VOLUME L NEMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, MAltCH 2, 1906 XUMBEU 40 1 t f OUT PRICE SALE I have removed my stock of Millinery, otc, to my liomo f.nti iwn selling all Millinery, Notions, Ribbons, etc., AT AND BELOW COST Come soon for Bargains Mrs. Theodore Hill Xjocal News Magazines on suloat the postolllco, Dr Bourne fits glasses. So. Auburn. See the new advertisements in this issue. New Btock of fine cundies just re ceived at the postolllco. I Work Ih now in progress on the houBQ on the farm A U MeCundleas bought lust fall ot Jacob West. Mrs. Clms. M. Woodward o Kansas City arrived in Nemaha Thursday afternoon of last week on a visit to lior husband's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Woodward Jacob West moved to Brownville the lattor part of last week. Wo regret to lose this estimable family and cordially recommend them to tho good people of Brownville Tho Kimmel Comedy Co., after an existence of only about three weeks, dissolved and disbanded last week, and on Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Kimmel returned to Nemaha. Big Closing Out Sale At Sluibert, Nebraska Wo have bought tho entire stock of H. U. Landolt and will sell At Cost and Less for 30 Days Everything must go, so come in and bring us your produce It buys the same as cash. Wo will givo you a few prices that will convinco you wo mean business. Perforated postolllco. pencil tablets at tho Tho poslotllce book store has a lot of blotters for free distribution If in need of blotters call and got some. Groceries Auburn corn, 5c por can With p.vrv fi cent box of ca'rtiet ... i . .-.. ..... .... i A ioi oi new uooks jusi. receive M tttcl8 n beautiful picture ia given free the poatolllce, Best photos in southeastern Nebr. at Criley'a. So. Auburn. Fur the lamest pencil tablet in the county call at the postolllco. i The Sunday St. Loila Globe Demon unit is on sule at the postotlice. Now for March snows, blows and suddeu changes in the weather. Mans of Nebraska, Missouri and Colorado on sale at the postotlice. You can got a great big pile of old- papers for a uickle at tho postotlice. See It. E. Buchor for the Queen incubator and brooder. Tho prices aro right. at Edwards & Bradford Lbr Co. Barred Plymouth Rock pullets from thoroughbred stock for sale by W, W. Liebhakt. Mrs. J. F. Beunett and Miss Mable came in from Auburn Tuesday on a visit to Mrs. Bennett's sister, Mrs. J. E. Lambert. Mrs. Hubbard, aunt of Mtb. W. E. Wbeeldon, returned to her homo in Lincoln last week, after sever! week's visit in Nemaha. For over soven weeks meetings wore in progress in Nemaha, counting tho lectures by John Baptist, closing TTmnn mmlr tnmntnns .inn ra- nun . mi... i. I . ' i'-riuay uirui. iuo cuurcu guing most tea, iJ5c per pound people now teei lonesome. pounds beans for SI 40 burs Lenox Sorv for Si W. W. Keeling will nut In a good 50 vomis, hominv for SI line of so-called racket goods hr hooii iqc K.JO, baking powder, 8c as F L. Woodward tiikos tho stock of isc jt, rj. baking powder, 11c; drugs oil his minus lie win also carry 25c K. (J. baking powder, 18c a stock of foed of all kinds. i35c Quail oats, 10c Dress Goods 50c dross goods, por yard, 42o G5c dress goods, per yard, -lHo 2ec dross goods, per yard, 23e JJUc dross goods, per vara, 75c JLsest prints, por yard, Oc Thoso aro only a fow of our over the stock. Wo have a big assortment of furnis turo that we aro selling at reasonable prices. Special prices made for housekeeping ontQts. Try us. Edwards & Bradford Lbr. Co. Miss Pearl Huberts went to Auburn Monday to complete her training as u milliner. Nemaha will soon nave two new dry goods stores, a new drug store and anew racket and feid store, besides a new millinery building. W, II. Barker can now furnish the people with uever-sllp horseshoes-- something that has never before been undled here. Try them. The Beatrice Creamery Co. will pay 25 cents per pound of butter fat for hand separator cream, delivered in Ne maha, Separators sold on easy terms. It. E. Buciikh, Ageut. Two or three of our young men have rented farms for the coming year, and are inquiring prices on household goods so we expect some weddings soon. A farmer without a housekeeper is in bad shape. Wo can savo you lots of money Yours for business, Shoes $3.50 shoos, $2.25 por pair 2.75 shoes, 2.00 per pair 1.50 shoos, 1.10 por pair 8.25 rubber boots, $5.25 pr pair 4.00 rubber boots, 8.25 pr pair Hats $2.50 hats, $1.85 2.25 hats, 1.50 1.50 hats, 1.10 Clothing Boys' and Mon's suits, worth $2-75, at $1.75 Suits worth $7.50 at $8 50 Suits worth 0.50 at 2.75 Coats and vosts worth $4.50, at (J1. 