Oftua The Kidneys Are I The Nebraska Advertiser The Bank'3 To T,ie Gen6ral Public New Quarters : 1 " " "r ' " : rtf tiHf ol any kind in tho publllc hlih Nnmiihti li jib rwason to bo proud uf j ways of Mm county and any person or llltu mm rap Weakened by Over-Work.' Unhealthy Kidneys Make impure Wood. It mM to lie roiuddered that only uriimry unci bladder troubles were td U; but now modem KCieiici! proven that nearly all disease organs. Tin- IsidnovB filter and purify the blood Hint is their work. 'iiw.t-..rtf ilif.ii vourkidnciVHiire weak or out of order, you can undurjitnnd how quickly your entire body w affected and how every organ nceum to fail to do its thI? 'you ore sick or u feel badly," begin takinir the urani. kidney remedy, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, because m toon as vour kidnuys are well they will help ull'thc other organs to health. A trial will convince anyone. If you are nick you can inaku no nn i i.t f! ,luti)rhiL- vour kidncyi. The mild and the extraordinary effect of t.. im.inr Swamn-Root, the great 1.5. !.. rf.tncilv. in sooll mili.ed. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases, iuuw on its merits by all druggists in fifty-cent and one-dollar size bottles. You may 1hiv M Riunole bottle HnmootBwatnp-IlOOt, by mail free, also a pamphlet telling you how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this paper when writing to Dr. Kilmer & to., Jung hamton, N. Y. Dpn't make any mistake, but remember tlie name, nwnuip-mmt, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad dress, niiighanitoii, N. Y.,ou every bottle Mrs. II.it tin Boatman, wife of Win BoHiinan of Anpin wall preclnut, died at ilia hospital at Palls City Wednes day from a stuirlcul operation. SubBorlpllotiB r(!i!ctvi'd nt tho post olllcc for any iiiiih'Iiic or novvspsper published in Mm UtitU'd Stutt'H. You can savo money by Imving the pogt iiniHtcr order your miiwszlnt's and iiipors. Mrs. John Hawxby, who has been sick for Mm oast four months with enhtrgmnuiit of Mm heiut, Is noL.(tting any bettor. I lor many (rioiitls will regret to learn this, llei daughti'i-iiM hw, Mih. Frank Iliiwxby, of Bradshaw Nebr , has boon hern for four weeks, helping tako care of her FT-'A' ' her bank. In tho lirst place It Is a solid instil tiilon, and the peophj huvo perfect coiiflddnuo in its inntiHuetiHMit. Now it has one of th very best builds Inga and furnitutu of any bank of its capital in the state. Tho building is iUX'IU feet. Tho front 24 feet of tills is lor the business department, with the door in the southeast corner, the vault being in the northwest corner of this room. Tho counlera, railing, etc.. are all new. The counters are dark oak, handsomely finished. There h much more room $huti in tho old building, this room alonu being larger than the old building. All the counters, desks, etc., are finely finished In the west part of tho building there is a good sized room, and in the north west corner, went of tho vault, is a small store room Tho building is I'lio county commissioners luive in structed the sheriff to compel all premiers sentenced to tho county j ill j well lighted, 'tho front room having a to woik during tho period of their plate irlaas window t)2xloa inches i poisons guilty of oftens? of this kind shall bo prosecuted to tho fullest extent of tho law. Done in session Jan 22nd, 1000. 0. 13. Oiti, 0. W. Cumminos, W. A, DOOLITTLK. KNAPP & SON Proprietor of the Livsry&Feed Stab Se 2SSMAIIA,fNEBR. Gcod Dray in connection with Livery Satisfaction guaranteed, A Vory Closo Coll "I stuck to tnv inline, although oveiy joint ached and every no'vo was racked with pain." writes C. V Bellamy, a locomotive fireman, of Burlington. Iowa. "I was weak and pnle, without any appetite and all run down. As 1 wh about to give up, I uot a bottle of Electric Bltteis, and after taking .It. J felt as well as I over did in my life." Weak, sicklj, run down people always gain new life, strength and vigor from tbpir u-e. Try