L f NEMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1905 Volume l NUMBER i(5 ft Local News Dr Bourne fits gla sacs. SoAuburn. Wo had morning. unothor rain Wednesday Miss Maud Bums went to Voru Tuesday to enter the normal school. Hock and barrel salt at Edwards & Bradford Lbr. Co. Miss Geneva West wont to Johnson Tnnndiiv to attend the harvest homo " r picnic. Mr. and Mrs. Waiter Hadlock went to Humboldt Monday to visit frtends for a wei'k. Mrs. 0. F. Zook went to Johnson Monday to visi't friends and uttend the harvest homo picnic. The excavating for tho now buildings m a m I . .y h 1 was compieteu wouiiay. ouuu mm rock aro being hauled and tho masons will begin their work in a few day. MIbs Grace Sanders, daughter of G. N. Sanders of London precinct, is staying with her grandmother, Mrs J. M. Sanders, and attending school hero. Will trade two well improved farms in southwestern Minnesota for a stock of merchandise. Land at a low cash prico. Address Box 2, Lakelleld, Minn. Under tho statutes every candidato beforo a political convention is required to lllo a dotallod statomout of his oleo tion expenses within ten days following tho convention. This applies aliko to tho defoated and victorious. Tho prop Wm. Ruder, who lives north of town, bought a flno young bonr of Chas. Ed wards, of bolow JNomaha, tho last of tho wook to placo with his herd. Tho anis mal is a thoroughbred of the 0.1. 0., variety and attracted n good doal of at- or blanks may bo secured by making tontlon from poople who aro judges of application to tho county clerk. awino, during tho owner's stay In town. - Brownvllle Loiter. Tho democrats win uavo a county convention on Saturday, at Auburn, Wednesday afternoon tho editoi'a and tho populists will at tho samo time threo pigs got out of thopon. Upon havo a mass convention we suppose boing Informed of that fact tho editor to again fuso with too democrats, went in search of thorn, Ho found one They havo fused themeolvcs so hoar pig and after considorablo trouble and ! out of existence that they no longer The Christian Endeavor will bo res attempt to olect delegates. organized at the Christian church next Sunday evening. A cordial invitation 1b extended to all young pooplo to be present. Mrs Hose Gilbert started lor uoiu- vvator, Michigan, Tuesday. Sho A surprise party waBj given John Minick Wednesday evening of laBt week, at tho homo of his parents, Mr. nud Mrs 0. L. Minick. near Bracken. Although tho oveuiug was rainy and re- disagreeable, a goodly number of his running, falling ovor polos, running into barb wiro, knocking a pieco of hido oil of one shin, etc., no finally got tho pig in tho pun, Then ho got another pig in, and another, and then discovered another one, and on inves tigatiug found out that tho first pig ho got in, over which ho had so much trouble, was not his pig at all. Ho will bo a little moro careful hereafter celved a telegram that her.brothor was young friends wore proaent, and tho Mr and Mrs Elmer E. Allen! went to not expected to live and sho started at evening was groutly enjoyed by Uioao nbout tho pg8 ,)0 puta ,jp ft.Q once to sco mm. present.. daughter, In Johnson Wednesday, returning on freight that night Mrs John T. Webber, who visiting in Johnson county, home a few days ago. Archibald l oung and uauguter, Th(J Nemaha bcIiooIb opened Monday m i T'l.. i. ...... ...I a i UaIm it In I . ... i- has been W,B ' I,lul,,uulu lUDI1 ,,Ui" morning, witn uan n. aanaers as returned Auburn last Friday after several uay s prjncipul, Miss Stella Washburn teach- N. C. Jarvis has a cottage about completed on a lot he recently bought west of I. N. Cooper's. See Edwards & Bradford Lbr. Co. for the best line of furniture, Stock complete and prices right. Mrs. H. Denny started fr Hartford, Iowa. Tuesday, to see her sister, Mrs. Rawson, who is very sick. Miss Vera Minick of