The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, December 15, 1905, Image 2

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    Nemaha Advertiser
Nemaha, - Nebraska
It iclicst joys nro of ton nearest.
Knch of ii3 has vices beneath tis,
virtues above us. Our ideals an; our
virtues. Our temptation nro our
viccBB. The ifleal beckons us onward.
The temptation hires us backward.
Exclusive of Formosa, tlie area of
Japan is reckoned at 110, (XX) Bquaro
miles, while that of Great Britain
is only about 120,010 square miles.
On account of mountains, however,
it is estimated that only one-tenth
of .Japan's area is capable of success
ful cultivation. The population of
.Inpan is very dense, being about
B,000 to the squnre mile
TonncHnoo Praise.
Dayton, Tonn., Doc. 11. (Special.)
Among many prominent residents to
pralno Dodd's Kidney Pills U Mr. N.
It. Itohorts of this place. He tells of
whnt they huve done for him, and hl
words will o docp Into tho hearts ol
all who are suffering In the same way.
llu say 8:
"I was a martyr to Kidney Trouble,
but Dodd'H Kidney Pills completely
cured me. I shall always kocp them
on huud In case there should ho any re
turn of the old trouble, hut I am thank,
fill to uny they did their work so well
there has not been the sllghte-it sign
ef my old complaint coming back. Tin
pain In my back used to bo terrible.
If I got down I had a hard Job to gel
straight again. Ilut my buck Is like s
now one now and I can stoop as muck
ns I please. I don't believe there ovei
was any medleluo half so good in
Dodd'a Kidney Pills." ,
The good shepherd does not need a
crook in his character.
Itching, Hlliiit, lllvcillnic Protruding I'llex.
DrnciilntM nre nutliorzcd to refund money If
PA'.O OINTMKNT fulls to cure In 0 to 11
Onju. We.
Instead of real lovo being such n
'lady-llko thing, it often has blisters
on its feet, corns on its hands, and a
back that aches with loads of others.
A long-winded pastor in a Western
town was once preaching a sermon on
Jtho prophets, telling their place in
history, et cetera. Aftor preaching
throo hours and tiring the entire
congregation, ho branched out with
"Wo now cumu to Malachi; what
place shall we give to Malachi?" An
vldor who had becomu very impatient
aroso and said : 14 Brother you may
'give Malachi my place. I utn going
homo to feed my team."
1 The "Enigmnrollo" of the London
Hippodrome appears like a bulky
'man six feet tall, weighing 11)8
pounds. Its foot are of iron, the legs
are of steel and wood, and the arms
nro of steel and copper while the
body is an insulated wire frame
cased with fiber and rawhide, and
the head is of wax. It is moved by
thrco spring and four electric motors,
with fourteen storage accumulators.
In its back is a switchboard contain
ing tho rheostat, iifteen switches,
throe lovors and three automatic
brakes. Though tho motions are
rather jorky, tho machine very
cleverly walks with long or short
stops, nods its head, waves its arms,
rides a cycle and writes names on a
Must ITuve tfao Kind of Food iUat
NnurlNlien Itrnln.
"I am a literary man whose nervous
energy, lo a great part of my stock In
trade, and ordinarily I have little pa
tience with breakfast foods and the
extravagant claims made of them. Hut
I cannot withhold my acknowledg
ment of the debt that I owe to G rape
Nub food.
"I discovered long ago that the very
bulklncss of tho ordinary diet was not
calculated to give one a clear ho'id, tho
po-wer of sustained, accurate thinking.
I always felt heavy and sluggish In
mind as well as body after ontlng tho
(ordinary menl, which diverted the
jblood from tho brain to the digestive
"I tried foods easy of digestion, but
found them usually deficient In nutri
ment. I experimented with many
breakfast foods and they, too, proved
(unsatisfactory, till I reached Grape
INuts. And then tho problem was
I "Grape-Nuts agreed with me perfect
,ly from tho beginning, satisfying my
'hunger and supplying the nutriment
'that so many other prepared foods
I "I had not been using It very long
before I found that I was turning out
Jin unusual quantity and quality of
-work. Continued use has demonstra
ted to my entire satisfaction that
Grape-Nuts food contains all tho ele
meats needed by the brain and nor
vous Hystom of tho hard working pub
tic writer." Namo given by Postum
Co., Battlo Creek, Mich.
