The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, January 19, 1906, Image 2

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1 Nemaha Advertiser
W. W. 5AND'nS, PUDLlSHcn
Nemaha, - - Nebraska
On (i bracing liny this your a llttlf
group of Hnrlghtly, white-haired ladlcf
wore seen walking along itn avenue ol
Cleveland, with a considerable com
pany of frlenda, showing the keenest
interest In their Htroll. The event la
described In Outing. There were elev
en members of this walking party, the
youngest of them seventy-llvo years
old, and no less than three of them
numbering fourscore years. They were
bent on showing a generation which'
scoffs at the activities of old age that'
the twlllgh of Ufo jiecd not mean be
ing put on mo wiou.
"IMonso, Bir, have you seen i
gentleman without a little girl,
bocatiHO my Uncle John has lost mo,
ond J thought if you had noon a gcn
Human without a little girl you could
tell nit!
whuro lie was." Men and
Most of the houses and offices it
Manila have tiny window panes ninth
of transparent oyster shells insleat
of ghlHH.
A good lotion for moth patches ii
made of half a draclmi of salicylic
acid to two ounces of bay ruin.
Apply this to the spots with a sofl
cloth morning and evening.
An old-fashioned remedy for sore
throat that is said to be quilt
elective is a nutmeg worn on a silk
thread about the neck. The nutmeg
can be picrcd with a red hoi awl.
Denmark has 187 soldiers to everj
10,000 of her population, possessing
the largest army in proportion to size
The walking party was the result of in tho world.
tin Informal discussion among a few' . Don't Wnii.
old ladles over the teacups. They do- nanna, Wyo., Jan. 15th (Spe.laD-
clded that they could show thelij Delays are dangerous. Don't wait uu
grandchildren, and even their greati til all the awful symptoms of Kldnej
grandchildren, a thing or two yet, and Disease develop In your system, and
nt the same time preach the gospel of" your physician shakes his head grave-
walking as an exorcise for those whd
Wish to live long and prosper.
The proposed walk of four and a
quarter miles was caught up by other
cheerful and aged ones, until eleven
Btorters had volunteered.
ly us he diagnoses your case, if you
suspect your kidneys, turn at once to
the great Kidney Spccillc Dodd's
Kidney IMlls. You can do so with ev
ery conlldence. A few of Dodd's Kid
ney rills taken In time have saved
many a life. Tim early symptoms of
Early in the pilgrimage several of Kidney Disorder may be the forerun
the venerable walkers had to be hold ners of llrlght's Disease, Diabetes and
In ohoclc. Two nillos wore covered as Dropsy. Mr. Y. n. Jeffries, a rest
fOinm-rniiv ..u if ni w.m-,. n nl.-nh. mil'- dent here, lolls below how he treated
,i n n ,. 1m,m.,i nttack of Kidney Trouble. Ho
A A 41... I...IC .,.!.. .. ,.,. ...,!' bU"'
ivt uiu -; "Heforc I commenced taking Dodd's
bad been established by friends ol the KlAwy VnSt i ha lwayB n tired
party. Here tney rested and nad a feeling every morning when I got out
cup of tea, after covering the first two 0f my bed, and my Kidneys were In
miles in forty minutes, "Hat." very bad shupe. There was always a
Eleven old ladles had started, eleven dull heavy pain across my loins, and
old ladles llnlfdiod. Their cheeks were
flushed a bit, ond there were few
Blgns of fatigue.
A few blocks from the goal Mrs.
Maria Mueller, aged eighty, who was
I had hard work to stoop. I took two
boxes of Dodlt's Kidney ,Pllls, the
tired feeling mid back pains have en
tirely gone, and I am now cured."
A woman likes to bo petted oc-
ouc of the Impetuous ones who had to casionally, but not in, public. Tho
bo held back in tlie earlier strolciies, ijtti private pot names are very dear
began to do a skipping step along thu to a womanB heart,
pavement, as if she were coming , ,- . .
"down the middle" in an old-fashioned , ",u,u.u ,
Vlrulnln rool cuiiuiioou 111110(11:; wu are (ivvirnuu
,--0 - 1, , .. , ., 1
Kho lmd nn nbln nnrtnor in Mrs. Ku- oy nopo inrougu 11113 wnoic cuurai- ui
Ban Dookhart. also carrying tho bur- ur Hvcb ; in our last moments hope
den of eighty years, and between these ia fluttering to us; and not till the
two the ardor of competition llamed beating of the heart shall ceaso will
bo high that they started oil' togi-ther this bonitrn influence leave us.
on a lively little trot for the llnlsh. It In conversation when in company
was a "dead heat" between the two, avoi(l 1)0iiL5clli( commercial, or ro-
u uu ;vur u,l'f m,VUHU' liginus subjects; never interrupt a
Tho others came In after them In the . . ' , ,.,
best of spirits, all vowing that they BU ' "ms" T ! 11 .
vero by no means exhausted. . . .
