I nc iucal, vv ire Shapes the Destiny of Men The Influence of a Healthy Woman Cannot Be Overestimated. S(jveti-clgliths of the men in this world marry a woman because alio is beautiful in their eyes bi'L'tiu.-itj she has the quail tico which inspire admira tion, respect and love. There is a beauty In health which iB more at tractive to men than mere ;4ufecrularitv of feature. A' i w - - I'lio mtluencc of women glorious in the possession of perfect physical health upon men and upon the civilization of the world cou' l never be measured. Jfocauseof them men have attained the very heights of ambition ; because of them even thrones have been established and de stroyed. What a disappointment, then, to see the fair young wife's beauty fading away before a year passes over her head t A sickly, half-dead-and-alive woman, especially when she is the mother of a family, is a damper to all joyous ness in the home, and a drag upon her husband. The cost of a wife's con stant illness is a serious drain upon the funds of a household, and too often all the doc toring does 116 good. If a woman Undo her energies are flagging, and that everything tires her, uarK stiauows appear under her eyes her sleep is disturbed by horrible utcep i uisturDcu oy dreams ; if she has backache, head aches, bearing-down pains, nervous ness, whites, irregularities, or despon dency, she should take means to build her system up at onco by a tonic with specific powers, such as Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. This great remedy for women has done more in the way of restoring health to the women of America than all other medicines put together. It is the safeguard of woman's health. Following wo publish, by request, a letter from a young wife. Mrs. liessie Ainsley of Oil South 10th Street, Taeoma, Wash., writes: DoarMrs. Pinkham: "Ever since my child was born I hnvo Buf fered , as 1 hope low women over have, witli inflammation, femnlo weakness, bearing-down pains, backache- and wretched lioudnelios. It affected my stomach so that I could not en joy my meals, and hnlf my time was spent in bed. Lydia . Pinkham's YcSctablc , Tlie larpest raindrops are about j one-fifth of an, incb In diameter. To determine the size rain is allowed to fall Into a tbick layer of flour, each drop forming a pellet of dough and these pellets aro compared with dough pellets obtained from drop3 of known size delivered on the flour by artlliclal means. Sir John Madden, chief justice of Victoria, has discovered a now plan of punlshlne old offenders, lie adds up all their previous terms and makes tho total their sentence. The other day he sentenced an offender to nine years and one month his aggressive record. A WOMAN'S SUFFERINGS. Weak, Irregular, Hacked with Paina Made Wtfll and HO Pound) Heavier. Mrs. E. W. Wright of 172 Main St., Haverhill, Mass., snys: "In IS08 I was Buffering so with sharp pnlns in the small of the back and hnd such fre quent dizzy spells that I could scarce ly get about the house. The uri nary pnssages wero also quite ir- regular. .Mommy periods were so distressing I dread ed their approach. 'IMila toa 111 if nrktwlf- tton for four years. Doan's Kidney vdls helped me right away when I be gan with them, and three boxes cured we permanently." 1 Foster-MIlburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents per box. 'PLEASANT THE NEXT M0RNIN3 I PEEL BRIGHT AND NEV AND MY COMPLEXION IS BETTER. Mf dootor "Ji U acts gantlr on tha atomacb. lira Md kidnei andisapleaaani laxitlra. ThU drink TJ aid from barbi. and ( praparad lor naa as aajllr u IM. UUMjlad'4L,anea Taa" or lANE'S FAMILY MEDICINE All drew liU ot br mall It ets. and Mcts. Bur It t, tar. I.aiie'o Family flledlclno ornl each dfc.y, Ja ordar toko mwwt. ddtooo. JT. WaodiranL oieaicino .Marco tlit luaUbjr thiaU M MOT, H, X. F,':.d. "".Tbompson's Eye Water lff "Lydia E. Pinklmm's VeRetable Compound mado mo a well woman, and I feol so grate ful that I am lad to tvrlto and toll you of my marvelous recovery. It brought me health, new life and vitality." What Lydia E. Piukham's Vegetable Compound did for Mrs. Ainsley it will do for every woman who is in poor health and ailing. f Its benefits begin when Mb use begins. It gives strength and vigor from the start, and surely makes sick women well and robust. Remember Lydia 12. Pinkham's Vege table Compound holds the record for the greatest number of actual cures of woman's ills. This fact is attested to bj' the thousands of letters from grate ful women which are on fllo in the Pinkham laboratory. Merit alone can produce bucIi results. Women should remember that a