Often The Kidneys Are Weakened by Over-Work. Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. It lined to be ronsidered Hint only ttrinury and Madder troubles were to he irnccu 10 me Kidney, hut now modern science proves that nearly nil dinenes have their bexinniiiy in the disorder of these most important organs. The kidneys filter and purify the blood Hint is their work. Thorfifiircs. when vour kidiievsare wenk or out of order, you can understand how quickly your entire body 1 ufTeeted and how every organ seenm to fail to do its ( fyou are nick or ' feel bndly," begin taking the great kidney remedy, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, because a soon as your kitlneyn are well they will help all the other organ to health. A trial will convince anyone. If you at e nick you can make no mis take by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy, is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases, ami is hold a.. . 1... ..11 k-jK' oil un murim i) . .1-. I o In fift .i.nt -wiTZTJx"" and one-dollar "c$Mj!HH bottles. You may iisiE) lmve n samnle bottle itnmnot nwnmp-rtoot by mail free, also a pamphlet telling you how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this paper when writing to Dr. Kilmer & Co., lling hamton, N. Y. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad dress, IJinghanitoii, N. Y.,ou every bottle. The Nebraska Advertiser r!rt?nmorflia;wat,w,;n,nBn,n on 11,0 , a m 2m.mu Karl ("uort Btoro building. BRISK First cIiihh IhiildiiiK Brick for .' huIu lit the i Nemaha Brick Kilns Call and aeo Hiom a ' u prices. Quality gmirautwHl JOSEPH M. WJ2ST NEMAHA N 13 Mil. John W. Rltehoy, for a number of yours one of Mrownvlllu's lending meri clmiitH, has loused the Paris building and will move his atoelc of general merchandise to Nemaha as soon as the i Odin can bo Hholvod and countered Nomahi! Is to ho congratulated on get ting Mr. Illtchey to move here. Tlio latest figures compiled by tho Statu JJurean of Statistics show the total cotMhliied products of farm and factory in Nubrauka during 1005 to have boon worth $511,111I170.42 as compared with gnoi,68i2, 100.0.1 for 1004 which indicates a tun million dollar Increase each year. The largest in. dividual Item in this compilation is manufactured products at $177,105 Oii.'J. Live stock is valued at $122,112,084; corn. $07,485,207; winter wheat 820,0-11,22:1; spring wheat, $!3,200.40(J; oats, $10,0118 210; barley, 32,102,742: rye, 81.484.707. Tlie dairy products totaled in value S11,2M),081 and poultry products 810,215,512, Tho poultry figures are flattering to thoso engaged In that industry. They do not, ol course, iuclude'values of blooded and fancy poultry Other items making up the tabulation are alfalfa, sugar beets, hay. potatoes and "other soil crops" Theso interesting facts are to ho found in quarterly bulletin No. 7 issued by tho Bureau. How's this? Wo ollor Olio IIiin(lru(l;l)olliirn Howard for unycfiNoor Cntnrrli that cannot )o cured ly Hull's Cutarrli Curo, 1 J.CIl UN I2Y it CO., Tolodo, O. We, tho iiinloiHltiiiod, have known K. .1. Cluiney for tho hist 1C yours, and hollovo hlin iurfc(!tly lionornblo in all ImihIiiohh tnuiHiio tlotiH and lliiiinolully alio to carry out any tiligiUloi.H inudo hy IiIh llrai. Wai.di.nti, ICinnan A. Mauvin, Wholesulo DruKtjlHlS. Toledo, O. Hall's Ciilurrh Curo Is taken liihirinilly, iwthiK directly upon tlio blood and iiiucouh surfucoH of 'lio syslcMti, TeHtliiionial.s sent et I'rlcoTficontH por holtlo. Hold hy nil ulst . Tulco I U'4 ' i m I'M'lIU t'tf ! )'Hllp itlo no C. T. Edwards has moved into tho now house on the Fisher farm. D. E. Oilllland has moved in tho old house on thoFisher farm and is works lug for Charley Edward1., STATE PAIR NEWS At tholr winter meeting tho Nebrass ka State Uoaid of Agriculture bad an entirely now proposition confronting them in