The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, December 15, 1905, Image 8

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    rnon The Kidneys Are
Weakened by Over-Work,
Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood.
It used lf be considered Hint only
urinary and bladder trouble were to be
traeed to the kidneys,
but now modern
wieiice proves that
nearly an iiiBoasos
have their bexinniuj'
in the disorder of
these most important
The kidnevs filter
and purify the blood
Hint In their work.
kidnevHare weak
or out of order, yon can understand liow
quickly your entire body is affected and
how every organ seems to fail to do its
' Vyott arc sick or "feel badly," begin
taking the great kidney remedy, Dr.
Kilmer's Swamp-Root, because as soon
iirt your kidneys are well they will help
all the other organs lo health. A trial
will convince anyona.
If yon are sick you can make no mis
take by first doctoring your kidney.
The mild and the extraordinary effect of
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great
kidney remedy, is soon realized. It
SiaiHItt lllC JllIlllCHl I un muiuuiui v .a
of the most distressing cases, and is sold
on its merits ny all
druggists in fifty-cent
nud one-dollar size
1imM1i. Vnti mav
llflVK ft HnllHlle bottle Tfnmi.nrnvrnmn.llnnt.
by mail free, also a pamphlet telling you
how to find out if you have kidney or
bladder trouble. Mention this paper
when writing to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Hing
hamton, N. Y. Don't make any mistake,
but remember the name, Swamp-Root,
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad
dress, BinghamtoH, N. Y., on every bottle.
Medical and Surgical
Diseases of Women
Stella - NobxuiHlia
OfflcoN ovor I'nHloniro lltillilliifr, at
Frank Niitl'H old Htnnil,
First class Building Urlek for
aalo at the
Nemaha Brick Kilns
Call and aeo thotn and gut
prices Quality guaranteed
it Out"
says many a doctor to his
lady patients, because he
doesn't know of any medi
cine that will cure female
troubles except the sur
geon's fcnifc
That such a medicine
exists, however, is proved by
thousands of cures made by
Cures Womb
It has saved the lives of inany
weak, sick women and rescued oth
ers from a lifetime of chronic sick
ness. It will euro you if you will
only give it a. chance. Try it.
Sold by all druggists and deal
ers in 51.00 bottles.
"1 wore a supporter for four
years, to keep up my womb,"
writos Mrs. S. J. Chrisman, of
Mannsville.N.Y. "My doctor said
no medicine would help me. After
taking Cardul I gave up my sup
porter nd jua now well."
u . PJm rt
The Nebraska Advertiser
Auburn now lias a ton cent feed
yanl, where fartnerH can drive their
team in and have lliein out of the
wind and storm at a cunt of only tun
cents. Of courso thu fanner must
li ke his own feed . It Is a good thing
Tho animal that created uo much
excitement in tho vicinity ol .St.
Deroln lust winter and that was seen
on tho sandbar ens of Nemaha, has
been H.) I'll in the nelgliboiliood of
Mrownvllle recently. It is thought tn
bu a catamount or an animal of that
Atibnin is to have unother national
bank, with acapitol of 000. It in
to bu located at the center, west of the
court home. This will (ivu South
Auburn two banks. Tho north Hide
linn two banks Tho stockholders of
I I iLiiii iit-ii I )it 1 ? ft it 1 fii I s
Ij tin lie, Henry Kleekner, O. F, Harlan I
and J. M. Wright. Mr. Wright will be
thu cashier.
Money to Loan $10,000 Hpecial fund
party desires to get out or contracted
for by January 1st, If possible. Will
loan three to ten years In sums to suit,
on satisfactory rual estate. Borrower
can pay $100 or any multiple thereof
on any interest pay day, Jf you wish
to borrow to Invest, pay off an old
loan, or yet money bu sure to call on or
write to Henry O. Smith, Falls City,
Thu liurlington '.'sued corn special"
will be in Nemaha county on Friday,
Dec 20th. It will arrlvu in Johnson
10:30 a. in , leave 11:10 a. m.; arrive
In Auburn at ll::ir a, m , leave ut 1215
p. in.; arrive in Nemaha id 12:15 p. m
leavu at 1:25 p. m ; arrive in Drowns
ville at 1 :10 p in , luavo at 1 :15 p m.,
arrives at Porn 2:05 p. tn., leaves 2.45
p. in. lirownvillo people will bu taken
to Peru on thu special and returned
home on No. ill.