Bracken was the guo-t of her aunt, Mrs. Elmer E. Allen, Sunday and Monday. and lot whore Jake Shuck is living. lie will fix it up and rent it. Mrs. Kaup of Watouga, Okla, is visiting her sister. Mrs. 0. L. Minick of Bracken. She arrived Sunday. Miss Minnie May, who has been at Lincoln for two or threo weeks, rei turned home Friday of last week. House with four rooms, two lots and cistern, for sale. Apply to Waltkk Hadlocic, Nemaha, Neb. Miss Emma Critn is now visiting her aunt, Mrs, Sylvester Yates, and I expects to remain hero a few weeks. Miss Elizabeth Ilawxby went to York, Nobr., last Thursday to be ready to start teaching Monday moron ing. Frank Harford went to Randall Kaa lust week, to visit friends, this being the homo of the Ilarfords for several years. I N. Cooper drove up to Peru Tueas day, taking Miss Lulu and her trunk; fiuel, etc. Miss Lulu will attend the normal this year. W F. Keellnir went over to Stan- borry, Mo., last Friday to see his wife and babies and visit friends. Tney returned home Monday. 0. P. Dovel had the champion pump, kin on exhibit at tno state fair. It weighed 200 pounds. It was grown ii the suburbs of Auburn. ur. nai omiin. or urownvuio, was nominated for coroner at tho Noraaha ropublleanlcounty convention hold at at Auburn yestorday. Dr. Smith ia the son of Rov. and Mra. J. T, Smith, of this city and graduated from tho Nes braska City high school in 1000 Smith is a lino follow and ought to run ahoad of his tickot. Tho class of 1000 of the local high school seoma to have a decided political bent, for threo of its momborB aro up for olllco this fall: Goorgo Lathrop, for county recorder on tho Otoe republican nonet; ur. i a. luarnoll lor coroner on tho Otoo democratic ticket: and. Dr. II. 0. Smith for coroner in Nomuba county, Nebraska City Tribune. Nemaha had tho most exciting pri- maries last Saturday that wo havo had for twelve years. Thoro wore two tickets out. Tho ticket composed of Frank Hacker, Casner Burnes, Ben Colerick, Chas. Howe, It. I. Brown, E. J. Maxwell, W. S. Russell and JaB. A. Stophenaonnvas in tho interest of w . &. nussen lor sneritt. Tno ono far us representation from outside compuseu oi y . u. uarKer, j. a. successful season. The factory ran infiPOfl Whh fioncorned. tho rain keeninc btephoiiBon, W. W. Sanders, Wm. ono month and during that timo put tno representatives away. Tho mom- Hacker, G. N. Titus, Wm. Smiley, Leo up 1,400,000 cans of sweet corn. It oera 0f tuo ,omo i0(r.e had a fine Shubert and T. J. Rurabaugh was in gave employment to 250 employes and 8upper prepared, which they had to eat the interest of Frank Titus for connty i visit with their daughter and sister, Mrs RufUB Roweu, Cabbage I will have good cabbago for sale during September and October. Call or wilto if interested. A. iiyoii, Shubert, Neb. Next Sunday will be the last Sunday before the annual Methodist conference which meets at Falls City on tho 20th. It is expected that Rov. G. W. Ayers will be returned to Brownvillo and Nemaha. The Christian aid society will give a O. E. Houtz has bought tin house dinner and bazaar on election day. Supper will also be served. Wo solicit aid from all our christian sisters and invite all friends to oat with us. A later notice will be given iu regard to this. er of tho intermediate department and Miss Myrtlo Jones teacher of primaiy department. The school starts out with an enrollment of 121 16 In tho high ropm, 40 in tho intermediate and 1)5 in tho primary. There aro a num ber of non-resident pupils in attends anco. Last Sunday when the editor wont home for dinner he found that some . . . Altai... ouo liau entered tne nouse. ivn uiu family were attending the Sunday school convention at tho park. By doing a little detective work it was soon discovered thai tho marauder was C. W. Roberts, but as ho had dono no damage, but had left threo