)0 YOU GET UP WITH A I,AME BACK? Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable. Almost everybody who reads the newH pnpers la aure to know ot the wonderful cures made by ijr. i Kilmer's Swamp J Root, the ureal kid U ney, liver and blad r der remedy. M leal triumph of the I mil ninutcciitli century ; '-E&H of scientific research n J4i?t 'y Dr- KHmer, the tZmZSie3- ' onnneiit kidnev and bladder fijiecinlist, and is wonderfully successful in promptly curing lame back, uric acid, catarrh of the bladder and llright's Disease, which is the worBt form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is not rec ommended for everything but if you have kidney, liver or bladder trouble it wll be found just the remedy you need. It lias been tested in so many ways, in hospital work and in private practice, and has proved so successful in every case that a special arrangement has been made by which nil readers of this paper, who have not already tried it, may have a sample bottle sent free by mail, nlson book tell nig more about Swamp-Root, und how to findoutif youhave kidney or bladder trou ble. When writing mention reading this uencrous offer in this paper and send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Hiiighnmtoii, N. Y. The regular fifty-cent and oiie- flnllnr ImiLIIbS Sire Tlomo of Bwunp-Koot. sold hy nil good druggists. Don't make any mistake, Imt remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and thenddress, Uinyhamton, N. Y., on every bottle. Needed la Every Home THE NEW AND ENLAR.GLD EDITION OF webster's International Dictionary A rjfcttaanrv of ENGLISH. Biography. GMcrapby, Fiction, lc. New Plates Throughout 25,000 New Words Pkr&a ! Definition Prepared under tho direct super vision. Ot W. T. HARRI3, PU.D., LL.D., United States Commissioner of Edu cation, assisted by a lrg corps of com -peltuifc srttci&lbLs and editors. Rich Rinding 234 Qu.rc Pai 5800 Ktufttralloaa tSTTIta IttUnuitia nal was first issued in. ISM, succeeding ilia "Unabridged." TfiA Ucto and Ktwxrtjtd Editian of the International tats tatted in, October 1300. Out tha latest ami best. WoakM tiiUIh. Wkstr's ColIt&r Dictionary with 0 laswry o C Scottish Words and Phrnacd IlMlHwu liMUltutntiaa. Slat TslQaS M ladan. "FtinkdiUM lit quality. gecoiuI-e!a in Bine." Specimen page, ote. of both books sent on application. IG.6 C. MERMAM CO. Publishers, SprlagfUId, Mm. Fr PX, Burst, Sores eJ6Wells Street MarineMeWia. 616 Wei!a Street, SLihinkiyk, Wis., Sept. 25, 1903. I -was allnmdoyra. from nervous TXtB andorerworkand had to resign my poeitloa and take a rest. I found that I was not gaining my strength and health as fast as I couldwish, and as your 'Wine of Cacdol was recommended as Euch a good medicine for the ilk of oar ex, I boacht a bottle and begaa using it. I was satisfied with the results from the use of the first bottle, and took three more and then found I was restored to good health and KrsDgtp and able to taka up mr vnorlc with rcnewied "vicor. I consider it a fine tonic and excellent for worn-out, nervous condition. I aad am pleased to endorse it. AGNES WESTLEY, aT, Vortti Wtaaiarfa MetUoA Sadat. Secure a 1.00 bottle of Wine of Cardui and a 25c package of llwdfaroT Black-Draught today. WINE CF CAR0U1 ll...,..lX Ifcourcurel Yocnoinr The Nebraska Advertiser F L. Woodward started for Chicago Thursday afternoon. Wo aro certainly having enough rain now. It rained Wednesday tnd Thursday of this week. Eddie ai d Claud Maxwell went to Heatrlco Thursday wheru they will attend the business college The scenery waB put in the opera Iiouho Wednesday, a representative of the KatiBaa City company from whom tho sconary was purchased being present to oversee it. It is handsome scenery Tho Eastern Star lodge will glvo a dimo Boclal in tlio Hoover Htore build up; Bouth of the drug store Saturday nignt of this week, to which everybody Ib invited. Ice cream and cake and coffee will be nerved. The Granger deputes many of tho HgureB given In last week's Advertiser taken from J. P. Hoover's day book. lie aaya ho never heard of augar Belling at 7 pounds for a dollar. Wo didn't believes John's memory was getting that poor. If htt will only look over his old account books he will (ihd he is mistaken on this as he is so many other things. The troublo with John, he never takes the trouble to InveitlKnto He makes an assertion because he wants it to be that way und lets it go. Bittr look up the records, John, before making ho many sweeping assertions We have thedocuments tushow. You have nothing but your own assertion which doesn't go