JikIko S 1'. Davidson and L. O.
Chapman of Tecumseh were in Nma
tia 'I'hursdAy evening, inKiin? u
deposition In a case where Moses
HobertH of Tecumseh is muni; thu C.
h. & Q. road. In January, 11)0-1. Mr.
Ilnburts shipped some sheep and part
of thorn wore transferred from one car
to (mother while they were lying at
Nemaha. When the sheep gob to
their destination some were missing,
and Mr. Roberts is suing for their
v.doo Ed Kuapp helped transfer tho
sheep hetc, and his deposition was
Uay Clark wont to Lincoln Wednes
day to attend thu meeting of the
Nebraska Corn Growers Association.
Lust spring tho Htiite superintendent
sent out some corn to boys in different
parts of the state who would agree to
plant and tend it, and piemiums uio to
be awarded to the boy raising thu be.U
crop. Hay was ono of the boys whu
planted tho corn and youn to Lincoln
to report and to attend a banquet given
to the boys. An export from the agri1
cultural department at Washington
will bu present and will make an
Washington, Dec, 12 In spito of
thu fact that two or three members of
thu Nebraska delegation Inst the par-.
ticular committee places they desiiod,
tho most of them are very well satisfied
with the appointments given them by
penlur Cannon. The committee us-,
slpntnents for Nebraska aro as follows:
lllnshiiw Indian affairs, merchant
marine and tlsherieu, patents.
Kennedy Irrigation of arid lands,
war claims.
Klncald Insular affairs, Pacific rail
roads. !
McCarthy Public lands, expendi
tures department of justice,
Norris Public buildings and
grounds, labor, election president, vice
president and members of congress.
Pollard Industrial arts, oxuendis
tares, and accounts.
Tho most disappointed members
from Nebraska are Hinahaw and
Pollard, the former having put up a
light for a place on tho appropriation
oommittee and tho latter for a place
on the agricultural cominlttoo.
Congressman Kennedy got exactly
what ho wanted in tho committee on
irrigation of nrJd lands
All In all, however, Nebraska fa rod
exceptionally well in appointments on
the more Important committees, . .
In tho Nebraska Farmer our readers
will find a very excellent poultry de
partment, a Horticultural Department,
Timely Talks about (Jardeninu and Hi
cam of Flowers, a Veterinary Depart
ment, a Legal Department, a Home
Department, a Children's Donartment
and others too numerous to mention
The agricultural and livo stock topics
treated in the Nebraska Farmer are
handled from the Nebraska point of
view and in a manner calculated to
holp Nebraska people. Wo will lie
pleased to take subscriptions for the
Nebnwka Farmer at GO cents per year
at The Advertiser office.
Program for Champion Union En
deavor, Friday, Dec. 15.
Subject: 1 What our denominations
stand for," 1 Tim. !$ i t 10, 1 Pet. 2 0.
Song No. U8.
Song No, 140.
Lord's Piayer.
Heading of References.
Heading Fearlo Thompson.
Duet Maggie Hacker and Frances
Hecitatlon Orali Pryor.
Heading Maggie Hacker.
Song No. M8,
Heading Frances Hoover.
Holl Call.
Secretary's Heport.
Song No. 73.
Close with Endeavor benediction.
Mahkl Hoovkii, Leader.
Tim front cover of tho January
Designer is extremely effective, show
ing a pretty woman in coat and furs
watching thu llight of a coal-black
crow across a wintry landscapo. Coss
tumes, novel und artistic in design for
masquerades are shown in full-page
illustration, and aside from these there
are eight fifll-page and numerous
Htnaller fashion pictures. Among the
miscellany are Florida Products, by
Julia Davis Chandler, Winter Sports,
and Women Who Study the nkV
Profouudest Secrets, by W. Manly
Vunder Wydo. Jiu-Jitsu Training
gives further instruction in these exer
cises, which may bu utilized as a
means for health or for self-defense,
and In tho Interest of Bread Winning
Hertha llasbrook advocates Tho Delis
catossun ns a money-maker. At thu
Mercy of tho Snow, by Mai tun Mc
Ctillough Williams, is a New Year
story with a thrill in it, and Grips
Gone Wrong, by Caroline Miles, is a
brisk comedy in one act. Tne Story of
Vic, by Mrs. G. Mallison, will plmxe
the little folks, so, ton, will the details
of A Holiday House Party, by Mary
Dawson Among tho especially pracs
tical articles is one on China, by Lora
M. Pollard, and another on Cake
Making, by T Celestino Cummings,
wliile Maijory March supplies a hint
for entertainment in A Calender
Tho Nebraska state penitentiary is a
federal prison. Warden Heumer last
night received notice from tho United
States attorney general that in the fun
tore federal prisoners for the district
of Nebraska would be incarcerated at
Lincoln instead of at Sioux Falls. S. D.