them. Satisfaction guaranteed by W. W. Keeling. Price 50 cents. First class Building Brick for Hiilo at the Nemaha Brick Kilns Call and see thorn and get prices.1 Quality guaranteed 1 JOSEPH M. WEST N 13 MA II A. N 15 Bit. W. W. FKAZIER, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Nemaha, Nebr .Ail calls promptly tittondod Phono -H 4 P15TI3R K ERIC 13 R. Doulorln Highest nmrkotprico paid for Hides, Laid, Talow. etc, "Cut it Out" says many a doctor to his lady patients, because he doesn't know of any medi cine that will cure female troubles except the sur- iniprisontnont. They will saw the wood for the jail and county olllnes a id we understand a rock pile will a so ho provided. This action was 'aken in response to a petition present I'd to tho board at the meeting Jan. 10. It is a good idea, How's this? Wo oiler Ono Hundred; Dollars Howard for uiiy (juso of Cutnrrl) that cannot, oh cured ty tlnll'H Cut tin li Cure. K. J. L'HICNISY it CO., Toledo, O. We, tho uaduiHlKued, luivo known K. J. CliHiioy lor the liisl lfiyunrH, and bellovo lilm iiurfoolly honorable In all IiiihIiiohs tiuiiHiir- Uoiih and lliiaiiohilly alio to carry out tiny "Umitlot.H iniidu by IiIh tlrin. WA1.D1NO, IClMNAN it MARVIN, WlioluKiilo DniKBlHts, Toledo, O. IIiiII'h Cat mill Curo In takun Intel iiully, .iclliit; directly upon tlio lilood and iiiucoiih .-lUrliiuori of llio HyHloin. TcsLIiiioiiIuIh huiiI hu. l'rlcoTflcontH por tioltlu. Mold by ml ralcu il-ui'x "'i uilvi'lIN rr i i iuipitl no J. I) Shuhort will begin at once th erdotion of a linn brick building litl by ono huridred feet on his lots oppo iito tho Kentucky Colonel hotel. Thin plendid building will add greatly, to ,ihe appearance of the town, being on nice ground and within full view o' the depot. We are glad to know that Vlr. Shubcrt lias so much faith in Biokeu Arrow, as the building will cost a considerable sum of money. A rental contract has already been signed for a term of years with a large implement firm of whh li Mr. 13. Ilunsocker will bo manager. Broken Arrow (Indian 'Per) Ledger. gcon's fcnife That such a medicine exists, however, is proved by thousands of cures made by OF Cures Womb Disease It has saved the lives of many weak, sick women and rescued oth ers from a lifetime of chronic sick ness. It will cure you If you will only give It a chance. Try It. Sold by all druggists and deal ers in Si. 00 bottles. GAVE UP SUPPORTER. 41 1 wore a supporter for four years, to keep up my womb," writes Mrs. S. J. Chrisman, of Mannsville,N.Y. 4 'My doctor said no medicine would help me. After taking Cardul I gane up my sup John Ivounol of Howe, Hubert Byois landlord of the Byers hotel at Auburn and Ab Chainborri, tho bartender, got into a wrangle Tuesday of lut weeli that resulted in tho arrest of Byers on the charge of selling liquor to minor nt his saloon in tho hotel. The com plaint was sworn out by Mr Kennel. According to tho Herald Mr. Kennel stopped in to tho Bvors to get some ! Oiid refreshments " His companion praised tho quality of liquor served and Kennel said: "Yes, all 1 have againsi tliis place is that they sell liquor to miuoia" A b Chambers said it was a lie Kennel reiterated his charge and I -I... 1 1 .....1 1 ...I' M.C .1.1.. (laiiueu uu nan uiuniu iuuui ui mm truth. The two mn got in a fight, Byers appeared and mixed up, with tho reeult I txit- lie Was ntivied as afoie -odd. Tho trial is set for lTeb. It). The Herald says: 'Mr. Kennel lias lung been laboring o prevent a number of boys who tiro under ago and who live at Howe from getting liquor at Auburn One of the recalcitrant youths is his own son. He lias warned the various saloon keepers aga pst, selling liquor to these youths mil it is alleged th.t lie lias watched to 8 if his w ruing had been complied wi'h and it is clinrged that his wishes and warning had been respected in all but one place in town. "Mr. Kennel iB a law-abiding citl'en and a determined one and says that he will break up the practico of tho sell ing