Threshing 13 still done by hand in India, or by bullocks treading on the grain, nnd the winnowing is also, lone by hand. If the baby vomits don't put any thing except water into his stomach (or four hours. The house owner who appreciates the beneficences of sunshine has a sun room or solarium attached to his homo. Sixty thousand elephants are annually slaughtered in Africa, to secure ivory. Worth Knowing that Alleoek's nro tho original nnd only genuine porous plasters; all other so-called porous plasters aro Imitations. Moscow was burned on Friday. There Is tnoro Catarrh In this section of the country than all other diseases put to Bether, 11 ml until the lnt few years was supposed to he Incurable. Tor n sreat many years doctors pronounced It a lo:-al disease, and prescribed locnl remedies, and by con stantly falllni; to cure with local treatment, pronounced It Incurable. Science Una prov en catarrh to be a constitutional disease nnd therefore requires constitutional treat ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. .1. Cheney & Co.. Toledo. Ohio. U the only constitutional cure on the market, tl is tal:en Internally In doses from 10 drops to n teaspoouful. It acts directly on the Mood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dolhis for any enii! It falls to cure. Send for circulars and tes tlmonla's. Address F. J. CHKXr.Y & CO., Toledo, 0. Sold bv Drusrilsts. T.'ie. Take Uall'o Family Fills for constipation. i Washington was born on Friday To Color Woolun Gnu tin IJlnclc. An old and reliable way to color black Li tn thoroughly disnolvo 1 ozs. of extract ot logwood in three gallons of warm water; add 12 o::s. blue vitriol and 1 oz ropperas. Wet the good well, then put into the dye nnd let .sunnier, stirring often, until dark enough. Wash two or three times in a strong suds of Ivory iioap. lilnso and pros while damp. 12LEAXOU It. L'AIIKER. Illuminating gas in ShelHelc Kngland, costs only about thirtj cents per thousand feet. A GUARANTEED CURE FOR PILES. Itching, IUInd. Bleeding Protruding Piles. ImicglstH are nuthoized to refund money If PA.O OINTMENT falls to cure in 0 to 1J days. COc. The average wife knows that to be perfectly happy she must be blind tc many t.f hubby's faults. MOTHER GRAY'S SWEET POWDERS FOR CHILDREN, A CortMnCurofor J'cvrrlftUnf!3H, CfMI'ltipltlotl, lie u.d nr he, Sloiixiicn TroitMcs, Teettiliic TP I u .1 r 11 n a . ntul TS t L. t t n v Molhcr Gray, JUirimi, They TJretilc up Colila Knrso In Child- ''I ixmr. At nil .'russiri. Wet ifn's Homo. t-an.nln untied VllRR Aililroet. KiiWYortuur. A. S. OLMSTED, J.c Roy. N Y. ffl&BEGQRY'S SEDS li'fll hniueowi-ra utcrt jWf. Soi l YHG H muitr three warrants. rile far ..... r.iiT cMthiruo rur.K. J. .1. 1). rorory fe Bon, 1 Positively cured theso Jjittle Pills. They also rclloro St SSlTTLE tresa from Dyspepsia, In- digestion cod Too Hearty Eatlnj. A perfect renv cdy lor Dtalnesa. Nausea, Dro-n-clncr.3, Bad Taste la tho Mouth, Coated Tongue, Pain In tlio S'.dft. TOKPID LIVE? They hiver i puis. regulate tLo Bowels. Purely Vegetable. SMALL FILL. SMALL DOSE, SHALL PRICE . Gcnuiiic Must Bear Fas-Similo Signature mm ITTIE 33 IVJ:K PM.LS. REFUSE SUBSTITUTE. 25Bu8h if ilea Id to the MlQ means a productiv capacity in dollars 0 Over $1G Per Acre This on land, which has cost tho farmo nothlnG but tho price of tilling it, tells Iti own story. The Canadian Government givei Absolutely Free to Every Scilicr Acres of Such Land fu?"r"rl-1!"B l"5 Purclnwed at from Joti Are- .dy 1 75 nnnni,,'lan;m other corporations " I w allslh Cm h J Cnnadn. Kor s.aniphto 1 iVfSr nri',r' C:Ja'!a,, "J InLrmStioi I'u -ii-i '""". , U c-Jii b. ""! Jioli ,AUi iizcJ Oovuriimttt A s mm fl fill t WtllVii A. Hill. Hijf Sill llilliil 1 l.o r Waere TM IBW tb,, BaTirt,MB,nt. ) 7 1 w 1J JUS nv m Alo.xtttitler Sellclr!;. I am monarch of all I