' .5 J 055) All parsons knowing themselves Ins debtod to me will ploaio call in and sottlo within tlio nxt weok and obligo Very respectfully, E. h. 1'AItIM. The prohibitionists claim that only through the prohibition party can the saloon ho driven from the Uwl, and yet at the mass meoiing, conference and convention held at Auburn Wednesday of lust week only about 20 were present at the afternoon meeting this including tlio speakers. Seven of these weto Indies If tho dowfall of the saloon depends on the party whose members take no more interest in the cause than this, wo are afraid the saloon will bo with us a long time. Will be given at the Edwards & Bradford Hardware Store from March 19 to March 24, inclushe, to advertise the MONAECH STEEL RANGE. Everybody is invited to come, see the cook ing and eat of the good things cooked on each day of the exhi bition. Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co E. M. and R. C. Boyd, of Auburn, and Fran. Moerur. Paul Walkenhorst. Herman Holtgrowe, of Johnson, and other farmers of that neighborhood, mvo organized the J'Mrat National JJank of Johnson, with a capital of 825,000. Tho application has been approved by tho comptroller of tho currency, and auhaitor will soon issue. They wi 1 at once proceed with tlie further details of tlio organization, and business wi 1 begin in earnest as soon as the sate and llxtures arrive Herald. Tho meeting of the Nemaha county lollness association Tuesday night and Wednesday was not well attended on account of tho storm . Few of tlio ministers could bo present for various reasons. Rev. Gideon of Hrock could not come as two of his children had just recovered 1 inn smallpox and ho was afraid people would bo alarmed on that account Rev. Maxcy of Johnson had a wedding for Wednesday. Hev. Ayers' wito was sick so ho could not lie here. Hev. Ashby and wife did not get over from Howe, probably on account of tlio storm. Rev. Myers of South Auburn piuacied Tuesday night to a fair audience, Kolnit homo the next torenoon. Hev. Tyler of Peru preached Wednesday forenoon and again in tho afternoon. There wcie no services Wednesday night, Rev. Myers and Rev. Tyler aio both tine preachers Curt Brown went to Pawnee City Thursday. If in need of furniture do not fail to get prices at Edwards & Bradford Lbr Co. It snowed a little nearly all day Wednesday and again Thursday, but there was not very much buow fell after all. Mrs, Mattio Grate went to Omaha ast Saturday. We understand she ia o bo married tho latter part of thlB week to n man by tho name of Geo. L. Suter. Wo have a big assortment of furnis tore that wo are selling at reasonable prices. Special prices mado for housekeeping ontfltB. Try ub. Edwards & Bradford Lbr. Co. County Attorney 0, O. French is receiving groat pralso for the lino speech ho mado to tho jury for tho prosecution in tho case of tho State vs. Gaudy. Old attorneys predict that if ho Btudiea nnd continues to improve in a very few yeara ho will bo a leader at the bar. Do not fail to attend the cooking exhibition, given on the celebrated Monarch steel range. W, II. Barker can now furnish the people with nover-sllp horsesho'eB something that has never before been handled hore. Try them. Picture Frames Tho EdwardB & Bradford Lumber Co. havo received a good lino of picture moulding and are now prepared to make picture frames of any Blze. Take your pictures there and havo them framed. With every 5 cent box of carpet tacks, a beautiful picture is given free at Edwards & Bradford Lbr Co. Ail parties owing mo are. urgently requested to call and settle at once as I need all due mo. ' Mns. Thko. Hill. Kerns iv Daugherty J. W. Kerns and T C. Daughorty are now nianu frcturing artiilcial stone for building and sidewalk purposes. Tho company is entitled the Auburn Artificial Stono Co. They make a flue article of arth flcial stone. A sample of tho side- Willi." atnnn fa nil u vli i til t nn of tlio Peru'a coal initio la continuing to " ",.7 i iiMurninnfi ir to in twin in i nrtiQ oi'no develop and tho coal la now of a fairly T' , " , 7 ... , , good quality. The voln now runa from three to three and one half feet In thickness. Some of the coal is being hauled to town and sold for use. It makes a hot Hro and leaves no cinders and littlo ashes. It burns rather quickly and is of fairly good weight It la very much like tho Sheridan coal. Pointer. 