cure for all female diseases actually exists, and that' cure is Lydia 13. Pinklmm's Vegetable Compound. Take no substi tute. If you have symptoms you don't understand write to Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass., for special adviceit is free and always helpful. Compound Succeeds Where Others Fail, DISFIGURING HUMOR. BRUSHED SCALES FROM FACE LIKE POWDER. Doctor Said T,ndy" Would Be DU figured for Life Ctttlcura "Work Wondera, "I suffered with eczema all over my body. My face was covered; my eye brows o.mo out. 1 had tried three doctors, but did not get any better. I then went to another doctor. He thought my face would be marked for life, but my brother-in-law told me to get Cuticura. I washed with Outicura Soap, applied Cuticura Ointment, and took Cuticura Resolvent as directed. I could brush the scales oft my face like powder. Now my face is Just aa clean as it ever was. Mrs. Emiim White, 041 Cherrler Place, Camden, N. J., April 23, '05." Pollfcgnoss is tho uest dofeosi against other people's bad manners Mrs Wlnslon's SOOTHINQ STROP for ohtl I re 11 teething-, aoftens the rami, roduoes lafli nution, allays pain, owes ohollo. Prloo 2tc Woman's smiles aro as hard to in terpreb as woman's wiles. Piso's Curo for Coasumptlon cured mi of a tenacious and persistent cough. Wm. II. Ilurrison, 227 VT. 121st street New York, March 25, 1901. One of toe best remedies for thosi dark clroles or hollows under the eyei is oignt hours of good, sound sleei every night. FUEK nirE TO dreor Co., Oklahoma. Client erasi drain, Maize, cotton country. Improved quarter 1120 up, Wrlto F. J.cwlj, Granite, Oklahoma. Tho girl who is in love seldom has time to think of her othei troubles. BRANCH OKFICK MANAGER wanted In erery town (Can be -nanacil with other buslneso) to Belt dlrct tt "Smokers," lilnh-eraWo Cigars at Factory prices Liberal pay and permanent position to (rood men. Ad dress National Cigar Co., l'lilladelphla Pa. In these days of hair dyea, com plexlon powders, etc., it is a wise woman who knows hor owr daughter. "Dr. Dnrld Kenutxly favorite Itemed) gave mo prompt and complete relief from dyapepali and llrer derailment." H. T. Trowbrldga. Harlen R. It. N. Y. Every woman wants hor husband to save something for a "rainy day" but she reserves the right to spend it on a "shower" for a coming bxJde QUE BUDGET OF KIN. HUMOROUS SAYINGS AND DO INGS HERE AND THERE. JokcH and Jokclctn that Are Supposed to Have Uectt Iteectitly Horn Biiylnm imrt DoIiikh that Arc Old, Cur I nun and I.iiuchnlilc The Week's II Minor. "Did you ever hear a man who talked as much about how ho manages liis household as Hliitcrly does?" asks Mr. Fudoogus. "lie Is forever blowing his own horn." "Yes," answers McTinims. "Ho blows his own horn away from homo, but there ho plays second llddle." Like n lloree. "Yes. Weekllng has lots of horso souse. That's about all lie lias got," remarks tho friend who is discussing about everybody in town. "Then that's to ills credit," we say. "I don't know. It makes him easily led." CotiiitiK l'lniinclul Dentil. "When I grow up, mamma, I'm go ing to go to that land where those lit tle heathens live that the preacher told usxnbout to-day." "As a missionary, Freddie? How lovely that " "No, mamma, I'm going to start a store and got the pennies all the boys and girls keep sending to those heath ens." liuaiitcH Diplomacy. The book agent had managed to gain an audience with tho lady of the houso by sending up an innocent-looking enrd. Ho 110 sooner began to stale his business, however, than the lady called to a servant and said: "James, show the gentleman the door." "Thank you, James." said tho wily agent, In a kindly tone, "but it will bo unnecessary for you to trouble yourself. I saw the door as I came in, and I must say It is a haiulsonio thing indicating n homo of culture and refinement. Now, mndani," ho continued, turning to the lady, "as I was saying, in order lo Introduce this grand work wo aro offering a limited number of copies to the leading so ciety people of the city at tho special price of only $10. 