris came in from Auburn Saturday aud visited friends over Sunday. Mrs Theo. Hill is now house in the back rooms millinery establishment. keeping of. her Miss Blanch Williams came up from Shubert Tuesday to visit her grand mother, Mrs J.A.Titus. James M- Burns moved to Richards son county Wednesday, on tho Will Willing farm near Shubert. Cyrus Minick wont to Syracuse last Friday morning to visit relatives! rei turning Wednesday evening. Leslie W. Woodward came up from Kansas City Thursday and visited his parents and friends until Saturday. With every 5 cent box of carpet tacks, u beautiful picture is given free at Edwards & Bradford Lbr .Co. Ties ffivon with every J n,vr irnnrl for finn nromin nis. Pickles. Olives and NEMAHA, NEB Hard coal and soft coal several grades various prices for pale by the Edwards & Bradford Lbr. Co. Ned Maxwell started for Mystic, South Dakota, Wodnesday. to go to work for the Auburn Gold Mining Co It now looks like there would be a big crop of all kinds of fruit and the prospuct for all kinds of crops is good. Mrs. Frank Giilesple of Trenton Mo, arrlvel'Mn'Nemaiia last weeTTon a visit to Mrs. John friends. Hawxby and other Our merchants have been paying 13 cents per dozen for eggs all this week. In Auburn and other towns they pay only 12 cents. The show cases and other fixtures for the new drug stoie are arriving but it will be several days before the store is ready for business. We learn that Mr. and Mrs, John Watson will leave California for Nemaha next week. Mrs. Sinn Morri? will remain in California. Elmer E. Alleii went to Kansas City Monday night with n shipment of cattle and hogs sent by his father F. E. Allen, from Bracken: Delbert Webb, who has been attnnd ing the Uncolii business college, hat been sick with measles for several days, but is getting better The road supervisor got a crowd of men Monday and had enough woik done on the bt. Deroin nunows to make the road passable again. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stevens came in from Johnson Saturday and visited Mr. and Mrs; John E. Crother and other relatives until Mondav. Alva Maxwell started for tho Un compahgre valley In Colorado Tuesday to look at the land. lie will possibly locate there if he likes tho country. Mr. Murphy of Humboldt returned homo Monday after a few day's visit with his daughters, Mrs W. E. Seid and Miss Mildred Murphy aud friends. Stoves hard coal stoves soft coal stoves wood stoves heating stoves cook stoves ranges all kind of stovos for sale by tho Edward & Bradford Lumber Co. Walters, Maxwell started for west ern Kansas Monday to see some parties about some Colorado land which ho is talking of buying. He returned Thurs day afternoon. We have a big assortment of furuls turo that we are selling at reasonable prices. Special prices made for housekeeping outfits, Try us. Edwards & Brudford Lbr. Co. Tho famous Victor talking tniichino for sale by W. E. Seid, at Edwards it Brad fold. Just received a complete stock of harness poods. Edwards & Bradford Lbr. Co, V. II, Lemon, the ownor of tho St. Doroin cable ferry has again taken charge of the ferry and will again cross the public without danger or delay, Call at the postotlice aud soo the Herald county map. The map and the Auburn Herald ono year for S2 Subscriptions received at tho postofllco. Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Sanders went to Peru Friday afternoon to attend the meeting of the teacher's association Saturday. Thoy returned homo Satur day evening. A. E. Miller, another relief agent, is now in chargo of the B. & M. station at Nemaha. He relieved John B. MoNew Tuesday evening, Mr. McNew desired n lay-off. Tho examination for carriers on the Nemaha rural free delivery routes will be held at Auburn tomorrow before Postmaster Freeman. There are threo or four applicants. It. E. Bucher was quite sick for several days with inflammation of the bowels but is now feeling almojt well again, though yet weak irom the effects of the sickness, The Beatrice Creamery Co. will pay zo cents per pound ol nutter lat for hand separator cream, delivered in Ne malm. Separators sold on easy tortus R. E. BuoiiEU, Agent. John Shadley of Auburn died Wed nesday uflur several months' sud'ering from dropsy of tho