The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, January 12, 1906, Image 8

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    '.i jii The Kidneys Are
Weakened by Over-Work.
Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Mood.
It used t Ik- nmswU-iT'l thai only
urinary mul Mnddir troubles wrrc to 1
traced to me Kiuiicyn,
lmt now modern
i M-ii ncc proves Hint
nearly nil diseniws
linve their lKiiiijiK
in the dttorder of
thege most itnjortnnt
i-i... fin hp
and purify the blood
that i their work.
votir kidtieysmre weak
or out of order, you can understand how
quickly your entire body is nfTocled and
how every organ seems to fail to do its
''"if you are sick or " feel badly," bein
tiikiiiK the ureal, kidney remedy, Or.
Kilmer's Swatnp-Uoot, because m won
as your kidneys are well they will help
nit the oilier organs to health. A trial
will convince anyone.
If you Ave sick you can make no mis
take by first doctoring your kidneys.
The mild nud the extraordinary effect of
Dr. Kiliner'B Swnmp-Root, the KreRt
kidney remedy, is soon reulued. It
stands the highest for its wonderful cures
ofTthe most difitresKiiiK cases, and ihsoM
on its merits by nil
druKiBt3in fifty-cent
anil ono-dollm4 size
bottles. You may
Iimvc ii miititile bottle linmncitBwamp-noo
bytmail free, also a pamphlet telling you
how to find out if you have kidney or
bladder trouble. Mention this paper
when writing to Dr. Kilmer & Co., lung
hamton, N. Y. Don't make any mistake,
but remember the name, Swamp-Root,
Dr. Kilmer's Swtunp-Koot, and the ad
dress, llinylutinton, N. Y., on every bottle.
The Nebraska Advertiser 0(tt ""J'T ltZ ,
' MatthicactN who recently moved back
to Auburn after tin absence of a nutn
1 lie line
Italian wcaiher mill
The roiidd
could wIhIi.
are in? lihu us any one
Tlio ' Woodinen of ilia World Ins
atnllod their oMcchb for the eiiBiiliiK
year Wednesday night.
ISueiio Kerst. la loading bin Iioiihpm
hold oo(1h In a ear and expects to atari
(or WiiBhltiKton touionow.
First clafls Huilillm,' Uriel: for
sale at the
.Nemaha Brick Kilns
0nih Mlnlek atarted for Dun Moinea
la, Tliuradiiy aflemoon, where ho will
enter u biiaiueaa uolleKe and take a
comae in eouiiner!lal telegraphy.
Tho bank expects to move in tho
new building the hitter part, of next
week or tho lln-l of tho woi-k after, if
the weather doea not not too cold.
At a meeting of the Nemaha County
Mutual Inauranee Co., John L Uieaaler i
waa re-eleeted treasurer. Deloaa
lluphea and O. 1'. Dovwl were ie
elected president and aeeretary ro
Wo failed to nuy in our itetu about
the Chriatlau hid i us aid society dinner,
uienlloned on lltat page, that tue
dinner waa given at the home of Mr
a d Mia. Andiew Aynea. The editor
who la ouo of tho nienibei,
waa at raid of the woodpile and ao did
not get any dinner.
Last Satiuday night tho following
were installed aa olllcera of Victory
lodge No 105, 100 F:
N 00 li IJussoll.
V 0 VV II Uurkor.
See'y Ii A 1 1 owe.
Triia--.ohn I Dressier.
IIS N G-0 W Kick.
L S N 0 Enrle Steuteville.
RS V G Chaa Howe.
LS V 0-W W Fritzier.
Warden Frank Dreaaler.
her of years- Mr. Matthteaeu waa one j
of the old time hlacksmitlH of South j
Auburn, locating there when it waa
called Culvert. Wlion tho editor was
in South Auburn, from 1884 to 1887,
Mr. MatihhwiMi, Qua Moore, Dr. Mai
Kenn, ,1. V. Graff, Geo. Bool, J5. M.
I3oyd, G. W. Cornell, Froytag & KuliN
man,. I. F. Wvkea, J. B Jierger, It cub
Holme-, .1 W AruiBtrong, Doc Bruah,
J. W. Hoaeow and a few others wort
the business and professional men of
the town. Siveialof these have gone
to their rewaid. Dr. McKean has for
years been a medical nil alouary in
Slam- J. V. Grail' has been congresai
man from the Kith Illinois district for
man yeaia, and baa long ago got over
hia disappointment at his failure to
receive tho nomination for county
attorney in 1HM). J. F. Wykea, who
was B. & M. nKMit, la now holding a
like position at Victor, Colo. G. W.