They attributed their vigor In old i.....K
ttge to having worked hard In their M1" or ut,Ilvl;rM"b' 1,1,1 kk
homos all their lives, to having never " n parties may not uu ac-
"botherod their heads about dieting." qualnted witli. it girted with wit,
and to having adopted early In life the Jo not make a display of it. Look,
Unppy In (lie Homo (hn( Una Thin
Ii'nclor of Comfort.
A handy man Is tho greatest con
reulcncc a woman can possess. Ever
jlnco Evo presumably found him In
idnm, family life has more or less de
pended upon hi in, save in those un
civilized tribes where, In addition to
being u woman, tho female has to ns
sume tho tasks of the man, says Kuto
Gannett Wills in Jloston Cooking
School Magazine. Hut, as specializa
tion has stepped In to take the placo
)f being jack of all trades, the handy
man Is dwarfed and in many homed
has become extinct. Yet what wife or
mother would not rather have him
round the house than an expert bac
teriologist or a connoisseur In cer
amics! Only the wealthy, who can
Issue tho day's orders to as many sep
arate Individuals as there are Jobs to
bo done, car. get along without him.
The handy man Is a kind of general
mechanician, knowing a little about all
useful trades. lie Is an amateur
plumber, carpenter, electrician, sur
veyor, farmer, nurse and doctor. Tho
fore nrlmitlve the flection hi which he
lives, the greater his power, usually
ho has more common sense than other
people, and ills ready dry humor
amuses us In spite of ourselves, for,
though grateful that he can do so
many things Just well enough, wo yet
are often annoyed Unit they are not
better done. Still, ho Is tho helpmeet
of the tired wife and mother and has
been known to turn tho clothes wring
er, make the coffee, wash the dishes
and walk the Iloor with tho baby.
That ho should lay the kitchen lire
and do the chores Is part of the widely
recognized but unwritten marriage
Ho may be an inventor spoiled in
tho making1, having taken out several
useless patents, or ho may have gradu
ated Into the handy man from having
broken do'wn as minister, lawyer or
Insurance agent. The genuine kind,
however, starts In life haudy, him!
out as a boy, and Is the solo support
of his mother until he falls In love.
lie straightens out crooked nails,
saves strings and paper bags and eats
with his coat on, having a sense of the
Illness of things,
llo Is not the kind that spends mon
ey on barns and mowing machines,
yet lets his wife fetch water from tno
well, for he pipes the water supply
Into tho house as far at least as tho
kitchen sink, Doing handy, ho sees
the pecuniary value of labor-savlm
devices for women as well as for men.
And. oh, the fences he mends, the gate
latches he adjusts, the wagons he re
The scarcity of handy men Increases
with each new specialization In indus
try, but wo .-ill have heard of happy
10:110 lives where the man Is handy,
the home Jobs he does accruing not
onlv hi value of things done, but In
nvings deposited In the bank.
fulo, "early to bed and early to rise."
The uverage ago of these eleven "ma
triarchs" was Boventy-olght years.
but avoid staring in the face of the
person you are conversing with. Scan
dal is inexcusable.
Are you tired and disgusted with
four work, and do you think that no
one lias troubles but you: Jt so,
just investigate tho work of some one
else. It makes no dilTerenco whose
work it is, tho samo general facts
will bo rent. Tt may appear "all
j Steamer Towuil by n M'lmle.
1 The whaling steamer Orion, whlel
Capt. Ualcom and his associates art
operating In connection with the mod
em Btntlon at Cechart, on the wesl
coast of this Island, llgured in an ex
citing adventure recently, says tht
Philadelphia Inquirer, the outcome ol roses" on the outside, but on the
rtvhlch was for two hours in doubt, inside there are sure to bo thorns
-Tvhllo a monster "sulphur-bottom" Then take up your own work again
(Whale seventy-live feet In length tow- and try to show only the roses to
ed the steamer seaward at better than others. It is surprising how trying
Jlfteen-knot speed. to eonvinut others helps to convince
Tho whale had been harpooned Id jueself.
the ordinary manner, but was not kill
ed as usual, the bomb attached to tlx
harpoon falling to explode at the crib
leal Instant.
As the monster was only wounded
(low It Often HitpiieiiM from CofTcci.