25 ow prices Como in and look COLCLAZZEB. !& SOXT Lanclolt's Old Stand Shubert, Nebraska Miss Minnie May went to Lincoln Thursday of last week and will prob- For Sale v for.ty-acro farm, ,2 requested to call and settle at once as davs aeo by the neiiro horse buyer for nbly bo gono about two weeks Sho -I w- - I .... All parties owing me are urgently A span of mules owned by a farmer living near Julian was bought a fow nines from this olllce. Brownville. Inquire at need all due me. Mrs Tiiko. Hill. Call at the postoffice and see tho self filling fountain pen Si. &0 each. J. W. Ritchey went 10 St. Joe Wed nesday to buy a stock of goods for his spring trade. A. B. Paris recently presented Rural Carrier Uumbauith with some spares ribs and backbone. Bon To Mr. and Mrs. Kobt. Jonen, guaranteed only Friday, Feb, 10, 1000, a nine pound boy. And Robert is feeling as proud as Grover Cleveland did over his boy Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hull came in from Auburn last Saturday to visit Mrs. Hall's brother, Sherman Merritt and family. They returned home Mon day. $500. That is probably tho largest amount ever paid in Nemaha county for a span of mules. Ca?t. 11. V. Black of Brock, one of the oldeBt and most highly respected citizens of that community, died Tues day of last week. Capt Black was sheriff of this county for two terms about thirty years ago. will be in u large millinery establish ment while away, and will buy a big slock of spring millinery. What othor business sho goes on wo aro not in formed. ll-v. G.'W, Ayers is now at home for awhile, as the meetings at Graf closed Sunday night Auditor Ballentine of the Edwards Sc Bradford Lumber Co. was in Nemaha Friday And Saturday. Mrs. II. L. Caldwell, who hB been visiting her sister, Mrs. J. W. Sapp, went to Brownville Tuesday. Dr. and Mrs. A. Matthews went to Nebraska City laBt Friday afternoon and to Palmyra the next day. Rev. Mr. Miller, pastor of the Christian church at Exeter, Nebr., will preach at the Christian church at Nemaha next Sunday morning and evening. F. L. Woodward has had n good sidewalk laid in fiont of the building he is fitting up for a drug store and between that building and Keeling's drug store. Stoves hard coal stoves soft ooa stoves wood stoves heating stoves cook stoves ranges all kind of stoves We had another cold snap this week, beginning Sunday night with a rain, ending in a snow Monday morning There wiia a hard wind and Indications of a blizzard, but Tuesday was warm and the snow was about all gono by night. J.iBper Maddox of Atchison county, Mo., and Miss Mabel Bolejack of Aspiuwall precinct, in Nemaha county were united in the bonds of holy matrimony, at tho court houso in Auburn on Monday, Feb. 20, 1000 Judge McCarty performed tho core1. mony. Tho young couple will muko their homo near Rockport. Mo., on a farm. May prosperity and happiness attend them. John W, Ritchey bus made arrange ments to move his stock of general merchandise from Brownville to Nemaha the lhai of nixt Week. lie Is now in St. Joe buying a good stock of new and seasonable goods, and will have a big stock of just such goods as the people want. Mr. Ritchey is a merchant In whom tho people have full conildonce, and ho will endeavor to merit the continued favor of his cus, tomors. He invites the patronage of the people of Nemaha and vicinity. John Baptist, tho Armenian lecturor went to Beatrice Saturday, where he gave three lectures tuts week uver in at the opera house Hard coal and soft coal several Lumber Co grades various prices for pale by the Edwards & Bradford Lbr. Co. Brock now has an epidemic of smullpox in the light form similar to that prevailing in Nemaha a few years $42 was taken ago. All partita having the disease Thursday night of last week, at 20, In have been quarantined and it is and 10 cents Friday night ho thought the spread of the disease will preached at the Christian church from be checked. the topic: "Not the Man in the Baskot but the Other Men." It was an John W. Ritchey moved his bousa- t cour. IIe ,nade manv foreale by the Edward & Bradford hold goods down from Brownville tho 1 friends while here, as ho Is an able A. G. WARREN Printer, Paper