Cornell has moved to Oklahoma,
lieub Holmes, who then had a ding
store, la now on an orange and lemon
ranch in Calitoruia. Oua Moore,.-!. B
Berger and Doc Brush are dead, .1 W
A i mairoug, who operated a brick yard
in South Auburn, was appointed
master, then put in a stock ol hardware
adding furniture atterwarda, and is
now a tnembei of the Gilmore
Armstronn Co. .1. W. Hoscow retired
from business in Auburn a lew weeks
ago. Many of the others have gone
away, and their whereabouts are un
known to the wnter. But it always
does us good to meet these old tituo
I'ropn- Ure.r the
L ivsry& Feed Slab
Gcod Dray in connection with Livory
Satisfaction guaranteed.
A Very Closo Call
I stuck to tit v engine, although
evfciy joint netted and every nevo was
racked with pain." vviltea C. W
Bell tiny, a locomotive lireniMti, of
'Burllnnton. Iowa. "l wan weak arid
pule, without any appetite and all run
down. A I wan ttbitut to "Jv up, I
tfot a bolt le ol Elect I to Bliler8. and
alter taking it I felt as well us I i-ver
did In m hie." Weak, sicklj, t tin
down people always pain new lite,
strength and vijior hum their u-e. Try
them. Satisfaction guaranteed by W.
W. Keellim Pi ice 50 cents
Souvenir postal cards for sale at
OMcch over I'oHlofflro Untitling, nt
I' rank NlmiI'n old aland,
and Bee thorn and uet
Quality uiiar.tnteed
. NEMAHA. N 13 Bit.
W. W. FilAZIBR, M. D.
Pliysiciaa and Surgeon
Nemaha, W elbr (
AJl culls promptly iittondod
Phono 28
How's this?
WooltorOno Hand rod -Doll urn Howard for
any cano of Catarrh unit cannot oo cured by
Itall'H Catarrh Cure.
K. J. OUKNHY t t:., Tolodo, O.
We, tho uiidotHlKiicd, hitvo known l. J.
Chtincy for tho limt 15yunrH, and helluvo ttlm
perfectly honorablo in all iiihIiiois tmitMic-
Uoiih tintl llnanclally alio to carry out uny
hllxatlonn madu hy IiIh tlrin.
' WlioluMalo DnicKlNtH. Toledo, O.
Ilall'H Catarrii Onto Ik taken Intornully,
aclln directly niton tho liiottd and inucoun
surlacoH of Iho HyHloin. TeHtlinotilals enl
oe. IM Icit 7 contu pur Dottle. Hold by nil
insists .
TakoIl-ll'H l-'ainllylMllH for eoiMl Ipiitlon o
1CTK1( K 13 RICE It.
Dealer In
Highest markot price paid for Hides,
Lard, Tallow, etc,
says many a doctor to his
lady patients, because he
doesn't know of any medi
cine that will cure female
troubles except the sur
geon's lenife
That such a medicine
exists, however, is proved by
thousands of cures made by
Durliin the four years which 0. It
Hacker was county clerk he received
310 510 i:i in fees, SO 000 of this was
paid to the clerk, i?2,800 to tho deputy
and $1,7 1'J lit was turned into the
county treasury. In 11)02 fees, S2.0I1S HO
olork'H salary 81,800, deputy, 700,
turned to treasurer SOUS'lK); lOOil, fees
$2 83107, clerk's salary, $l,o00,
deputy S700, turned to treasurer
8(i;U.t)7; loot, fees, 82,555 07; clerk's
Halar $1,500, deputy, 8700, turned to
treasurer, $;155 70; 1005, fees, $2,200.07
clerk's salary, s? 1.500 deputy, 8700.
turned to treasurer 5-00.70.