survey; My right there is none to dispute; From the cent or all round to the sea I am lord of the fowl and the brute. Oh, Solitude, where are the ehnnnn That sages havo scon in thy face? Cotter dwell in the midst of alarmn Than reign in this horrible place. f am out of humanity'n reach; I must finish my journey alone; S'ovcr hear the sweet music of speech I start at the sound of my own. The boasts that roam over the plain My form with indifference see; They are so unactiuainted with men Their tanioness is shocking to me. Society, friendship and lovo Divinely bestowed upon man! Oh. had I the wings of a dove, How soon would I taste you again! My sorrows I then might assuage In the ways of religion and truth; Might learn from the wisdom of age And be cheered by the sallies of youth Heligion! What treasure untold Resides in that heavenly word! More precious than silver and gold Or nil that this earth can afford. But tho sound of the chureligolng hell These valleys and rocks never heard Never sighed at the sound of a knell Or smiled when a Sabbath appear'd. Ye winds that have made me your spoil Convey to this desolate shore Some cordial, endearing report Of a land 1 shall visit no more. My friends, do they now and then send A wish or a thought after uieV Oh, tell me I yet have a friend, Though a friend I am never to see! How fleet is the glance of a mind! Compared with the speed of its Uight The tempest itself lags behind And the swift winged arrows, of light When I think of my own native land, In a 111 uuent I seem to bo there, Lint, ti'nw. recollection at hand Soon l.rries me back to despair! I5ut the sea fowl is gone to her net; The beast is laid down in his lair; Even here is a season of rest, And I to my cabin repair. There's mercy in every place, And mercy, encouraging thought, (Jives even nlllietion a grace And reconciles man to his lot. William Cow per. TURN PRUNES TO VINEGAR. Oretron Kiiriiit'Di Dlxeovor .ion Source nt Acetic K!ull The best vinegars are made from fruit Unices and heretofore apples have been the chief source of supply, with an occasional resort to pears. In Oregon, however, It has been dis covered that prunes can be utilized for the manufacture of vinegar, which, though very dark In color, is of excellent quality, of a fruity llavor, Rood body and having a high acetic content. In its manufacture only the undersized and otherwise unsalablo prunes are used, the normal fruit be ing too valuable for this purpose. The prunes are first washed nnd :hen run through a crusher which re luces them to a pulpy mass which Is then inoculated with a pure culture of i specific yeast organism. This causes a strong and rapid for mentation which results In breaking lown the fibrous pulp, reducing It to a clear juice which Is collected and fermented In open barrels. Upon complete fermentation, which takes about ten days and which yields 10 per cent of alcohol, the juice is re jioculated with a pure culture of vlue ftxr ferment such as tho familiar 'mother." The only objection to prune vinegar is its very dark color, in which feat ire it resembles malt vinegar, but as the latter finds a ready market in i:n:ie parts of the country It Is be loved other superior qualities of prune rlnegar will more than outweigh this injection. " '"When, riioy're making fun of father, No work he does, thoy say, I'hoy laugh when father carves the duck, In an unfeeling way. They view his every action With grievous discontent, And never say a word about When father; pays tho rent. When father tells a story They sit around and jeer. When father does most anything The family seems to sneer, tie's just supposed to plod along And save up every cent, Nobody seems to notice him When father pays the rent. Washington Star. Xot a ItlK Finally. "I've just been reading all this In surance testimony." "Looks