Hanger Decorator 1 Imvoall tlio lntest iIchIlmih In Wall Pnpor, nml can furnlHli you any stylo or qoinnity you want, iticoh iroin iuo por row up. worx Kunruutfcocl, Phono me at cantiul ofllco or write NEMAHA - - NEBRASKA There are well authenticated rumors of four or five weddings at least among our young neople In the near future. Just received, a complete line of window shades at Edwards & Bradford Lbr Co. If In need of furniture do not full to get prices at Ea wards & Bradford Lbr Co. The ground hog certainly has missed it this year, and is losing his reputation as a weather prophet. He is now in the same cIhsb with Illcks, Defoe and other weather forecasters. Patrons on the rural routes should call at the postolllco and see the R. F. D. envelopes and tablet Only 5 cents a bunch for good envelopes and the same price for a good ink tablet. Walter N. Farris has moved four miles and a half southwest of Howe, where he will woik for Al Ilallowuy. Ned Maxwell came down from Lin coin Friday and visited his parents,Mr. and Mrs W G Maxwell, until Monday. Dort Stokes, who ia attending the Beatrico business college, came in to Nemaha last Friday and visited until Monday. John O. Stokes has moved on tho farm he recently bought, joining Howe on tho west. We hato to loto John and family from our community. WANTED District Managers to post signs, advertise and distribute sumples. Salary $18.00 wrokly, $3.00 per day for expenses. State ago ond present employment. Ideal Shear Co. 30 Randoiph St., Chicago. An Appeal Wo have been to considerable expense lately and need money very much. If each of our delinquent subscribers would pay up itwould put us on easy street. We asK each one who is owing on subscription to cons sider that this means him or her, and trust the response will be immodluto. Help us out. latter part of last week and is now at home in the Theo. mil property In the south part of town Wo aro very g.'ad to have Mr. and Mrs, Ritchey and Ralph with us. A few years ago it was predicted that the bicycles, automobiles, street railways, motor lines, etc.. would soon do away with horses, and that prices would steadily decline It doesn't look much like It now, as prices are steadily increasing. Picture Frames Tho Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co, have received a good line of picturo moulding and are now prepared to make picture frames of any size. Take your pictures thoro and have them framed. A Lively Tusslo with that old enemy of the race. Cons stipation, often ends in Appendicitis. To avoid all serious trouble with Stomach, Liver and Bowels, tako Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thoy perfectly man. Tho Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co, .have had forty feet of the front part of tho partition taken outbotween the hardware and furnituro rooms throwing tho two rooms into one This will make the front part of tho building, 44 feet wide, all together, and will bo much more convenient for salesmen and customers. The furni turo room is being ilnlshed up the same as the hardware department. Joe Bunger is doing ttio work, There was a double wedding of young people of this vicinity at Aus burn Wednesday. Bert Thorn and Miss Pearl Glllespio and Glenn Harger and Miss Wavle Thorn were united in marriage at the county judge's office, by Judge McCarty. Mr, and Mrs. Thorn will go to housekeeping at onco on the farm whore Jess Ken nedy now lives, south of Nemaha Bert having rented this farm for this vear. Wo have not learned where t regulate these orguns. without pain or Mr. an 1 Mrs. Harger will live. May discomfort. 2&c at W, W. Keeling's these young people find happiness and druggjst, prosperity in their new relations. IF YOU WANT Good Bireaci TRY A SACK OF Golden Rod Flour High patent. Every sack guaranteed to give full satisfaction in overy respect or money refunded. Always the same. No bettor Hour mado. If you want a cheaper Hour you can not do better than to buy tho Red Seci I a straight grado Hour. It has no superior in a grado (lour. Mhny prefer it to a high patent. For a still cheaper Hour try the Cold Leif It is a good Hour of that grade. These grades are manufafctured Jamoion & Son, Stella, on sale at the store of by Nebr., and are J. H.Vanderslice NEMAHA, NEBll. If you buy a Back of either of these grudes and it is not just iib represented, take it buck and your mouey will bo roturned