relation to .election of tho prominent officers, It has been customary for the Hoard to retain in office tho Secretary and Treasurer, both of whom hud died in the past year, so that an entiro new list of leading oillcials have been selected. The baN lots cast resulted in tho election of Peter Youngors, Jr., of Geneva, Pres ident; E. Z. Uusaull, of Uhur, Treasurer; and W. H. Mellor, of Loup City, Secretary. At the recommenda tion of Mr. Mellor, tho retiring President, tho Hoard passed a resolution permanently locating the Secretary's office at Lincoln, and the same can lie found to tho left of the north entranco on (ho main floor of thei apltol building. Domestic Troublos It is exceptional to find a family where there are no domestic ruptures occasionally, hut these can be lossened by having Dr. King's Now Ltfe Tills around. Much trauble they save by i thoir great work in Stomach and Liver troubles. They not only rolieve you but cure. 25c, at Heeling's drug store. If you want a good book at a low price, call at the postoillco. W. W. FllAZIE .1, M. j. Physician and Surge ju Nemaha, Nebr Ail calls promptly uUond"l Phono PETKk IC 15 UK IS 11. Dealer In Highest market prico paid for Hides, Lard, Tallow, oto, 64 says many a doctor to his lady patients, because he doesn't know of any medi cine that will cure female troubles except the sur geon's knife That such a medicine exists, however, is proved by thousands of cures made by OF Cures Womb Disease It has saved the lives of many weak, sick women and rescued oth ers from a lifetime of chronic sick ness. It will cure you if you will only give It a chance. Try it. Sold by all druggists and deal ers in Si. 00 bottles. GAVE UP SUPPORTER. " I wore a supporter for four years, to keep up .my womb," writes Mrs. S. J. Chrlsman, of Mannsville, N. Y. " My doctor said no medicine would help mo. After taking Cardul I gae up my sup porter and am now well." Omaha, Neb., Jan. 21). Arrange meats wore perfected Saturday for the appeal of the iiurlinton railway tax case. It is to go directly to tho Unitou Slates supremo court, without belnn arried into tho circuit court of ppeals. Attorney General Drown came to Omaha Saturday morning to coufo witli Charles J. (Ireone, the Durlingtoi attorney, who presented tho railroadV case before Judge Monger in federa court. Tho appeal bond was (ixed at dgfiO.OOO. IMils caso is ono which was decided y .J tuigo M linger several weeks ago against the railroad. The suit wa nought by tho Burlington to enjoin the county treasurers throughout the state from collecting delinquent taxep or tho years 100-1 and 11)05 under a now law which increased tho railroad's assessment. Doth the Darlington and tho Union Pacific brought an injunction suit to enjoin the collection of tuxes. Judge Munger'a decision dissolved tho in junction. Hundreds of Nemaha county farmers and their wives are interested in tho poultry business To all such, a farm paper like Tho Iowa Homestead, with its departments dovoted to poultry, sheep, dairy, horlii'iiltuie, veterinary matters and all special ami general nterests oi the larin is exiieim-iy vu - liable. Last week's Homestead was an annual poultry number containing irtlclea by poult: y experts from all parts of the country on Winter 12ggs mid How to OetTlieur How to Make Farm Poultry Profitable, Winter Care of Fowls to Insure Fertile 12gs; Cure if Young Turkevs; Feeding Young Ducks; Broilers lor tho Western Farmer; llow to liaise Cie; Wnm-i Ohickens, and himilar practical topic- he poultry industry now produces over $500 000,000 a car In this conn' i and is one of our hiigost single indues tries. In this section it is constantly growing in importance. Any fanner interested in this or any other phase of 'igriciilluie or animal husbandry can subscribe for The Homestead tbroneh his olllco on an exceedingly favorable combination