bad, doesn't it'" "Well, not nearly so bad as it might took." "How so 1 -Mipp'-. neon one 0 V tho Mef'urdy family had Dceu one of the kind that Koo:ovelt nolle e-, Hi." CLveland TJulu Deal nr. vl5 TERRIBLE SCALY ECZEMA. Eruptions Appoared on Chost, nnd Faco nnd Nock Wcro All Broken Out Curod bv Cuticurn. "I had an eruption nppear on my ' cheat and body and extend upwards nnd downwards, so that my neck and face were nil broken out; also my arms nnd the lower limbs as far as tho knees. I at llnd thought It was prick ly heat. Hut suon scales or crusts formed where tho breaking out was. Instead of going to a physician, I pur dinned u complete treatment of tho Cutlcura Kemedles, In which 1 had Brent faith, and all was satisfactory. A year or two later the eruption ap peared again, only a little lower; but before It had tlmo to spread I pro cured another supply of the Cutleurit Kemedles, and continued their use un til tho cure was complete. It Is now five years since the last attack, and havo not seen any signs of a return. I have more faith in Cutlcura Keme dles for skin diseases than uuythlne: I know of. Emma H. Wilson, LIscomb, Iowa, Oct. 1, 1!)03." Vermont was abolish slavery. tho first stnto to Yon Can Oct Mlcti'n Pont-Knuo FKUt". Write to day to Alien S. Olmsted, be Uoy, N. Y., for n KUH13 sample of Alien1! Koot Emc, a powder to slmke Into your iihoes. It cured tired, sweating, hot, swollen, ach ing feet. It makes new or tight Hlioea easy. A certain cure for Corns nnd J!unlonn. All DnitfjistH uml Shoo stores sell It. i-'fic. To renovate black silk, sponge, vitii olack coffee, then iron. Trust to Nature. A great many Americans, both men nnd women, are thin, pale and puny, with poor circulation, became they havo ill treated their stomachs by hasty eatlna or too much eatluff, by consuming alco holic beverages, or by too clo.o confine ment to homo, ofllco or factory, nnd In ronscquoneo tho stomneh must bo treated la a natural way before they can rectify their earlier mistakes. The muscles In many such poopb in fact wi every weary, thin and thin-blooded person, do their work with great diflk'nlty.. As a result fntigtio comes early, is extremn and lasts long. Tho demand for nutritive, aid 13 nhead of tho supply. To Injure perfect health every tissue, hone, nervo and muscle should take from tho blood cer tain materials and return to It certain others. It Is necessary to prepare tho Ftomach for tho work .if taking up from the food what is neces,:r.i y to make good, rich, red blood. Wo n.ust go to Katuro for tho remedy. There were certain roots known to the Indians of this country before the advent of tho whites which later eamn to the knowledge of the settlors and which nro now growing rapidly in professional favor for tho euro of obstinate stomach and liver troubles. Theso are found to be safe and yet cer tain in their cleansing nnd Invigorating effect upon the stomach, liver and blood. Theso are: Colden hen I root. Queen's root, Stono mot. Mlondroot. Mandrako root. Then there Is black Cherry bark. Tho medicinal principles residing in thcio native, roots when extracted with glyc erine as a .solvent make tho most rellablo and cfitcicnt stoinnch tonic and liver In vlgorator, when combined In just tho right proportions, as In Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. Where thero Is bankrupt vitality Mich as nonoiis exhaustion, bad nutrition and thin blood, the body ncnuhvs vigor and tho nerves, blood and all the tissues feel tho favorable effect of this fcnverelgn remedy. Although Mini" physicians have been nwareof the high medicinal value of tho above mentioned plants, yet few havo used puro glycrrino as a solvent and usually tho dnctnV prescriptions called for the ingredients in varying amounts, uitii ulcuh'ul. Tho "Ooidon Medical Discovery" Is a scientific preparation