VOLUME L NEMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, JANUARY 5, IH06 NUMBER 32 The Postoffi.ce News Stand and Boole Store Hasdsomo fancy stationery, a full puns, pencils, mic, erasers, etc. Books, Magazines, Post Cards A good assortment. Wo carry latest magazines, papers, otc. Your Patronage Solicited Local ISTows Magazines on sain at tlio postofllco , Dr Bourne (Its glasses. So. Auburn. Huy your school tablets at the posloHloe. Chailey Curtis returnad from Mlss oun Saturday. F. L. Woodward went to Kuusub Cily Wednesday Burnt leather souvenir post cards for sale at the postoilloe. II. E. Buoher is a new subscriber to this family necessity New stock of Hue candies juBt re ceived at the postofllce. Best photos in boutheasteru Nebr. at Crlley's. So. Auburn. We are lmving some winter weather now, but yet it is not at all bad. Misses Lulu Cooper and Maude Burns returned to Peru Tuesday. Perry Koweu went to Lincoln Tues day to attend the business college. Nice line of school tablets ard com position books attho postolllco news atauil. ' Dort Stokes went to Beatrice Mon day and has entered the business college, Hon. V. P. Peabody visited Lincoln and St Joe last week, returning home Saturday. Claude Maxwell returned to Beatrice Monday, lie is attending the business college there. Ned Maxwell and Delbert Webb went to Lincoln Monday to attend the business college. Alva Maxwell went to Lincoln Sat urday to resume his studies at the business college. Some of the sidewalks need repair-, .n or now walks. In places they are in very bad shape, Joe Littrell was furnishing the mul titude with "hot beau soup" at Gene Kerst's sale Wednesday. As an after resolution, resolve to keep toe good resolutions you made on New Years and keep this one. Heat line of stationery ever brough, to Nemaha at the postoilico. Call aud nee the handsome boxes of paper. Hard coal and soft coal several grades various prices for sale by the lid wards & Bradford Lbr. Co. Dr. Hutchison, opticiau, will bo at Nemaha again on Tuesday, Jan. 10. Come and see him about your glasses. XV, II. Smithors, the barber, celo brated Now Years day by moving. Ho is now living in Mrs. Alice A. Miniek's house. Mrs. Mattio Mclutyre has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Gaskill, near Syracuse, for the past two weeks. Elmer E Allen took a holiday Wed neb Jay and acted as olork at 'Gene Kerst's sale. He says he prefers Hummer time for such jobs. W, II. Murker can now furnish the people with never slip horseshoes Homething that has never before been .bundled here. Try them. line of plain stationery, tablets, Books selling at 81.U5 and Si. GO at Auburn and elsewhere only 75 cents at the postofllco newB stand. Miss Ethel Morrison, who has been visiting her uncle, P. L. Woodward, for n week nnd a half, returned to Kansas City Thursday. Mr, and Mrs. O. L. Smart, who have been visiting Mrs. Smart's sister, Mrs Rose Gilbert, started for their home at Winthrop, Iowa, Wednesday Parents should remomhor that thoy are liable to a fine if thoy do nut send all their children between the ages of 8 and 15 to school regularly. Earlo Thompson says ho received tho finest New Years present yet a hand1 some Bon, weighing 10 pounds looks just like his pa, so Earlo says. Iiov. Q. W. Ayors has been assisting Ilev. Ashby in a protracted meeting at Howe. Tho meoting vvaB a good one and resulted in many conversions. Piize winning poultry, enow white also barred rock cockrells 31.00 ouch None hotter. Buy now and got tho best. W. W LiuimAitT Mrs. Elmer E Allen went to Johnson Monday forenoon, returning in the afternoon. Sho took her two-nephews Elliot and Hubert Minick, out home. Five Nemaha boys are attending the Lincoln business college and three tho Beatrice college. The postal business has increased surprisingly since they left. Tho Tiebekahs wore preparing for a "spread" Wednesday night, as tho pflicers were then to be installed, but on account of the storm this had to bo postponed , Stoves hard coal stoves soft coni stoves wood stoves heating stoves cook stoves ranges all kind of stoves for sale by the Edward & Bradford Lumber Co. Mrs. Wra. II. Hoover started for Denver, Colo., last