VOLUME L NEMAHA, NEBRASKA, Fill BAY, MARCH 9, 1006 NUMBER 41 lO DAY SALE lO f& day y SALE 3) SECOND SALE Setordey, March 17th. Closes Wednesday, March We have made great preparations, with Bargains in every department Send for price list. ww nnOTitiinnummiififWii n Railroad Fare Free For the next 30 Days, to in duce curly buyers from outside of Auburn, we will pay all rail road faroto and from Auburn from ail points within 30 miles. One fare with a $lo.oo purchase; round trip with a $2o.oo pur chase. Present your round trip ticket at our store and we will refund your faro in cash. FREE BUSS RIDE to and from depot to The Big Store. Just tako any transfer lino and havo them bring you to the store. Wo will givo you tickets for both ways whether you buy or not Ask for tickets Gilmce-Armstrong Co. West of Court House Auburn, i Nebraska Reception Friday Evening Wo invito you and your frionds to attond our rocoption Friday evoning, March 10 doors open at 7 p. m. A groat trout, good music, and a Grand Display of Now Goods. Como if you possi bly can. I have removed my stock of Millinery, etc., to my home pntl am selling all Millinery, Notions, Ribbons, etc., PCT AIND BELOW COST Come soon for Bargains Mrs. Theedosr .Hill Local ISTews Dr Bourne fits glasses. So. Auburn. Tp "f - ii in... Wo lind quite a snow Monday night and Tuesday. About 11 vo inches of snow fell . D. D. Davis sent us 5?: subscription. recently on Ned Maxwell returned from Lincoln lust Saturday. V. F. Gillespie baa moved on the Jacob West farm. Miss Minnie May returned from Liucoln last Friday. Marion Minick tins moved on the old Davidson Plasters farm. Best photos in southeastern Nobr. at Criley'a. So. Auburn. 0. W. Thomas has moved on Willard Shubert's farm, near Khubert. Duck hunters have been industrious lttely with fairly good results. Norman -Mead has moved on I. N. Cooper's farm south of Nemaha. E. A. Ho wo this week moved on his mothet's farm northeast of town. You can got a ureal big pile of old pnpeia fur a niekle at the postotlice. , There has been more changes of farm renters this spring than usual. Handmade harness in stock at Edwards & Bradford Lbr. Co. Sou It. E. Bucher for the Queen incubator and brooder. Tlio prices are right. Hurry Harford wsu given the third degree in Odd Fellowship Saturday uight. It. F. Steutoville o Brownville visited his boh, Earlo Stoutevillo, Monday. For Sale A forty-acre farm, miles from Brownville. Inquire at thirt olllce. Mrs. C. P. Barker lias been sick for the past two weeks with hoart tronble, and does not improve aa fast as her friends would like. Mi800B'hAjlui.Gooper and Maud Burns camo down from Peru Friday, return ing Monday. Geo. Itowen has moved from Auburn on the John C. Stokes farm, now owned by J. W Webber. Do not fail to attend the cooking exhibition, given on the celebrated Monarch steel range. It. E. Bucher took the piaceoftho regular lireman on the Beatrice Height Thursday and Friday. John W. White has roturnod ;to Nemaha, after an absence of two or three years in Auburn. Ho hits r or Led W. F. Gllleaple's place. Emery Howe went to JohiiBon Mom day lo go lo work at his trado as a carpenter, but on account of the storm I came back the next day. W. II. Barker can now furnish the people with 'Stover-slip horseshoes something that has never before been andled hero. Try them. If in need of furniture do nob fall lo get prices at Edwards & Bradford Lbr Co. Geo. It. Lindsey has moved on the Seeloy farm whero Charley Thomas has lived for several years. Mra. diet Sedoras camo down from Brownville Monday to visit her mother, Mrs. J W. Sapp. It is said there are more wild ducks about the ponds and rivers now than there have been for years. Harry Kimmel went to Shenandoah, Iowa, Monday, whero ho will get up a home talent entertainment. Stevn Cooper, who has been living on his father's farm for several years, has moved on his own farm. Mrs. O L. Minick of Bracken re turned homo last Friday after a visit of almost a month in Missouri. Just received a complete stock of harness goods. Edwards & Bradford Lbr. Co, Hard coal and soft coal several grades various prices for eale by the lid wards & Bradford Lbr, Co. Mr. and Mrs. George Sim! Hi of Tablo Hock Icamo to Nemaha Monday. George is a brothor ot Mrs.IIadlock atid formerly lived here. Mr. and Mrs. It. I. Brown, who have been visiting at Pawnee City and vicinity, returned homo last Fiiday. Just received, a complete lino of window shades at Edwards & Bradford Lbr Co, With every 5 cent box of carpet tacks, a beautiful picture is given free at Edwards & Bradford Lbr Co, All parties owing me are urgently requested to call and settle at once as I need all duo mo. Mas. Thko. Hill. A lot of new books just .received at (he postotlice, Mrs. F. L. Woodward and Mrs. Geo. Yackley went to Auburn Wednesday to attend the prohibition convention They returned Thursday Win. Waddle has rented Mrs. Seymour Howe's farm the home place. Alex Thompson, who had it rented, decided not to tako it. Stoves hard coal stoves soft ooa stoves wood stoves heating Bjtoves cook stoves ranges all kind of Btovos for sale by the Edward Sc Bradford Lumber Co. A .surprise party was given Eddie Ynekloy Friday night, at tho homo of hia parents, Mr. and Mrs. Goo, Yacks ley. About forty woio present 'and apont a very pleasant ovening Wo havo been haying aomo winter weather for tho pust week and it is