The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, March 02, 1906, Image 2

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    Nemaha Advertiser
W. W. SAND'RS, PuoLinHcn
If good sense ami good behnvloi
will not, admit your family into
society, it may be a3 well tliat thoj
K(ay widtoui.
The practical woman also has hoi
uses in the world, if it is nothing
more tlian to take tho conceit out
of a man.
liumon for Gleaning liniHH Uip f
half lemon into salt and rub ove
the brass. The brass will become
brilliant, but the article should In
rubbed instantly with a dry, sol"
It's easy enough to get ink
trouble, but it's hard to llnd tin
Adversity sometimes makes I
cillian of a man but never makes t
The best thing to do for silver is?
lo wash it after use in boiling
loapsuds, to which a 1 ti Liu ammonia
Is added, as this gives brilliancy to
lilver and plated articles. , )
Tho original proclamation for tho
tapturu of Prince Uharlos Edward
(the young pretender), dated White
nail, Aug 121 . 171"), has recently been
discovered and purchased by the
British museum.
Your charactur cannot bo
essentially injured but by your own
A homing pigeon live months old,.
released from' the Isle of Man, with
others, in August, 10O3, did not
return to Liverpool with the other
ind was;,given up as lost. Hecenly it
A burglar forced his way into a
wholesale toy store in Minna St.,
Ban Francisco, and stole 1,000 jump
ing jacks.
How to Clean Paint Get a little
painter's size and dissolve it in hot
hater. Apply it with a soft cloth
ind the dirt will quickly disappear
md the paint be much improved.
Bir Henry Oatnpholl-Ihinuormnn is
laid to be the ilrst prime minister
of purely Celtic strain.
England's only humming bird died
it the. London zoo recently, two
rvooks after its much-heralded arrival
from Venezuela, in Bpite of a diet or
honey and beef tea.
A Coin-ur .Miiii'k Kipcrlenrc.
"All through my high school eonrsi
and tlrst year in college," writes an
iimbltiouH young man, "I struggled
with my studies on a diet of greasy
pasty foods, being especially fond ot
cakes and fried things. My system
KOt Into a state of general disorder
and It was dllHcult for me to apply
myself to school work with any degivu
of satisfaction. I tried different inedi
fines and food preparations but did
not seem able to correct the dlillculty.
"Then my attention was called to
Crape-Nuts food and 1 wimpled it.
bad to do something, so I Just buckled
down to a rigid observance of the di
rections on the package, and in less
than no time began to feel better. In
n few weeks my strength was re-
Ktored, my weight had Increased, I
iiud a clearer head and felt better hi
every particular. My work was slut-
lily sport to what It was formerly.
"My sister's health was badly run
down and she had become so nervous
that she could not attend to her inu
tile. Sho went on Grape-Nuts and had
the same remarkable experience that
I had. Then my brother. Frank, who
Is In the postollice department at Wash
ington city and had been trying to do
brain work on greasy foods, cakes and
nil that, joined the Grape-Nuts army.
I showed him what It was and could
do and from a broken-down condition
lie has developed lnt6 a hearty and ef
ficient man.
"Besides these I could give account
of numbers of my fellow-students who
have made visible Improvement men
tally and physically by the use of this
food." Name given by Postum Co.,
Battle Creek, Mich.
There's a reason. Bead the llttlo
book, "The Boad to WellvJUe," in
IMciiHiitit Incident Occurring tlia
AVii"lil ()vtr--Su.vliij;H (hut A re Cheer'
Tut to Old or Votinit -'''"iiii.v Selection!
Iliitt HverylicKb Will linjoy.
"You claim that yon will tun ko anj
Bnoriflco for my mike, Henry?"
"Yes, of course. '
"Then Invito mother to come n(
live with t.."
"Well, of course, 1 meant any roa
Konablo s.icrlflce." (Movohtnd IMnli
1 )c;iler.
Ilcyiiuil (he Limit.
The Customer -Isn't Smith's credit
good with you ai.y more?
The (Jrocor- -1 should say not. lit
can't even borrow trouble in this es
The SIkiimI lriitoil.
As It Sluiulit II f.
The Mn'd 1 don't believe In lout
engituoincnts. Six months is Ion
The Bachelor Ulghr you are. N
man, unless he is a saint, could live uj
to a woman's ideal any longer that
Why .Votf
Poorly I'm going to marry a nlc
girl and settle down.
Hourly Why not marry a rich glr
ami settle up? Judge.
"Can you shavu mo without roniov
lng my collar V
"Yes, sir, and I can cut your ha
Without taking off your hat." Life.