rate recently made with ho Advertiser KNAPP & SON Proprietors of the Livsry&Feed Stab Bae HSMAIIA.iNEBR. Gcod Dray in connection with Livory Satisfaction guaranteed, A Vory Closo Call "1" stuck to my engine, although every joint ached and every norvo was racked with pain," writes C. V Dellamy, a locomotive fireman, of Burlington. Iowa. "I was weak and pale, without any appetite and all run down. As I whs about to give up, I got a bottle of Klectrlc Bitters, and after taking it, I felt iis well as 1 ever did in my life." Weak, sickly, run down people always gain new life, strength and vigor from their use. Try them. Satisfaction guaranteed hy W. W. Keeling. Price 50 cents. Souvenir postal cards for sale at tho poatolllee. WONDERFUL NERVE Is displayed by many a man ondur uig pains or accniHiiiat Luis, wonnus Bruises, Burns, Sculds, Sore feet or Htiff joints. But there's no need for Ducklon's Arnica Salvo will kill ho pain and euro tho trouble. It's the tiest Salve on earth for Piles, too. 25c at W. W. Keeling's, Druggist. C. 13. program for Pob. ! to ho held at tho Church of Christ. Song service. Topic; "Now work wo may do foi Christ and the church." Luke 12 48 (last halt). Ceu 112 1 :!, Gal :) I) Chilatlan Endeavor and consecration meeting. Special song by choir, Prayer by Bro. Sapp. Our responsibility for gifts, Luko ', 0 0 Mrs. Dressier. Stir up tlio gift of God. '1 Tim 1 1-0 May Korker. Obeying God's call. Acta 22 1-21 Stella Washburn. Going forward, Grace Poahody. In faith, Num Burns. Overcoming all, Minnie May. Heading Ella Shiveley. Mention ho inn i n id wn in I as v no trying Nora Aynes. Name now demands these now time mako upon us Mrs. Sapp. Suggest ways for pushing the "Ex. tension Campaign" air. Dressier. All mombora aro requested to he present at this meeting. Ei.la SniVKi.KY, Leader. Hob 5 12, 0 3 13 2( 30 Pearl Josh 11 0-14 STULL & HAWXBY ATTORNEYS J. JU. Orotliei in tho PAEIS BUILDING I.AIV, IlICAIi KSTATH.ICOI.I.KGTIONS OnicoM ovur PoHloRlro Hulltllng, lit I'rnnl: Nfitl'a old stand, Shoe Repairing Harness Repairing Hnnd Made Harness a Specialty AUDUHN NEBRASKA GO YEARS' EXPERIENCE WouM thnt wo cunlil SHOUT FROM EVERY HOUSE-TOP with tho Htfcnjtlli or u million volccx that BIB T) r. NawDiseovonUi 9 nint 0 uUIU 1! 1' 'J'SlJi m fhri 8 ViSB- " OiHti'h. ColtlN, C'MiNiiinitln,v "' r'."ciilti,.i jt.tnut.i'leui iwy, ... ...I. A l"l t umoiuu,'riiin" Pi hi uai MONEY BACK IF IT FAILS. Prlcn r,Oc and 31. CO. Trial Bottle Free. ' ' i rape: Marks Designs Copyrights &c. Anvono scnillnij n skclrl nml rt"Hcrlt)nn mny qulolcly luiportnln oir oilitiiti frco wlmtlicr mi liivoutlou Is protmliljr piitpntiiMn. ('(iniiiuinlra. ticitisHtrlctly contutoiitliil. HANDBOOK on I'atonta Btnt fri'o. Olilost nionor Idrm-curliiR imtontn. I'atunts tnkon thrnucli Mi.nu , Co. ruculvo special notice, without clinrcc, lalh ciennne JSraenom. A hniirtsomolj' llltistrntod tt-pV lv T.nrircst clr ruliitioii of mir hcIoiH lllo Journal. I'ornia, $ 'I a yeiir: lour monuia, iu ohi u, ..u tu'Hsnoiicrn. iirwich onioo. 25 1' . n iu urn ., V. c. VM.fCMFUKM.. l'ri'h. . ALLKN. Vl-l'ies. KI.MPU E. ALLKN, Cashier. BANE OF NEMAHA, NEBRASKA Capital Stock, S5.000 Snhacriptioiia received lit the post ofllce for imy mnpazlno or nowapaper publluhcd in tho Unlteil States. You can anvo money hy having the post master order your magazines and papers. Preston, Neh., Jan. 27. It is now a substantial fact that there has been a valuable ihul of mineral wealth. At a depth of Hovonty feet a Blx-foot vein of lead ore has been uncovered, while eighteen feet lower a live-foot vein oi pood coal was exposed. This mineral wealth is found on the Thnckor farm, about two miles north of Preston, After llndinu lead at seventy feet and coal at eighty-eight feet in the same hole they dus twenty- six feet deeper and found nothing ( f ionsequenee. Tho Pnale Mining