of liquor to minors if persoveranco and a resort to law will do it." Mr. Kennel cortainly shows his great desire to stop tho boys from drinking In a queer way. Tho best way to get his boy to quit is to stop the practico himself sot a good example. But itistetld of this ho patronizes tho very besides the glass door, side. windows no. A Mosler Hcrew door safe, wuh the vault, protects tlie funds ft an (lie and burulars. L'no oanlc believes in maklim pets manent improvements, tlierefoio put down a good cement sidewalk in place of the old wooden one. , Tlio bank is now located in the new quarters, ready for business. Reference was made last week to the fact that some old soldiers of Browuvllle had got into trouble in connexion witli the land frauds in tlie western part of the state, now being Investigated by tho United Slates overninent. Hev. (let). G. Ware ol South Dakota is on trial in the federal court at Omaha for conspiracy In securing fictitious homestead entries. In Saturday's proceedings Geo. vV. Patton, an old soldier of BrownviHe, was a witness. The following is giv n regarding his testimony in Hie account if i lie trial: "Another witness tor Mi" governs ment was Geo. W. ratten, an old soldier, living at Brownville, Neb. He was arrested Dee. 20 upon a charge of subornation of peijury in connection witli the U. B L case. Batten said lie filed upon land within the U. B. I. en closure, having been solicited by Harry Welch to take a homestead. Tlio wit ness told of inducing si old soldierB to take homesteads. For this work he said he received $5 for each tiling. The understanding in eacli instance was that when final proof was made every entryman was to receivo $150. "When the fact became apparent that Batten is almost blind, tlie defense ditl not lose an opportunity to accentuate tho point that the witness had been arrested This was brought out in such a way that the jury might gather that the witness had been merely a dupe of LamtiertV chicanery and that he 1 ii'l been unfairly used by the government, the inference being that Ware himself had been imposed upon n a similar way." Pi auk Lambert acted as the agent for tlio big cattle barons lu bargaining for the laud Mr. Patten got several of his old soldier neighbors in Brown ville to accept the offer of tho cattle company, and they aro also witnesses. Souvenir postal cards for side at tho postolliee. STULL & HAWXBY ATTORNEYS in tho- PAMS BUILDING IjAW, ItH.Wi KSTATK.t CO MICTIONS , onicii over Potoontf' liulldliiK, n't lriik nil's old stand, Shoe Repairing Harness Repairing Hand Made Harness a Specialty AUBURN NEBRASKA I GO YEARS' EXPERIENCE Would thMt vc could U I SHOUT FROM EVERY KOUSE-TOP ft with the utrunctli of u million voice R tllHt K h r-w m II 1 iMa liitl S I " a Fartniimand siock-taising uie each year rhiug tu a liiglnr stage of develop ment in Nemaha county; and tho year 1000 opens witli a better outlook for tlio various interests of the farm than any of its predecessors. Old fogy methods aro giving wav to modern ways of doing tilings and plowing, seeding, cultivation and hai vesting are conducted on well-defined principles. insuring gi outer success Breeders aro impioviiig tlieir live stock and giving more intelligent care to its selection. feeding and marketing. Tho large circulation of The Homestead, of Des Moines. Iowa, among our progressive farmers, lias beeu a help in bringing about this desirable change. Its able editorials, written by practical farmers who live on their own farms. Its -peoiul contributions by experts, and its valuable departments render it almost inditipensablo to tlie farmer and stockman who desire to keep abreast of the times. Wo havo made arranee- fstibllshment that he says ho knows is mentg for clubbing this excellent farm selling liquor to minors probably to journal with Tho Advertiser at a vory his own boy. too latter prooably reasonable rate: and will uikn nleim..