IlOIIt'Nt CoitfUNMloil.
Jack Anil do you always
the truth about your friends?
Lola Yes but not until after the."
lire gone.
r Db
. 0 1.
. I II
An Kxpcrt.
Dloappaor When Dr. Williams' PlnSi
Pills Purify tho Blood and
Heal Inflamed Tissues.
Rheumatism is a diseaso of tho blood,
caused by the failure of tho body to cast
oir certain poisons. External applica
tions are of use only in securing tempo
rary relief front pain I ho euro for
rheumatism lies in purifying and en
riching tho blood.
Mrs. Frederick Ilrown, of 40 Sampler
street, Sandy Hill, N.Y., was a suITercr
from inflammatory rhuttmatism front
tho time slto was sixteen. Sho says:
"It llrst appeared in my kneo joints,
then in my hips and waist. It bccaiua
a regular thing that I would bo laid up
all winter. The rheumatism nfTcctrri
mostly my hands, hips, feet and
shoulders. My hands were all puffed
up and my feet became deformed. I
lost my nppotite, couldn't sleep and
sometimes 1 was compelled to cry out,
tho pain was so intense.
" Eur several winters t was under tho
doclor'H caroaud whilo his medicine re
lieved the 'pain for ti little while there
scented no prospect for a porniHUetil
cure. I was coniincd to my bed, off and
on, for weeks at a time. My limbi
swelled dreadfully at times and I win
reduced almost to nothing.
" In tho spring of 1901, upon tho ad
vice of a friend, I began to use Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills. At that Unto I
wasn't nblu to do anything and could
barely eat enough lo keep alive. I fell
a change for the better in about u month.
I began to eat heartily and I suffered
less pain. Of courso I kept ou tin
treatment, using care in my diet, and
in about three months 1 was cured. 1
urn ontirely well today and do all mj
own work."
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cured Mrs.
Brown by driving tho rheumatic poisottl
out of her blond. But you must get the
genuine Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, sold
bvall druggists and by tho Dr.WilliantJ
Mediciuo Co.. Schenectady. N. Y.
Ground charcoal gives knives a
splendid polish. Kub the knives on
(JOYS -Shoot, Murines wlthti trim. 12c pre
pays mm to you. Au'unts wsinteil. Toy Mur
ole Outi Co., 1107 10. Uottirlas. Wichita, Kau.
The present population of Paris is
!, 000. 000.
1'HH T.AND-u monthly Journal for th Homu-
leelcer und Landowner. 2.1c per year, the
:.aml. Cottonwood Kails, Kansas.
Italian prisons got so full this year
that tho government had to pardon
some of the occupants in order to
make room for delinquents crowded
Dili. Since last August 1,530
prisoners have been pardoned and
3,072 have hud their sentences
Athens, Greece, has many line
buildings, but the provisions for
lighting lires tire most inadequate.
Tho lire brigade consists of men
detailed from the regular army, who
in addition to clothes and keep, get
inly 10 cents u week.
Italy's national debt is being re
luced at the rate of $50,000 000 a year.
Nervous Women
Their Sufferings Are Usually
Duo to Female Disorders
Perhaps Unsuspected
Can we dispute
the well-known
factthat American
women are ner
vous V
How often do we
hear the expres
sion, "1 am so ner
vous, it seems as if
L should fly;' or,
" Don't speak to
mo." Little things
iinnov vou and
make you irritable ; you can't sleep,
you are unable to quietly mid calmly
perform vour (tauy uisics or care lor
your children.
Tho relation of tho nerves and gen
erative organs in woman is so olo&Q
that lune-tenths ot the nervous pros-
oration, nervous cleuilltv, the blues,
sleeplessness and nervous irritability
arise from some derangement of tlio
organism which makes her a woman.
Fits of depression or restlessness and
irritability; spirits easily affected, so
that ono minute she laughs, tho next
minute weeps ; pain in the abdominal
region and between tlio shoulders;
loss of voice; nervous dyspepsia; a
tendency to cry at the least provoca
tion till these point to uervous pros
tration. Nothing will relieve this distressing
condition and prevent months of pros
tration and suffering so surely as Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
Mrs. M. 13. Shotwoll.of 103 Flatbush
Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y,, writes:
"I cannot express tho wondorful roliof I
lmvo experienced by taking Lydia E, Pink
hum's Vegotnblo Compound, I suffered for
a long Mino with nervous prostration, back
ache, headache, doss of appetite. I cculd
not sleep and would walk tho lloor almost)
every night.