Saturday, where sho will visit two weeks, aud then go to California to spend the remainder of the winter. Jim Shivoley was driving his team of young mules a few days ago, when they ran away, throwing Jim out. Fortunately he was not hurt and no daraugo was done. Mrs. J. F. Ebnother has been visits lug relatives at Goodland, Kansas, for two or three weeks, and John is getting pretty lonesome. IIo expects her homo today or .tomorrow. Tho duet by 0. L. Smart and Mrs. Rose Gilbert, with Mrs. Lillian Alien and John P. Sawders assisting on tho chorus, was greatly ODjoyed at tho Methodist church Sunday night. Having bought a good loom, I am now prepared to do all kinds of carpet and rug weaving Hit and miss, 10 cents per yard; strlpo, 15 cents. Mits. Chas. Clank. Tho Beatrice Creamery Co. will pay 25 cents per pound of butter fat for hand separator cream, delivered in Ne maha, Separators sold on easy terms. It. E. Buciiek, Agont. Picture Frames Tho Edwtrds & Bradford Lumbor Co. have received a good lino of picturo moulding and aro now prepared to make picture frames of any sizo. Take your pictures there and huvo them framed. Frank Dressier has concluded not to buy Ed LlttrelPa barber shop. Tho bargain was mudo but we understand both parties wanted to back out so tho deal was declared off. A. L. Lawrence, who is now ox- sheriff, has moved on hia farm in London precinct and feels happy at gutting back in the country. Abo has mudo a good record as sheriff. Wo havo a big assortment of fuml turo that wo are soiling at reasonable prices. Special prices made for housekeeping outfits. Try us Edwards & Bradford Lbr. Co. John C. Stokes has bought the old Amos Hushes farm joining Howe. There are 120 acres and ho paid Sioo per aero for it. John is not satislled unless he owns a Nemaha county farm. Misses Bessie, Flo and Vera Anders son and Annio Elliott nnd Fred and Tom Anderson of Auburn wero guests of Mr. and Mrs. Johu I. Dresnlor the latter part of last week and tho first of this. Subscriptions received at tho post- office for any rnoguzino or newspaper published in tho United States. Yon can save money by having tho post master order your , magazines and papers. Tho llrst snow of tho winter that amounted to anything and tho llrst snow of tho year foil Tuesday mortib ing. Several had sleds out but tho snow was not deep enough to make good sleighing. Frank Harford went to Lincoln Sunday, whore he will atteud tho Lin coln business collego. Frank tried it ast winter but was compelled to quit on account of his heajtli, Wo hope he will make It lUYrl'guYIfris time. Dr. W. W. Frazier returned homo from Missouri Saturday morning. The doctor was at Goodman, Mo., looking after some laud ho owub, and also took a trip to Ft. Smith, Ark. His wife remained at Goodman, but will return this week. W. W. Sanders, clerk of Nemaha Camp No. 0004, Modern Woodmen of America, has received from the head clerk a "Certificate of Efficiency" for his faithful performanco of all duties devolving upon him as such clerk for tho past year. Mrs. J. W. Sapp wont to Brownvillo Wednesday to assist in tho meetings being held by her husband aud Kov. Ogden. Bev. und Mrs. Sapp will return Saturday evening, aud services will be held as usual at tho Christian church next Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer E. Allou drove out to Bracken Sunday and visited relatives for a few hours. Their nephews, Elliott and Hubert Minick, sous of C. T. Minick of Johnson, who had been visiting Oscar Minick's family came homo with them Our attention has-been called to tho fact that wo omitted to mention Murio Woodward's solo in our comment on tho exercises at tho Methodist church Christmas ove. Tho omission was unintentional and we beg Mario's pardon. Ilor solo was well rendered. While Elmer E. Allen was at Au burn Monday ho sold tho counter now in use at the bank, together with tho iron lattice work, to the newly organ- i.ed state bank. This bank will have temporary quarters in Bainey's drug store, but will build next spring. Tho Nomaha bank will have all now furnis turo when they move in tho new building, WONDERFUL NERVE Is displayed by many a man end urn ing pains of accidental