The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, February 09, 1906, Image 8

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    n 1 u n uimvb hid
Weakened by Oyer-Work.
Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood.
11 used to be considered that only
urinary and bladder troubles we re to be
traced to lite kidneys,
but now modern
I science proves that
nearly all diseases
have their ucKiuiiinu
in the disorder of
these most important
The kidneys filler
and purify the blood I
mm is ineir wors,
riw.ri.fnri. wltnii votir kidncvanre weak
or out of order, you can understand how
quickly your entire body is affected and
how every orijnu seems to fail to do its
tl"l? you are sick or " feel badly," bcin
Inking the great kidney remedy, Dr.
Kilmer's Swamp-Root, because as soon
as your kidneys are well they will help
all the other organs to health. A trial
will convince anyone.
If you are sick you can make no nns
Inke by first doctoring your kidneys.
The mild and the extraordinary elTect of
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great
kidney remedy, is soon realized. It
stands the highest for its wonderful cures
of the most distressing cases, and is sold
on its merits by all
druggists in fifty-cent
and one-dollar size
bottles. ion may
have a &unpic bottle itomnotBwnmp-noot.
by mail uce, also a pamphlet telling you
how to find out if you have kidney or
bladder trouble. Mention this paper
when writing to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Ihng
hamton, N. Y. Don't make any mistake,
but remember the name, Swamp-Root,
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad
dress, Uiughaniton, N. Y. , ou every bottle.
The Nebraska Advertiser
Mth. Dr. Matthewa la in Nemaha
again, coming homo Thursday,
Tlio now stock salo pavilion was
greatly improved, oo far as Its acooms
tnodntlons are concerned this week,
lillctrielana were at work and they
wired tlio building and placed electric
light globes so that the structure can
be Illuminated at night for shows and
(inhibitions. Water has been piped
into all the stalls and a corral has been
built to hold surplus stock during u
sale. -Auburn Herald.
$10,000 Private Funds Loans ties
gotlated, annual int. Borrower can
arrange to pay $ 100 or any number of
hundreds ou any Interest pay day.
Can also arrange for tint borrower to
pay Hit1 int. the 1st of any month that
ho prefers. Jf you want to pay an old
mortgage or gut a new loan be sum and
write tne. Only takes one stamp.
Mortgages bought. Henry C Smith,
Falls City, Nebr.
Lecturer and elocutionist, promoter ol
hilarity, will ho at the Nemaha opera
house Saturday nigtit, Feb. 17. The
following program will be given:
'smiles," "Photos by an Optimist,''
Lest Wo Forget," "Merchant of
Venice." ' Chariot Unco." "Last Days of
Pompeii," "How Uuby Played,".' Doom
of Claudius and Cynthia" Prof Mo
Donald is said to be a tine elocutionist
and will undoubtedly givo a good
ontortalnmon'. Prices lfi and 25 cents.
First class Hull liti llrick for
sale at tlio
Nam lb. a Brick Kilns
Call .in rfuo iht'in and ge
prices. Q'Mlit.v gnaianteed
How's this?
Wo ollor Ono Hundred-Dollars Howard for
anyciiKOdf CuUrrli that cannot, uo cured by
llall'H Catarrh Uuru.
K.J.UHKN1SY A CO., Toledo, O.
We, tliu uudorNlgnod, liuvu known K. J.
t'lienuy for the liiHt 15 yearn, mid liellovo him
porleetly lionoral)lo in all DuhIuuhh trutifiir
Uoiih and Uiiiniclally utlo to carry out any
bilgiillui.K Hindu by Ills tlrin.
Wai.mno, Ki.inan A Maiivin,
Wliolemilo IJriiBKlHtH. Toledo, O.
Hnll'H Cat arrli Cure- In taken Internally,
noting directly upon thu blood and mucoiiH
surfaces of tliu hVHtem, TesllmonlalH Kent
ee. I'l leu 76 couth per bottle. Hold by all
lake it U'k h'ninllvl'llN for o initio i llono
W. W. FJiAZIEii, M. D.
Piiysiciaa and burgeon
Nemaha, Nebr
All calls promptly attended
Phone 28
Dedor In
Highest market price paid for Hides,
Lard, Tallow, etc,
it Out "
says many a doctor to his
lady patients, because he
doesn't know of any medi
cine that will core female
troubles except the sur
geon's knife.