claimed that tho ground hog ia getting in hia work just to Bhow tho Advertiser editor what ho can do if ho tries. Claud Maxwell, who has been attending tho Beatrice business college for aomo time, returned homo Wednes day, having completed the course. F. L Woodward was in Auburn Tuesday and Wednesday as a witness in the case uf tho state vs. Dr. Gaudy for attempting to bribe a witness. Wo learn that Marshall Pryor is rejoicing over tliebiith of a line girl recently, and his brolher-ln-la'w. 1). C Holmes, is just as proud of u new hoy L. W. Cowel, who has been living on Mrs. IIowb'h farm northeant ot town, has moved on Frank Moore's farm, just south of B. II. Moore's home, Mr. and Mis. L. G. Shellenbarger. living near Humboldt, came to Nema ha last Saturday to visit Mia Snellens barger's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Knopp. Tho patrons of tho Nemaha post olllce havo boon getting garden seeds for the past week, sent by tho iioverns raont, by ordeia of Congressman Pollard. New books lecently received at tho postolnco book store: Quincy Adams Sawyer, Sweeter Siill than This, Oliver Optlc'a Worka, Horatio Algei's Works, In Ilia Steps, Thelma, and many othora, We received a few days ago a letter from our old friend, J.J. Alexander, ofFrankton, lud., renewing hia subs scrlption to The Advertiser. Mr. Alexander is in good health. Ho desired to be remembered to his many friends in Nemaha, The Beatrice Creamery Co. will pay 2." cents per pound of butter fat for hand separator croam, delivered In Ne maha, Separators sold on easy terms. it. E. BuciiKit, Agent. A terrible blixzurd visited South Dakota and the northwestern pait of Nebiatika lust Friday. There was some Iohh of life and considerable stock periuhed. All trains were delayed. Wo have a big assortment of furnis turo that wo are Belling at reasonable price.". Special prices made for housekeeping outfits. Try uh Edwards & Bradford Lbr. Co. Walter S Maxwell hao realgned as carrier on rural route No. ii. Tho patrons of the route have petitioned tho postal department for the appoints ment of 0. P. Barker, who haa been substitute carrier for several months. The Advertiser whb a lilllo ahead of time last week in announcing tho wedding of Glen Harger and Miss Wuvio Thorn, as they were' not married. Gleu will not say just how soon tho ceremony will bo performed Picture Frames The Edwhids & Bradford Lumber Co. have received li'good lino of picture moulding and are now prepared to make picture frames of any size. Take your pictures there and havo them framed. John W. Minick, who now Uvea in Otoe county, ia feeling ii-j proud aa tho highest dignitary of Iho laud, all on account of the birth of a lino boy on the first day of March. John has four girls, and the advent of the first boy eausea him to rejoice with exceeding groat joy. And Grandpa II. 'I'. Minick ia stepping pretty high also. O J, Thorp locoived a letter Monday from western Colorado, in tho Unconi pahgro valley whero ho owns Home land. This letter nays larmera are plowing and sowing Mining wheat now. Mr. and Mra. Win. G. Ma:;well and Walter S. Maxwell started for western Colorado Tuesday to look at tho irrigated laud with a view of investing. They go to the same localitj where Ora Thorp bought. Carl E. Sanders has bought Walter S. Maxwell's pioperty in Nemaha, tho weat half of block 72, with two houses. He will go to housekeeping at once in the new house. U, E. Bucher ia living in tho old one. WANTED-District Managers to post signs, advertise and distribute samples. Salary $18.00 wrekly, sf.'l.OO per day for expenses. State ago and present employment. Ideal Shear Co. ill) Randolph St., Chicago. Ed Knapp irnyti there ia plenty of moisture in the ground to his certain knowledge. He recently got a man to dig a cistern and when he got down fourteen foot' they had to begin draw ing out water, and have drawn out several buckets of water dally since then. Ho is undecided whether to llntrib it up for a cistern or a well. A Lively Tusslo with that old enemy of the race. Cons stipation, often ends in Appendicitis. To avoid all serioiiB trouble with Stomach, Liver apd Bowels, take Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thay perfectly regulate theso organs, without pain or discomfort. yu at W, W. Keellng's druggist, Wo have received several pleasant romindeia from Mr. and Mra. John WatHon tdnce the have been in California, the last being a sketch of tho city and valley of Santa Barbara, illustrated with a number of fine views. Thev have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. O. K. Fisher at Santa Barbara but tli 1b week went to San Diego to visit Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Bailey They are in good health and having ;i fine time. They expect to n'.urn homo iu about a month The Nemaha County Holinoss Aasos ciation will meet at tho Methodist church in Nemaha next Tuesday night and Wednesday. The following ia tho program : Tuesday evening 7:00, Praiso ser vice led by Itov E, 1). Gideon; 7:U0, Sermon by Itov. Myers, Wednesday 10:00 a. m., Prayer and Praiso led by Itov G. W. Ayers; 10:.W a. m.. Sermon by Rev. E. D. Gideon; 2:00 p. m Pral89 Sorvlco led by Mra. Asiiby; 2:00 p, m., Sermon by Rev, T. F. Ashby; 4:00 p, m , Business Session: 7100 p. in., Song1 and Praise led by Bessie Millior; 7:.'J0 p. m. Sermon by Itev. Tyler. Magazines on saloattho postoflluo .