:.1 Miefttje mi h VOLUME L NEMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, APRIL (5, 1906 X UMBER 45 ) ! GRAND im ION WEDNESDAY, APRIL 11 1 My new store will be opened to the public. $ Everybody is invited to call and inspect the stock. very complete, including Dry Goods, Gents' Furnishings Shoes and Groceries , all new and up to dats not Specials for Good Apron Ginghams, 5 conts per yar3 Reliable Percales, double width, 7 cents per yard f See my line of 10c. China and Glassware $ , $ Every lady attending tho Opening will bo given a pretty $ $ thimble s a souvenir. . ! EARLE GILBERT I Local News Ned Maxwell came down Lincoln Tueeduy. from The bank had signs painted on the windows this week' Mrs. F. L Woodward returned from Kansas City Wednesday. Best photos In qoutheuateru Nobr. at Criley's. Sof Auburn. If you want a talking machina a good one see W. E. Seid. We had u rain Tuesday night and another one Wednesday night. New designs in silks and mercerized novelties for waists at Earl Gilbert's, Misses Lizzie and Wavie . Thorn visited Auburn friends Friday and Saturday. Earlo Gilbert went to Nebraska City Thursday morning to buy.hjs stock of groceries. With every 5 .cent box of carpet tacks, a beautiful picture is given free at Edwards & Bradford Lbr Co. Special for Saturday, April 7 We will offer special MEN'S AND And don't Millinery as we will have a good assortment to seleet from at that time at very prices. . 1AATCH THE PAPER We will have something Special for Satur day, April 14th. flSWe will pay Price for all Produce. J. H. VAUDERSLICE OPENING 1 It is an old article in the stock. Wednesday: Earl Gilbert has a (ino lino of men's hats, including the John B. Stetson. Seo It. E. Bucher for the Queen incubator and brooder. The prices are right. i Mrs S Howe went to Stella W.f(:q nesday to visit her sister, Mrs. Wm Moore. Mrs. C. R Zook went to Auburn Satuiday aud visited friends until Monday. The now .telephone directories for the Nemaha exohunge will be issued this week. J. M. Burns went to Beatrice Satur d,lV and came back this week with a team Charley had bought. Rev. Kerber of Vesta will preach a missionary sermon at the Methodist church next Sunday evening. It is thought that E. E. Hill, the new druggist, will be here Saturday to begin fitting up his drug store. Hard coal and soft coal several grades various prices for pale by the Edwards & Bradford Lbr. Co. for Saturday, April 7th BOYS' HATS overlook the Department the Highest Market Mrs, Thco. Hill expects to get into hor new building tho tlrat of next week. Ed Knnpp and Kddlo Yackloy run n drag oyer our streets Friday uftoruoon improving them wonderfully. Mrs. T. J. Rumbaugh and Mrs. E. E. Uutnbnugh wont to Omaha Friday to visit relatives for a few days, JuBt received n complete stock of harness goods. Edwards & Bradford Lbr. Co, Geo. L. Kennedy, one of the sub stantial farmers of north London precinct, was a Nomahu visitor Friday. It. M. Gillan'a many Nemaha Irlonds are pleased to have hiiu oleeted mayor of Auburn He will make a coed oft (lciai. Dan Shadley, now living in the westurn part of the state, visited his Bister, Mrs. V. T. Russell, over Sunday. Emery Howe started, for Yuma. Colorado. Tueeday. .He works at the carpenter trado and, looks after his homestead. We will print three paged of local matter hereafter, so our readers after this week will find home matter on one of the inside pages. Alva Maxwell came down from Lincoln Saturday and w)ll( probably remain at homo tor awhile he does not know how long. A. 11. Youug and daughter, Miss Ida. who have beetiBtaying with Rufua llowen since last Octobor, moved back to Auburn this week .' W. II. Darker can now furnish tbo people with nevor-Blip horseshoes-- something that has never Before been. Go to the Edwards & Bradford hardware store and seo and hear the Victor talking machine now on ex hibition there. W E. Seid is agent. Miss Grace Sanders of London pre1 cinct, who has been attending school at Nemaha this year, went home Friday to help