That such a. medicine
exists, however,is proved by
thousands of cures made by
Cures Womb
It has saved the lives of many
weak, sick women and rescued oth
ers from a lifetime of chronic sick
ness. It will cure you if you will
only give it a chance. Try It.
Sold by all druggists and deal
ers in SI. 00 bottles.
"I wore a supporter for four
years, to keep up ray womb,"
writes Mrs. S. J. Chrisman, of
MannsvllIe,N.Y. "My doctor said
no medicine would help me. After
taking Cardul I gave up my sup
porter and am now well."
The free-for-all ruw at a dance tit
lirownvllle as m veil in hint week's
setter bourn out what we said hint
wren auuiu nances, nvu uruiiKen
eilowu raised a disturbance, the mars
shall was culled In, he deputized
mother man to assist It i in, thtio was a
general row In which one tnau was put
out of the hall, lloiotumed. auothei
ounU'Up was on, in which the
marshall's club was taken away from
urn, ami thu owner of the hall fell 01
sviih lliiown down stints, and wad budlj
hurt. No arrests. Pleasant for ladies.
wasn't it.
Chrlfltlnn Endeavor, Fob. 11, moo.
Topic: "How to coti(tier teihtntlon,"
Matt 20 41; 1 Cor 10, 12 to l.'J; das 4
7; Hob 2 18' Heb 4 M to 10 j Nob 12
1 to 4,
A tompornnco topic
Avoid tempters, I'rov l 10 to 17
Anna Knnpp,
Watch and pray Stella Wnsubnrn.
A promlre of overcoming, 1 John 5
1 to 5 May Kerker.
Through the spirit, Gal G 10 to 25
Belle Dressier.
A crown In the end, Jas 1 2 to 4 and
12 to l"i Grace Penbody.
Our exempler, J.uko -1 1 to 13
Nelson Ilndlock.
Name some temptations that we
make ourselves Nora Aynes.
What temptations mav wo heio
remove for others? Mrs. Sapp.
Tell of victories through Christ
Bro. Ogden.
Heading Minnie May.
Hocitation Ethel Slier wood .
Special song, hoIo.
Everybody invited to attend and
take part in the meeting.
Close with Endeavor benediction.
Gkaok Pica hod y, Leader.
Fine Stock' Sale
'l I) M .1, ...... ,.t !,,.
A. X. IUICU 1 llU ir IUI Ul tuu
Ailviiiico Stock Farm of .lohuson, Ne-
hraskti, will sell the line stock named
below at public auction on
Commencing at 1 o'eluck sharp
Seven head of extra good, grade
Peroheron mares weighing ,frnm 1800
to 1700, in foal by a good young reyia
tered Peroheron horse weighing 1800.
Seven head of registered Shorthorn
cattle and four high grades including
one extra good Bollcl ted ten months oltl
null calf.
Klve gelding including one sensations
ul pair of coining three year olds
weighing 0000, one pairot trotting bred
coming three years old and one brand
ed eight years old weighing 1200
guaranteed to work in any harness-
Seven head of registered Shorthorn
cattle und lour high grades Including
tie extra good solid red ten mouths
old on 1 1 can
Sixteen head or; thornuiihbred Duroc
Jersey sows and gilts.,. ,
If you are Interested send for a sale
Terms Cash or nine months time
in bankable notes drawing eight per
tent interest
0. II. Marion,
C. B Clail,
11. C. Boyd, Clerk.
T. I'. Mohkn, Johnson, Vein
I bavo removed my stock of Millinery, etc., to my homo rxdj
am soiling all Millinery, Motions, Kibbons, etc.,
Come soon for Bargains
Theodore Hill
Year by year the people are out
growing their superstitions. Many ol
the older people still bo'it-ve in signr
unil omens, but the youger ones ait
skeptical on all such sunjects The
old ground-hog day sign ts no longei
believed, but all of us pay more or lest-
itleuliuu to gtouud-hog di and over)
year wo see much in the phpeie, iron
the largest city daily to the HUiallesi
veekly, about giound-hog day. Tub
year if the ground-hog ventured out ol
his hole on tlio seco .) of Februan,
tnd there waa no leason why In
shouldn't come out if he wanted to, u
h was nice and warm, he certainly saw
Ids uttadow As the weather turned
cold in a day or so, we hear repeated l
that "the ground-hog is getting in hi
vork." So it goes.