"1 had no Idea," writes a Duluth
man, "that It was the coffee I had been
tind enraged there was nothing else tt drinking all my life that wan responsl-
4o but pay out line and play the blj
fish until It should become exhausted
,l'"or two hours the whaKi traveled sea
ward, towing the steamer. It he;t un
dor water the greater part of t'ie time
coming up at quarter-hour iaiervali
to blow, and so hard did it pull tha
ble for the headaches which were
Browing upon me, for the dyspepsia
thnt no medicines would relieve, and
for the acute nervousness which un
fitted me uot only for work but also
for the most ordinary social functions
"lint at last the truth dawned upon
the blades of the harpoon loosened It nse, 1 forthwith bade the harmful bev
its flesh. urage a prompt farewell, ordered lu
The whoto's naco irrew steadily less some Postuiu and began to use It. Tho
however, until It finally became verj
weak. The high speed at which It hat
troveled and the heavy drag of tin
steumer told and the effect of the tov
was intensified by reversing the ship'
engines. Finally one of the shlp'i
boats crept up on the whale and fou:
good effects of the new food drink were
apparent within a very few days. My
headaches grew less frequent, and do
creased lu violence, my stomach grew
strong and able to digest my food
without distress of any kind, my norv
ousiiess has gone and I am able to
hand lances were burled in Its vitals enjoy life with my neighbors and sleep
soundly o' nigms. .My puyslcal
in the Xfiir Kutiire. strength and nerve power havo In
"Tho apartments on the tenth floor, creased so much that I can do double
Bald the manager of tho Skyscrapei the work 1 used to do, and feel no un
flats, "command a higher rent timn nnj uue laugue auerwanis
This Improvement set In Just as
booh as the old coffee poison had so
worked out of my system as to allow
the food elements In the I'ostum to get
n hold to build me up again. I cheer
fully testify that It was I'ostum and
I'ostum alone that did all this, for
when I began to drink It I 'threw phy
' fie to the dog.s.' " .Name given by
-Arc you going 10 ing in ww. uuun rostli:n c Knttl0 Cl.oel. ,lL.,
jecepuon There's 11 reason. Head the famous
os- 1 llttln hnak. "The lload to Wollvlllo.
others, because they're tho safest It
tho building."
"Indeed?" remarked the homosook-
"Oh, yes; you see, few airships ovei
fly that low and automobiles novel
Jump that high." Philadelphia Ledger
111!!! Jl
ASH'clable Prcpacaltonfor As
similating llicFootl nndRegula
ling ilic Stomachs aiidDowcls of
Promotes Digcslion.ChrcrfuI
ncss and Hesl.Conlains neither
Opiuin.Morphinc nor Mineral.
Hot Kml c otic .
Tiey offfliljDr&MUELrnWIEIl
fimfJcui Sad'"
llotkilU .UlS -stuteSrrtl
JI-lfirnmHt -lit
Crotfi'fd Siignr
ltfhtnyrM ffmvr.
Aperfccl Remedy forConslipn
Hon , Sour Sloinach, Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions ,1 cverish
ncss and Loss of Sleep.
Toe Simile Signature of
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Hava
Always Bough?
J Bears the 1
I Signature Jfl U
V For Over
l Thirty Years
Don't pity the (buian who wears
1 No. 0 shoe sho imny have a N.
10 broiu.
$!0O Reward, $100.
Tho renders of this tmpcr will bo plr-nsc-il
to learn that there la nt least one dreaded
disease tlmt science hns hen able to cure In
all Its stanefi, and that Is Catarrh. Hall's
Catarrh Cure la the only positive cure now
known to the medical fraternity, unarm
belDK n constitutional disease, requires a
constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh
Cure Is taken Internally, acting directly
upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the
system, thereby destroying the foundation
of the disease, and clvinc the patient
strength by building up the constitution and
assisting nature in uoiug us worn, rue
proprietors have so much r.ntu in us cura
tive powors that they offer One Hundred
Dollars for any case that It falls to cure.
Bend for list of testimonials.
Address F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Bold by Druggists, 75c.
Take Hall's Family IMlls for constipation.
l.est AVe l-'owl!
The dav has Ions imssod when
Atnorloons traveling in foreign coun
tries ean bo made to feel apologetic
over their nationality. Hut In theso
Jays of general recognition of our
greatness when the American onen
esses have become so numerous that
we cannot keep track of them there
still remain a few who will remind
us that we are not quite perfect.
