HEADS COVERED With linxtsrlunt Kulr nnd ScHly Scnlpn Clemmed nud Purified by Cntleura Soap, Assisted by dressings of Cutipura, the gront skin cure. This treatment at onco stops fnlllnjr hair, removes crusts, icales and dandruff, destroys hair par asites, soothes irritated, itching sur faces, stimulates the hair follicle", loosens the scalp skin, supplies tlio roots with energy and nourishment, and makes the halt; grow upon a sweut, wholesome, healthy scalp, when all else falls. Complete external and In ternal treatment for every humor, from pimples to scrofula, from Infancy to nge, consisting of Cutlcura Soap, Oint ment and Pills, price $1.00. A slnglo But is often suflk'ietit to cure. J NEBRASKA NOTES J struck his left severing his big The man or tho corporation who has not determined at the outset tc do good to others, while doing good to himself, will fail in the end. Mrs. Wlnslow'iSOOIIIINQ SYRUP for chll druu U'Cthlnir. soften! tho minis, reduces Inlliv urn tloii, allays pain, cures chollc. Price 25c Ancels envy us our nights because of the morns they bring. LoumlcrliiK lhc Ilnby'is Clotlicfl. Mnnv mntliorx urn not nwnrc thai in inn! ihiimIi iliscoinfort may b caused tho lmhy by the stroll)? nlknlioi in the soap with which tho little gar TtuMitu urn wnshcil. IIcni'G the worli almnlil 1m ilnm nt homo under the moth' cr's direction! and only Ivory Soup used KliKAXOU It. IWUIvBK. Tf words were wines lieaven wouh have needed enlarging long ago. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take I.AXATIVH 11KOMO Quinine Tablets DriiuglstH leriiiid money Ir It falls to cine E. v. Grove's signature Is on encu bos. -jc Rub the hands well with a piece a -celorv after Decline onion to remo6 the odor. T nnn rocommenil Tlso's Cure for Con inmnHnn fnr Asthnill. It htS given ll iriv.nt rollef. W. L. Wood, Funiiersburg g lud., Sept. S, 1001. Remember that there are sonu things we may do tomorrowlthat wi cannot do today, but today do all yoi can. mixed mmm WHEAT RAISIMC RANCHES Three great purrults have again shown wonderful results on the FREE HOMESTEAD LANDS OF WESTERN CANADA Magnificent climate. Fafmers plowing In their ahirt sleeves in the middle of November. "All r hound la bt nor thtn pltu4 with tht flnil r.iulti -t tht put huob'i hirvtiU." Extnet. Coal, wood, water, hay in abundance; schools, churches, markets convenient. THIS IS THE ERA OP 31.00 WHEAT. Aypj for information to Supertntt ndnt of Iuimlgro. tlon, Ottawa, iumtin.urto . V. llannatt.Vil Maw lork Iilto liulldiug, Uuaba, Nob , Auth.rited Gorernuieut Fleuie tsr whsr you taw this adrartUemant. SICK HEADACHE Positively cured by theso Iilttlo Pills. TI107 also relievo Dis tress from Dyspepsia, In digestion and Too Hearty Eatlnp. A perfect rem edy for Dizziness. Nausea, Drowsiness, Bad Tast In tho Mouth, Coated Tongue, Pain In tho Side. TOIU'ID LIVER. Taoy regulate tho Bowels. Purely Vogetable. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE Genuine Must Bear Fac-Simile Signature ICARTER'Sl FlVER wi CARTERS PlTTtE WlVER O5- REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. A Positive CURE Ely's Cream Balm Is quickly absorbed. Gives Rolle! at Once. It cleanses, soothos heals and protects tho diseased mem brano. It cures Civ. tarrh and drivos nwny n Cold in tho Head quickly. Ho-MflV CCMCO stores tho Senses of SIM I I bVbil Tasto and Smell. Full size GOcts., at Drus .gists or by mail ; Trial Size 10 ets. by mail. Ely Brothers, GG Warron Streot, Now York. CATABBH MAKES BEAUTY Among the ladies no other medi cine has ever had so strong a fol lowing, because, excepting pure air and exercise, it is