1 10x10 inches, 10x24 and 2-1x24. It makes a lino sidewalk besides being durable, and is not very expensive. Tho Brownville Letter isnomon, tho paper having suspended last week, Tho material has beeu moved to Iowa and Bro. Wlthorow will establish v, paper in somo town in liw.t, ntate- Mr. "Wltherow got up a good locid pww but tho support was not enough to justify him in remaining theio longer. Tlio most hotly contested case for yearB was that of tho state vs. Uandy, in the district court at Auburn, in which Gaudy was charged with hiring a man named Fishor to testify falsely. O. 0. French, E. B. Quackenbush and II. A.Lambert represented the Btato and Frank Reavls and Ed Falloon, both of Falls Olty, and S. P. Davidson of TocuniBeh, tho dofendent. Tlio jury brought in a verdict of guilty last Friday Tho case will bo appealed. Juat received n complete Btock of harness goods. Edwards & Bradford Lbr. Co, Dr J. L. Gaudy is living tlio strens uous life just now. Last week ho was tried in the district tourt and convicts ed of trying to hire a witness to testify falsely, and this week he was tried in ho county court for endeavoring to obstruct justice On the latter charge he was found guilty ano fined $20 and costs. Tho Reed boys, who were tried with tho doctor in tho latter case, were found not guilty. G. W. Brown, jr., proorietor and manager of Brown's business college at Lincoln, gavo us a pleasant call last Friday, Mr. Brown wont to school in Nemaha in 1880, when J. L. Melvin waa principal, boarding with 'Squlro Crother. Later ho wont east, entered a business college managed by his uncle, graduated, bocamo ono of tho protessore, camo to Sioux City, managed n college there for awhile, and about two years ago opened a business college at Lincoln Mr. Brown is a nephow of E. IVSwopo of Aaplnwall precinct and visited him soveral days last wook. Seo tho ad, of his business college in this issuo, Hev. James Miattcaniein Saturday I, evening, from Iowa, where ho has bpen visiting, and remained until Monday evening, when ho took the train for St. Joo, where he Is now making his home. Mr. Hiatt says his health is good, and if he could get a job of cutting hedge ho would return to Nemaha. Later- Mr. Hiatt got as far as Falls City and then concluded to come back and will cut hedge and wood (or John M. Clark and others. A couple of weeks ngo the Re publican had au article taken from a Washington dispatch saying that the bill recommended by Secretary Root for tho reconstruction ol tho consular sorvico has passed the senate and that the consulate genornlshlp at Antwerp now held by Major Church Howe, of this city, had. been reducod to an ors dinary consulship. Tho house committee on foroign affairs have mado a favorable report on this hill, but havo changed t lie bill bo aa to loave Antwerp its present position. Thla news will bo vory gratifying to Consul Howe's many friends In Nebraska and Nemaha county .A ubum Republican . We aro heartily in sympathy with every effort that is made for the pro hibition of the liquor t rathe. We are willing to do everything in our power to assist in forwardiiiu every - uch movement. But wo admit that, it does n.e us a little when wo accept an urgent invitation to be present and assist in the relorm movement, and then bo denounced from the platform as an enemy of the cause, and told that theio are no voters in favor ot protiibis tion unless they vote the prohibition party ticket. We believe more good has been accomplished by the anti-saloon league, which is strictly non-partisan, than by the effoits of the prohibition party. In fact, wo believe the only good accomplished by that party is tho agitation of tho question, and this is offset in a great measure by their uncharitableness and habit of denounc ing everyoouy tunc uoes not uo just as they do. The only prohibition laws that havo over been passed in any state have been