There's n reason. Head tho Httlo
book, "The Road to Wollvllle," In pkgs
The bcBt bljgrnpliics are those on
two feet.
It takes more than honey to mond
the broken word.
Thi' smalh-r the fool tho grcatci
tho folly may be.
Men Judge deeds by their results,
Qod by 'tlielr roots.
A brotherly religion will not have
a sisterly sound.
Many a heavenly tune has been
spoiled by a holy tone.
Theology is no more religion than
an inventory is a stock.
The heart of the world's hunger is
hunger of heart.
Narrowing tlie mind does not cause
it to rise.
Clean brass fixtures witli cut lemon,
afterwards washing witli warm water,
Go as low sa we please, there is
always an evil below which wo have
transcended. Go as high as we
please, there is a good to bo attained.
If all the gold bricks were taken
out of the market, there are scores of
people who would be 'out of employ
ment, both as salesmen and buyers.
"There are three chief requisites
for a fiticcessiul business mnn. Tho
Hrst is honesty absolute honesty."
Tho white-winged dove of ponce,
sometimes gets so smoked up that it
is taken for a crow.
A failure at practicing is often con
trued as a call to go preaching.
Tho King of England receives for
his support annuities amounting to
$2,950,000. He also has other sources
of revenue, bringing in about $500,000
more. The. German emperor receives
a salary as King of Prussia ol
$3,852,770, besides the incomo of
much private provporty. Tho Itussian
Czar has one million square miles ol
cultivated land, besides gold and
other mines in Siberia. His annual
income is estimated at $12,000,000.
The King of Spain receives $1, -130, 000,
)esides $(500,000 for the support of
the family. Tlie ruler of Austria-
Iungary annually receives $3,873,000.
ICpp tli Kidney W;I1 mill tho
Klilitpyn Will Keep Von Well.
Sick, suffering, languid women aro
earning the true cause of bad backs
and how to euro
them, Mrs. W. G.
Dnvls,. of Grocsbeck,
Texas, says: "ltaek
aehes hurt me so I
could hardly atand.
Spells ot dizziness
and alclc headaches
wero frequent and
the action of the kid
neys was. lrregulnr.
Soon after I began
taking Doan's Kidney Plll I passod
several gravel stones. I got -well and
the trouble has not returned. My back
s good and strong and my general
health better."
Mold by all deulers. 50 cents n box.
Fostor-MUburu Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
Many men aro sure they would get
to heaven if only they might die i
their Sunday suits.
Tho unusual man who "has nil ho
knows at the end ol ins tongue"
when placed to a test demonstrates
that ho knows mighty little-.
Loyalty to one truth involves
lospitality to all.
Some men are born fools, but it
takes a lot of labor to make n dudo.
Hub the bottom crust of tho pie
with the white of an egg and it will
revent tho juice from soaking into
Work well done is the highest re
ferenco you can give as to your
character and your ability.
It is a very wise chicken that knows
ts own mother, and a prodigy of a
en that can tell her own chickens.
Love leads to likeness.
"Straw always stacks up higher than
Tho systematic housewife makes a
duplicate list of tho clothes sent to
the laundress and encloses one with
the clothing.
If Solomon wore now alive, few of
the magazines would pay him a cen
a line for his proverbs.
Keep macaroni in an air-tight
receptacle and plunge' into boiling
salted water before cooking.
Add borax to tlie water in which
the dishtowels aro washed and it wil
aid in making them white and soft.
Salad dressing should not bo mixed
with salad until Just before serving,
Prosperity easily builds up its own
Many follies aro only refreshed by
Tho cloth may make tho clergy, but
tho man makes thu minister.
Stockholm has tho largost death
rate from tho use of alcohol of any
city In tho world. Tho number of
oaths from this cause is ninoty in
one thousand.