tho source of more beautiful complexions than any other agency, as Lane's Family J Medicine the tonic-laxative. It puts pure blood in the veins, and no woman can be homely when the rich, red blood of health courses in her veins. II. A. Preston has sold his 120- ncro farm, two miles north 01 Unk- tland to 0. M. Hulbert for ?S5 per acre. While chopping wood Gcorgo Watces of Beatrice, foot with tho nx, too. Cafpontors uro at work on tho now depot to replace tho building burned soino time ago at Hartley. Tho now structure is to bo n great improve ment over tho old 0110. A change has occurred in tho management of tho Paddock hotel of Beatrice, Jackson & Uilos, the former from Wichita, Kan., nud tho latter from Hastings, succeeding l'oolo & Turner. Ernest Whittemore, a young farmer living near Beatrice, had his right hand crushed by getting it caught in a cornsholler. Tho member may have to be amputated. Fred Huh, a boy 14 years of ago and a resident of Ueatrico has been sentenced to tho industrial school at Konrtiev bv .Tudco llourno on tho r - 1 ) charge of incorrigibility. John W. Bash, a local blacksmith and woodworker of Humboldt has suffered the los9 of the two smaller lingers of his right hand by acci ihmtiillv throwinir tho members in - w tho track of a rapidly moving plan, ing machine. The three children of Mr. and Mrs E. A. Ross of Ohadron, formerly of Norfolk, have succumbed to scarlet fever within two days. Two died within an hour of each other. They were the entire family of Mr. and Mrs.Koss. Mr. Ross is a locomotive engineer on the Northwestern. The Bicknell hotel at Table Rock has been sold to R. P. Jennings. Mr Bicknell, the former proprietor, dis appeared several days ago and has not been located sinco. He is said to have taken all the available cash in the hostelry and it was announced that he had gone to purchase a stock of holiday goods for his cafe Joseph Stanlled has brought suit in the district court at Fremont against tho Standard Beet Sugar company for $20,000. He alleges in his peti tion that he was employed as a lire man at the factory of the company at Lcavitt and that while working at his employment a carpenter dropped a piece of board from a scaffolding above him, breaking his arm and permanently injuirng it, so that it is of little use. While A. Leinlenox, a machinist in the Burlington shops, at Ilavelock, was at work repairing a bumper on one of the big tanks tho big yard crane bumped into him, breaking his collar bone, two ribs and crush ing his shoulderblade badly. He was put on a stretcher and taken to his hotel, whore Dr. Ballard is attending him, and has hopes of saving his life if ho is not hurt internally. Edward Hart, who was struck by an engine op tho B. & M. last spring and had his leg broken, broke it again by making a misstep. After the accident on tho B. & M. he was confined to tho hospital for three months and came out with a badly Bet limb and recently brought suit against Dr. W. T. Neal, tho attend ing surgeon for $10,000 damages. This is the same limb broken this time. Joe Wilson, his son and J. M. Gregory, who all reside in the northeast part of Falls Oity, had a light in which Wilson and his son were cut up considerably by Gregory. Tho trouble started over tho fact that Gregory had blocked tho alley with his wagon and buggy until it was impassible for young Wilson tc cet throuch and get a cow he was leading to tho stable. Tie asked Gregory to move one of tho vehicles so ho could get through and Gregory refused. They had a wordy battle, which terminated in the fight. The 15-year old son of Otto Guenthor of Syracuse