Thu state will receive 55 cents por day
for tho euro of the prisoners, but will
not be permitted lo lease them to
prison contractors. Tho movement to
hnve tho Nebraska prison deugnatcd
as a federal prison wns started some
time ago The credit for its success is
duo to Senator Burkett and thu mems
hers of the Nebraska conmessional
delegation, who, at the request of the
prison officials, took tho matter up
with the attorney general's depart
ment, Recently tho prison was examined
by Government Inspector La Dow who
reported that tho institution was one
of tho model ones of tho country and
sui'tiblo for the detention of federal
prisoners. Warden Heemer has res
celvod no intimation as to the average
number of federal prison sentences per
year but anticipates that it will be at
least 150. These prisoners will bo used
to perform the necessary work of
keeping up tho institution and the
state prisoners will ho leased to tho
contractors. At present thoro are 310
state prisoners, Tho equipment of the
penitentiary consists of 240 new and
modern Btool cells in the west, coll
house and a number of commodious
culls In tho oast cell house: All of the
cells are large enough to accommodate
at leaBt two prisoners- More than 750
could be cared for without increasing
present facilities. Lincoln Star.
How's this?
We oiler One Hundred Dollars Itewnnl for
any mho or Catarrh that cannot oo cured by
Hull's Catarrh Cure.
F. .1. CHUNKY A CO., Toledo, O.
We, tho underfill; tied, Iimvo known F. J.
'Cheney for the Inst 1ft yearn, find bullovu him
perfectly honorable In nil IniHlneHS tiiincuc
lloiiHiuid financially alio to unrry out any
blhciilloi, mntlo by IiIh II rm.
Wamuno, If innan it Mauvin,
WlioloNiilo DruKKlNts, Toledo, O.
Hall'H Catnrrh Curo Im taken Internally,
hcIIiik direclly upon thu blood and inucotiH
HiirfacoH of the cyMcm, TcNtlrnonlals went
co. I'rlco "5 contH per hottle. Hold by all
nxirlsU .
Take II IP Family IMlIf Jot 1 1 nMI ntlono
Don't Borrow Troublo
It is a bad habittu narrow anything
but the worst thing you can possibly
borrow, is trouble. When sick, sore
heavy, weary and wornout by the pains
and poisons of dyspepsia, biliousness
llrlght's disease and similar internal
disorders, don't hit down and brood
over your symptoms, but tly for relief
lo Electric Bitters. Here you will Und
sure and permanent forgetfulness of all
your troubles and your body wil not be
burdened py a load of debt disease. At
Keellng's drug store. Price 5o cnts
Souvenir postal cards for sale at the
Old paper for sale cheap at The Ad
vertiser oilice.
Now Curo For C ancor
All surface cancers are now known
to bo curable by liucklen's Arnica
Salve. Jas Walters, of Dutlield, Va
wMles "I had a cancer on my lip for
years that ceemed incurable till Buck
Ion's Arnica Salve healed it and now it
is perfectly well." (Juarant'Mi cine
for cuts and burns. 5 at Keeling's
drug store.
Notico for Hoaring Claims
In the mutter of tho entnto ot Nicholas 15
Scrlvoner, deceased.
isotlfi) lb hereby ivon that tho court. Iiiih
mndo an older u .IiIiik Hie tlnofor credit
ors lo lid' elmiiix lu aliiHt hald deceased to nix
inomlm Iroui the "tn dny Decern'. ei.l!))5 and
Hun lieeeuiher '-'7, 11105, Match 24 I WW, and
.nun' lltUfJ, ni 1U o'clock a.m. of each
ho oiik-u oi the county JuiIkm .f Nemaha
eouni, Neiu , in Annum, Nelmiska, has
l)'en uxed Ity t no court as the tinier and
idnco when and wheio nil tiereoiiN wno have
claims and demands against said decerned
can liiivoilio siime examined, adjusted and
allowed, and all olal s not presented b thu
Inst mentioned dale win bo forever barred,
by nil order of tin couit.