Cuts, Wounds Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Soro feet or stiff joints. But there's no need for it. Bueklen's Arnica Salve will kill tho pain and euro the trouble. It's tho best Salvo on earth for Piles, too. 25c at W, W. Keollng's, Druggist. TO THE PUBLIG Wo desire to thank our patrons for tho liberal trado given us the past year, and request a continuance. Wo hopo to bo able to servo you bottor in tho futuro than -wo havo in tho past. We Guarantee Fair In taking invoico first of tho your wo find that wo aro long on many tilings that wo wish to get out of tho way to make room for spring goods, so wo will sell All Winter Goods at t Overshoes Included You can find somo bargains. J- H. VAXTDERSLXCE Rev. 0. W. Ayora expects to begin a protracted meoting at tho Mothodlsb chuech in Nemaha Thursday evening of this week. IIo will bo assisted In tho work by Itov. Ashby of Howe, Rev, Maxcy of Johnson, and possibly by Itov. Myors of South Auburn, Joo Buuger returned from Chase county, Nobr., Thursday of last weok IIo was not particularly pleasod with tho looks of tho country and wo under stand tho trade of his Nemaha property for u quarter section of Chase county land, belonging to August Quiller, has fallen through with. James A, Stephenson returned home last Saturday after a two week's visit in Oklahoma. Jimmy says if he was u renter ho bolioves ho would move to Oklahoma, but from the tonor of his remarks we do not believe ho is think ing of selling his good Nemuliu county farm und moving there. A young man was recently looking at tho books on eulo at the postofflco Afterward ho wub in Auburn and saw somo of the samo books that are Bold hero at 75 cents. On inquiring the price ho was told $1 GO. All the 75 cent books at the poBtoffice are sold at $1.25 to $150 in most other places, Thoseed corn special spent -10 min utes in Nemaha last Friday. Ono coach was crowded with people who had come in to listen to the lectures. The talk on the selection of seed corn wus good and if heeded by our farmers would undoubtedly result in an in creased yield of better corn, Wo be lieve these lectures will result In good. Savod From Torriblo Doath Tho family of Mrs. M. L. Bobbitt of Bargorton, Tonn., buw her dyinjrand wero powerless to save hor. Tho most skillful physicians und every remedy used, failed, while consumption wus slowly but suroly taking hor life. In this terrible hour Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption turned despair into joy. Tho first bottle brought immediate relief and its con tinued uso completely cured her. It's tho most certain euro in tho world for all throat and lung troubles. Guaran teed Bottles 50c ond S1.00. Trial Bottles Free at Keeling's Drug Storo i Treatment to All I $1 : . Reduced Prices Tho boys have boon practicing foots ball, especially during vacation, conn soquontly it Is not unusual to sou ono with a black oye or u lame log or a bruised cheek. So don't think every fellow you boo with such signs has beon in a light. Itov. J. VV. Sapp commenced n pros traded meeting at the Christian church at Brownvillo Sunday. Itov. Mr. Ogdon of Lincoln will assist him, Bro. Sapp expects to begin a mooting at Nomaha as Boon as the meoting Ib closed at Brownvillo, and hopes to havo tho help of Bro. Ogden bore. Both gentlemen are good revivalists. Bro. Ogden preached hero a few times lust fall and our people wero very much pleased with him, and hopo to hear him in a protracted meeting, Old paper for salo cheap at Tho Ad, vertiser oillco. IF YOU WANT Good JBi-eacl TRY A SACK OF Golden Rod Flour High patent. Every sack guaranteed to givo full satisfaction in overy respect or monoy rofunded. Always the same. No better hour mado. If you want a cheaper Hour you can not do bettor than to buy tho Red Seeil a straight grado flour. It has no superior in a grade Hour. Many prefer it to a high patent. For a still cheaper flour try the Cold Leetf It is a good flour of that grade. These grades nro manufactured by Jameson & Son, Stella, Nebr., aud are on Bala at tho storo of J. H.Vandersltce NEMAHA, NEBR. If vou buy a sack of either of thesa grades and it is not just us represented, tako it back and your money will be returned.