heart. The de ceased was a brothor of Mrs. W. T. Rnsswll andt brother-in-law of Joe Bunger. A. L. P. Thompson and family, who were quarantined for threo weeks on account of their little grandson having smallpox at their house, were released last Sunday, aud feel like thoy had got out of jail. .Dort Stokes came in from Beatrice last Friday, stopping at Howe and visiting his parents until tho nexi afternoon when ho came to Nemaha to see his friends He went back to Beatrice Monday. H. C M. Burgess of Lincoln, form erly chairman of the republican state central committee, was a pleasant caller Saturday Ho was in Nemaha in the interest of tho National fire insurance company of Omaha. Notice Notice is hereby given that horses and cattle mu&t not be lariated on the streets, of Nemaha. Parties doing this will be prosecuted. By order of the board of trustees. Our merchants pay the highest price possible for batter, eggs and produce of all kinds, and toll goods at lowest prices. Tney have good stocks of new goods and are all doing a good business Thev deserve the patronage of tho faimers and are getting it. Harry Kimmol came back to Nemahu Wednesday evening. He was taken sick in Kansas and had to quit the troupe he was with. He then went to Shenandoah, Iowa, and put on a home talent show and then cameto Nsmaha He is not well yet but is some better. Picture Frames The Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co. have received a good lino of picture moulding and are now prepared to make picture framas of any size. Take your pictures thero and havo them framed. T. J. Cummings of Crab Orchard was snaking nanus witn ins many friends In Nomaha Wednesday after noon nnd Thursday forenoon. Jeff came in to get some trees and shrub bory from tho Titus NurBory. Ho says ho has turned his farm over to his son and now lives in town and la taking his ease. 1JUST RECEIVED a full r- For Ladies and Children in the latest styles of Leather and Canvas White Canvas Slippers will be in de mand for Summer Wear. See onr line. J1TO. W. Phone 20 Handmade harness in stock at Edwards & Bradford Lbr. Co. Tf you want a good fountain pen buy tiie Eagle Flash self filling pen at the postoflice only SI .50 guaranteed. If In need of furniture do not fall to Eu wards & Bradford Lbr Co. C. L. Eaton, superintendent of the McCook division of the liurlington railroad, arrived in Llncolu yesterday. While here ho tendered his private , secretaryship to A, V. Walsh Tho j appointment was accepted by Mr. Walsh and ho will report for duty today at Superintendent Eaton's heud quarters at McCook State Journal, A pr. 0. A petition is being circulated and generally signed asking our village trustees to paua an ordinance requiring owners of chickens in Nemaha to keep them shut up from April 1st to October 1st. The man that makes garden doesn't want to have it all dug up by his neighbors' chickens, The ordinance will probably the passed ut tho next meeting of tho board. Resignations seem to bo the order of tho day on tho mail carrying business in Nemahu. First Walter S. Mux well resigned as carrier on rural route No.Jtwo. Thou Thos. J. Rumbaugh resigned as carrier on routo No. one. On Wednesday Ell M. Kuapp.who has hud the contract for several years of carrying tho mall from tho post-olfico to the depot, sent in his resignation. $ I, I S line of i Ti"n tt RXTCHET i $ ! NEMAHA, NEBR. C. F. Zook is getting- to be an expert in putting in tho high priced gasoline lighting systems. lie put in Earle Gilbert's nnd tnis week has put In iha same kind for Hill's drug store. Thera is a big saving In price by getting the work done at home and it is done just as wol! as if an expert came hero from the city. All persons knowing themselves In debted to mo will pleaso call in and settle within the next week and oblige Vory respectfully, E. L. Paris. A. G. WARREN Painter, Paper Hanger Decorator 1 hnvo nil tlio latest designs In Wnll Papor, unci can nirnimi you uny myio or quantlt you wuiu. rricos irum mu ior nm up. wo: Utiiminteecl, Phono me at contrnl oflice or-write NEMAHA NEBRASKA BROWN'S BUSINESS COLLEGE j 5OOtX0tttfri;nt0Vitfrmttcfr in eighteen ixeava jStudents enroll any timo Write for catalogue D Geo. W. Brown, Jr.. Prop. .1510 0 street Lincoln, Nebr.