The resolution introduced and
adopted by tho republican county
convention in 1001 saved to the tax
peiKO'' Nemaha county 1,71(1 1ft
P. S. O. E. meeting
Some wealthy and philanthropic
clireiis of tit. Louis have organized a
company to build some model tenement
houses for the poorer classes in that
city. I'latis tor the first building are
now complete and work will be com
menced at once. The building will
cover a half block, will be four stories
high and entirely fireproof, Tho apart
meats will bb arranged in suites of
from two to four rooms; with toilet
ttiiini, hot. and colli water ami a private
hall to each suite, opening into a large
hallway. Each room will have two
huge outsinti windows. The kitchen
in each suite will be provided with tho
neceshary appliances, a sink with run
nlng water, two stationery wasli tubs
with hot and cold water, and gas
connections for the mime. In tho
basement will be a general laundry,
and encu family will have use or a
drying room one day in the week. The
rooms will all bo heated in winter and
lighted with electricity. In summer
gas will he used. Each one of tho
1 irier suites will lie provided with a
private hath room. There will also be
a number of bath rooms for the use of
tho occupants of tho other suites. For
all of this the charges for rent will bo
only 00 cents to 81 .10 per room per
week. A janitor will look after the
building, basement, public halls, etc
aububn Nebraska j
I1 Koeouriga boja to an active, rollicking, out-of-iloor llfo i
J . In flrM sii'l forrt, conrtu-(
'l V y cUe to umllu ami Mrnrtllurf J
'i ' 0 pMctlinl i-'iulntiici-)
I V'.-Jjl :?t. with Nuturewllhuut bull S
I V'a V.S,"'' . tj' ulucillon 1 mm- I
.1 yifj.. f '1 ".' iitf. neuMe the (ituctli-.. t
? iT iwf!Z-4R. n - l uf hootlinr luiluen rlvitiU-
' l'L 7t8&f'A n"' I'"''""""-
I ''ijr.SSty-. , aecurvjj; valuiii.U'S
I OTS ' " j n,ualtUe In any S
'! ftfsrSare-- h,"iiM 4f l,fe- ?
' ' "W?fflM&ff''r5' ' M S' 1 ' td'w Sl8'',,' ' '
' I ('Jr So-l.rrirft Sight., ! ,
Sievens Rics JMft
in the
Shoe ReiDairing
Harness Repairing
Hand Made Harness a Specialty
don't apt ome
other (?uu of que
tlonnljlo nccutacj.
We'll aell you
direct; cah with
onter, OTtroii
Smd ttamp or 131
;iipfl catalogue.
Ilax - . Chlropco Fall", 3'u.
I psadc Marks
copyhights &c.
Anyoaoccinllnit n nliclrii nlnl rt(",Tli)tlnn amy
qulcklv asccrtitln our oiniiiuu free wiigilicr mi
Ittvotttlnn W pnilmbly tvat't'i'i' if- CoimiMinlcrt.
tloiisRtrlcllyrnnlldoatlnl. HANDPlinX on liitits
sunt free. Olilust nuctiry lor nt ctirnitr atcntt
I'atonta inkett tliroutrh Mtttm iV Co. rocoh
tprclitt notice, wUliont clinruu, la tlio V
A hnnttsomoly lllnstrntpfl wpptsly.
I.nrurst rlr.
dilation of any potent llln Jntirniil. 'IVi imm, $1 n
yoar: four months, tl. Sold by nil ni'w.siloiilor!".
llrnttch Olllco, U25 V St..AVnlii'iKt r., I), c.
VM. CAMI-IUiLIi, J'res. F. K. ALLKN. Vlre-l'ros.
KliMKll E. ALLEN, Cashier.
AMI 01
Capital Stock, $5 000
Cures Womb
It has saved the lives of many
weak, sick women and rescued oth
ers from a lifetime of chronic sick
ness. It will cure you if you will
only Rive it a chance. Try it.
Sold by all druggists and deal
ers in SI. 00 bottles.
'I wore A supporter for four
years, to keep up my womb,"
writes Ars. S. J. Chrisman, of
Mannsville, N. Y. " My doctor said
no medicine would help me. After
taking Cardul I Ra? up my sup
porter ana am now wen."
rrogram for Y
Jan.l 4.
Topic "What Ohrist taught about
money and its usea." Matt 2 11; M irk
10 17-1)1.
All money belongs to Clod, Luke 10
12 -15 .1. I. Dreaaler.
Mustbousedas tJ oil's, Luko 10 1 2
Nora Ay ties.
Relieving tho poor, Luko 18 18-22
Olias. CurtiB.
LendliiK to the Lord, Trov, 10 4 7
Will Smiley.
An expression of love, Luke 7 :)0 50
L'narl Hums.
Our country's noeda, Matt 22 10-22
Ellen Slilveley.
Give Christian reasons for trying to
make money Minnie May.
Mention Home dangers in money
making Anna Knapp.
Tell of some noble uses being made
of wealth Stella Washburn.
References for voliinteors: Matt 23.
22; Matt, 10, 20: Matt 10, 21; Mark 10,
21 ; Luke 12, 15: John (5, 27; 2 Cor 0, 0;
ol 3,2.