-, argues that if his father thinks that is I a proper place to goto it Is all right for him. Why not? If a father nutronies a saloon ho should not In forwniding your subscription on requost. Call and leave your order tho next time yon aro In town. CniiuhN, Ooldm, Conrmtiptlon," ItroxcliltU. Aslluiiii.I'lrurlHT, lnoiiiiionlutCrl,NorcThront MONEY BACK IF IT I-AILS. Prlco COc and $1.00. Trial Dottle Free. issanarassrBsnBSKis Trade Marks Designs Copyrights &c. AnyonosPiiiUni? asltotdi dPMcrlritlnu mny qnloUlv iiscorlum otir opinion rreo whether nn Invention Is probably piUenini.lo. omimiiilrn. turns Rtrlctljrconllilontlul. HANDBOOK on I'ntunts sunt froo. lllilcst niionry lor H 'cnrniir patents. I'ntontH taken throtmli Muun Co. receive tpeftal notlcet without clinrsc, lu tlio A ltnnclsonioly Illustrated weekly. I.nrcest cir culation of any dclentllln Journal. Ternm. J-T n year: four montlia, $1. Sold by nil nenndeiilors. MUNN & Co.30,B MfW York Uruncli Oliloo. C2j V St., VusbUiKt r.. D. 0. W'M. CAM I'll KI.L, Pres. V. E. ALLEN. Vlre-I'reH. HLMKK E. ALLEN, Cnshlor. OF NEMAHA NEMAHA, NEBRASKA Capital Stock, $5,000 ft ... fiH Ladies St my n Sr.TS, ORATTtTU- k rn n.ro biviuk away iv a at swrs. 'iC7t huh. hi and hundreds ot othtir r.uloles. all full slso ".r faf ii'v Ubo, to cimblo us tj lntriMluca our "wnn KaUli.-r I'", .'cr und Hulvona Brunls ot Tons, Coffees and other Uoum I Sivmllfs. ThehU nra all nlli-urirto eoodo nb ''li t ! (maranicjd ps to qunllty cost no iiiuro thrm you tiro now pujlim for tlm samo g'iir., ii'iU wc rtj.oca ortlrcb iipn tLolr merit to soouro yntir futuro order. Coii-.eo,ueiitlj- by,'vhi.r awcy frj rrcmiums via pain nov oiistotuora l-j tl:o Ju. Urb, vi by it. linn dl.-ntly wltt wilder.-.! a.v rotullora, which W!J 1'lAJi with our .lustomers wo save tha prollt of tlio L7A?I OVi:;i TO VOU In the Blmpo of ineful T.nHjIiiMi!; und hono-.t uixhIr nt fylr trlcoa. liecuuho you llvo ndles tiwiiy from a-b?c. ir o 70a )-'ay 11'jver havo roen ua Is no nootl roa;on for not fflvliiK us a trial. 1'u rink uoii.injr. Wo rto not hhIs nay In a!v:mo. XV )iny tlw XvvlKt. Our catalotiu-, of prtmmi w will bo Bont you and our plnn of colling uooda will bo fully oxplnlnrd If you will only Bi nd your nano and ad'trusa. Wo havo hundrudnorpatrr.ru whORO euotoni wo Fomrod by tb. p) '. They would not ptronlio us unler.8 wo ttavo thorn lull vuliio und tnlv treatiuoiit. o ouid not oxiiort thorn to. lic.ldcs, the editor or tnia paper will tell you that wo aro thoroughly responsible. Write today a postal-c.ini jur.t Hiving your ntrjjo und addrces will do. This In a Chance That Hoes Not Happen Krcry nay. salvo ma supplies company. 1 127-1 120 Pine Stroot, St. Louis, Mo. The word results means n whole lot to the farmer of to-day and it is especially attractive to the homeaecher or those neeking new locations. If we tell you ofja country where you are sure of success, will you believe us ? It is only necessary for you to farm the land and the best results will follow a State which the government reports will show ieads in the production of wheat. It alao ranks among the first in tho raising of corn, alfalfa, timothy and other products, together with stock raising. We speak of The great State of the West, where lands can be purchased, from $5 to $30 per acre which equals the returns of the $50 to $150 per acre lands of other States. EASTERN COLORADO Is identical in most respect3 and the same opportunities are offered there. Buy quick while the lands are cheap and secure the benefit of an excellent invest ment. THE MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILWAY touches the heart of this rich agricultural region and extremely low rates are offered, allowing stop-over at pleasure In certain territory for inspec tion of lands, etc. Write us and we will send you free descriptive literature and full Information. H. C. TOVVNSEND, " GEN En At. PASSENGER AND TICKET AGENT. porter and am now wen." expect anything else Minn that his son liny your postolliee. school . tablets nt the ST. LOUIS, MO. i will do likewise