very far now. tu housekeeping liberality (s often tho best economy, particularly at the beginning of Winter, when tho wise expenditure of a considerable sum on tlio scaaoa'a food supply may tneun the saving of many a dollar. Some prac tical advice in this direction is given by laabd Gordon Curtis id the October Delineator, willed contains many feat tiles of housewifely interest. Hallow e'en Patty Novelties. Illustrating dell" cades for Hallowe'en refreshment and entertainment, ia a seasonable item, and other culinary topics ate Setving Game Dislien, Celery Novelties, Home Bfade and Whole-Wheat Bread, and A Rice Uoundelay. In addition Mary Taylor-Kosa has some helpful notes on Little Things of Housekeeping. Lincoln Evening News: Enclosed find check for S3 for one year's sub scriptiou to the Lincoln Daily News I like the paper very much indeed and u ive often taken occasion te commend itssund for decent politics and funda mental returmt. it is worm a goon deal to the advociius or sued measures us (he sii glo tax, direct primary, direct legislation, etc , to have au inlluentlal piper which will give moral support, or at any rate, fair treatment to their efforts and E am glad tho Lincoln News has grit enough to say that right is right and wrong is wrong, uo matter by whom advocated or by whom ops posed This (s not saying that I ap prove of every position you take. It is merely saying that think you are trying to be fair, and that spirit amoug daily papers seems almost us rare as it is desirable. Respectfully. A. G . OlIAL'ilAN. Reader, don't you waut this kind of a uatier? tt only costs 25 cents a mouth. We will send the Advertiser, the weekly Lincoln State Jourual, and the Lawn ICouiestead, all one yeur for only UM. Reuietubor that W.W. Sanders writes insurance, He is agent for several (Jest class companies, both mutual 'and old itno. Ills rates are as low &s any. Give hiui a call. Dying of Famlrto is, in its torments, like dying of con sumption. Tho progress of consumpi tian, from the beginning to tho very eud, (s a long torture, both to victim and friends. "When E had cousutnp' tiou (a its first stage, " writes Wm Blyoco, of Cearfoss, Md., ''after trying different medicines and u good doctor, tu vain, t at last took Dr. King's New Discovery, which quickly and perfectly cucod me." frouipc rener and sure cure for conchs, colds, sore throat bronchitis, etc. Positively prevents pneumooia. Guaranteed at Keeling't- rug store, price 50 c and Si. 00 a bottle Republican county uonvention Tho republican county Mavention met at the court house In Auburn Monday. J, M. Anderson nm elected temporary chairman and W. II. Dous field and W. W. Sanders temporary secretaries. The 'credentials handed in showed ovory precinct represented except Ia- land and Went Benton. Tho temporary organization was made permanent and tho convention proceeded to nominate a ticket in the order of the call. D J. A. Dirks was renominated for treasurer by acclamation. For county clerk an Informal ballot was taken. J. M. Wright, the presont deputy, received a majority of tho votes c.irtt, and a motion to make the ballot formal was carried and Mr. Wright was declared nominated, Frod Itohrs received a majority of tho votes for sheriff on the first ballot and was declared nominated. M, S. Mclnlnch was nominated for judge by acclamation. Geo. D. Carrington, jr., was renoms inated for county superintendent by acclamation. For coroner there were three noms I nations Dr. V. M. Jioal and Dr. Raynor of Auburn and Dr. II. C. Smith of Brownville. On the third ballot Dr. Smith was nominated. Chas. R Hacker was nominated for s irvoyoi against nis protests, but he finally consented to accept If elected. W. A. Doollttle was renominated! for county coaimissioner. A motion was adopted empowering the county central committee to fill all vacancies on the ticket should auy occtir. Resolutions woro adopted endorsing President Roosevelt, Congressman P dlard and the Falls Citv nlatfnrm The following delagatea were elected to tho state convention: T. J. Majors. Ellis E. Good, Richard F Neal, J W. Kerns. 