Quotation No 1 May Kerker.
Quotation No 2 Grace Peabody.
Quotation No 3 Resale Washburn.
Quotation No 1 Otto Barker.
1'eaul Uurns, Loader.
A Wayne, Nebr , correspondent
says: A new sort of business has been
evolved here. It is a iuurIi vng"n
business. To make a living by celling
mush from a wagon, just as the milk"
man makes a living and puts money in
tho bank by selling milk from a wagon
twice oach (bty, is tho unique scheme
of Sam Davhs, who has made arrange
mtnits for the proposition and who will
soon statt out with his wagon in real
There aro -too families in Wayne and
IMvies llgures that every one of them
would b glad to purchase a couple of
quarts of mush every day one quari
tor supper ami anotner to ity t r
oreaKtasi no ays uiat tnero aro
thirty-two quarts of meal in a bushel
and thut IH'ty bushels of meal will
make !5,000 quarts of mush ; that llfty
bushels of meal can bo bought for S25
and that he can sell S00 quarts of mush
per day at 0 cents per quart, giving
him $40 per day for his work and exs
pensoof delivering-, and as mush could
bo used half the yoar, he could make
$5,000 to 50,000 yearly on the business.
The-word results means a whole lot to the farmer of to-day and It is
especially attractive to the homeneeker or those seeking new locations.
If we tell you of a country where you are cure of aucces3, will you
believe us ? It is only necessary for you to farm the land and the
best results will follow a State which the government reports will
show ieads in the production of wheat. It also ranks among the first
in th ! raising of corn, alfalfa, timothy and other products, together
with stock raising. We speak of
Old paper for sale cheap at The Ad
vertiser oillce.
Having leaspd D. E. Littroll's shoj:
first door so nib ol the llvoay barn.
.invite tho patronage of all who want a
good shavo or haircut. Satisfaction
The great State of the West, where land3 can be purchased from $5
to $30 per acre which equals the returns of the $50 to $150 per acre
lands of other States. EASTERN COLORADO is identical in most
respects and the same opportunities are offered there. Buy quick
while the lands are cheap and secure the benefit of an excellent invest
heart of this rich agricultural region and extremely low rate3 are
offered, allowing stop-over at pleasure in certain territory for inspec
tion of lands, etc. Write us arid we will send you free descriptive
literature and full information.
miirantuod ns to duality co
wo Cope'i.l catlrUy upon th
Wo are ftlvlnp tiway MMJfKn BKT, ORATt?.
and Imuclrctia ot othyr nrtlrios, nil lull l'iO for tumily
ufo, to e:tlilo us to Inttvituta ouv San Hyfelurt Pov.'.'i.'
ana b-ilvoiia ItrandB o Touu, Coffees uud otlior Jlouwf la
BiV)ullco. TIium) uttt nil hlRli-i;r:Kio aoods aUholun I"
-.t no more titan you tiro now paying lor tlt buiuo b"1k) vi
i.r iqoiit to hccurtl yonr fttturo ortiors. Oonwquontly by i?nl' 'T
I juu unvii tuo pront wnian rorrawiy lico wo pa':i now cuntomcro nni ju iv iuo pront. wnian jovranny w,', tj
to the duultrs, by deiilln;: tllrootly with our quslomerg tavs tho proilt; oC tlio u
Wjo'dalcia ar.U rotallora, viiita wn Siv.iu .w tj ww in tno f.nape or in mil
pre lituns ami It. .a st ood i at. iir prlcon. Becavta yon Hvo alios uwayf urn u' .a
i ;!' never huvo beva ui-ls no ocu reusou for nut, U'- tiial. on i-i.t; jmioi.
i o Co not hnU pay in a Ivnnre. V imy th r-Aa". Our cntuloKtio i pir'tiinc
-will bo Bont you nnU ourplan of sollliia boocIb will lo fully oxplalnua If you win onlj ur.: u;t
r i
would not ox poet ttiem to. l!cslJos, tho oilltor of this
ycur name and address. Wo liavo hundreds of natrons wlioso custom we seonrcil by t-.b, ' phm.
'ittey woutu not; pnirontzo us unless wo iwvu inom lutt viu unu tiiiui'-iat.
papor vrlll toll you that wo aro thorouKUly responsible.
wrtto us ic.ny n pojtai-caru jubi
clvlnu your numo tvnd addiot.8 will do.
This In n Cltunco That Does Not Happen livery Dujr.
1127-1129 Pino Street, St. Louis, Mo.