Number Of Charges Fifed
Matter In Abeyance for Win Time
Jlelng Urown County, Nilirni
ha, Man SiiggflAled Put'
tcJoUu'a HucceiAor,
WASHINGTON. -It can now be
atuted on good authority that David
Thompson, American Ambassador
to, is under serious investiga
tion by the state department. There
aro two charges pending against the
Nebraska man, of which, if proven,
may result in retiring him to private
ifo. The most serious charge
against Mr. Thompson is said to be
based upon his letter advertising a
mismanaged New York life insur
ance company. It is said that Wil-
iiin ,. Penlleld, solicitor for the
state department, had really gono to
tio Jnnieru to investigate the con
duct of the American ambassador.
lis ostensible mission was, of
course, to mnue certain inquiries
concerning ottr tarde relations with
. Tho solicitor report of his findings
n tlie private affairs of Ambassador
Thompson were placed in the hands
of tlie president about a week ago,
and are now boinff investigated by
Secretary Hoot. x
riie other alleged charge, it is
rumored concerning' some personal
of Mr. Thompson at Rio Janerio, in
formation of which cannot be
allinned or denied au 8?ie state de-
A very interesting thing in con
nection with the various rumors re
garding Ambassador Thompson is
that lit; did not pay a viah to the
white house while in Washington a
few days ago. He ditl, however, pay
tis respects to Secretary Root and
other officials of the state depart
ment. It is always tho custom for
an American ambassador when visit-
ng Washington, to first'oalt vtpon
the president, and then tho secretary
of state. This incident ib- Pookou
upon hero as being evidence th5 Mr.
Thompson is seriously involved, and
is in all probability on the out with
'resident Roosevelt.
The opinion prevails here ihiWash
ngton that even if tho alleged
charges against Mr. Thompson- are
found to be groundless, he wilB not
likely be elevated to the Mecitenn
embassy, as had previously been
ilannod. They contend that! he- will
satisfied it he retains his- present
Another thing which has caused
moro or less comment is man nr.
Thompson, while here, denied hav
ing any knowledge whatever ofl being
promoted in tho service, saying that
ho was well satisfied with his-present
olllcial residence.
The state department is muting a
careful inquiry into charges made by
Consul General Seeger a fa Rio do
Janeiro against David E Tilwinpson,
American ambassador to llruzil, and
by tho latter against the consul gen
eral. No olllcial statement can be
had as to tho nature of these charges
and tho "dirty row" wli.wh led up
to them according to one statement.
Mr. Thompson was granted leave of
absence by the state department and
returned to this country with Solici
tor Penfield, who had been, by
direction of the presiduat, making a
personal investigation, on the ground
of the charges and countercharges.
Judge Ponliold has-so far not. sub
mitted any vrittettt seport and has
been only able' to communicate
briefly and verbally do tho president
and to Secretary Itoot the result of
his inquiry. When Mr. Thompson
reached New York after a week's
delay ho cniuo to Washington and
called upou Secretary Root ant
"Assistant Secretary Raeon and then
proceeded to his home in Nebraska
to wait tho pleasure of the depart
ment as to further appearance.
Arva Gallogly of Johnstown, Brown
county, has been endorsed to succeed
James 0 Petti John, who was re
moved by order of tho president as
register of tlie Valentine land olllce
No candidate has beoii. presented to
succeed Receiver Albert L. Towlo,
who has been requested to resign.
R. Iloagland was romoved from
the ollico of postmaster at Gaudy
Logan county, and Alfred O. Oomb
was appointed hia successor.
Insist They Aro Chrlntfnns P
Seal of DlAftpprovul by Other
DenoiiilnRtlniin Crcoa
of Little Account
OMAHA., Neb. Ten persons wer
killed and eleven trnin employes and
eight passengers were injured in i
wreck of the overland limited pas
senger train No. 2 on tlie Uniotf
Pacific, live miles west of ItocP
Springs, Wyo., Just before 2 o'clock
in tho morning. The limited waf
run into, head on, by a freight train,
and both engines wore demolished
and the dynamo car, mail car and
lining car on tho limited were
burned up. Several of the bodies ol
tho dead were incinerated.
A list of dead follows:
JAMES 1JUS1JEE, first cook,
Oaklnnd, Cal.
second cook,
fourtlt cook,
FRANK JETER SON, mail cleric
all of Cheyenne, Wyo.
FRANK M'KENNA, assistant
electrician1, Omaha.
An oYfru ffpicht trnin wni ftiver
An extra' reignt train was giver
an order befou it left Itock Snrinm
to meet four east-bound pnssengei
trains, of which the Overlnnd Limited
,i..ia lnaf ,v of At, Snv n atll.
"WO V11VJ JflOU Wlvf V W tVt 1 kJ V." I
lllg five miles We&t of Rock Snrtncs.