0. R. Hacker, Peter Berlet, It. M. Crlchton, J. W. Bailey, S. W. Christy, Lee Shubert, W. S. Russell Geo. II. Sutton, Peter Berger, C. A Curtis, John A. Aumiller. Ed Shurti leff, H. II, Studheit. Hugo Task It was a huge task to undertake the cure of such a bad case of kidney di sease, as that of C. F. Collier, of Chero- diti, la., buc Electric Bitters did itlle writes: "My kidneys were so far gone I could not sit on a chair without a cushion; and suffered from dreadful backache, headache, and debression In Electric Bitter, however, 1 found a cure, and by them was restored to per fect health. I recommend this great tonic mediciue to all with weak kids neys, liver or stomach . Guaranteed by W W. Keelinc drucrcist: nriceSOc. Tilir Tim r m niYit lAmt Lincoln. Denver1. Dinuhn Helena Chicago Butte St. JoMeph Sail. Lake City Kansas City Portland St.XiOU.iis and all San iFVnoiHoo Point JEuKt und A.nd 11 Point South. West TK,A.INS LEAVE AS FOLLOWS: No. 117 -I'assouper, dully cxceptSim day, for Tecumseii, ifentrlce, Holdrego aud all points west 0;48 a m No. 98 Passenger, dally oxceptSun- day, ror NcurusKa uuy, unicago and all points nortli and cau 1 :00 p m No. til Local frulgtit, dally except Sunday, for AIciuhou and Inter. niedlfite stations i 0:1S p m Ko. 112 Local freight, dally except Monday, for Nebraska Cliy and intermediate stations 1:10 am Ordor of Hoaxing and Notico on Potition for Sottlomont of Account iron, nud to all persons interested In the pM.t'e ot OhrUtophor Velck, deceased: Notico Is howby trlvon thnt Jfnrv ( r.nn. konipcr has nicd a petition untying for tlnnl settlement nud allowance of her admlnlstra tlon acuotint rtlett In tills court on tho2let day of Aumist, A. I). llt'f. and for ilntn or heir ship, decrns of distribution, and such other relief rh may bo Just aud proper, and tho same Uns been set for hcnrlng ou (he 25th day of September, lU0rat lOti'clock a. rn., at mo ouuniy uouri. ruuui 111 .aiu couuiy, in Auim n, sum county or Monmhn, whon and where all iwrnons Interested In said mnttnr may appear and show cniue, If there be any, wuy wie prayor 01 Mini I'd iiiou snuuid HOI l grauted. und If suillclcnt cnuso Is not shown ttie court may crntittho prayer there of, and make such further and other orders as may ue proper. Dated thls2lst dav of Aucust. 100f. 8KALJ J. 8. JtcOxiav, County Judge. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR IB In tlio ootinly court of Nemaha county. Nob. I WUt Ut.i in t r.)itfulrn nntt n 1 1. I KTn.k.... .... ! To Emma Hickman, John K Telck, Mary 0. anv' JMUnClllICl( l"l V. HWlVVdlUI, V Ulil Jm Jihmm I The publishers of Tho Republic, St. Louis, Mo., offer a magnificent set of Revised New Home Library Wall Chans upon such absolute liberal terms that no school or homo in tho country can afford to bo without them. This beautiful sot, containing nine complete maps and a Cyclopedia of indlsponsablo information, will bo given, free of all charges, to every person who sends Ono Dollar to pay for a years subscription to tho Twice a week Ropubllc of St. Louis, and Farm Progress, the Great Agricultural and Homo Monthly Magaziue pub lished by tho Republic and acknnw lodged ovory whore to be tho beat jourus al of its kind published anywhoro. Following are the maps in this set: (l)The World; (2) The United States; (.') Typographic map of tho Rusbo Japaneso War, with facts and figures of the contest brought down to date; (I) Alaska; (5) Hawaii; (0) Porta Rico; (7) The Philippines; (8) Panama; aud i (0) Your choice of a largo map of auy ono of the following eighteen states and territories: Missouri, Illinois, ArkanBUP, Texas, Oklahoma, Indian Territory, Indiana, Kentucky, Wyoms ing, Tennessee, Mississippi, Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, Arizona, New Moxs ico, Colorado and Louisiana. In ordering, subscribers will please specify the State map they desire in their set. Three large sheets, each 28 by SO inches in dimensions, comprise the Charts. Everything that you want to know about your own State, your own country and tho countries and peoples of the world, will be found in this great Cyclopedia and Geography com bined. You cant afford to miss this opportunity, The Twice-a Week Ra public is the ieadiHg Beml-weekly newspaper and home journal in the country. Farm Progress has no bus perior lu its chosen field. Either paper alone is worth a full dollar a year. Under tho terms of this special offer, which is good for a limited time only, you get both of these excellent journs als au entire year, and tho complete et of Charts, all for only One Dollar It you appreciate a good thing you will lose no time in taking adyantage of this opportunity at once, beforo the offer is withdrawn. The papers wil be sent to separate addresses, if des sired, and the Charts will be securely mailed, free of all cost, in a large tube insuring them against lo or damage of any kind, They will last you lifetime, and prove their worth every day in the year. Don't delay, but send your order at once to Map Department, Tho Republic, St. Louis, Mo. Old