"I lmd threo doctors and got no better, and
llfo was a burden. I was advised to trr
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound,
and it has worked wonders for me.
"I am a well woman, my nervousness is all
gone and my frionds say I look ten years
Will not tho volumes of letters from
women niado strong by Lydia 13. Pink
ham's Vetretablo Coinpouud convince
nil women of its virtues ? Surely you
cannot wish to remain sick, weak
and discouraged, exhausted each day,
when you can bo as easily cured a-i
other women.
I Hi." J"" .'I r I " . M 1
till If or n tit In (lie Country for Thou
Who Voulil TxtUo It t;,i.
California seems to he tho country
Cor women who wish to earn, their liv
ing by out-of-door work. A magazine
devoted to tho industries of the Stale
gives some space to tho work accom
plished by women In farming, boo keep
ing, etc., and otto learns that most of women wore Ignorant of tho
work they went into, had little or no
capital and lit most instances camo
from other States. Intelligence, com
mon sense, energy and enthusiasm,
seem to have achieved most of tho
mecessos recorded, According to tho
New York (Ilolio. For Instance, ono
reads of a tlred-out collego girl, who
arrived In Glen Ellen fifteen months
ago to engage In poultry raising. She
Is now, we are told, rttrong and healthy
front active outdoor work, and pecu
liarly independent.
Mrs. O. II. Ilurrldgc, of Los Angeles,
was Impressed by the fact that Cali
fornia imports every year from tho
middle west hundreds of carloads of
Dggs and dressed poultry which have
paid large percentages of their value ta
the railroads and at least two middle
men. Tho prices of dressed poultry
(tittl eggs are always so high that a
pood living can he made by supplying
hotels and private families.
Mrs. E. P. Buckingham became a
fruit grower. She began with a Httlo
farm of twenty acres, but has extend
ed her domain untlh to-day slto owns
M0 acres, covered with trees and vines.
She engaged an overseer 0 feet S Inches
In height, but lie did not seem to share
his employer's enthusiasm, and sho
made up her yiind that she might get
a new man.
But as sho walked through the fields
duo night in the moonlight an owl an
swered her anxious thought by hoot
ing: Oh who who? Another owl
near by replied: Oh you you! Sho
took the hint, dismissed her tall, slow
Dverseer, and hired herself In his stead.
For several years this woman has mar
keted (500 tons of fruit annually.
Mrs. ,T. P. Ames has successfully nn
plled her womanly experience to the
keeping of bees. She attributes her
success to the application of two rules:
First, that animal and Insect life must
bo properly nourished, anil second, that
nature must bo supplemented by in
telligent methods of keeping and use.
It is said that women with a small
capital to buy suitable buildings, land
and live stock can gradually earn n
:omfortable subsistence. But they will
flo well, unless they have had previous
experience and training, to apprentice
themselves for a time to persons al
ready successfully established in sim
ilar Industries.
Fleetlnur 1Iiiiinc at nn Inrlilent Oc
(urrliiK: For tlio Illllloutli Time.
Juliet was tho ideal age, about 14.
She wore a red coat that just came
3own to her boot tops and she had on
a big black hat that partly shadowed
ter strikingly pretty face. She had
just come out of Sunday school with
a companion who was too young to
figure as the nurse, by comparison,
vet was old enough to sympathize
with the commotion that was raging
In Juliet's heart.
Side by side the two girls walked
slowly up the cross street and then,
as If they were measuring their steps,
!hcy turned about and returned to tho
lorner. "When they reached a point
where Juliet could see a young man
who was standing half way down tho
block talking to a group of ills friends,
she east a demure glance In Ids dl
lection but quite as though site were
looking miles beyond him and then
turned about and retraced her steps
up the side street. Slowly she walked
up anil slowly she walked back again.
Just as she reached the corner it
tvus beautifully timed Borneo crossed
tier path. Borneo was at the stage in
rds youth when he probably would re
!or to the maid as "a little girl,"
bough she was almost up to his
ihoulder. lie was undeniably good
ooklng, and he was also courteous,
'or he bowed to the two girls and took
iff his hat with a sweep as he met
litem. But ho went on his way, leav
ing Juliet standing on the corner with
on ecstatic glow In her eyes and ono
hand pressed to her coat over her
Quart. Now York Press.
Charlie Nocoyne Great Svodl Ev
erything's otV!
Jinimle Dltteau What's up?
Charlie Nocoyne 1 called on Miss
Roxtnburn and she wouldn't see me,
And I've just discovered why. I senl
np a pawn ticket by mistake for my
:ard! Cleveland Leader.
