V "1 V N r NEMAHA, NEBRASKA, flUIMY, EE1UIUA11Y 9, .MOO VOLUME L NUMBER 37 it. ' n i Hi H Si W m HI I i It u m 1 ) The Postoffice News Stand and Boole Store Husclsoino fancy stationery, a full lino of plain stationery, tablets, j io ns, pencils, ink-erasers, etc. Books, Magazines, Post Ceirds A good assortment. "Wo carry latest magazines, papers, etc. Your Patronage Solicited amnmi Local News I . Magazines on nalo at the postofllct l)r Bourne fits glasses. So. Auburn. A lot of new book's just, leceived at the poatuillee. i , Oyster Mipper .N.tlurday niglit. at' tho Minick hall Burnt leather souvenir post cards lor Mule at the poatolllce. ' New stock of line candies just re ceived at the postolllce. i Best photos in southeastern Nubr. alCrlley's. tin. Auburn. Miss Minnie May 'went to Saturday, lemming Monday. Peru The Sunday St. Louis Globe Demos erat is on sale at the postohVe .Jo.) I. Dressier went to Falls City Thursday, returning this morning. You can net a ;reat hiu pile of old papers tor a uickle at the postolllce. Mrs E A. Minick went to Johnson Monday to visit her son, 0. V. Minick. District court is in session at Auburn this week with .Indue liaper presiding. Nice lino of school tablets ard com-, position books at the postolllce news stand. E. L. Paris lias built a good sides walk in Iront of hh brick business house. M. C Gaskill came down fro n Otoe county Saturday evening, returning Tuesday. Prank Ilawxby came iu from Brud1 shaw. Nebr., Friday of last week, to visit his parents W. W. Liebharc shinped live white Plymouth liock co :krels to Sterling, Colo.. Monday morninir Now is tho time to buy heating stoves Sold at cost by the Edwards .& Bradford Lumber Co liev G. W. Ayors went to Graf Holiday to assist Bev. E. B. Maxcy in a protracted nioetiiiL' John E Crother moved his harness Hhop into Mrs. Hill's building, north of tlio drug store, Monday . Earl and Waller Thompson have rented tho Chris Shuclc farm, three miles northwest of Nemaha. JoeStillwell came down from Omas ha last Friday and will visit his parents for a couple of weeks. Best line of stationery ever brought) to Nemaha at the postolHoe. Call and see the handsome boxes of paper. Hard coal and soft coal several tgrades various prices for Pale by the lLd wards & Bradford Lbr, Co. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Corttrightcarwe Klo.vn frim Otoe county Friday of last wuek, to visit relatives for a few days HenryC.theiirt and family. who have been in Oklahoma for some time, are now visiting Mrs. Cathcart's parents, Mr and Mrs. P. G Swan. They expect to move to Idaho shortly. WANTED-Diatrict ' Managers to post signs, advertise .and distribute samples Salary $18.00 wrokly, $.1.00 per day for expenses. Stale ago and present employ merit. Ideal Shear Co. ill) Uundo.pl. S., Chicago. Books selling at $1.25 mid Si no at Auburn and elsewhere only 76 cents at : the postolllce news stand. Dr II. 0. Smith drove down from Brownville Monday evening and I !i 1 1 utiiliiil unrvlnuii 11 1 t)u P.hrlatinn VV....VV U t . I - .( V V ' lilt church. Miss Alma O'lJnrru name In from Auburn Monday to spend the week with her grandmother, Mrs. N. B Sorivoner , Win, G. Maxwell contemplates going to Colorado in the near future and buying some irrigated land if he likes the country. The Christian church Is t) 1 led every night with attentive listeners Great interest is being taken in the preaching of Uev. A L. Ogden. The lunioi League will meet at tin Methodist church next Sunday alter noon at .1 o'clock All .Juniors are requested to bo pre3ent. W. II. Barker can now furnish the people with never slip horseshoes- -something that has never before been mulled here. Try them Reeling's "drug storetms just received a line stock of latest styles in wal paper. (Jail earlv and make your selection from a full .stock. Peter Kerkor commenced pulling ii ice Tuesday. The ice is Iroin ten to twelve Inches thick and of goo( quality, but not so good as last year Stoves hard coal Ptoves suit ooa stoves wood stoves heating stoves cook soves ranges all kind of stoves for sale by the Edward & Bradford Lumber Co. A deal is now under way, which if consummated will give us a good drug store with n registered pharmacist, as soon as a building can be IP. ted up for that burpose. The vilhige board of trustees passed an ordinance Monday night prohibiting the building 3f any frame buildings on the west half of block 08 and the east half of block GO. Miss Grace Peabody Is helping in the Advertiser olllco part of the time after school hours, learning tho "art preservative," and is now Angel No. 2. Sho is an apt pupil. Lost Tuesday night between A. L P. Thompson's farm and Nemaha, a ladies mackintosh cape, navy blue with velvet collar. Finder will please leave at the postolllce. WOOD, POSTS AND EAILS TOR SALE Three hundred and fifty good hedge posts, 100 oak rails, and 7 cords of good wood cut into stove wood. J. C. Stokus. Having bought a good loom, I am now prepared to do all kinds of carpet and rug weaving. Hit and nrlss, 10 cents per yard; stripe. 