compounded of tho glyceric extract--.if tho above mentioned wgetablo Ingredients and contains no alcohol or haimf.i! habit-forming drugs. Shakespeare was born on Friday. IMso's Cure for Consumption always gives immediate relief in all throat trou bles. V. E. Bieiiiiiin, I.eipsic, Ohio, Aug. tn.iooi. Colds and serious diseases resulting from them can be prevented by caiv tulnoss. Keep a woolen robe and ,vool lined slippers near the LVd side- to be slipped on when called suddenly j up during the night. If tlio baby beco'ries fusy when it is time for his nap, change his sleeping place to another part of ;ho room whero ho will become interested in his now surroundings and fall asleep. It is well to remember that all the good excuses havo already been made. RAISED FROM A DEATH-BED. Mr. l'Htx, Once I'rortoitneejl Tnetir nhlK, Hum Ileen Well Three Yearn. 13. 13. Pitts, i0 Hathaway street, Rkowhcgan, M'.. says: "Seven years ago my back a bed and I wan so run down that I was 1 a id up f 0 u r m o 11 1 li s. I had night sweats and fainting spells and dropped to ninety pounds. The urine passed every few minutes with In tense pain and look ed like blood. Drop sy sot in and the doctors decided I could not live. My wife got mn using Doan's Kidney Pills, nnd as they helped me I .took heart, kept on and was cured no thoroughly that I've been well three years." .Sold bv all dealers. .") cents a box. Foster-MIIMirn Co.,, N. Y. Mem. Co'orwnre WcMor and faster colors mn wv ftfirrdye. Ore inr. n'karc rrtori f!Vf; t.y )3jraent ultacat icplna tpj't, V.riU rci 'jj&Stlet L'owto Oyr. i a..J V.U Uui. A TRAINED NUR After Years of Experience, Advises Women in Regard to Their Health. Mrs. Mnrtlui Pohlmnn s&fifSSsassrTT of Co Chester Avemi.;, fOIKS' ' T 'SU (jraduato Nurse from tho Ulockley Lrnlninjf School, at Philadelphia, nnd for six years Chief Cliulo Nurse nt. tho Philadelphia Hospital, writer the letter printed below, bho hns the udvantngoof porsonul experience, besides her professional education, ofessional education, M-ff?'1' W v :V'-M id what she bus to say ' ",'',; .V ''t&v ay bo absolutely relied WMi ; J . .M 'on. H$S&-v; r rm Many other women nro VViwlvvk ''. .MWL IHetwl.iMahowns. Tbev If . tti Mtitt?! and what she bus to say may upon nflllcted as she was. They can regain hcnlth In tho same way. It Is prudent to heed sucli udvico from such a source, Mrs. Pohlmnn writes: " I inn firmly pei-hiiaded, after eight, yonrs of osperienco with Lvdliv E. Pinkhnm's VegeUiblo Compound, that it is tlio wfest mid best mcdlclno for any KUirering woman to use." " Immedlalely after my marringo 1 found that my health began to fall mo. I b.v camo wonk and jmle, with severe bearing-down pains, fearful bucknelieH nnd fro qui'ntdizzj'spullrt. Tho doctors proscribed for me, yet I did not Improve. I would bloat nftor eating, p.nd frcqucntlv become nnusatitod. I had pains down through my limlw so I could hardly walk. It was as bad a enso of feuinlo trouble, as I havo over known. Lydin 1J, Pinkliam's Vegotnblo Compound, howovor, cured mo witnin four mouths. Rineo that time I havo had occasion to recommend it to n number of patients sultoring from nil forms of female dllllciilties, and I find that whilo it is considered unprofessional to rec ommend u patent medicine, can hoiieotly recommend Lydin K. Pinkham's Vegotable Compound, for 1 havo found that ft euten feliialoflls, whom all other medicine fnil3. It is ti grand medicine for hick women." Money cannot buy such testimony as this merit alone can produce Mich re sults, nnd the ablest specialists now agree that Lydin M. Pinkham'H Vege tablo Compound m t' most univer sally successful remccv ioi' all fcmule diseases known to medicine. When women aro troubled with ir regular, suppressed or painful periods, weakness, displacement or ulceration of the female organs, that