Tlie freight tooit the sicfing at Ah
Snv and waited uaitil three trains had
nnospd rnf nmli fPinn ntillnd nut
passed east, nnifJ then pulled out.
When a mile and) a half west of AH
Snv the freicht aiet the Ovcrlanu
Limited and crashed into it head on.
Until oiiL'inos wore demolished and
i. i sf .,.., p -t. r....-i,;
limited immediately canght Art
engineer JinnK or sue lrcignt train,
who, it is auiuiu omuiany, was re-
sponsible for fverruiminff his orders,
. ,..,. a7. ix 1
iad been badly delhyed at Granger,
with the result that the four passen
ger trains wero running close to eaet
other. The freiirht had receded nos-
live orders to meet all four of these
trains at Alt Say, and' the officials saj
t?iat the orders wero evShermisunder-
stood or disobeyed.
Kelief trains witlh wrecking carl
and a large number of physician
wero immediately tt&patchcd fronl
Rock Springs and Granger, and ara
now at the scene of'the wreck.
The Wyoming state hospital, lo
e.tieu near uock opnngs, was con-
i i t t n ,
venent to the point, wncro tire wreck
occurred and to this, rnstituiion tho
njured wero removed' and made com
fortable without gxiitvt delay. The
extent of the injuries- of those caught
n tho forward oar has not been
definitely learned, bat it is believed
none of them vrrll prove fatal,
il though several were seriously hurt.
Tho relief trains: arrived at the
scene of the wreck early in tho morn-
ng, but the injured hud been re
moved before thu'j arrived. A tem
porary track was constructed around
tho wreck, and' Si-allie nvas not ser-
ously delayed.
Division Surgeon "Reed nnd a num
ber of division ofiicinls from Rock
Springs arrived at the wreck shortly
ater it occurred and took charge of
the dead autb injured. Tho bodies
of tho dead woro removed to Rock
The' mail car was tho scene-
of -tho greatest mortaliy. In this car
four mail el'erks wore working when
the crash same. Three of them were-
killed otttrigbt and the fourth,
Shafer, was probably fatally hurt.
W. L. Park, general superintendent
of tho Union Pacific road, stateti that
Condvtctor Hoy Dnrroll and Eugineor
Brink were entirely responsible for
the wreck and that Conductor Darroll
has admitted that ho became con
fused ns to the number of trains that
had passed Ah Say.
Tho overland limited train was
duo in Omaha in tho evening and
carried mostly through passengers.
Superintendent Park is informed
that none of the passengers received
serious injuries and expects that they
will be able within a day to resume
their journey
SAN FRANCISCO. Ed wa rd Rosen
baum, who was killed in tho railroad
wreck at Wilkins station, Wyoming,
was a residont of Melrose, a suburb
of Oakland.
Mrs. Potts Tollo How Wornon Should
Propara for Mothorhoocl
The darkest days of husband and
wife aro when they como to look for
ward to childless and lonely old ago.
Many a wifo has found herself Tnca
pablo of motherhood owing to n disi
placement of tho womb or lack ol
itrongth In tho gencratlyo organs.
Mrs. Ahuct'Potts
Frequent backacho and distressing!
pains, accompanied by offensive dis
charges nnd generally by irregular .
and scanty menstruation indicate n dis?
placement or nerve degeneration of
tho womb and surrounding" orgfans.
Tho question that troubles, women
Is how can a woman who has some fe
male troublo bear healthy children?
Mrs. Anna Potts, of 510 ParkATcnuo,
Ilot Springs, Ark., writes :
My Dear Sirs. Phtkham:
Tvns delicate in beiutu ; txjtli my husband nnd
3 woro very" anxious for a child to bles our
homo, but I had two miscarriages, and could
not carry n child to maturity. A neighbor
who had boon cured bv Lvdln. E. Plnknim'a
s delicate ii health ; IkjUi my
ill, miu it a J 114 v VI I11J 11111 1 icu 111U Jk
Vegetable Compound advised mo to try itt. I
.,,." ,..,.1 thnt x WM er.0w
stronger, mv hoadaehes nnd backachea loft
.Uftd no' "J?1,?!;
bocamo the mother of a strong, healthy
Child. tUO lOV OC OUr llOmO. JjVUta iS. TialC-
t - - ,, jr- r iflL
mlnndld remodv.. and I wish ovorv wemnn
who -ants to become a mothor would try-dik"
Actual sterility in woman is very
tj t.:i i. i
rare; n uuy wuuiau imuiw diib u wet-
lfet her tB7 Lydia E. PinkhanVa
Vegetable Compound and write to Mrs. '
Pinkham, Lynn, Mass. Her advico io
free to-cxpectaut or would-bo mothers
i'rcsiv iish wmi nave nrm nusn, u
BooU !jr' an a fi'"Pr& llno'
Hors This
We ofra-rOne' HunUred Dollars Reward Jfir
P"ycn,s? ot Cnturrtv than cauuot be cured1
fay Hall's CatntTh Cure.