has met with a peculiar accident near his home which may result in his death. The boy jumped on a Burlington hand-cai that was being propelled by section men. He fell to tho floor and hia head extended over the edge of a tool chest which contained several sharp axes. As tho handles of tho eai came down they caught his head, forcing it onto tho sharp edge of an ax. Tho boy's face was terribly cut. One side of his face is entirely cut away, and one eye was gouged out. Ho wa3 taken to Omaha and There is only One Genuine-Symp Of FigS, WW The Genuine is Manufactured bythe California Fig Syrup Co. 'TTie full names of tho company, California RIk Syrup Co la printed on the front of every package of the (genuine. 1 WW. iff a The Genuine- Syrup of Figs- is for Sale, in Original Packages Only, by Reliable Druggists Everywhere 1 Knowing the above will enable one to avoid the fraudulent imita tions made by piratical concerns and sometimes offered by unreliable dealers. The imitations are known to act injuriously and should therefore be declined. Buy the genuine always if vyouwish to get its beneficial effects;' It cleanses the system gently yet effectually, dispels colds and headachesj when bilious or 'constipated, prevents fevers and acts best"on the, kidneys, liver, stomach and bowels, when a laxative remedy is needed, by men, women or children. Many millions know of its beneficial effects from actual use and of their own personal knowledge It is the) laxative remedy of the well-informed. Always buy the Genuine Syrup of Figs MANUFACTURED BY THE; ' ' UAT S w Frrdsco, Cad . r:V til Louisville, Ry. HUGE nnr CENTS per bottib' frT.".:dri It is wrong for you to suffer from Constipation, j Bowel and Stomach Trouble when there is a positive, ! natural and harmless cure Mull's GiiArE Tonic. Have you noticed II12 largo number of Typhoid Fever casea lately ? Typhoid Fever, Malarial Fever, Appendicitis, Impure Blood, Pimples, Sick Headache, Skin Disease, Piles, Femalo Troubles, Stomach Troubles, Heart Troubles, etc., are the result o Constipation. There i3 a remedy now to be had that cures these troublc3 absolutely. A full sized bot,,,3 is f".:nishcd you free to provo it. r.crr.crnbr we ivo only one bottle to each family. If your druggist fails to supply you with Mull's Grape Tonic send us this coupon together with nanio and addrcs3 of the druggist and we will mail you a bottle. Try nil the druggists before you write us as tho bottlo ho is authorized to giyo you for this coupon is three times as large as the ono wo aro allowed to send by mail. The following coupon will net bo honored unless it is cut out of tho paper in one piece including the Patient's coupon, Retail Druggist's coupon and "VVholesalo or Jobber's cr.ip"-', they must not bo separr.isd. CUT OUT THIS COUPON, SIGN AND TAKB IT TO YOUR DRUGGIST WHO IS W. Li Douglas OR so. 50 o. so. 00 ouAeorc 04 0 0 111 J KaO MEN IV. L. Douglas $4.00 Cllt Edgo Line cannot Do oqunllod at any prlco. 7 lilCi AUTHORIZED TO GIVE YOU A FRKE 85c. BOTTLE l'OR IT. I liorebr certify that I liavo novor taken Mull's Grapo Tonic, that I will npply for only ono free bottlo, that I will not sell or L'lv'u it nwny and that I will tako it myself fur Com tipatlon, Uowel and Stomach Troublo as soon as 1 obtain it. l'atiout sizn your lumu hero very plainly. Writo your full address horo very plainly. NONE BUT THE RETAIL DRUGGIST MUST SIGN THIS TO THE RETAIL DRUGGIST : Thl coupon void unlos you slsn your name nnd address on tho lino bolow. Send this full coupon to tho Jobber of whom you purchased this remedy, and ho will eivo you 35 cents In cash or trado for