Domostic Troublos
Itis exceptional to llnd a family
where there are no domestic ruptures
occasionally, but these can bo lessened
by having Dr King's Now Lifo Pills
around. Much tmublb they save by
their great work In Stomach and Liver
troubles They not only relievo you
but cure. 2.ic, at Reeling's d r n store
If you want a good book at a low
price, call at the postolllce
Proprietors of the
Livsry&Feed Stab !
Good Dray in cennoction with Livory '
Satisfaction guaranteed,
A Vory Closo Call '
"I stuck to my engine, although
every joint nched and every netvo waa
racked with pain." wrlteB C. W
Bellamy, a Idcomotive fireman, of
Burlington. Iowa. "I was weak and
pale, without any appetite and all run
down. As I waa about to give up, I
not a bottle- of Electric Hitters, and
after taking it, I felt as well as I ever
did in ihy life." Weak, sickly, run
down people always gain new life,
strength and vigor from their use. Try
them. Satisfaction guaranteed by W.
W, Keeling Price 60 cents. i
Buy your Jschool
tablets at the
Souvenir postal cards for sale at the
.T. 12. Oi-otliei'
in the
Ufllcch nvi'i I'dH'oBlfo 'tulMlriK,
h lurk .vnii's rlil Hinii'1,
Shoo Renairing
Harness Repairing
Hand Made Harness a Specialty
VM v Ml Vre. P. R. ALLKN. Vlrt-Frcn.
I .M Kit E. ALLEN, Cashier.
ock, $5 Of,0
A Btatisticiau Uas estimated thttt it
one good grain were addft to eiich eai
of corn Kfown in our of the states ol
the com belt, It would add 8200 000 u
lie yearly product of the state I
instead tif one grain, a dozen wen
added, or if a wholo ear were added to
each hill, tlio grain would h eorres
pondingly greater, running into tin
millions in the latter case. Not only
in corn, but in P the products of the
arm, Including ,lve stock, improve
'tient is the watchword of tlio times
a single county like Nemnha would be
largely enriched by adopting the bout
methods In tiny agricultural or 1 1 vt
"took line of work, as many of ou i
farrnerB nre already doing. A good
agricultural paper like The Homestead,
if Dps Moines, Iowa, setting forth each
week the best methods of Increasing
dzennd value of the farmot's output,
is a boon to any community. Tin
Vdvertiser haa completed clubbinu
trrangements with thia excellent fann
fournal and will be glad to forward
Ordinance No. 71
An ordinance to prohibit the
inilding of any frame building on lob
l-2-!l-4-&-()-7-8 in block 08. and lots
D-10 11-12-1:1-14 15-10, blocK 00, in
lie villaue of Nemaha City Nebraska,
1 iid providing a penalty lot the
lolation of the provisions of tlii!-
lie it ordained by the chairman and
board of trustees of the village ol
Nemaha City, Nes.rak
Section 1 That from and after the
passage and publication of this ordin-
tnce it shall be unlawful for any
person to build any Irauie building on
mis 1 2 :J 4 5-0-7 S, in block 08, and
0-10-1 1 12-13-14 15-1G in block til), in
the village of Nemiihu City. Nebrat.Ua
Provided, That said board of trustees
.hall have power to grant permission
10 Din Id such buildings under such
lafeguaids as they may deem
leeeannl .
Sec. 2 That any person or persons
violating any of the provisions of this
ordinance shall bo liable to u Hue of
1 t leas than S100 nor to exceed Sj00
and shall be compelled to remove such
building or veneer it with brick or
steel at the option of the board of
Sec. 3 Any person so lined shall
stand committed until said line and
costs of prosecution are paid.
Adopted thia 5th day of February,
A. D. 1000.
M. W, KNArr, Chairman.
Elmkh E Allkn, Clerk.
Published Feb. 0, 1000.