bearing down feeling, inflammation, backache, bloating (or flatulence), general deblli tv, indigestion, and nervous prostra tion, or are besc' with such symptoms as dizziness, ftiintness, lassitude, oxcitu- Lydla E. PhMiam's Voidable Conisjounii HOT YOUR HEART If you thinkvyott havo heart dis- ense you aro only one o n countk sa J, number thfc nrn deceived by indi- o gction into believing the heart ia JSJ affected. X 11 me tho tonic-laxative, will get your stomach back into ftood condition, nnd then tho chances arc ten to ono that you will havo no more ymu- J toms of heart disease. " v i Sold by nil dealers at esc. and 50c. 5 Thero nro slob machines in Stock holm which gives a ghiFS of warm milk for a copper A Positive CURE Ely's Cream Balm is nuir.Kly absorbed. Gives Hollcl at Once. Wi hs m 1 ' tr 1 . .V?,tr,5-w.Vi . f, .1 if. It cleanses, sootnes tog W heals and protects Wf j 4$WAir4 ft cleanses, soothes brano. It cures Cn tarrh and drivos away a Cold in tho Head quickly. Ito Etorcs tho Sensc3 of J-IUHJ mm 1JUII.11, i.' UU IlliiU lib Ll u gists or by mail ; Trial Hizo 10 cts. by Uy Brothers, CO Warren Street. New York. PRICE, F25 Cta if TO CURE THE m& in uml wni Hfe NO DjUjlL fORHi!ADACfl k- ryr'('-?ilauJy 'TJJC FAMILY'S CANDY IOC, 25c. 5Cc. BEST FOR 1 : 7,-. J T "I AN r NT WW SE J ' if u' -f .11 . . . I ilk rwT 1l vs I . .l bility, Irritability, norvour.ness, nlqep lessness, melancholy, "all-gone " nnd " wuut-to-be-left-nlone'' fei linjjn, bluet nnd hopelessness, they .should remem ber thero is one tried and true remedy.' Lydin 13. Plnlthnm's Vegetable Com pound nt once removes sucli troubles.: No other female medicine in tlio1 world bus received Bitch widespread! nnd unqualified endorsement. J The need less suffering of women from diseases peculiar to their cn m terrible' to see. Tho money which they pay to doctors who do not help them hi nni enormous waste. The pain i cured; nnd tho money is saved by Lydia 13.; Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. I It is well for women v. ho are ill to I write Mrs Piiilcbam nt Lynn, Muss.) The present Mrs. Pinkbnm In theJ duughter-in-luw of Lydin 13. Pinlcliam,. her assistant for many years be fore her, decease, and for twenty -live yeara since her advice has been freely given to Hielc women. In her grcatVxperi-l ence, which covers many years, she.' has probably had to deal with downs' of cases just like yours. Her udvico ! is strictly confidential. . Succccils Where Qi hers Fall., That Delightful Aid to Health Toilet Antiseptic iil Whitens the teeth purifies 'jSI 1 I. I 1 A I. . .. I I sjj im -.nil ;mu urciun cures nasai , catarrh, sore throat, f;ore eyes, i 14 1 I... J" i .!.., .. anu y uircci nppncar.oii cures all inflamed, ulcerated and i catarrhal conditions cruised by i feminine ills. ' Past in i possesses extraordinary cleansing, healing and germi- cidal qualiticu unlike anything , else. At all druggists. 50 cents ; j LAItOU TRIAL TACKAGE FItHE 21. Pr.sion Co., Boston, Mass.' Trv lying on the left side tot twenty minuter to relievo indigestion. KELP WANTED S 'nlirarnln, 019 Innd 11 nt line, im room rtiK'Hianili tti luiti (ill 1 noiiiun from the nver.rtomloit rikt 1'ur rch.Mo lafor luilliin ir ii.llr.i; i, .itiii.lliu (ur oliil.lojroi ji.t , rllimtr, etc., unJ ifl. Cu.ll'ui'ji.a Jii;l;nU', lux l.uAnci;lc,C'ul Vv'alch the imp in sweeping a carpet in nnUr to bring the design out to ndvnnlng?. N. K. U. ulfl-8, VohK, Nhbtt I ' 1 If 51 In tlmo. Sold bydruiih". IS GUARANTEE!? TO CUTt.E PIIE GRIP, BAD GOLD, HEADACHE AMD HEURALQIA. 1 writi'lsoll Antl-5rlt:iu fo alf uler whn won't Otiiiranton It, C-all for your MUSK! UAC1C IV IT IlOf.N.V'T VUXX. IT. V.DlcnmVfJl.I)., Manutauturor, lipriuaficld, Hn, FAVGHI7S KniniSllJE CATHARTIC All THE BOWELS '.'is. vi.v 1 6 iLd W r ' co'i v 'c i)o- ,1 ,-r' nilTr r'v. r.aa iiys rut If