MiiKt limit fur It.
finest Here, I ordered si porter
louse steak and a fried egg. You'vt
mly brought the egg. Whore's the
Waltet Under the egg, sir. Glevo
and Leader.
Yes, Alon.o, a screen Is sometimes
used to hide things, but that Isn't
necessarily why they screen a load of
Married people would be happier
if men would remember (hat women
can't always be smiling, who hava
to cook the dinner, answer the bell
half a dozen limes, and get rid of i
neighbor who has dropped in, tend
to a sick baby, t ie up the cut lingei
or n two-year-old, gather up tin
playthings of a four-year-old, tie ii
the head or a six-year-old on skates,
and get an eight-year-old ready roi
school, to say nothing or sweeping,
cleaning, etc. A woman with all
these to contend with may claim i'
a privilege to look and feel u litth
tired sometimes, and a word o
sympathy would not be too much U v
evpect from the man who, diirin
tho honeymoon, wouldn't let hei
carry as much us a sunshade.
I'roniliiiMit MlniiMitii airretiniW
Ctiri-d to Stay Cured by l)oui'
Kidney I'll In.
O. C. Kayden, of O. C. Ilayden St
Co., dry goods merchants, of Albert
Lea, Minn., says: "I was so latno that
I could hardly walk.
There was tin unac
countable weakliest
of the back, and
constant pain ami
aching. I could llnd
no rest and was very
u n c o in f o rtable at
night. As my health
was good in every
other way, 1 could
not understand this
It was Just us if all tha
strength had gone from my back.
After suffering for some time I began
usiug noun's Kidney Pills. The rem
edy acted at once upon the kidneys,
mid when normal action was restored,
the trouble with my back disappeared.
1 have not had any return of It."
For sale by all dealers. .r0 cents
box. Poster-Milburu Company, Buf
falo, N. Y.
Those who deserve
rarely fail to get ir.
success very
Worth Kiiowlnjy
that Alleock's are the original nnJ
?nly genuine porous plasters; all othfii
so-called porous plasters are imitation.
lie who can defy competition can
demand success.
A Certain Ouro for Fovovlplinesiit
!niitlmlfinti. II o n a lip. Il o.
srotuitcti Troubles, Teeiliiiia
Ii or dors, and Dentrojp
WoriUH. They Break up Colila
Mnihor Gray.
In -li hours. At nil Oiucciitt. 3d eta.
ron'o Home, lUmnle imtlnrt FUEK Atiareti,
Ndtt York City. A. S. OLMSTED. Lo Roy. H Y.
Samnls ni(tlad FKEK Addreti
A prude seems to me
;oquette gone to seed.
to bo a
H'litntu.'meof tested nml warranted stviln
run or wlso Instruction-sent l'Jti:i;
J. J. 11. (ircsor; Son, Sarblthoul, !..
Truth, all persuasive as it is, il
much enhanced by novelty.
In all ita Btagca.
's Cream Balm
clcancca, soothes and heals
tho diseased membrane.
It cures catarrh and drives
away. a Mid in tho head
Cream Iinlra Is placed into tho nostrils, spread!
over tho mcmbrano and is absorbed. Belief is Im
mediate nnd a euro follows. It Is not drying does
not prodnco sneezing. Lirgo Size, 60 cents at Drup
gists or by mail; Trial Slo, 10 cents.
II.Y BKOTUEK3, 00 Wurrcn Street, New Yorlt
Ii tib hard shoes with kerosene and
they will become soft and pliable.
To renovate black silk, sponge the
Bilk with strong cold tea, into which
put a little hartshorn. Then iron the
silk on the wrong side with a rathet
hot iron.
Three creat pursuits have acaln
shown wonderful results on the
Macnificcnt climate. P7mers plowing in theh
hlrt slrcves In the middle o November.
"All art fcounj to b nor Uun plaao4 with tho final riiulto
if tho past tiuon'a hirvaiU." Extract.
Coal, wood, water, hay In abundance; schools,
:htirchcs, markets convenient. TK!S 13
l;pl- for Information to Hupartntt ndwit ot Imralgra
tl'in.Ottiinn, t.Miiulu.iirto . V. limtieU.Wl Now Wit
Ufa llulldiua, Onuha, Nab , Auth.rliod Govomiutul
I'lonau ajr nhar joo w tUj idTortlnraent.
N. N. U. 017-0, YORK, NEBR
cuxts V, Here hi nt, caus.
Best Couch bjrup. Tastas UooU. Usa
in tlino. jtoia by druggist.
fflr f