Is displayed by many a man endur
lug pains of accidental Cuts, Wounds
Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Sore feet or
stiff joints. Hut there's no need for
it. Bucklon'e Arnica Salvo will kill
tlio pain and euro the trouble. It's tlio
best Salvo on earth for Piles, too. 25c
'ow 'sinoi "is
'annoy xavioix onv mDHsssvd nvu3N3o
uotjcunojui nj pun ajruujojij
OAjiduosap B3Jj noX puss jitvi sm pun sn aju '3;3 'spuni jo uoji
-osdsu; joj Xjojjjja; ujcwaa ui oansnotd ;tj jaAO-dojs 3utAoipj 'pojojjo
sib sav j moi Xamajixa puc uo;2oj jcanjinouStJ qou'stm jo JBsq
aqi satpnoj AVA1IVI OHIDVd IUnOSSIW 3HX :U3ul
-iSOAut ;uaii3DX3 uujo itjausq aq; aanoas puu duaqo ajc spuBj aq; ajiqM
ijamb A"rtg 'aaaqj poaajjo aac satiiunuoddo auins aqj puu soadsaj
)bow ui icapuapt et oaVHOaOD MH3iSVa 'sajBig jaq;ojo spunj
3J3B jad 0SI$ oj 0S$ "tll jo Eujruaj aqi epinba tatqA ojob jad rj$ o
S$ iuojj pascqoind oq una spuci ajaqM ';saA. oqi'jo ajcs inaj2 aqj.
jo jpjads aA. 'Sutsinj jpo;s q;tM
jaqia3oj 's;3npojd jaqjo puc Xqjouiii 'njrcjrrj 'uioa jo Sutspj ;.qj'ut
jsjij aqj Suoujd biuvi ozv h 'jBaqM'jo uoponpojd aqj u; spear Aoqs
Hav Gjjodaj juauiuaaAoS aq; qotqM ajtjjg'n mojioj tija sjinsai ;saq
aqi pun puBj aq; xuibj o; not joj AJBSsaaau Auo bi ;i 1 sn aAaipq
noiC him 'ssaoansjo ajna ajB novC ajaqM Anurto3 b jo noA 3i ajj
buo;ib3o Aau Sur.jaao asoqi jo anaasoiuoq aq j o aAt;3BJiiB XpjBiDadsa
si ;i pus Avp-oi jo aauuBj aq; 01 ;oj ajoqM b suaaui s;insaj pjoA aqj,
I s
Wo aro Rlvlnu away JIISSr.R SKTS, OltAMTK.
tvAin: nuts, cocniKK, ssinviNO maciiimis
and liiindrcds of otlior articles, all full slzo for family
uso, to onublo ub to Introduce our Bwan 1!hI;1iik Powdor
and Salvomi. llrundi. of Teas, Coffees and otlior llousoliold
Hiumllcs. Tliuso uro nil liluli-Kratlo coods absolutolv
ruarantccd as to finality cost no mora than you aro now payliiK for tlio sjiuio uoods, antl
wo dopcad entirely upon their morlt to boouro your futuro orders. Consequently by uivliiK
away ireo premiums wo rcaln now ciiRtoracra unci jiu mv tlio prollt wlilcti formorly went
to tlio dealers, ns by dcallnit directly with our customers wo savo tlio prollt of tlio
wholesalers ami retailers, which IIANO TO VOW In tlio ohapo of useful
premium and lionc ,t uoods at fair prices, liccam.o you llvo miles away from us because you
may nover havo ceen us Is no f:ood reason for not kWIiik us 11 trial, v tin rinit immIiIup;.
Wndn nut unit nav in nlviiir. Wh itavllio l'rolurlit. Our catalouuoof nrcmiutua
will bo sont you and our plau of bolllnR Roods will bo fully oxplalned If you will only Bend us
your namo and addross. Wo havo liundredn of patrons whoso oubtom yo sceured by th. pwn.
Tliey would not patroniro us unless wo buvo inom iuii v"i" mm um- n i-aiiiM-".
wouia noi, oxpoct tnem to. iicsiacs, tuu txuior 01 mis
paper will toll you that wo nro thorouuhly responsible
J 1
a nOBtal-Ciira
nlvliiu your namo and address will do,
Yrlto us today'
This Is a Chauco Hint IIuch Not Happen F.rerr Day.
II27-II20 Pino Street, St. Louis, mo.
at W. V. Keellng'a, Druggist.
your subscription for it.