passed without tlio help of prohibition party members of tlio legislative body, because that party novor elects its nomitnes, and tho party that has passed prohibition laws has always had tho active opposition of tho prohibition party leaders. A. Gr. WARREN Painter, Paper Hanger Decorator I linvo nil tlio lntpst tlrsliih In Wnll Ptipor, nml can IiihiIkIi you any ntylo or quantity you want, l'rlcos from 10c por mil up. Work tjuiiriiuieuu, Phono mo at cantral oilice or write State Trenstiier MorteiiBen has an nounced that he will not be n candidate for governor, and now several candi dates will be brought out that have refrained on account of Mortensen's candidacy. Naturally the majority of the Nemaha county republicans would bo for Judge .lessen of Nebraska City If he is a candidate, as now seems probable. But Kills E Good is a candidate for treasurer, and it la not likely that tlio Governor and treasurer would both come from this corner of the state. So Good's friends will naturally not favor Jesson's nomina- J tion for fe-ir of injuting Good's chances. Geo. Sheldon of Cass county Is spoken of So is Charles Weston, former state auditor, C B Dempster of Beatrice, C. M. Brown of Furnas county, Lieutenant Governor McGilton of Omaha, Speaker Bouse, Judge Wall, and others will bo brought out. There will be no lack of good candidates. Pkuu, Nebr , March 11. A great sensation waa produced at thin place by a confirmed report of the discovery oi coal on the farm of A. M. Uoiatu few miloj'Jsoutheast of this pl tte A number of Auburn parties interested in the raino were In town yesleidav, and great excitement prevails. Some refused to believe the report until they drove to tho mine and saw the. coal excavated. A larue lump of excellent 1 was brought back and leit with Burlington Agent Zlnk who has the same on exhibition at the depot Parties from Brownville, under the claim of a coal right lease hastened to the S'.'ene ai d attempted to atop Peru parties from continuing the woik For a time it seemed as if tnnilnti could not be averted, but it seems now that the Biownville parlies have no claim whatever on the mines adjacent to Peru. Tho mine owners are already proponing to tarnish coal for tho stale normal school, and offer to begin at. once. Professor Duncanson of the normal has previously advocated the organiza-. tion of a company to sink a shaft west it Pel u. It was at his instance ti. t the shaft was aunk on the farm of Mr. Borst and it now looks as if Pro- lessor Duncanson's view is fully con tinned. When seen today, Profedbor Duncanson said: "When I saw the sample ot coal in possession of Bulling ton Agent Zink, 1 could hardly believe it came from the same mine uh did tlio sample loit in tho laboratory a week ago for examination. This tdiows that, as they advance into the vein through the weathered portion, a line quality of coal is obtained. This vein meas ures over three feet, which meeth tho requirements of the state law where, by tho parties discovering same will be entitled to the S4,000 le.vard oflered by the state of Noiudske lor the fl:s& paying coal mine of over thirty six. inches. If the entire vein, holds out according to sample, a train load i f coal will be shipped from this mine each day within twelve months from now. Perforated postoillco. pencil tablets at tho NEMAHA - - NEBRASKA DR7MrXNDREWS Medical and Surgical Diseases of Women Stella - Nebraska JF YOU WANT Good B3iea.d TRY A SACK OF Golden Rod Flour nigh patent Every sack guaranteed to give full satisfaction in every respect or money refunded. Always tho same. No better Hour made. If you want a cheaper Hour you can not do better than to buy the Red a straight grade Hour. It has no superior in a grade Hour. Many prefer it to a high patent. For a still cheaper flour try the Gold Leaf It is a good flour of that grade. These grades aro manufactured by Jamason & Son, Stella, Nebr., and aro on sale at the store of J. H.Vanderslice NEMAHA, NEBR. 1 1 . I r H.T1TY V 1 1 . ... I 1 I HJii.'Udi'ii Jii'iUU, rrtiH, lj. AIjIjKIS, Vice-rres, ELMER E. ALLEN, Cashier. j BANK OF NEMAHA NEMAHA, NEBRASKA Capital Stock, $5,000 f