Dated November 22, IP05.
H-Seai. J. ?i. McCAHTY, County .Judgo
Will give Its renders In tho
G2 Issueo of the IOOO Volumo
Serial Stories, each a book In Itself, reflecting
American lite in home, camp and Held.
Special Articles contributed by Famous Men
and Women Statesmen, Travellers. Writers
and Scientists.
Thoughtful and Timely Editorial Articles on
important Public and Domestic Questions.
Complete Stories by tho best of Living Story
Writeis Stories of Character, Stories of
Achievement, Stories of Humor.
Notes On Current Events and Discoveries In
the Field of Science and Natural History.
BrlEht and Amusine Anecdotes, Items of
Strange and Curious Knowledge. Poems and
Health Articles, RcliciouB Articles,
Children's Page, etc.
llliiitrnlti! Aiwotmcrmrnt for 1906 and Sample
Copies o the J'uper Stnt to Anv Altitun fret.
Every How Subscriber
Who cut!
in at m
with name and addnvis and t.75
will receive:
All the Issues of Tho Companion
for tho remaining wee Us ot 1905.
Thanksgiving. Christmas and
New Year's Double Numbers.
The "Minutemen" Calendar
for 1906, in 12 colors and gold.
And The Companion for the 52 weeks of
1906 a library of the best reading for
every member of the family, y
I I I I I m t 1 1 1
New Subscriptions Received at This Office.
ELM Ell E.
Capital Stock, $5,000
Full of Tragic Moaning
are these lines from J. II Simmons, of
Casej, la. Think what might have res
suited from his teriiHe cough if ho had
not taken the medicine about which he
writes: "1 had a fearful cough that
disturbed my ninhi's lest, I tried
everything', but nothing would relieve
it, until I took Dr. King's New Dis-
covery lor Consumption, Coughs and
Colds, which completely cured me
Instantly relieves and permanently
cures all throat and lung diseases; pies
vents grip and pneumonia At W, W.
Keellng'H, druggist; guaranteed; 5oo
and SI 00. Trial hot tin tree.
We will send the Advertiser, tho
weekly Lincoln Slate Journal, and
the Iowa Homestead, all one year for
only S1.50.
Souvenir post cards of the dedication
of the Morton monument at Nebraska
City ousalo at the postollico.
Parn ta o 3t aloh
uro often frustrated by sudden hreak
down duo to dyspepsia or consumption .
' - 1 1 Dr. Ktni' sNovv
Life Pills. They take out the mater
lalswhloh are elojgiug your energies
and givo you a new start. Cure head
ache and dizziness too. At Keeling's
1 rantted
Kotico cf Tax Salo
To Ablirnll Chaslaln nud to nil others whom
It tatty concern :
You aio hereby notified that on the 7th day
ot April. l!H), thu uudersluned On a 14 lit at
private tax sine lor delinquent tuxes lor Uih
, car 11)02 and all prior yours lots nine lt), ten
lluj and eleven Mil in block lllty-nlim MM, in
Nemaha City, iNebraHiui. and has paid all
taxes lor nil subsequent yen is On or alter
Apill 7, lWiii, 1 will apply lor 11 tax deedlor
said lots unlos redemption Is pieviously
made accord l nit to law.
Dated this 7th day ol November,
Having leased D E Liltrell's shop
tlrst door south ot die livejy barn, I
invite the pationnge ot all who want u
good shave er ban cut. Satisfaction
Windmills and Pumps,
Phone calls ai.swered i on j II j .
NEai AHA, NEIilt.
Proprietors of the
Livery & Feed Stab
Good Dray in connection with Livery
Satisfaction guaranteed.
J. 1. Oi-otliei-
in the
Shoe Repairing
Harness Repairing
Hand Made Harness a Specialty
Physician and Surgeon
Nemaha, Nebr
All calls promptly attended
Phone 28
Denier In
Highest market price paid for Aides,
Lard, Tallow, etc,
F. E. ALLEN. VlccPrej).
ALLEN, Cashier.