15 cents. Mits. Chas. Clark. The Beatrice Creamery Co. will pav 125 cents per pound of butter fat for lin ml HPii.irutnr pinum. delivered in Ne- o ... i.i lliaiia, OUimnuui.l tunu uu unnjr n;i ma. 11 F BrrrrFit Acont riCtUre frames The Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co have received a good lino of picture moulding and are now prepared to m.tke picture frames of any Bi.o, your pictures there and have framed. Take them Valentine Social The Junior League will give a V'llimt inn uru'inl utwl nvntii Himnor at. I the Minick hull Saturday night of. tills week. Everybody is Invited. Wo have a big assortment of fin nl ture that we are selling at reasonable ulces. Special prices made for lousekeeping ontllts. Try us. Edwards & Bradford Lbr. Co. A. It. McCundless lias let the con tract to .loo Bu.nger to build a house 28x30 feet on tho old llaith farm which Mr. McOandless recently bought of Jacob West. Joe will begin work at onco. ,- Mrs. Then. Hill moved her stock oM millinery goods-to her home in tiie omit i t.nrf nf hui'n Mmwhiv infirnlnir. he will have her millinery parlors a home until her new building is com" ,, h.t,.). In district court last week, .lames I rook, of Julian, nloud guilty to the charge of selling hquor in violation of the law. ifd was fined in the sum if S.'lOO and costs. The latter amount ed to .3120. Herald. Clias E. Wolfe and Miss Dnlcie Sperry were married at the court houe in Auburn Tuesday. Pel). 0, 11)00. by Judge John H. McCarty. We extend heartiest congratulations and best I wishes to the young people Itev P. L. Pettlt, pastor of the Christian church at Auburn, attended the services at the church in Nemaha Monday Highland f'lvored t he audience with a solo, as well as helping in the ringing. He is a hue singer as well as a good preacher. t We had another cold snap Satnrda night Sunday was cold with a hind wind blowing Monday morning t' e thermometer hovered around the zer. point. But tliu weather has heei warming up since then and is vei comfortable again. The Harry Kinimel Co., gave three performances al the opera house last week, which were well attended, and those present say the plays were well presented They wore at Johnson three ninhts this week, going from there to Stella for three nights. The chinch and theater were counter attractions in Nemaha Thursday, Pri dav and Saturday nights of last week Both were well attended and both crowds were well pleased The II'iri'N Ivimmel Co. played at the opera house and liev. A. L. Ogden conducted the meetings at the Christian church. S. K, Anderson got a letter Friday from Lester Fox, formerly of this county. Tho latter is now located at La Russell, a new town in southern Missouri. He states that tho winter down there lias been very hard so far and that there was ten inches of snow on tho urouiid at tho time ho was writing. Herald. An Appeal We have been to considerable expense lately and need money very much. If eaeii of our delinquent subscribers would pay up it would put us on easy street. We aslc each one We aslc each who is owing on subscription to con-, wider that this means him or her, and trust the response will be imtnediato Help ub out, Savod From Toi'ritalo Death The family of Mtb. M. L. Bobbin of Bargerton, Term., saw her dying and wern powerless to save hor. Tho most skillful physicians and every remedy used, failed, while consumption was Blowlv but surely taking her life. In - - UllB terrible hour Dr. King's New Diacovqry for Consumption turned Idesrmlr into Joy. The first bottle I brought immediate relief and its con I tinned use completely cured her. It's tho most certain cure In the world for till throat and lung troubles. Guaran teed Bottles SOc and SI. 00. Trial Bottles Free at Keeling's Drug Store IF ALENTIIES v Wo learn that John Baptist, an Armenian, will give llueo lectures in the Christian church, on the 18th, 10th and 20ih of this mouth The lecturer is' a native Armenian and will tell of the persecutions endured by his people in their country Ills lectures ate said to be intensely Interesting. Thirteen persons were baptized by Hprinltlinj; at the Methodist church OUUUIiy U1KIII. 1 WO JOIIieU Oil nrOOlls " "m' one was taken in full m'ii)bership. There have been seven- teen additions to tho church as a result ot the protracted meetings, ami it is proliiUIcs others will join later. Ed Parrlottof Peru, deputy for the A O U. V was in Nemaha a few days this week in the interests of the order Ed iu an enthusiastic Work man and the report of the auditing committee for tho past quarter showed thai ho h.id got more members than either of tho