oacu coupon, properly signed, which you send him. All Jobbers havu the 350, 503 and $1.00 sizes, Tho $1,00 bottlo contains noarly 6 tiuio3 tho 35c sizo end 3 timet tho jos slzo. Uctail DruL'uist, sign your iiamo horo, Your addroBs horo. NO ONE BUT THE WHOLESALE DRUGGIST MUST SIGN THIS : TO THE JOUDER: You will please nccopt this coupon If tho samo Is proporly signed, and civo to tho retailor buying tho remedy from you, 35 contA in crth or trado for same. This coupon void unless you sign your firm name and address, Forward nil coupons to us, and wo will romlt you 35 cents for each coupon properly signod by tho consumer, retailer and yourself. Jobber, sign your namo horo. Addross hero. Cut out the above three coupons in one piece. Do not separate. MULL'S GRAPE TONIC CO., Makers, No. 2 1 Third Ave., Rock Island, 111. W.l.lMUr.L AX MAKES AND SELLA MORE MEN'S S3. BO SHOES Til AM aiu v J m mm m untJ nTlfoPfl nnr ui ncn miniriviv.1.,.1 iRICE, .2 Cts TO'CURE THE6R1P, vIN ONE DAY pus mo tsniL rwnjfefljE TIGRIPIHt IS GUARANTEED TO CURE CgfllP, BAD COLD, HEADACHE AND NEURALGIA. $10 nnn REWARD to anycr. Vvho can $ I UiUUU r"r':ve this itaUmcnt. ( W. L.DoukIb.1 $3.50 shoes have by their ex cellent style, easy fitting, nnd superior wcarlne qualities, achieved the largest sale of any 5J.50 shoe In the world. They are Just as Rood as those that cost you $5.00 to $7.00 the only difference Is the price. If I could tnko you Into my factory at llrockton, Mass., the largest la the world tinder one roof making men's fine hoes, Hnd show you the care with which every pair of Douglas shoes Is made, you would realize why V. L. Douglas $3.50 shoes are the best shoes produced In the world. Ill could show you the difference between the shoes made In my factory and those of other makes, you would understand why Douglas $3. SO shoes cost more to make, why they hold their shape, fit batter, wear longer, nnd are of greater Intrinsic value than any other S3. SO shoe on the market to-day. ; f i W. L. Douglaa Strona Matlm Shorn torn Man, $2. BO, SS.OO. Octym' School 4 Oraam Shoaa,$2.BO, S3, $1.7B,$1.BO CAUTION. 'Insist iipnn'hnvlntr W.L.Douk las sIioas. Tnko no substitute Isono gcnulmJ without his initio r.:id prlco stamped on bottom. WANTGI), A shoo doftlor In ovary town whsra W. It. Douglas Shoes nre not sold, full llnq of samples sent fruo for Impaction upon requoit, Fail Color Eyelets uied; thtij will not wear braily. oWrlto for Illustrated Catalog of Fall Styles. Y W. Li DQUOIiAH, Itrockton, Mass. StarMuo Holder can bo put on any clothes line prop In minute by woman with hammer Imposxibla for clothes to full In any wind, bend 6ct. for one, 0 for 25 cts. J. H. Johnson, otllca '10 Kxcbungu bulldlog, Newark, N, J. J Uso copperas solution to flush tho pipes and drains in tho'houso onco each wouk. Thia will removo all tlton'! tall Antt-tirlnlne to a doaltr who won't Onarunt II for your SI ON ICY HACK IP IT DOBHHT UUKJs. . JDjnmrr. JI.D., Manufaoturor, Bprlnplcl!, M Sale Ten MBox fL BEST FOR THE BOWELS M HMMaMBSsssaasaauaHi tM U rojureloniiy atuK, troubled wit fite clitr 1 tops aisciisxtss, iaals UflasnmstlM tni local aoToness. rutin u In powdar lerm to ba alsxf nd la par wtiar, aaa ta aw mora ciaannng. aaauog, sod economicsi uan uqaia antueimcs lor TOILHT AND WOMEN'S SPECIAL USES Tor sala at drufslats, 00 cants a box. Trial Dox and Dook.ef IsMtractloes Pre. Thb R. Paxtoh Oompanv Sobtom. uaa. 1 la para crmlcwUL N.N. U. UOO-fiO. YORK NEHR aaa Daat Cooatl I I All USt fAILJ, Syrup. Tastas Good, Uso Sold by all dealers at 25c. and 50c. placed in a hospital. TVs In time 0BSI sola or arucgitts. karirltila