V. 3i CIIENUY & CO.. Toledo. O.
We. thte- uuderslzatd. have known P. JV.
Cheney frtrr tho- last 15 years, und believe-
him perfectly huuivuble In all huslues
trxiisnctlom and' tlnauclnlly able to carry
out any oDiigntions made uy His nrm.
NTHolcsale Kiracglsts, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Care Is taken Internally;.
act," lUrrj:ly "P tnc ftnd1 niwrf
free. Price 75c per bottle. Sold BTaJl!
Tate llau's Family run for constipation;
To keep-milk from scorching rinse
the pan. im cold water before pouring
in the milk.
Happiness woold be bleak withoafe
sorrow fOtrai baekground
I 1
,Mlr nnvi(i Kon.dyV avorite iiemf,jr
'vTt mffl:
lirnlue, Murium It. K.. N. Y.
If a gbss is desired on linen add a
teaspoonSul of 3alt to the stiruh mlien
Ai Valuable Agent.
Thn-itivcftriRe employed In Dn Pterco's
medicines greatly enhances tho medi
cinal properties which it extracis and
holds in solution mucu ucuer main alco
hol wauld. It also possesses mrafcinnl
nronhrtles of Its own. bolne a waluablo
demulcent, nutritive, antiseptic mad anti-
forme-nt. it adds greatly tuitne elllcacy
of tfco Black Chorryhark, Gbltfen Seal
root btono root and yueonis swt, con
tained In "Golden Medical I)ltw.very" In
subduing chronic, or llngpriihff coughs,
bncatcnlal. throat ana lung- aticctions,
for all of whlcn thesti agonts. ar recom
niomdcil by standard medical! -authorities.
sn an cases wncro inert)' u wasting
a-ay ot llosh, loss of appetlto, with
weak stomach, as in tha-oiMrty stages of
consumption, thoro can bu ao doubt that
flvpnrJiii ni'tl ns n vn 1 11 n lil.H nut.rltlvn unit
i aids tho Golden Seal rocc Stono root,
Vtieon s root ana unerryoarK m
promoting digestion and building up tho
ilesh and strength, controlling tho cough
und bringing about a healthy condition
of tho whole systomi.. Of courso, It must
not bo oxpeeteu to wcick miracles. It will
not euro consumption except in Its earlier
stages. It will euro very scvero, obstin
ate, chronic coughs, bronchial and laryn
geal troubles, acd chronic soro throat
with hoarseness. In acuto coughs It la
not sootTectlvcv It Is In tho lingering
coughs, or thoso or long standing, oven
when accompanied by bleeding from
lungs, that it has performed Its laoat
marvelous cvtros. Send for and react tho
Httlo book of extracts, treating of tho
proportles and uses of tho several med
icinal roots that enter Into Dr. Vierco's
Golden Medical Discovery and loarn'i
this medlciuo has such a wido range of
application in tho cure of diseases. It is
sent .frfc. Address Dr. It. V. P ferae,
Rnffalo, N. Y. Tho "Discovery" eflrvT
tains no alcohol or harmful, habit-form-Ing
drug. Ingredlonts all printed on each
bottlo wrapper In plain English.
Sick people, especially thoso suffering
from diseases of long standing, aro Invited
to consult Dr. Plorco by letter, free. All
correspondence Is held as strictly private
and sacredly confidential. Address Dr.
R. V. Plerco. Buffalo. N. Y.
Dr. Plorco's Medical Advisor Issontrco
on receipt of stamps to pay exponso of
nailing only. Send 21 ono-cont stamps
for paper-covered, or 31 stamps for cloth'
bound copy.