company, which is doing the ixploring uis leased over S00 acres of laud in the ocnlity of tlio find and luckily will not be hampered on the account of obtains tog leases in the future. As soon as a Hulllciont amount of money was raised, L. L. Ahlrieh and a set oi men went 10 wont, x ney dug for three months and s.uik three prospecting holes, but all to no avail Then they set a drill at work In the bottom of one of the shafts ami they itrucka six-foot bed of lead nt seventy feet. Drilling down eighteen feet more they struck a vein of coal live feot thick. Still they wont down twenty-six feet moio but found nothing of much importance. Tho work will now ho pushed with all possible speed and it shall he thoroughly tested, and if there ia anything in it they will ihul it. Preston ia a village in Richardson county on the llurlington between Falls City and Uulo. i '.r.-i-i ,rm- " -t m i t . i a ..,i..b n . 'jfMUHWwjumorf.? j The word results means a whole lot to the farmer of to-day and it is especially attractive to the homcscekcr or thoL,c seeking new locations. If we tell you of a country where you arc sure of success, will you believe us? It is only necessary for you to farm the land and the best re3ult3 will follow a State which the government reports will show leads in the production of wheat. It also rank3 among the first in th-; raising of corn, alfalfa, timothy and other products, together with stock raising. We speak of 1 The great State of the West, where lands can be purchased from $5 to $30 per acre which equals the returns of the $50 to $150 per acre lands of other States. EASTERN COLORADO is identical in most respect3 and the same opportunities are offered there. Buy quick while the lands are cheap and secure the benefit of an excellent invest ment. THE MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILWAY touches the heart of this rich agricultural region and extremely low rates are offered, allowing stop-over at pleasure in certain territory for inspec tion of lands, etc. Write us and we will send you free descriptive literature and full information. H. C. TOWNSEND, Cr.NCFIAL PASSENGER AND TICKET AGENT, ST. LOUIS, MO. i Wo will send Tho Advertiser and Tho Nebraska Farmer both one year for only SU!5. The Farmer is ono of he best farming papers published. Leave your subscription atthls office, This WiSS fosterest Wo tiro Rlvtm; nwny JMXTVF.n KKTS, IIA?ITJ!. WAitu sets, '0(h iii:n, si:viv MACUEX! h mid hundreds of other articles, all full slzo for family uso, to cnublo us to Introilueo our Bwnn llakliiM I'muV r ana Salvonu Uranus of Teus, Coffi-os and other Household BiuiDlloa. Tliesa nro all liiuh-LrmcIn unm! . ni..i.. ,,.., Ruarantecrt as to nuallty cost no inoro tlian you nro now paying for tlio ruiuo kuihIs. ami wo doiiond entirely upon their merit to pccuro your fntiiro orders. CoiiMMiuontly iiyirni.,,. crs unci sou mv tlio profit wlilcli formerly went with our custoniura wo suvo tUo proilt of tin. uwuy frj prcnjlunis wo rain now customers unci to tlio dealers, n'j by uc.illna directly with ou 7holcsalers hnd retailers, vUileu XV K IIAXD Tt:it U'O Y in tho bIiudo of tUnVni in iy novor havusoon us ia no wood reason for not kIvIiik us n trlnl. You riNU iioiiiinVr o do not iimIc ijiy hi mlvaiu r. Wo iiy the froiwlit. Our catiUoiK of ,ir m "ma will bo sent you and our plan of nolllnir booUs will bo fully oxplalncd If you will only semi m Tlioy would not patronlzo ua unless wo pavo them l ull vali wouia nun o.xncct mom to. nosidos, tno odltor of thl9 paper will toll you that wo are thoroughly responsible Wrlto us today a itostal-curU Juct utvlllit Vour liamimnil nildrnKa will H. This Js n Clmnco That Docs Not Happen Every Day. R SALVONA SUPPLIES COMPANY. M II27-H29 Pino Stroot, St. Louis, Wlo. I cui.toiu wo hoenrod by thn plan, it" and liilr u'iiiiiii'i,i. 'o ii u iiiiHIH5aaafmaBp..rnTtTTMCTr