lino wators raelonB aud a sack of grapes no arrests were mado, Wo would like to havo moro such calls. AN OLD TIMEB. Mr and Mrs Alfred Itowon wore serenaded Monday .evening, Sopt 11, In the old fashioned stylo at their homo four ratios southwest of Nemnhn. The neighbor boys gathered at tho Chains plen school house, going fron thorn to John T. Webber's wbcro they wore In formed that tho brldnl party had boeu eoen going west through tho Hold west of Mr Kowen's, about 8 o'clock p. ro., Mr Webber having learned of tho sore. nado and given his helping hand to tho bridnl party to help thorn inako their oacapc. From Mr Wobbor'a tho boys started to hunt tho fleeing parties and dlscoys ored them in tho wheat field weat of their homo. Hearlui! tho bova they started acrosB tho field but tho boys, being on horseback, soon overtook thorn and led their team back to their home. All tho boys then gathered at Mr Rowen's homo and gavo tho nowly married couple a good send-off. Whilo part of tho boys woro waiting for tho others to bring in tho captivoa John Webber appeared on tho aenno and thoy gavo ;him a rail ride in tho good old stylo. The bride and groom wero soronaded in tho road west of tho house. A Heli'iiu. No SocroAbout It It is no secrot, that for Cuts, Burns Ulcors, FovorSoros, Soro Ejob, Bolls tc , nothing la so effoctivo as Bucklon'a Arnica Salvo. "It didn't take long to ourea bad soro 1 had, and it 1b all (. K, for soro eyes," writes D. L. Gregory, of Hope, Tex. 25o at Kooling'a drug store. The Auburn canning factory closed Monday night of last week after a The district meeting of theRobekaha that was to havo been hold Wednesday afternoon nud evening was a failure so Old paper for sale cheap at Tli Ad vertisor ollleo. KNAPP 8b SON Proprietor!) or the Livery & Feed Slab e SrEMASArf'NEBB. paid out $3,000 weekly in wages. Miss Grace Paris started for Wenat chee, Wash., Tuesday morning, having recently accepted an offer of a position as teacher near there. Misa Grace is a good teacher and a young lady who has a great many friends hero. We hope she will prosper in her new home. themselves. Thoy had a splondid time, even if there was no one present away from here. Those who failed to De present do not know all they missed. Auburn is to have a wholesale grocery house, Paxton & Gallagher, wholesale grocers of Omaha, having leased the double store room in the con vention hall building, which will be filled with a stock of groceries, cigars, and tobaccos It will be a branch of the Omaha house. Geo. Fisher and Clyde Kinton, who have been taking in tho Portland expoH sition and visiting the Pacific eoast. returned homo Wednesday. John Watson is having a brick sides walk put down in front of his residence preperty. lie has got tired of having to repair nta sidewalk so often. Ben Paikor of Auburn went to Shubert last wook to look after somo business for tho Gilmoro-Armstrong Co., aud wlillo there had a stroke of paralysis, his right arm and leg being rendered almost helpless. The shock camo upon him without any prelimin ary Bymptona as he was standing on the street, and he would have fallen If he had not been caught by men standing near. Ho was taken home Friday evening and is gradually recovering. Tho doctor thinks he will be all right in a few days. The following precinct ticket was nominated by tho republicans at the primaries last Saturday: Justices of the Peace W.W. Sanders and II. T. Minick. Constables W. CI. Maxwell and Ben I. Colerick. Constables Dist. 32. C. L. Russell; Dlst 33, J. II. Said; Dist. 34, W. T. Russell. August Quiller, Chas. IIowo and J. A. Stephenson wero recommended for judges of election and S. C. Lawrenco and F, A. Hacker for clerks. GOOD FAKMS AND LANDS CHEAP There is absolutely better farm lands fer the money, and more money to be made on increase in laud, in South For sale-a tine registered