VOLUME L NEMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, APRIL 13, 1906 NUMBER 4(J J1 I wish to thank the people ithoir liberal patronage since the I shall continue to put on sale Special FOR SATURDAY ONLY will continue 200 yards Ginghams, 5 cents $200 yards Percale, 7 cents ---.-.------ Also 1 35 pairs- best quality Fedora Kid Gloves for $ ladies, all sizes, new colors and black, 90 $ cents per pair ! For Saturday Only! EARLE JfJtlUJMJC. . -mm m 4P 42 Local 3STews See Seid for tho best talking machine made. Call at the postoflico book store for bibles. lllll Bros, is tho uamo of tho now drug Arm. Louie Kerker is now clerk ia Earle Gilbert's Btore. Ladies' picnic panama hats 25 cents at Earlo Gilbert's. Best photos in southeastern Nebr. at Crlley's. So. Auburn. E. E. Bumbaugh has again taken charge of his barber shop. Seo Earle Gilbert's line lino of shoes for men, women, boye, girls and babies. .1 W. Ritchey went to St Joe Wed nesday evening to buy more spring and Hummer goods. With every 5 cent box of carpet tacks, a beautiful picture is given free at Edwards & Bradford Lbr Co. Special for Saturday,Apiil14 Men's and Boys' JlD Jrd JUiE3E A good assortment to select from. And don't Millinery Hats from Be sure and call and see for yourself J. H. VANDERSLXCE of Nemaha and vicinity for opening. some 3a.vgaiix& the following: GILBERT NEK AH A, NEB. Mrs. Theo. Hill moved into hor new brick building Wednesday. See It. E. Bu.cher for tho Queon incubator and brooder. The prices aro right. A good stock of records on hand at all times. See W. E. Seid, at Edwards & Bradford. People who bolievo in sigos and superstitions ore hoping. It won't rain next Sunday. Remember that we now print three pages. See the fourth page for interesting matter Our merchauts find that it pays to advertise. It costs a little but it brings the customers. Mr and Mrs. A. F. Walsh returned to Lincoln Saturday. Mrs. A.Matth ews went with them. T. J, Rumbaugh has sent his resig nation to the postal department as carrier on rural route No 1. Hard coal and Hoft coal several grades various prices for Halo by the Edwards & Bradford Lbr. Co. ZErEFIL JbsijC'iES forget the Department 5 cents up Remember the social and bazaar nt tho Mlnlck hall Saturday night. Rev. G. W. Ayers proachod n mission ary sermon at Vesta last Sunday. Tho famous Victor talking machlno for salo by W. 13. Sold, at Edwards it' Bradford. Frank Harford ami his mother went to Randall Kansas, Monday, to visit frionds and attend a wedding. It rained Satutday, Snnday Sunday night. Wo certainly been having plenty of moisturo. and have Just received n complete stock of harness goods. EdwnrdB & Bradford Lbr. Co, Cyrus Minlck, who has beon attends iniz school at Dos Moines, Iowa, for 1 it... t ........ .1 lw.it Qitf..- I BUVCrUl UlUllUlo, luiuruuu iiuuiu uaiuii day. J. B. McNow, a relief agent, has been In charge of the B. & M. station at this point since tho I! rat of last week. Examination for rural mail carriors will be held Saturday of next wook. Both tho Nemaha carriers have res signed. We mado a mistake last week in tho officers of the Juuiur League. Mary Buel is treasurer instead of secretary and Esslo White issocretary. C O. Snow drove in from Auburn Satuiday and cried W. E, Whoeldon'a sale, even if it was raining, and got good prices for tho stuff sold. W. II. Lemon, tho owner of the St. Doroin cable forry has again taken charge of tho. forry and will again croBQ tho public without danger or delay, W.II.Smithers who had Elmer Rum buagh's barbershop leased for the past four months, moved to Peru tho first of the week, where ho will run a shop. Call at tho postotUce and see tho Herald county map. The map and tho Auburn Horald one year for $2 Subscriptions received at tho postoflice. Mrs. J. M. Sanders went to Auburn