In a recent lecture the speaker, an
Englishwoman who had lived many
years lu Japan, dwelt upon the udmlr-
uble manners of the tnnabltants of
that land, but said that she must ad
mit that In one place their behavior
was not above censure; on the rail
road trains she had been surprised,
and disappointed to see them pushing
and crowding In a manner quite for
eign to their habltua'l gentleness and
"How do you account for such a
thing?" demanded a voice In the audi
"It can be explained," replied the
lecturer, simply, "ouly iu this way
In Japan the proper conduct for every
occasion in life has been prescribed
from antiquity. Consequently, from
childhood every one knows Just what
ho ought to do and does It gracefully.
Hut when the railroad was Introduced,
there was, of course, no precedent for
behavior on trains; so the Japaneso
adopted the American manners."
For that hacking cough try a few
drops of spirits of turpentine on a
2ube of loaf sugar.
A woman wants her husband not to
be her supporter, but bur companion,
remembering that it is the kind
word that often brings far greater
happiness than a new set of dishes,
though presents like the latter are
always welcome.
Pumpkin stewed down thoroughly
then sweetened until it is like pro-
terves and spiced with all kinds of
(pices that one likes will keep
((definitely and be ready to use at
moment's notice without further
foo HSnny Women Curry the Heavy
I.outl of Kidney SIckuuMM.
Mrs. E. W. Wright of 17 .Main
s t r ee t, Haverhill,
Mass., says: "lu
1SHS I was suffering
so with sharp pains
In the small of the
back and had such
frequent dlz.y spells
that I could scarcely
get about the house.
The urinary pas
sages were also quite
Monthly nerlcnls were so
listrossLng I dreaded their approach.
this was my condition tor four years.
Doan's Kidney IMlls helped me right
I'.vuv when 1 betran with -them and
lireo boxes cured me permanently."
sold hy all dealers. ru cents a uos.
rostisr-Mllburu Co., Huffalo, N. Y.
Absolutely Free
o Every SeMter
One Hundred and Sixty
Acres ol Land in
I.r.nd adjoining this can be purchased from rail
way and land companies at from id to $10 pei acre.
On This Land This Year Has Deen Produced
Upwards of Twenty-Five
Bushels ol Wheat to the Acre
It Is also the best of crazing land, and for mixed
farming it hns no superior on the continent.
Splendid climate, low taxes, railways convent-
ent, schools and churches close hi linnd. V&p,'
"Twenllelii Cenlary Canada" and low railway ratcf"
Ay ply tor information to Superintendent of Truralnra
ti .n, Ottuwu, i.unmlu.or to , V. lleuntai.tol Nhw oric
Lift) lluiMiui:, Oiuuuu, Nub , Autn.riioJ Govsruiueut
l'luiiHO tar uhera you taw tbli advortUemunt.
"When offered
instead of.
something else
Kemp's Balsam
stop and consider: "Am I sure
to get something as good as this
best cough euro?
If not sure, what crood reason
is there for for taking chances in a
matter that may have a direct
bearing on my own or my family's
Sold by all dealers at 25c. and 50c.
v sac
troubled with Ills neculiar to
their ecr. used as a dUucho is marvelous!
ccsalul. ThoroueulycleUOM's, kills dlseaseiccrms,
stops aiscuargcs, aoius tnuammauoa ami local
l'axtlne is in powder form to Le dlsiolved in purs
water, and Is (ar more cleamlng, healing, cermicidal
and economical than liquid antiseptics for alf
For sale at druKcisis, 60 cents a box.
Trial Box ond Book of Instructions Vrom.
?Ht n. Paxton Coupahy
Just the Siuartc.Nt Clillit.
Grandmother Isn't ho
lovely child V
Calm Visitor Yos, he's a nice littlo
Adoring Grandmother (interrupting)
And so intelligent! lie Just lies thcro
all day and breathes and breathes and
breathes and breathes. llultlmoro
?RlCE;ip25 Cts
No Tiiiiiiv-il Money tov Illm.
".My mau," said tho tall, thin gentle
man, "hero is a nickel for you."
"One quest'lou, sir," replied Tired
Tllllns. "Aro you Mr. ItocUefellcr?"
"Why, no."
"Den I will accept yer gift wif
pleasure, sir." Louisville Courier-
Sale Ten Million Boxes a Year.
Beware of the man who Imagines ho
owns the earth: he may try to unload
1 wiiu willlll Ul-j&.t'C
HAS HQ CQUjL roRjjjCflEj
23c 50c
K&PA 1 -won't bull A
fc S Cad for your MUKCY MACIC IP lvr l)OEHX'T CUKE.
"Will you sing 'Tammany' ?" 1 ,n I);.3
a portion of It on you.
" uy '
' "I hate Van Dott," Clevelnnd Lead