shorthorn Dukota, than auy other section of tho bull scotch top Crlukahank coming United States for the next few yearu twoyears old. Will sell at low crice. Inquire of R.I. Brown at poor farm. The county fair it is said did not pay out by about $1000. The fair was mostly horeoraclng, thoro boing but little agricultural products displayed, aud the attendance was not largo enough to pay the big purses offered. as has beeu tho case iu tho past few years. We havo made a specialty of these lands for several years. Write for our uescrlptlvo booklet, which you will find valuable. Cheap excursion rates auy day. RlKKIt AND CIIAN11HK3, General Land and Immigration Agents, 400 Boo Buildiug, Quiaha, Nebr. Six weeks ago wo culled attention to an assertion of the Granger regarding tho "ora'wsomfl doctrine of tho Metho diBt church that places Bro. Harmon outside tho pale of ttio blessed," and called on the oditoi to pojnt out the aforesaid "grewsomo doctrine." John finally refers to it in tills week's Granger, but does not oven attempt to quote the doctrino referred to. Pleape give ub the doctrino of tho Methodist church or acknowledge that you made an assertion without any basis simply iu an endeavor to injure tho churches. How's this? Wo oll'or Ono Hundred DollnrH Howard for any cnn of Catarrh that canuot bo cured by Jlnll'K Cutarrli Cure. 1 .1. CHENEY it CO., Toledo, 0. Wo, tho undorMlKUcd, have known 1 J. Choney for tho hwt lfiyourH, mid uellovo him porfcctly honorable In uB butdnoHS tnmmto tlonB and financially nl-lo to carry out auy obligation! mado by bin tlrm. WAI.DINO, JClNNAN it MAUVIK, Wholesale Drugt'lHtH, Toledo, O. Hall'H aCntnrrh Curo 1h taken Internally, acting directly upon tho blood and mucouM Hurlucea of tho Hyutom, TcHtlinonlalH xeul roe. Prlco 76 cunts per bottle. Hold by all druitKlHts. Tttke Hull's Famllyl'lllH for co nstljmtlon clerk. There wore SO votes cast, the Titus ticket winning out, receiving S7 votes to 23 cast for tho Russoll ticket. There waB no wrangling and appar ently no hard feeling, It being a friends ly scrap to see who would havo this delegation. The district Sunday school conven tion held in tliu park last Sunday was a sucoesB in every reHpect. Tho I attendance was good, thoro being a large crowd from Nemaha and Chamn pion, Brownvillo was fairiy represented and a few wero present from Howe. Several wore" here from Aubrn. Tho papers read wero all good and the dis cuHSiotis were participated in by many of tho Sunday school workers, The interest did not lag in the least during tho day--in fact the timo was too limited for as much discussion as the people would have indulged in, L. L. Coryell of Auburn was the presiding officer and he made a good one. Tho success of the convention Ib due in a largo degree to his efforts. At the clone of tho meeting a vote of thanks was extended to him for his efficient services, Gcod Dray in connection with Livery Satisfaction guaranteed. J. IB. 0-ot!xer in tho PARIS BUILDING- Best porcelain lined wood pumps at Edwards & Bradford Lbr. Co. Shoe Repairing Harness Repairing Hand Made Harness a Specialty PETEll ICEHICER. Dealer In STOOK FOR SALE I have for sale 53 head of fine large feeding steers; about 100 hoad of Chester white hogs and pigs; a iino lot of youug mulea and horbos; a six foot McCormick mower and a iino riding plow. John S. Stull, Auburn, Jfebr. Wo will send The Advertiser and The Nebraska Farmer both one year for only S1.U5. Tho Farmer is ono of the best farming papers published. Leave your subscription at this ollico. FligliCHt market prico paid for Hide, Lard, Tallow, oto, WESLEY H. CLARK ' )ealerkin Windmills and Pumps, Tanks, Pipes,t,etc ALL WORK GUARANTEES Phone calls answered! promptly. NEivIAHA, NEBB. STULL & HAWXBY ATTORNEYS LAW, UKATi ;im,ATvcoLi.Rynrw OtHceH over l'o.st onion Building, at F'raulc Neul's old stuud, ATJJUimN,