Saturday and attended tho dedication services of tho Avenue Methodist church on Sunday, returning home the next day. Stoves hard coal stoves soft coal stoves wood stoves heating stoves cook stoves ranges all kind of stoves for sale by tho Edward & Bradford Lumber Co. Frunk Shadloy. an old Brownvlllo boy but who is now living at Reynolds, Nobr., gave us a pleasant call Tuesday, in company with his brother-in-law, W. T. Russell. E. E. Hill and wife, of Lincoln, arrived in Nemaha Monday and have commenced housekeeping in Mrs. Alice A. Minick's house. Mr. Hill expects to get his new drug stock in next week. W. E. Wheeldon Btarted for Wayne, Kansas, Tuesday, but stopped at Alma to look at the stock of groceries for which he is talking of trading. Mrs Wheeldon went to Auburn last Satur day to visit Ed'B mother for a few days James Burns of Nemaha, and his son Charley have rented the Willing farm, about five miles south-east of Shubort, and have already taken posession. The elder Burns ia well known in Shufort, where he has tnuny ifrleudB. Shubort Citizen. The Christian ladies aid society will glvo an Eastor social and ba.aar at the Minlck hall Saturday night, April 14. Sandwiches, boiled eggs, ice cream and cake will be served. In the ba.aar will be found many useful and ornas mental articles. Homemade candies will also bo sold. Evorybody Invited. Picture Frames The Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co. have received a good lino of ploturo moulding and aro now prepared to make picture frames of any slzo. Take your pictures there and lmvo them f-amed. SEASONABLE : GOODS We have a fine SUMMER consisting of Lawns, Lawns, Toile-Lu-Nord Paris Chiffon, heavy Patterns, Laces, Embroideries, Ribbons, $ etc. x Ladies' Fancy J35TO. W. Nemaha, INTefoi- Just received, a complote lino of window Bhades at Edwards & Bradford Lbr Co. The Methodist ladies aid society had a carpet rag tacking at tho homo of Mrs. Seymour Howe Tuesday night Twenty ladies wero present and a whole lot of work waHjaccomplishod. Mrs. Earlo Gilbert ia helping in tho store now, and is mighty good help too. Earle, Mrs, Earlo, and Louie Kerker are kept busy sometimes Sand they call on Mrs. Rose Gilbert and Frank Titus to help out quito often. Mrs. Florence Jarvis took a photo graph of Mr and Mrs Earl Thompson's three month's old baby whilo it wus broken out with smallpox. Mrs. Jarvis was outsido tho houso and took tho photograph through the window glass. It shows the marks of the disease very plainly. Rev. E. B. Maxcy preached tho missionary sermon at tho Methodist church Sunday night in place of Rev. Kerber, who went to Elk Creek. Tho discourso was a good ono, being mainly what ho had heurd at tho great missionary conference held at Omaha lust week. IWOE-S. THEO. HILL Has moved in hor now brick building and will bo ready for busi ness on MONDAY, APRIL IS The ladios of Nemaha and vicinity are invited to call. The Very Latest Styles Millinery $ i T- line of goods for WEAR India Linens, Persian Ginghams, Batiste, $ White Goods, Waist I : J White and Colored Hose I t RITCHEY Earlo Gilbert had a big trade Wed nesday afternoon at his opening. AN though tho farmer are very busy just now, tho store was crowded all tho afternoon, tho ladies being the main portion of tho crowdi Part of the time Earle had to call in two extra men just to count oggs that wero brought in. Earle has a excellent and carefully selected Btock, everything new, latest styles and patterns, and has one of tho best storerooms in the county. All persons knowing themselves ins debted to mo will pleaso call in and settle within tho next week and oblige Very respectfully, E. L. Pauls. BROWN'S BUSINESS COLLEGE in uitfhtmt ncavs Studonts enroll any tlmo Write for cataloguo D Goo. W. Brown, Jr.. Prop. l&10 0 street Lincoln, Nebr.