paper for sale cheap at Tbe Ad vertiBer otllce. In tho District Court of Nemaha County Htnto of Nebraska. In tho matter ol the petition of Wlllard F Ileaslry; administrator of tho estate f Ell IColthley, doccused, for license to soli real estato. Wlllard F. Ileasley, administrator. ruilutlir, vs. Lewis Kelthlov, David Nowton Keithley, Hnrab Coldlron Ta- bltha Humlltou, John Keith. v ley, Thornton Keithley. Mary Honslov, Auustu Keithley, Viola Vonetto Wolf, und Liz- zlo Ward, Defendants. Ordor to show cause why license should not be urn tiled to sell real es.nte. Now on this 26th day of August, A. D.,1905, this causo comes on for hearing, upon tho petition, under oath, of Wlllard b lieasloy, administrator ot the estate of E(l Keithley, deceased, pntylni? for license to sell tho fol lowing described real estate ot said Ell Keithley, deceased, to.wlt: Tho west hair (w. X) of tlio southwest qunrter(N. w. V) of tho" southeast Tquartor (s. e. ) of section twenty-seven (27). township four (-1), north of range sixteen 16 east, in Nomalm county, Nebraslca, or a suflloleut amount thereof to bring tho sum of$f.).T5, wltu Interest thereon from tho 1.1th day of March, A. D., 1905, for the payment ot dohts allowed against said estate, aud all allowances and costs of ad ministration, for tho reason that thero Ig not sufficient amount of personal proporty lu tho possession of said Wlllard K. lieasloy, ad ministrator, belonging to said estate, to pay said debts, allowances and o St. It is therefore ordered that tho above named defendents.and all persons Interested In said estate, appear before me, In tne district court room in tno city or Aimum, in siua county or Nemaha, on tho 10th day of October, A. D at tile nour oi l p. m to snow cause, If there be. wliv a llcenso should not. lm granted to s i id wiuaru v. lieasloy, admin istrator, to sell so much of tho abovo le. scribed real estate as shall be necessary to pay said debts and expenses. It Is further ordered that a copy ol this or der bo served upon nil porsoiiB Intorosted lu said estate by causing the stuno to bo pub lished onco each week for four consecutive weeks In tho Nebrnskn Advertiser, a news paper printed and published lu said county of Nemahu. Signed W. II. KKLLIGAH, Jndgoof Elm Judicial District. STULL HAWXBY, Attorneys for said administrator. W.M.J0AMPHELL, Pres. p. E. ALLEN. Vloe-Pres. ELMEIl E. ALLEN, Cashier. BANK OF NEMAHA NEMAHA, NEBRASKA Capital Stock, $5,000 - Roport of t he Condition of the BANK OF NEMAHA Chartur No. (132 Of Neinnhn, m theHUte of Nobraka, at the hClosoof buslnvMS Augusts, V.)0 HE80UKCKS Loans nnil discounts SIC371 21 UvonlrnflH, Heoured luid.uusecureil lot 7f Kiuiklui! IiouHQurntlurenmt fixtures 1141 Current oxpenaeH and Ihxch paid......... 395 'iV duo irom tiAlionni. uiaie mm privato bntikHatid bnnkorN '32iU 31 Total chhIi on liaud 294 20 Total SM170 W LIABILITIES Capltnl Rtook paid In 85000 rpiuH iunu iuuu ldlvlded profits 1803 27 Individual donoHlts Huhlect to check 44055 0V eomaud certificates of deposit Tlmo certificates of doposlt 2312 u Total $61170 3fi State of Nebraska, lHU county oixscmatia, ) I, Elmer E. Allen, cashier of tho abovo named bank, do solemnly swear that tho above statement Is correct and a truo copy of the report mado to tho State Uauklng Hoard. ELMEK K. ALiLiHN, Casilier. Attest F. E. Allf.n', J erectors. Subscribed and sworn to beforo mo this 2nd day of September, lDOfi. W. W. BANDERS, Notary Public. A Bad Scare Some day you will get a bad scare wiianyou feel apaln in your bowels and fear appendicitus. Safety lies in Dr. King's Now Life Pills, a sure cure for all bowel and stomach diseases, Buch as headache, biliousness; costlvei neeH, etc. Guaranteed at Keeling's drug store, only 25c. Try them , BRICK BRICK t FirEt class Building Brick for sale at tho Nemaha Brick Kilns Call and see them and get prices. Quality guaranteed JOSEPH M. WEST NEMAHA, NEBR. W. W. ERAZIER, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Nemaha, Nebr All calls promptly attended Phone 28 DR. a. M. ANDREWS Medical and Surgical Diseases of Women Stella - Nebraska W. ($5. 'Sanders Justice of the Peace NOTARY PUBLIC Real Estate and Insurance Agent Res! Estate for Sae House and two lots, good well, large cellar, and other conveniences. House and two lots, cood well. Good house and one lot. House has flvogood rooms, porches, etc. Is in good condition in every way a very desirableplace. Fine well , small barn pens, etc, Farm of -10 acres, 20 acres in or chard. f W. W. SANDERS i Trial bottle fre. Tbe 5'M!nute Breakfast Food