witli the spring work. On account of delays in finishing the building, the opening of Earle Gilbert's store will not be held until Wednesday of next week. See tho advertisement. Call at the poatotllce and pee tho Herald county map. The map and the Auburn Herald one year for S2 Subscriptions received at the postofllce. Harry Kimmel hus joined the Shaw Gallagher Comedy Co. and is how in Kansas. lie joined the company at Fairbury the latter part of last week. Mr. and Mis. J. L. Curttright, who have been in Otoo county for several months, returned to Nemaha last week and will now remain at homo for awhile Stoves hard coal stoves soft ooal stoves wood stoves heating stoves cook stoves ranges all kind of stoves for sale by the Edward & Bradford Lumber Co. The evening serviced ut tho Metho diet church, including prayer meeting and Epworth League, will begin at 8 o'clock Instead of at 7:0, until further notice, Ladies, have you Been the style. book with samples of cloth of ekirts, suits, jackets, coats and rainqoats made to order, at Earl Gilbert's? Satisfaction guaranteed . ' Elijah Stanley has recently had his pension increaBed from $10 to Si 2 per month, This is the second increase ho has got in less than a year, tho other ono being granted May 18, 1005, and the last one Jan. 18, WOO, Picture Frames Tho Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co. 'have received a good lino of picture moulding and uro now prepared, to make picture framos of any size. Take your pictures there und lmvo- th'em framed. jf 4 4 . t ! EMBROIDERY SALEl i . For Saturday, April 7th, Only, We will offer 450 yards of Em broidery at the very low Special Price of 5 Cts. per yard These Embroideries usually sell for from 7 to 12J cents per yard, but owing to a fortunate purchase we are 'enabled to offer them at this price. , , ' 1 J JNO. W. IVeixialxa, IVeli-. Just received, a complete lino of window shades- at Edwards & Bradford Lbr Co. Contrary to the old saying, March came in lamblike and went out lamb like but the lion got in his fine work between times, Ira B. Farrier, B. & M. agent at Bracken, has boon transferred to AnguB, leaving last Saturday. He la Hucceedod by F. W. Black who comes from Rockford. Mrs. J. F. Bennett and Miss Mabel who have been visiting Mrs. ' j6fri( Lambert und other friends for sevej-i weeks, returned to their home",, in. Auourn Saturday. , The election Tuesday was exceeding ,ly quiet us tnere was but one ticket. Only 27 votes wore'cast. Elmer -IS. Allen received 22 votes and W. II. Barker 21. Tho rest were scattering. W, E. Wheeldon has decided to leave Nemuhu and go west just whore he has not yet decided, but, is on a trade for a business establishment in Frank lin, Nebr. He will leave the first of noxt week. Ho has a public sale Saturday. See notico elaowhero. The Christian ladies aid society will give an Easter social and bazaar at tho Mlnlck hall Saturday night, April 14. Sandwiches, boiled eggs, Ice cream and cako will 'bo served. In the bazaar will bo found many useful and ornas mental articles. Homemade candies will also bo sold. Everybody invited. ,., V, ' .i $ I t ' w v 1 ' s RXTCHE? Mrs. W. T, Russell was in 4ul)Urn Friday und Saturday helping take care of her brothor, John Shadley. who Iiuh been vory sick all winter with dropsy of the heart. Friday it was thomjut ho could not live more than I8 hours, but Saturday morning was better. However, there is no hope of his pert munent recovery. All persons knowing themselves inn, debted to mo will pleaso call in and settle within the next week and oblige Very respectfully, E'. I.. lUitra. A G. WAURE NT ainter Paper Hanger , , ' Decorator ' I lmvo all tlio latest designs In Wnll Pnnpr, anil can fiunlHli yon any ntylo or (iuant,Hy you want. 1'rlcen from lOo por rail up. Worn guaranteed, ' ' Fhono mo at control office or writQ NEMAHA NEBRASKA i BROWN'S BUSINESS COLLEGE Ut eighteen itcttra Students enroll any tlmo . ' Write for catalogue D? 'J ' Goo. W, Brown, Jr., Prop. 1519 O street Lincoln,' Nebr. I t n --it) I-