1 his Is tho first call I have made, as your namo heads tho list." Note lie got the $10. for Special OcciihIoiis Only. "They tell me she has a very nice disposition." "Well,. I'm afraid she considers it too nice for daily use." Cleveland Plain Dealer. Somewhat DlHlluured. Clara I thoucbt I recognized vour face. Jack It's what's left of it; I have been trying to shave myself. Jotb of Matrimony. They had Just commenced house keeping. "Clarence, dear," said bridolets, "I wish you would stop at tho drug store as you come homo to-night and get somo sponges." "All right, darling," responded tho temporary head of tho matrimonial combine. "How many do you want?" "I don't know, love," she answered. "I guess oh, well, Just nak the man how many it takes to mako a medium sice sponge cake." iiMiMi'MirnT'iiffl 1 UYmiEJTTmgl aLBMHanamnaangoavK; AtJc(ablc PrcpnralkmFor Aa -slmilatlng ihcFoodnndRcgufcv ling tlwStoinuchs niulBowls of Promolcs Digcstion.Chccrful ncss and Res t.Con tains neither Opium,MorplUtB norllincral. Hot "Naiic otic . Jcv afOttJOrSAMUELmCl&R lanfiJtn Satt" Jbc.Stnmi MKBMOlBMaM Apcriccl Remedy forConsUpa Tlon, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Fcvcrish ncss and Loss of Sleep. MBMHBIBHBI O OjOOBOOBPBl Booai FacSimilo Signnlurc or NEW YORK. EXACT COPY OF WRARRER. Corvstipaction ENDANGERS LIFE Deal With the Honest Druggist When you ask your druggist for Mull's Grapo Tonic, a curo for Constipation, Stomach and Bowol Troublo, and ho trios to soil you something olso which he claims isjust as good that is substitution or dishonesty. It Is an insult to your Intelligence. Ho doos it for profit and not because ho cares for your health. No honest drugglstwllldo It. Stop a momont and reflect boforo you pormlt him to mislead you. He is willing to endanger your life and health for the sako of a few pennies. Is ho a safe man to trado with? Doal with tho Honest drug gist who will promptly supply you with what you know you want, and that which you call for. Until Mull's Grapo Tonic was put on tho American market thoro was no curo for Constipation and Stomach Troublo. Your Doctor will tell you as much. Ho knows that a physic won't curo Constipation. Somo remedies may act as laxatives and physics, but you and I know from experience that physics are dangerous, that they weaken, that they not only fall to cure, but mako us worse, until finally thoy lose effect entirely which means paralysis of the Bowels and death by Typhoid Fever, Appendicitis, Stomach, Hoart, and Lung Trouble, Rheumatism, Dropsy, Kidney and Bright's Disease, etc. There aro honorable druggists in most every locality, men who will promptly supply you with Mull's Grapo Tonic and not try to sell you something else, but should thero bo no such druggist thoro wo will send you the Tonic direct from this factory without additional exponse to you. If you have Constipation and want to try Mull's Grapo Tonic and have never used it, we will send you or any of your friends, who suffer with this affliction, a free bottle. Send us name and address at onco while we aro giving tho first bottle free; we want to prove to you, at our oxpense, the truth of tho clalmswe mako for this valuable remedy. Uso tho coupon below at once whllo wo aro giving tho remedy away. Freo to all who have never used it. I FREE CRAPE Send this coupon with your namo and address and your druKclst's name, (or a free bottle of Mull's Grape Tonic, Stomach Tonic, ConsUpaUon Cure and Blood Purlncr, to MULL'S GRAPH TONIC CO.. 21 Third Ave, Rock island, 111. Give full address and write plainly. Tho $1.00 bottle contains nearly three times the 50c. sire. At drug stores. Tho genulno has a data and number stamped on tho l.ibol tako no other from your druggist. WET WEATHER COMFORT "I have usod your FISH BRAND Sllckorfor five years and can truth fully say that I novor have had anything give me so much conv ,fort and satisfaction. Enclosed find my ordor for another one." (HAM AND ADDRESS OH AI'I'LIOATIOn) You can defy the hardest storm with Tower's Waterproof Oiled Clothing and Hats. Highest Award World's Fair, 190 1. OUn GUARANTEE IS DACK OF THIS SIGN OF THE FISH A. J. TOWER GO. rrCtWERtt TOWER CANADIAN CO. Limited TORONTO, CANADA IBS N. N. U. 893-37, YORK, NEB. Sale Ten Million Boxes a Year. mmtk THE FAMILY'S nnasmmBBBBaaMnn3ii 15c, 50c BEST FOR CASTORIA For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tile Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THO OCNTAUfl aoMPANV. HKW VOHK OITT. TONIC COUPON I 13 FOR WOMEN troubled with ills tttcullar to thoir acr, used &a a douche is manrelously auo- ttopa discharges, heals inflammation and local coreness, I'axtlno is in powder form to b diuolred In pur water, and la far more cleanitng, healing, tenulcidilj and economical than liquid antiieptlcs for all TOILBT AND WOMEN'S SPECIAL USES For sale at druggUti, 00 cent) a box. Trial IJox and Book of Instructions Prc The n. Paxton company booton, Mais, CUBIS WHEB1 AIL LSI fAUI. 131 Dost CoukU brrup, Taitci OooO. UM In tlraa. Hold br drnituu. 11 . noia 07 urn gym. mm iawiaaaa4aaaaaaafcaBj FAVORIYE MEDICINE a CANDY CATHARTIC-T aaaa ! AS THE BOWELS