other four deputies. The I 1 Workmen hero are always glad to have Ed come around and liven them up. Parties wishing to take up fie systematic study ot the Bible will please inform Mrs. Elmer E. Allen or the postmaster oi their desires, as a class will be started as soon as the ,u,.e,lll(,a 0I)9B at tho Christian church )irrangetnunt8 can be completed by thai time. The text book will cost fiS cuts each. Por iurlher particulars i quire at the pOHtolllce or ol Mis A 11.10 E, L PariH has commenced work on the shelving and other work necessary to lit uti his building for J. V. Bitehoy. Mr. Bitchey will move his stock of general merchandise down from Brownville as soon as the build 18 rdy, and work will bo pushed as rapidly as possible. The room will tutve to be repainted and repapered, shelved and counters put in uid other work done. Yesterday morning as John Shook was hitching up a team of bronchos they got the better of that won In .1 1 i.i i.; .il I... k5b""' " "M' " I .-. II'I a.l....ii..i.ta. I I Viln xiiuiiutiuiuna. nun u iiijniuuiii ai rived he found it necessary to take thirteen stitches to close the wound in his head. He received other injuries but it Is not thought they are I erious. Mr. Shook's many friends are hoping for Ins speedy recovery - Granger. On Tuesday afternoon James A G. Hand, of Everest, Kansas, and Miss Li.zio O' II urn of Nemaha, were unitci' in marriage by County Judge McCarty, in tho latter' olllee. The bride seemed very youthful, bo much so, in fact, that the judge was compelled to ask iter to qualify as to borage. This sliu did and then tho couple were made happy by being made one. They will mako thdr home hi western Kansas An bum Herald T II JoneB writes to thiB paper that he has established his home at Longmot, Colo . for the present town hiiJ a population of :,500. After leaving Howe, Mr. and Mrs. Jones went to Lincoln, where they remained nearly a week, visiting his mother and sister. They then went to liromont where they dtayed lour days tho guest of a sister, and then went to Denver whero they spent some time visiting and sightseeing. Before settling in their now homo they were the guests of their son Alfred, at his home at Mi not, Colo , where there is a consider able Nemaha county colony. They report that the weather is good in that section and that the climate is just simply fine. Mrs. Jones' health seems to be improving In that Hue climate Herald. At the Postoffice Tuesday night Kichard Knapp and Dan Lambert had an exciting exper ience that they do not care to go through with again. They had vbeen out west of town to a pond, skating, driving out in a buggy, having with them Misses Eliza Parson and Minnie Owens. Two teams that wore racing came up behind the boys, bearing their horse, and it ran the buggy over the side of tho bridge, the buggy lauding in tho ditch several feet below, on its side, with tho boys, girh nnd horse. The horse started to run but was in the ditch and was promptly stopped. Richard got a black eye and a bunged up nose and Miss Eliza had one lip n little bruised, but otherwise tho young people were not hurt Tho top of tho buggy was Btnashed to pieces. The hor3e wa scratched up some but not. bad. In the excitement Harry Rowon's horse ran into tho barb wire arid was considerably ( scratched up. All concerned feel thankful the In juries were no worse. Fresh and Cove Oys ters, delicious Home Made Candy, Valen tines, etc., at the Jun ion League Social at the Minick hair tomor row night. The remains of Russell E. Chatliold, who died of heart failure at Ills homo Iu Joplin, Mo., Sunday' night, were brought here Wednesday for burial beside the body of his wife iu Walnut Grove. Deceived was a former old resident of Brownville, having made his home here from 1S7I1 to 1880. . Ho was 78 years of age at the time of Ids demise. His remains were accompanied here by his nou, Chas S of Minneapolis, Minn., and his daughter, Miss Mamie Cliatlleld, of Joplin, and also by a friend of the iamily, Mr. Dimrnick. I'lie funeral was held directly from tho train and was quite largely attended by our older residents who knew the ' deceased well when he made this city ti ib hom. Brownville Latter. IF YOU WANT Good 13iaeaxl THY A SACK OF Golden Rod Flour High patent. Every sack guaranteed to give full satisfaction in every respect or money refunded. Always the same. No better au made. f you want a cheaper (lour you can not do better than to buy the Red Seeil a straight grade Hour. It has no il t() a hiB" I)ntLM,t" For a still cheaper flour try the Gold Leeif It is a good Hour of that grade. These grades are manufactured by Jamoson & Son, Stella, Nebr., and are on sale at the store of J. H.Vsinderslio NEMAHA, NEBR. If you buy a sack of either of these grades and it is not just as represented, take it liack and your money will be returned.